A very Corporate Affair Book 1 (The Corporate Series) (7 page)

BOOK: A very Corporate Affair Book 1 (The Corporate Series)
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                "That's not what I'm after. I think you know that by now."

                 "Hmm. I'm not sure I do. I didn't appreciate being made to feel like a bourgeois little girl who was attempting to manipulate you. I'm sad that you felt that way."

                 "I don't, I just didn't realise how little the title and accoutrements would mean to you. Most women are overwhelmed by it all. Like I said before, I don't as a rule chase women, I don't really need to, but here I am, begging forgiveness." He looked contrite.

                "Ok, forgiven, just don't do it again." I smiled at him, unsure what was going to happen next.

                "Ivan told me you turned him down today. You need to be careful, people don't say no to him very often either."

                I shrugged, "I'm sure he'll get over it, and move quickly on to a model or socialite. I couldn't see a date with him being much fun."

                "True, he probably gets his bodyguards to frisk his dates to check for weapons before he kisses them goodnight. He's a bit paranoid about security." Oscar smiled, relieved, I thought, that Ivan hadn't impressed me.

                 He hopped off his stool and came around the island, his arms held out for a hug. He stood between my knees, and wrapped his arms around me, "friends again?" He asked.

"Yep, friends again," I replied. Hesitantly, he grazed my lips with his, and seeing I didn't pull away, he brushed across my lips again, before deepening the kiss. He tasted of coffee and Oscar, a heady combination, and one that made my entire body respond to him. As I relaxed into his arms, he pulled me closer, crushing me against his chest, his hands roaming over my pyjama clad back.

                 "You're not wearing a bra," he groaned, pressing little kisses along my jaw. In a moment of extraordinary bravery, and turned on beyond belief at his close proximity, I took a deep breath.

                "I'm not wearing any knickers either." He drew in a sharp breath, and rested his forehead against mine.

                "Please," was all he said. I pulled away, and hopped down from the stool. Taking his hand, I led him into my bedroom.

Oscar carried on kissing me as he undid the little buttons of my pyjama top. He slipped it off my shoulders, and let it fall to the floor. Pulling away from me slightly, he stared at my naked breasts, "exquisite," was all he said, before running his hands over them. He pulled his shirt off quickly, and crushed me to his bare chest for another luscious, deep, kiss. Bending down, he took one of my nipples in his mouth, and flicked it with his tongue, while pinching the other with his fingers. It sent my state of arousal soaring, and at that moment, he could have been Bluebeard himself, and I would still have begged him to fuck me. His hand slipped down my pyjama bottoms, and he groaned as he felt how ready I was. He slid his finger backward and forward over my clit as his tongue worked on my nipple.

                 "Please," I begged, desperate to feel him inside me. I reached for his waistband, and, with trembling fingers, undid his trousers, and pulled them down. He did the same to me, and pushed me back gently onto the bed. I could see an impressive erection straining through his jersey boxers. Kicking off the last of his clothes, he rifled through the pockets of his trousers to find his wallet, and pull a condom from it. I ogled him unashamedly as he unrolled the condom over his large dick, and crawled up the bed towards me.

                 His face was flushed as he pushed two fingers inside me, and massaged my clit with his thumb, all the time watching my face.

                 "You're such a dirty girl, I can feel how wet and greedy your cunt is," he said, shocking me. The crude words spoken in his cut glass accent, sounded beyond carnal.

                 "I need you inside me, I'm gonna come soon. Please Oscar," I begged, as at that point I didn't give a toss how dirty he wanted to talk. He positioned himself over me, and slammed into me hard, hitting that sweet spot that lies between pain and pleasure. He began to thrust into me, angling his body so that his large cock could stroke my g spot over and over again. I began to feel the familiar quivering sensation of an impending orgasm. He must have felt it too.

                 "Come on, come all over my cock you dirty bitch," he hissed, just before I came hard, everything blotted out during an overwhelming orgasm. "Your cunt is milking me dry," he gasped, before shuddering at his own release.

