A Timeless Romance Anthology: Spring Vacation Collection (13 page)

Read A Timeless Romance Anthology: Spring Vacation Collection Online

Authors: Josi S. Kilpack,Annette Lyon,Heather Justesen,Sarah M. Eden,Heather B. Moore,Aubrey Mace

Tags: #Contemporary, #Anthologies, #Adult, #anthology, #sweet romance, #Romance, #clean romance, #Short Stories, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: A Timeless Romance Anthology: Spring Vacation Collection
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They reached the stairs to the second floor, where Mara pulled the bag up behind her. The stairwell was narrow and steeper than she’d expected. “I wonder how many people have nearly killed themselves on this thing.”

“Well, hello there.” Anna’s voice was soft and teasing—and definitely not directed at Mara.

Mara looked up to see a man standing at the top, waiting for her to finish making the trek to the second floor. The downward curve of his lips indicated impatience, marring what would otherwise have been a nearly perfect face. His hair was dark, almost black, and cut short. Startlingly pale blue eyes were highlighted by thick brows and a face that was all planes and angles. She had to catch her breath just looking at him.

“Do you need some help with that?” he asked, looking a little annoyed. “I’d rather not stand here all day.”

“What?” Mara realized she’d been staring, so she turned her attention back to the suitcase.

“Sorry.” Heat flooded her face as she began pulling the suitcase again. Way to make an idiot of herself.

There was a grunt, and the man appeared at her side and placed his hand over hers on the strap. “Let me get that.” His voice was more than a little grudging. “I really do have somewhere to be. Second floor or third?”

“Second.” Mara knew she must sound like the biggest moron ever.

He lifted the bag easily, his arm muscles bulging beneath the short sleeves of his shirt while he carried it to the top.

Though Mara had been the one towing it, Anna was the one who responded. “Thanks for your help.” She fluttered her eyelashes a little, and her voice went breathy.

“No problem. Have a good day.” His tone didn’t match the words. He took off for the parking lot without giving Anna’s flirting so much as a second glance—an amazing accomplishment.

Mara watched him for a moment as he walked away—all graceful ease as he strode off. She pulled herself out of her trance when Anna started to titter. “He’s hot, isn’t he? And definitely
a college man.”

She agreed, putting his age around thirty. “Annoying that he was so abrupt. But at least he was nice enough to help with your enormous suitcase. How much extra did you have to pay to get this on the plane, anyway?”

“Don’t ask.” Anna minced her way to the door and slid the keycard in the slot, letting them into the condo. It was small: a kitchen/living room area, a medium-sized bedroom with two double beds, and a bathroom. They had a tiny walk-out balcony on the far side, facing the lake.

Mara walked through to the sliding glass door and stepped out to check the view. “Come take a look; it’s gorgeous.” She sometimes joked that the winters in North Dakota were the best nine months of the year, but she could have sworn it had been longer than that since she last saw anything green that wasn’t a house plant.

The grasses and trees around the lake filled her soul with joy. This trip would be everything she’d hoped for—when she finally got her luggage.

“Nice,” Anna said flatly, apparently unimpressed. “Come on, let’s get cleaned up and grab something to eat. I looked up some restaurants before we came.”

Mara took one last glance at the water then went back inside. She was starting to get her second wind. Her stomach growled, making her agree that dinner took first priority. Plenty of time to soak in the beautiful weather tomorrow.

* * *

Carter checked his watch, wondering if Paolo, his former father-in-law, was already waiting for him at the restaurant. It had been two years since Rosa’s death, but Carter still tried to keep in touch with her family, if only to help keep her memory alive. He’d lost track of time while swimming in the lake earlier, and he’d been waylaid by his boss’s executive secretary, who was having trouble with her computer and didn’t trust anyone else to fix it. The fact that he’d been on vacation hadn’t mattered to her. Then those slow-poke women had put him even further behind schedule. He hated being late for anything.

He pulled up to the restaurant and nearly groaned when he saw the sign that read “Karaoke Every Night.” Just what he needed—people singing off-key while he ate. It was bad enough that he had to face the emotional meeting with Paolo without having his ears assaulted. He wondered if his father-in-law had eaten here, or if he’d chosen it from the local chamber of commerce site.

