A Walk In The Wilderness (23 page)

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Authors: Nancy Hopper

BOOK: A Walk In The Wilderness
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     He grinned at her.  “Indeed you will.  And given some time, you’ll see that I’m nothing like Skyler.”

    “Oh, David.  Have I been so thoughtless?  I would never put you in the same category with Skyler.  You’re a fine man, and I can never repay the debt I owe you.  I owe you my life.  You’ve given me a safe place to live -- You’ve been so good to me!  Don’t ever think that I feel anything less than the deepest gratitude to you.”

    He looked a bit perplexed and perhaps, upset.  “Caitlin, I don’t want your gratitude.”  He told her softly.   

      “I didn’t mean it that way.”  She said quietly. 

      He nodded, but he still seemed a bit distant.  It puzzled Caitlin. 

     “I suppose I should get ready to go.  We’ll need something to eat.”  He said evenly.   

    They walked upstairs together silently.  When they reached her door, she smiled again before she went in.  David acknowledged her silently, and went on to his own room. 

    Though she wasn’t sure just why, Caitlin felt troubled.  Something wasn’t quite right.  She had left David feeling badly, and she didn’t know why.  He’d never been one to be moody, that she could see, but he wasn’t just right, either.  He’d been insulted that she was grateful?  It just didn’t make sense to her.

     She pressed her lips together and put her hands on her hips.  Then, she shook her head.  She’d have to just try harder.  Somehow she’d botched it a little bit, but there was nothing to be done about it, now.  She sighed and got herself ready for the evening.

     She decided that it might please him if she wore one of the dresses he’d bought for her.  There was one in a silver metallic thread and intricate beading that was extremely flattering.  She smiled and pulled it out of the closet.

      David looked very nice himself, when he called for her thirty minutes later.  He was in a black suit and a turquoise shirt.  He looked at Caitlin and stopped cold.  She looked ravishing.  Every square inch of her sparkled in the beaded dress.  It hugged her sweet curves and screamed 'sex' whenever she moved.  She was wearing sparkling silver platform heels to match, and her legs made him dizzy.

       He dropped his eyes and laughed.  He’d done this to himself.

      “What?  David, don’t you like it?”  she asked hesitantly.

      “My God.  Did I buy that for you?”  he groaned in agony.

      “Of course, you did.”  she stuttered. 

       He laughed at himself ruefully, and shook his head. 

      “What’s the matter?”

     He looked away.  “I’ve got a job to do, that’s all.  I think this is more difficult than the leather was.  Come on, temptress.  It’s time to go.” he growled.

       She blushed.  “So you
like it?” she asked in a tiny voice.

      “Oh, yes.  I do like it.”  he agreed dryly.

      She smiled, and ducked her head. 

     He laughed, and put an arm over her shoulders as they made their way to the restaurant in the hotel.

     It was another great night.  David improved with each performance, though she wondered how that was possible.  He was incredible. 
     Skyler continued to glare and sneer, but he seemed to understand that there was a great deal on the line.  He kept his distance from them.  He had been reduced to being simply a menacing presence on the premises. 

     On the way home, David sighed and took her hand.  He smiled over at her and chuckled.

      “What?”  she asked apprehensively.
      “Have I told you how lovely you look tonight?”  he asked softly.

      She smiled.  “I’m never sure what you’re thinking.” she admitted softly.  “I only want to please you, you know.”  She looked up at him, and found him to be watching her with burning eyes.

      Her words stabbed like a knife.  David withdrew, and looked out the window.  How could he answer?  What did she want him to say?  He forced himself to look at her.   “You’re very sweet, Cait.”  he said evenly.

     She was confused.  And embarrassed.  What did he want from her?  Why was he playing this game of hide and seek?  He was attracted to her -- of that much, she was now certain.  Why was he being so careful?  Why did he pull back every time intimacy began to develop between them?

      Revelation came to Caitlin in a flash.  He was a Christian man.  She was a temptation to him, but he was being careful.  Very careful.  To protect his reputation.  To protect his religion; his career.  To protect his values.  And to protect her from any disappointment.  She began to realize that David would have to be
sure what he was doing and what the outcome would likely be, before making any significant overtures.  He had no latitude for gossip-causing mistakes.