                 We lay there a while, him still inside me, as we caught our breath, and came down from our orgasms. He kissed me softly on the lips before pulling out, and flopping down beside me.

                 "You are every bit as sexy as I thought you'd be," he said while he tied a knot in the condom. I lay back and contemplated the sex, it had been great, and he was pretty skilled, but in hindsight his crude words had been unexpected and a bit jarring.

                  "So you like to talk dirty? That was unexpected." I was probing. He turned to face me, propping himself on his elbow as he smoothed my hair off my face in a tender gesture.

                  "Did it bother you?"

                  "Just sounded strange, crude words in a posh accent."

                  He laughed, and tweaked my nipple. He looked boyish, and a bit smug. "I can't help my accent anymore than you can help yours. Do I sound ridiculous when I talk dirty then?"

                 I smiled back, "no, I just expect it. So do slutty, dirty girls turn you on?" I looked down at his dick, which was hardening again.
Round two? Quick reload there Oscar.

                 I leaned down to suck and lick his nipple, licking the silky warm skin of his torso. He lay back, running his fingers through my hair, sending little shivers through me. I pressed little kisses over his tummy, and slowly worked my way down to his erection, which was back to full strength. I kissed and licked the tip, before taking it fully into my mouth, and working my lips up and down the shaft.

                "Oh god, Elle, that feels fantastic," he murmured. I kissed, licked and sucked every inch of his beautiful cock and balls, driving him crazy.

                 "Condoms, have you got condoms?" He panted.

                 "Top drawer," I muttered against the tip of his cock. He shifted slightly, and fumbled around to find the foil packet. As soon as it was on, he pulled me on top of him. I straddled him, and lowered myself onto his cock, groaning at the exquisite fullness, as he stretched me inside. Oscar licked his finger, and ran it gently over my clit as I moved slowly up and down, trying to prolong my orgasm as long as I could.

                 "So is this what you like, dirty boy?" I whispered, as I rode him deliberately slower and slower. He garbled something unintelligible before shouting his release. I quickly followed, and could only sit helpless as my body pulsed and shook around him.

                 Afterwards, he pulled me into a deep kiss, crushing me against his chest, his strong hands caressing my back.

                 "You are so beautiful," he sighed, "you know I'm going to want to fuck you again in about half an hour."

                 "You're insatiable." He looked pleased with himself. "Would you like a drink while I'm waiting?"

                 He grinned, "coffee would be good. I need a shot of caffeine if I'm gonna be up all night satisfying you." I clambered off him, and threw his shirt on to go and make our drinks.

                   We made love once more that night, before drifting off to sleep. I woke up to find Oscar wrapped around me, his arm across my chest, and one of his legs curved around mine. He looked younger as he slept, his face peaceful and relaxed. I managed to slither out of bed without disturbing him, and went to the kitchen to make a drink. Feeling as stiff as a board, and for want of a better phrase, well used, I made the decision to forego the gym that morning.

                 I took a coffee in to Oscar, and gently nudged him awake. "Morning sleepyhead, time to get up," I said, stroking his shoulder. He opened sleepy blue eyes, and stretched.

                 "Good morning beautiful, are you waking me up for round four?"

                 "No. I'm waking you up because I need to get ready for work. It's half six already."

"God, you get up early. I don't normally start until nine thirty. Shall I come and scrub your back?" He looked at me suggestively.

              "That won't be necessary, but I do need to get ready. I go in at half seven."

                  He slid out of bed and wandered into my bathroom, "I'm exhausted. Not sure what you did to me last night, but I can't remember the last time I was this wrung out," he called out. He reappeared in my room, and pulled his clothes on. "Daft question, considering, but can I have your phone number?" I scribbled it down for him as he finished his coffee, and he left, with a parting 'I'll call you.'