Paolo and his wife lived in Florida, but when he’d mentioned that he was making a business trip to one of Carter’s favorite places, Carter decided a vacation was overdue and arranged to be here at the same time.

Carter found Paolo at a table near the stage. “How are you doing?”

He stood and gave Carter a hug. “I’m well. You’re looking well. That college job must be agreeing with you.”

Carter was head of IT at University of North Texas, and it kept him busy, but he enjoyed the work. “Can’t complain,” he said with a smile. “How are things for you? What are you doing now?”

Paolo started talking about his new business selling nutritional supplements and the magical, life-altering powers they had. He always seemed to be looking for the next best thing to support him and his wife. Somehow he’d managed to keep food on the table when he was raising Rosa and her two brothers.

They ordered dinner, and more people filled the tables around them. By the time the waiter brought out their food and the emcee announced the beginning of the karaoke for the night, the place was packed.

Carter focused on his roast beef sandwich and his companion, trying to ignore the screeching, off-key singers behind him.

“Are you dating yet?” Paolo asked after he’d had a few bites. They’d been putting off that topic since they sat down.

“Not much.” That was an understatement. He’d had a few dates here and there, but Carter always felt guilty about spending time on a woman, as if he were cheating on his wife. Besides, no woman he’d ever met could hold a candle to Rosa.

“You need to start dating again,” Paolo said. “It’s been too long. Rosa wouldn’t want you to be alone forever.”

Carter dragged a French fry through his ketchup. “I haven’t met anyone who could hold my interest.”

“You mean you won’t get to know anyone, because you’re afraid of getting hurt again.”

Carter opened his mouth to protest, but Paolo held up a hand. “Don’t make excuses. I can only imagine how hard it must be to lose someone you love, but you’re still young. I want you to promise me that next time you see someone who intrigues you, even a little, you’ll take a chance and get to know her.”

Carter wanted to argue, but Paolo was right—he did need to get out and start dating for real. He was lonely, and a little companionship—even if he wasn’t ready yet for anything serious—would be a welcome change. “Okay. I promise.”

Chapter Two


Mara felt the familiar rush of excitement when they pulled into the restaurant parking lot after she saw the sign announcing karaoke. “Did you pick this place because of that?” she asked Anna, pointing to the sign.

“Yes. You need to use that talent, girl. You’re languishing working on payroll for a furniture factory. I keep telling you to move to Vegas where you can get a job singing, but do you listen? No.”

Mara had no desire to live in Vegas, but she felt an enticing tingle at the thought of being on stage again—even if it was at a second-rate karaoke bar. “I could sing a song, I guess.”

They were ushered to one of the last open tables and quickly placed their orders. Anna asked the server when the karaoke was supposed to start and grinned when they were told that signups would begin in a few minutes.

Mara felt her cell phone buzzing in her pocket and pulled it out to see she’d missed a call earlier and now had a text message from her younger sister, Jo.

Where is the heating pad for Dad’s back? Did you make it safe? Haven’t heard from you.

Mara wrote back, mentioning that they were out to eat and couldn’t hear the phone ring over the music.

“Your dad?” Anna guessed.

Mara snorted. “Are you kidding? Dad doesn’t know how to text. It was Jo, She’s taking care of him while I’m out of town.” Though she lived with her father to help him recuperate after his stroke, her sister took Dad duty whenever Mara needed time away.

“How’s he doing now?”

“A lot better, actually. Not independent, but he doesn’t need someone to watch him every minute anymore.” She didn’t know if she’d ever be able to move out, though. What if he had another stroke, and no one was there to find him in time? Mara’s mother had passed away years earlier; she didn’t think she could stand to lose her father, too.

“Then you can start living your own life again,” Anna said. “Go back to school and get a job you like better.”

“I’ll think about it,” Mara said, though she didn’t know if she would. A couple of years earlier, she’d had an interview set up for another job, but her father had his stroke a few days before. That had been the end of her grand plans to make a life of her own choosing.

The announcement came for karaoke signups. Anna nudged Mara’s shoulder. “Go. You know you want to.”

Trepidation trickled into Mara as she stood, but she wasn’t about to back down from a chance to perform.

* * *

Carter was nearly finished eating and was thinking about returning to his condo to sack out for the evening. It was great to see Paolo again, but hard, too. A warbling teenager finished singing the latest Taylor Swift song. He barely glanced up when a woman took the stage and the emcee announced that the next singer was named Mara and would be singing “Someone like You.”

