A Trusting Heart (10 page)

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Authors: Shannon Guymon

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General

BOOK: A Trusting Heart
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“I was laid off for no reason from Royden and Powell just because your uncle was my boss and I was willing to take that. But I’ve paid my dues to you. Now, you won’t leave my father alone. He has never done anything to you. If you don’t stop, I’ll hire a lawyer and sue you for slander. I swear I will.”

Dylan moved quickly away from the desk, turning his back to her and staring out of his office window. His shoulders looked so tense, it made her wince.

“Megan, it’s too hard to look at you. I want you to leave.” Megan’s nose wrinkled in confusion. What? That was all he had say to her?

“I’m not going anywhere until you promise to stop telling reporters horrible things about my father. I want you to leave me and my family alone. This is over and done with, Dylan. It was over eight years ago. Wouldn’t it be a relief to just get rid of all of this garbage and get on with your life?”

Dylan turned around suddenly, causing Megan to step back in fright. She never had known what he was capable of.

“It will never be over until I know why, Megan. It’s been eight years and you still haven’t had the guts to tell me why you left me at the temple. Can you even imagine what if feels like to be in the temple, waiting for your bride, and then to be told she wasn’t coming? I had to go into the sealing room, by myself, and tell all of my relatives and friends that there would be no wedding. You killed me and left me for dead that day. And I’m still dead inside. You’re the one who has to end it, Megan. All you have to do is tell me why.”

Megan shook her head in confusion. It almost sounded as if Dylan was the one who had been wronged. Something was definitely off here. Megan walked over to a chair and sat down before answering.

“What are you talking about, Dylan? I gave Taffie the letter to give to you. It explained everything. After she told me about everything that went on at your bachelor’s party, I knew I couldn’t go to the temple with someone who would do those kinds of things. If anybody’s heart was broken, Dylan, it was mine.”

Dylan turned and picked up a paperweight and threw it against the far wall, causing Megan to jump nervously. She was ready to run to the door, but Dylan grabbed her and whipped her around to face him with only inches between them.

“There was no letter and there was no bachelor party. What are you talking about?”

Megan pushed her hands against Dylan’s chest, but he refused to release her.

“Taffie told me. Her brother Alan was there. She called me the morning of our wedding, and told me everything. All about the strippers and the alcohol. She told me everything you did. How could you expect me to go to the temple with you the very next day? I told you all of this in the letter. Why didn’t you read it?”

Dylan let Megan go suddenly and walked furiously around the room, running his hands through his hair.

“Taffie never gave me any letter, Megan. And there was never any bachelor’s party! My two older brothers flew in for the wedding that night and we spent the evening going over their mission pictures. I stayed up until eleven o’clock with my mom and my dad and my two brothers talking about what an amazing thing eternal marriage was. I couldn’t stop talking about how lucky I was to have you, Megan. That was my bachelor’s party. All you had to do was ask me.”

Megan’s knees gave out and she slumped to the floor. This couldn’t be real. Was it possible she had believed a lie for eight long years? No wonder Dylan was furious at her. He had gone eight years not even knowing why he had been left at the altar. Megan shook her head slowly. This was so wrong. She could have been married for the last eight years. She could have had children. She could have been happy.

Dylan stood back, looking at Megan strangely. He couldn’t believe what she was saying. If he did, then that meant his wife was to blame and that would mean his marriage was a complete sham. Dylan walked behind his desk and sat down calmly. He had to get control of himself.

“All right, Megan. I want you to go over everything that happened. Everything you believe happened. Don’t leave out any details.”

Megan pulled herself up to stand and walked shakily over to the chair she had discarded. She smoothed the hair away from her face and wiped the tears from under her eyes. Could she dredge up everything again? She took one look at the despair in Dylan’s eyes and knew she had to, for his sake. If he was right about what had happened, she had a lot to make up for. She spent the next hour explaining everything. At the end, she felt so drained, she didn’t know if she could even stand to leave. She wouldn’t be surprised if Dylan called security and had her thrown out.

“She told me you were seeing someone else. She told me you had fallen in love with another man while I was on my mission,” Dylan said.