I went into work feeling chipper, and excited to have finally got it together with gorgeous Oscar. Nothing was going to ruin my good mood, even Lewis assigning me the most boring merger that ever happened as my project for the rest of the week. I fully expected Oscar to ask me for lunch, so when I walked into the foyer at twelve, I was surprised that he wasn't there. Frowning slightly, I joined Priti in the lift down to the arcade for a sandwich.

                  The afternoon saw radio silence too. I headed home around six, expecting a call, or a visit. I must have checked my phone twenty times that evening. Nothing. By the end of the following day, the realisation dawned,
I'd been had.
Oscar had gone all out to fuck me, nothing more. Once I'd shagged him, he lost interest.
What a stupid girl.

                 I consoled myself with the knowledge that I'd had some great sex, and nobody else knew about it, especially the people at work. My humiliation would be a secret only Oscar and I shared.










Chapter 5




By Thursday morning, I was reconciled to the fact that Oscar had lost interest. I had gone back to my routines, and was missing James terribly. He was due back Saturday afternoon, and it couldn't come soon enough for me. I was lonely in the flat without him, and missed his company, and cooking.

                 I was at my desk, going through a contract, when I heard the buzz of excitement on the main floor. Shortly afterwards, Matt wandered in, grinning.

                 "The Ruskies back in Elle, better make yourself scarce, he looked hungry today."

                 "What times he due out of his meeting?"

                 "About an hour."

                 An hour later I made myself scarce, again, hiding in the ladies. I stayed for ten minutes before checking the coast was clear, and slinking back to my desk.

                  "He came in to look for you," Matt said cheerfully, "and left you this." He handed me a note.



I'm still thinking about you. Call me on 07985 267485 and tell me where you would like me to take you for dinner.



                I tucked the note in my handbag as Matt watched me expectantly. I ignored him, and settled back down at my desk, picking up the infernally boring merger contract. I must have read the same line four times, before admitting to myself that I was struggling to concentrate. I decided it was a good time to break for lunch, clear my head, and pull myself together. I tidied my papers, and grabbed my handbag, before walking through to reception.

                  Oscar stood by the main desk, talking to Priti. They both looked up as I walked towards them, Oscar smiling widely.

                  "Hello Elle, thought I'd join you for lunch today. It's been a mad busy week, and this is the first chance I've had." He held his hand out for me to take, and not knowing quite what to do, I took it.

When we were out of earshot of Prit, I turned to him, "I thought you were meant to call me."

                 "I was, but I've been working a lot, and had meetings in the city the last two nights. I didn't think you'd appreciate being a late night booty call."

                  "You're right there."

                  He took me to a little bistro in the arcade, and found us a table. After we had ordered, he sat, playing with my fingers across the table.

                  "Can I see you tonight? We can go out or something, only I'm gonna be away this weekend, and I don't want to wait another week."

                  I relaxed. Busy I could understand. "You could have text me. I thought you didn't want to see me anymore."
Why did I say that? Elle, you are being needy, snap out of it girl.

                  "Why would I not want to see you? I thought we had a great time together." Oscar looked affronted.

                  "Yeah, we did." I smiled at him, trying to forget two days of wondering why he hadn't called.

                  "You could always come to Sussex with me this weekend. I don't have anything going on down there. Next weekend would be better as I've got a bunch of friends coming to stay for a weekend shoot."

                  "James is back Saturday, and I'd really like to be there. Next weekend sounds fun, but I don't shoot."

                   "I'll teach you. I'm having about ten people stay. We shoot clay pigeons, then get drunk. It'll be a blast."

                   "Ok, next weekend it is then."

Our food arrived, and we began to eat. Oscar looked thoughtful. He put his fork down and stared at me. "This thing with James, you are just friends?"

                 "Of course we're just friends, or rather, flatmates. I have no interest in him sexually, and I don't think he sees me that way either. He's a nice guy, and a good friend, that's all." Oscar seemed satisfied with my answer, and resumed eating.

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