A mature voice with the richness of Swiss chocolate filled the room. He looked up at the singer, his hand paused in midair, holding his last French fry, and recognized the brunette he’d met on the stairs at the condos, though in his irritation, he’d barely looked at her before.

He stared at her, totally taken in by her voice. What was she doing singing karaoke when she could be singing for pay on a stage anywhere? The noisy restaurant quieted as everyone turned to listen. He nearly forgot where he was. She mesmerized him with her long, brown hair, oval face, and thick eyelashes. Every emotion in the song showed on her face, and came out through her voice.

The final notes floated over the almost-silent audience, and two beats passed in near reverence before the room exploded with applause and whistles.

A smile of exultation covered her face as she waved to the crowd, passing the mic to the next person in line.

When the whistling went on for a long moment, the emcee stood and addressed the crowd. “Do you all want to hear Mara sing again?”

The noise level rose in confirmation, so the emcee looked at Mara, who had stopped at the edge of the stage. “Would you do one more in a while?”

She paused for just a second then nodded.

“All right, everyone stay tuned. Get another round of drinks and order dessert. She’ll be back.” He announced the next singer and started the music.

Carter sat back in his chair, stunned.

“She was terrific, wasn’t she?” Paolo said.

“Yes, she was.” Carter glanced at her table, where she sat with the blonde. Their heads were bent together. He really hoped to get another chance to talk with her.

Several songs later, when she stood and headed back to the emcee, Carter decided not to leave yet. He’d wait until she’d sung a second time before he returned to the condos.

Chapter Three


Carter was up early the next morning. He went for a run before breakfast then headed for the lake for a swim. It was a couple of hours before he saw Mara and her friend running through the shallows, splashing each other and having fun. He didn’t approach right away, not wanting to come across stalkerish, but waited until she headed back to the beach to stretch out on her towel for some sun.

He walked over and asked, “Are you having a good time? Didn’t I see you singing last night at that karaoke place?”

Mara lifted a hand to shield her eyes from the sun and squinted up at him. A look of recognition came over her face. She sat up. “You were there?”

“I was really impressed. You have an amazing voice.” He glanced at the empty sand beside her. “Mind if I join you?”

“Go ahead.”

The blonde friend tipped her sunglasses down her nose and peered at him. “Aren’t you the one who helped us with my suitcase yesterday?”

“Was that your suitcase?” He looked back at Mara. “So where was yours?”

“Lost somewhere by the airline. I have to go pick them up later today unless I want to wait for delivery tomorrow.”

“That’s a pain. I’ve had that happen before,” he said. “By the way, I’m Carter. I don’t think we exchanged names yesterday. I was in a bit of a hurry, and inexcusably rude. I wanted to apologize about that.” He was embarrassed when he looked back on the conversation.

“I’m Mara, and this is Anna.” She gestured to the blonde.

“Where are you two from?” Carter leaned back on his hands.

“I’m from North Dakota,” Mara said. “She’s from Vegas. We roomed together in college.”

“Sounds like fun. I bet this is a nice change of scene for you.” He looked at Mara, admiring the light sprinkle of freckles across her nose.

“It’s nice to see something besides mounds of snow for a change.”

“How about you?” Anna asked, a smile teasing her lips. “Where are you from?”

“Fort Worth.” They spoke for several minutes—long enough that the water droplets had evaporated from Mara’s pale shoulders. Anna caught the eye of a guy who looked young enough to still be in college and started chatting him up.

Paolo’s words rang through Carter’s head again. Mara wasn’t from Texas, and he wasn’t about to move to North Dakota, so there was no reason they couldn’t get to know each other. He needed to start somewhere with this dating thing. “Would you like to grab some lunch? The burger stand isn’t exactly high class, but...” He was so bad at this. Had dating changed much in the past five years?

“Yeah,” Mara said. “I’d like that.”

* * *

Mara was surprised when Carter came over to join them, and even more surprised when he asked her out. Contrary to her first impression of him, he’d been nothing but pleasant. Lunch might be a good chance to find out what he was really like. She grabbed a t-shirt to slide over her swimsuit and put on her flip flops. 

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