Megan rubbed her hands against her eyes, smearing her makeup and making her look even more defeated. She held up her ringless left hand and looked Dylan in the eyes.

“There was never anyone else, Dylan. Not then and not since.”

Dylan slammed his fists against his desktop and moaned as if he had been stabbed. Megan jerked to her feet and reached out, but pulled back slowly as she realized she couldn’t comfort him. She had no right to.

“Dylan, I need to go. My sister is moving in with me today and I need to meet her back at my house. I don’t know what to say. I came here wanting an apology from you, and instead I find out that I’m the one who should be begging your forgiveness. I’m so . . . sorry. It’s amazing what a few little lies can do to change your life, isn’t it?”

Dylan raised his head as she walked towards the door. “Wait.”

Megan turned her head, with her hand on the doorknob.

He sounded so sad. She hated to leave him.

“What can I do, Dylan?”

“You can wait while I fix this mess. You can wait for me.” Megan didn’t pretend to misunderstand him. She knew exactly what he meant. Dylan was thinking there was still a chance for them. Whatever Taffie had done, she couldn’t encourage him to break up his marriage.

“I’m sorry, Dylan.”

Megan walked through the door and was proud of herself when she only glanced back once. He looked grim, but determined. He looked like he was ready for combat. She almost felt sorry for Taffie. But not quite.


MEGAN GOT INTO HER car and drove out of the parking lot. She couldn’t seem to concentrate though. Instead of houses and cars she kept seeing Dylan’s face. She couldn’t believe what she had put him through. No wonder he acted the way he did. He was justified. Poor Dylan. Megan looked around in surprise as she pulled into her driveway twenty minutes later. The strange thing was she couldn’t remember getting there. Megan slowly got out of the car and walked into her house. She and Dylan would have had a house by now. Probably a big showy thing, but, still, she would have had a husband to share it with. And children. Megan shook her head and stared into space, thinking about what might have been.

Linette walked out of the kitchen and could tell immediately by the expression on her sister’s face that something was troubling her greatly.

“What’s wrong? Did Mom and Dad call the cops on you?” Megan came out of her trance and walked past her sister into the kitchen. She threw her purse on the table and collapsed in a chair. She would have preferred the cops to Dylan’s revelation.

“Worse. I went to see Dylan. I found out everything, Linette. Will you grab the yellow pages? Look up Prozac and see if you can get someone who delivers, please?”

Linette rolled her eyes and sat down next to her sister. She patted her back awkwardly, not sure what to do.

“Trust me, they don’t deliver, I’ve tried. But if you want something to cheer you up, dinner is already made and, I’m not much of a judge, but I think it’s going to be pretty good.”

Megan looked at her sister suspiciously and sniffed the air.

Holy cow. Someone had been cooking. Italian!

“You’ve got to be kidding me! You got carry-out for me? I knew there was a reason I liked you so much. Let’s dig in.”

Linette laughed and shrugged her shoulders.

“I didn’t have to. Someone named Cora came by with bags of food. I’ve never seen anything like it. She forgot the Parmesan, so you just missed her, but she said she’ll be back in ten minutes. She’s amazing, Meg. I really like her. Talking to her is like talking to a real person. And she says she’ll hire me to decorate her new house! Can you believe it? I graduate in less than a month and I already have a client.”

Megan and Linette grabbed each other by the arms and jumped up in the air together, laughing and whooping. Megan tilted her head towards heaven and smiled her thanks. Cora was turning out to be one huge blessing.

Cora walked right in, witnessing the sisters very apparent joy without even knowing the reason, she joined in the laughter. She knew it had been a good idea to just invite herself over. And she was never wrong.

“You two girls are a sight. You can’t tell me the thought of lasagna has you this excited.”

Megan walked over to Cora and hugged her silly, causing the older woman to turn red with embarrassment.

“Cora, you are a darling and just the person I needed to see on a day like today.”

Megan leaned in closer, so Linette couldn’t hear and added, “Thank you for making my sister so happy. You’re an angel.”