      She smiled to herself.  She felt no further reticence with David.  He’d bought her these lovely clothes.  She was going to wear them, and not feel bad about it.  If it was a trial to David, then he’d just have to deal with it.  Either he would break down and come to her, or he’d have to live with the consequences. 

      David would have welcomed a settling of the issue after the show that night, but he didn’t feel it would be wise to press his luck.  He couldn’t sleep, though, for many long hours.  His mind wouldn’t rest.  He was disturbed about Caitlin, confused about her.  He had absolutely no idea how deeply she felt about him, what she was thinking, what he could do to keep their relationship on an even keel.  The girl had masterfully kept him off balance.  He smiled grimly to himself, and shook his head. 

     “Grateful?” he whispered wretchedly, and rolled his eyes expressively.

     The next morning dawned clear and warm.  Caitlin awakened feeling a little bit unsettled.  She smiled grimly, and got up.  Well, it would be a new, fresh day.  She was determined to make it pleasant for David. If challenging. 

     No matter what happened, he had been very good to her.  It still amazed her that he’d brought her with him to Paris, just for the company. 

     She chose to wear a dress that he’d bought for her.  Surely, that would please him.  It was white, sheer chiffon, with a flared skirt and a halter top bodice.  It was simply delightful on, and probably the most flattering thing to her figure that she owned.  She put on some lovely sandals with heels, and pulled her hair up.  She added make up and earrings, and some bangle bracelets, and was very pleased with the result. 

     She could see that David was pleased with the result also, by the look on his face.  His eyes darkened, and then he smiled.  He opened his arms to Caitlin and chuckled in her ear as he hugged her soundly. 

     “You’re determined to drive me out of my mind, aren’t you?”  he growled.

    She looked up at him slyly.  “Well, David.  We all have our crosses to bear.”  she teased. 

     He laughed and squeezed her, and kissed her cheek.  “Keep it up, and I won’t be responsible for my actions.”  he threatened.

     She smiled up at him and hugged him soundly.  “So now I’m supposed to be afraid of you?”  she taunted.  “I thought I could trust you?”

    He laughed and hugged her, caressing her shoulders.  “Yeah.  Well, it’s getting a bit harder.  A steady diet of you is definitely a challenge.” he said dryly.

      She looked up at him in sheer adoration.  “Thank you.” she said sweetly.

     He looked intrigued.  “Doesn’t it make you at all nervous?  I thought that the idea of a man pouncing on you would strike sheer terror into your heart.”

    Caitlin blushed, and thought carefully how to answer.  She and David were dancing a bit, and she had no desire to say anything that would drive him away. 

     “Well, but David. You and Skyler are hardly in the same equation.”  She turned her eyes up to his.  He was startled to see the sparkling fire that her gaze offered.  She stared up at him with an intensity that caused a man’s blood to rush through his veins at an alarming rate. 

     Now, it was his turn to be careful.  She’d bounced the ball back into his court with admirable dexterity.  He smiled and stroked his beard thoughtfully.  “I’m glad to know that.”  He finally said, with an answering gleam in his eyes.

     Cait’s lips parted sweetly and her breath caught in her throat at the look in his eyes. 

     “Let’s get something to eat before you get me in trouble.”  he suggested with a growl.  His eyes were looking over her head steadily.

      She smiled and raised her eyebrows in reaction.

     Things were different, that day.  It was as though the atmosphere around them was supercharged with a new tension.  It was uncomfortable, yet exciting.  Caitlin couldn’t put a name to it, but she didn’t mind at all.  There was an increased awareness somewhere deep inside her about David, and she felt that it had to be the same for him.  Something was happening between them. 

      She wanted him to kiss her, hold her, stroke her, love her.  She wanted to feel his body on hers, wanted to give him her body.  She was so in love with him, it made her simply ache.

      But he wouldn’t move an inch, even to kiss her.  He wouldn’t say anything that she could take to the bank.  She could be sure of nothing, and it was making her wild inside.  He was every bit the gentleman, and beyond the looks and innuendo that he tossed at her, perhaps nothing had really changed.

     They went to the Arc d’Triumph and the Louvre that afternoon, and beyond a hand in the small of her back or around her shoulders, David seemed quite absorbed with the scenery and the art. 