Cora winked at Megan and walked over to the stove to finish up. “Why don’t you girls set the table and I’ll get this masterpiece out of the oven.”

Megan and Linette exchanged glances of glee and rushed to grab the plates and forks, not even bothering to look for napkins. The smells coming from the oven were too divine. Cora proceeded to load up everyone’s plates as much as she could without having food spill out onto the table. Linette looked a little alarmed by so much food, but Megan knew it was good for her to be in a normal eating situation where people weren’t counting all of your calories for you. She needed to realize that eating was good. And when Cora cooked, it was even fun.

“Linette, would you mind saying the prayer?” Megan asked innocently.

When they were younger, Linette had always copied everything her older sister had done. She had even decided to take the missionary discussions along with her older sister and get baptized. Megan had a suspicion that’s where her sister’s religious education had ended.

Linette seemed startled by the request and looked down nervously. She didn’t want Megan to know that since she had moved out, not one prayer had been said at home. Linette was a little rusty when it came to heavenly communication. She stole a glance at Cora and winced, noticing that her eyes were already closed, waiting for the blessing to begin. She cleared her dry throat and closed her eyes.

“Dear Heavenly Father, um . . . hallowed be thy name. Um. We’re thankful for this food that Cora so kindly prepared for us. She seems really nice. Um. I’m thankful for my sister who took me in when she didn’t have to. And I’m grateful she loves me. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.”

Linette opened her eyes quickly, scanning the table for any snickers of amusement. Meg smiled at her sweetly and Cora was already grabbing the spatula. Well. That hadn’t been so bad. Maybe she could handle this religious stuff after all? Now for a little dinner conversation.

“So why’d you go see Dylan? I thought you kicked him out of the picture years ago.”

Megan glared at her sister and looked at Cora pointedly.

She hadn’t wanted to go into it in front of Cora. She liked Cora and didn’t want her eyes opened to the sort of person her real estate agent really was. But Cora was all ears. Megan sighed, and then decided why not. It might not hurt to get the older woman’s advice so Megan told them everything.

“And I think he wants me back. He told me to wait for him. I think Taffie’s the one getting kicked out of the picture this time.”

Cora’s mind was in a jumble. Poor Megan! And poor Dylan, whoever he was. And poor Trevor! If Dylan had his way, Megan would be off the market in the time it took to get a divorce and Trevor would have to return that beautiful ring to storage. So much for taking things slowly. They were headed for the fast track as of right now. Cora grimaced and knew what she had to do.

“Rule number one, Megan. Stay away from married men. I know there are special circumstances here but, regardless, that’s a whole new mess you don’t want any part of.”

Megan silently agreed, and smiled when her sister nodded her head vehemently.

“I know, Cora, I know. I just feel so guilty, like I should be doing something. Maybe I should wait for him.”

Cora took a deep breath and dove in.

“I know what would get your mind off of Dylan’s marital troubles . . . a romantic evening of dinner and opera. What do you say? Can I set you up?”

Megan’s mouth quirked up on the side as she shook her fork at Cora. “The question is, are you up for a romantic evening?”

Linette looked back and forth between the two women who looked like they were up for anything but a romantic night out.

“Hey, I am. Forget about setting Megan up, set me up. I could definitely use a night out on the town.”

Cora chuckled and grabbed Linette’s hand and squeezed it. “Tell you what, sweetie, why don’t we all go out together? And I’ll find you a handsome young prince, too. It looks like it will be blind dates for all three of us.”

Megan grimaced across the table at Cora who had a similarly pained expression on her face. Linette, on the other hand, was all smiles.


CORA SIGHED INWARDLY AS she drove up to her house and saw the lights on. Again. Trevor was beginning to make a habit of waiting up for her. It would have been sweet, except she knew darn well it had everything to do with Megan and absolutely nothing to do with her. But he was a man with a mission and he was here to get her report. At least she had some good news to go along with the bad this time. Their percentages were getting better.

Trevor didn’t even bother for his mother to reach the front door. He must have been looking out the window because he was jogging out to meet her before she could even get out of the garage.

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