     Caitlin sucked in her breath, and mustered her patience.  She would simply have to wait and see what, if anything, David intended to do.  She could hardly make the first move.

     They ate a very nice dinner, and went directly to the theatre.  There was a reception before the concert started, for a few privileged, who wanted to meet David and Skyler. 

     David stuck to Caitlin like glue at the party, always touching her and being obviously possessive.  Most of the time, she was tucked under his left arm, and she felt warm and safe, there. 

     Skyler kept his distance, though he often speared Caitlin with looks that could kill.  There were very many who were eager to talk to David, and he was very popular because he spoke such beautiful French.  Caitlin was aware that she was often a subject of conversation, recognizing the words, 'le fille'; but she didn’t mind.  She knew that David would handle the situations well.

  Two girls came ambling over to inspect her, as David was talking to two business men and their wives.  Caitlin recognized the girls as members of the band.  One girl played bass guitar, and the other was a percussionist.  The bass player held out her hand to Caitlin and smiled.  She had a kind of lazy look about her that was almost sexy.

   “Hello.  We thought we should be sociable.  My name’s Lynn and this is Peggy.”
     Caitlin smiled.  “I’m Caitlin Kilpatrick.”

    “David picked you up in Scotland, didn’t he?”

    Caitlin blushed brilliantly.  “That is where I’m from.” She said evenly, lifting her chin in silent defense.

   Peggy hastened to intervene.  “Honey, she didn’t mean that the way it sounded.”  she assured Cait.  “She didn’t.”

      Caitlin gave them a strained smile.

     “No, I didn’t mean any disrespect.”  Lynn said quietly.  “David seems awfully stuck on you though, girl.  Lucky you.”

     Caitlin smiled warily.  “Actually, we are just very good friends.”

     Lynn’s eyebrows went up.  Peggy looked stunned, as well.  “Really?  Gosh, I’d have guessed there was a lot going on, but I guess you never know, do you?”

      Cait shrugged.  “David is a man of integrity.” she answered simply.

    Lynn nodded.  “Of course he is.  So, you just travel with him to keep him company?”

     “Actually, we became good friends in Scotland.  He just invited me to come to Paris for a few days’ break.  So you see, it’s nothing.” she explained uneasily.  “I do not ‘travel’ with him.”

     “Oh.  Man, we do keep making you uncomfortable, don’t we?  We don’t mean to.”  Lynn said, with what appeared to be genuine sentiment.

      Caitlin smiled.  “It’s all right, really.  I’m sure that people must wonder.”

      “Weren’t you dating Skyler before?”

      “Just twice.  I quickly discovered that he wasn’t quite my cup of tea.”  Caitlin explained with red cheeks. 

     “And he’s not getting the message? I’m surprised David brought you around him.  No matter what is or isn’t between you and David, there are sure some sparks between him and Skyler on your account.”

     Caitlin sighed.  “I know.  Believe me, it’s uncomfortable, to say the least.  That’s why David is so protective of me.  I wouldn’t want any of you to misunderstand.” She begged them with worried eyes.
      Peggy put a hand on her arm.  “Say, you’re kind of a lamb, aren’t you?  No wonder David likes you, you’re awfully sweet.”

     Caitlin blushed deeply and both girls chuckled at her. 

     “I’ll be darned.  You’re about as unspoiled as a rose.  I wonder what David’s got up his sleeve?”  Lynn hazarded slyly.

     “What do you mean by that?” David asked suspiciously, turning to join them.  “Are you two hassling my girl?” he accused.

     “Not us.”  Peggy answered immediately.  “Just trying to be friendly.  We’re discovering that you’ve got quite a little lamb here, David.”

     “Indeed.”  he agreed, showing his dimples.  “And she’d better be treated as such.”

     “No sweat, Khemosabe.  She’s a doll.”  Lynn assured him immediately.  “Sky sure looks like he’d like to eat her for dinner.”

    David smiled and put an arm around Caitlin.  “He’s never going to get the chance.”  he assured Lynn in a low voice.

     “Maybe you’re the wolf that plans to devour this one, eh?” Lynn suggested in a cheeky voice.

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