A Walk In The Wilderness (33 page)

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Authors: Nancy Hopper

BOOK: A Walk In The Wilderness
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     He rolled his eyes and closed them again.  He knew without a shadow of a doubt that he’d just been signed, sealed and delivered.  God approved of his proposal to Caitlin.  He’d known it was the right thing, but now he had a confirmation that wouldn’t end.  He just laughed breathlessly. 

      “David!”  Caitlin gasped.

     “It’s all right.”  He managed. “Don’t worry about anything, Caitlin.  Just learn how to pray faithfully, love.  We're already linked in the spirit.  You’ll help me immeasurably, if you do.”

      “I will, David.  I believe you.”
      He laughed and shook his head.  “Come here.”  He ordered in a husky voice.  Caitlin blushed at the glimmer of fire in his eyes, and obeyed.  He put his arms around her and pulled her close against his chest.  “I love you, Caitlin.” He said.
     She looked up at him. Tears filled her eyes and rolled down her cheeks without notice.  Hearing him say those words just ripped her heart wide open.  No one had said those words to her since her mother and father had died.  And, she suddenly realized, she’d been waiting so long to hear David say them.

     “I hope that’s all right with you, because you can’t make me stop.  I’ll never forget the night we met. I was attracted to you the moment I saw you.  I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw you walking toward Skyler with that sweet smile on your face.  I though he was the luckiest dog in the world.  And when Connie showed up, something rose up in me that I’d never felt before.  I felt rage, and protectiveness.  A refusal to let anything or anybody touch you.  I was amazed.  You’re beautiful.  Wonderful.  Lovely.”

     He sighed.  “I fought it for a long time;  yet I kept finding reasons to be near you, ways to have a chance to look at you.  Just to be around you.”

     Caitlin just looked up at him in wonder and disbelief.  “I love you too, David.” She added softly. 

     David felt as though he’d been hit by a freight train.  To his amazement and embarrassment, tears flooded his eyes.  He shut them tightly and waited until he had control again before he looked at her sweet face. 

    “I love you.”  He answered.  He pulled her against his chest and held her tightly.  Some things took place in that embrace that acted to cement their words into a new reality.  A vow. 
      Then, David kissed her again.  He could not seem to help or stop himself.  He loved her, he wanted her.  He felt as though he’d been walking a tightrope for so long that he just could not stay on it anymore. 

      He loved her with a fierce, deep love so strong that he couldn’t control it or even fathom it.  It was more than his love — it was his love and emotion combined with that of his Lord.  It was almost a relief to realize it.  God was blessing them. 

      But he wasn’t fool enough to think he could just rush on ahead.  As much as his senses were clamoring for him to do just that, he knew better.  One step at a time, he reminded himself.  Not too fast!

      Caitlin was in heaven.  Her heart was singing.  David loved her!.  That was all that mattered to her.

     The atmosphere at the dinner table was exuberant, filled with excitement.  Grace didn’t need anyone to tell her that her prayers were all being answered.  She could see in David and Caitlin’s very countenance that their relationship was progressing nicely, and just to Grace’s requested specifications. 
     David loved the girl madly.  It was in his eyes whenever he looked at her.  There was a deep, burning ember of desire in his gaze that thrilled Grace.  And Caitlin clearly adored David.

      Grace chuckled to herself.  It was going to be simply delightful to watch this romance progress.  Yet, it was probably a good thing that David was going away for a time, judging from the look in his eyes.  Yes, indeed.

       “When are you going to the plane, darling?” she asked her son.

       “Ten tonight.”  he answered wearily.

       “Ah.  Well, it will be a bit of a night for you, then.”  She predicted. 

     David managed a smile. “Will you come with me to the airport?” he asked Caitlin hopefully.

       Caitlin felt her heart leap.  “Yes, of course.”  She agreed immediately.

     He raised an eyebrow.  “Are you sure?  It would put you out late at night alone, with James.”

     Caitlin had a look of anxiety pass over her face.  “Well;  I’ll be with you on the way there, and certainly Grace will be expecting us back home.  It will be fine, I’m sure.”  She said uncertainly.

      He smiled at her.  “I will make certain of it.”  He assured.

      “Has James done something?” Grace asked worriedly.
      “No, just makes Cait feel a bit uncomfortable every now and then.  He does have an eye for the ladies, Mum.”

       Grace looked extremely displeased to hear it.  “I will speak to him.”

      “No, Mum, you don't need to.”  David corrected her.  “I have taken care of it.  Believe me, everything is fine.”

      Grace inclined her head to acknowledge it, and smiled at Caitlin.  “I hope that you two enjoy your time together, then.  I’m tired and you two have plenty to talk about without me here as well.”

      “David,”  she said affectionately, rising and patting his hand.  “Do come by to see me before you leave, darling.  I’ll say goodbye then.”

    “All right.”  David agreed.   His mother was behaving very much out of character.  But then, he mused, it just may be that she wasn’t so lonely any longer, with Caitlin here to keep her company.

       “Good night, Grace.”  Caitlin said sweetly.

        “Good night, darling.  Sleep well.”  Grace answered. 

      David watched her go with curious eyes.  “Now what do you suppose has gotten into her?” he asked, scratching his chin thoughtfully.

        “Why?”  Caitlin asked curiously.

        “She never does this.”  He explained with a chuckle.

        “She’s tried to leave us alone often.”  Cait pointed out.

      David gave her a sly, naughty look.  “My mother is neither oblivious, nor blind.”  He informed her. “She knows I’ve been making love to you, and she’s giving me plenty of opportunities to continue.”

        Caitlin blushed even harder.  “David,” she objected.  “Don’t put it that way.”

     He smiled.  “I can’t even think of it any other way.”  He objected.  “And anyway, I don’t intend to stop, so you may as well get used to it.” 

       He rose and took her hand as she stood from the table, and drew her into his arms.  He kissed her hungrily, and when that was too much, he moved his lips to her jaw, her slender neck, and tasted the soft, smooth skin there that was so fragrant and sweet.

       “Oh, my.” She gasped. 

       “Uh, huh.”  He agreed.  

       She blushed again, and he chuckled deep in his chest. 

      “It’s eight-thirty.  I’d better take care of my last minute things, or I’ll be sorry.  Then I’ll say goodbye to Mother and we’ll go, all right?”
       Caitlin nodded, too mortally embarrassed to look at him. 
      His fingers closed gently over her jaw and turned her face relentlessly until she was looking up into his very serious eyes.  Then, he kissed her until her knees were like jelly and her body was throbbing with aching desire.  Then he released her, and went upstairs. 

       Caitlin waited in her room for David.  She found herself pacing and clasping her hands.  “Jesus.”  She said earnestly.  “Oh, Jesus.”   Tears sprang to her eyes when she thought of all that David had said. 

      All she had done was confess Jesus, and it had unlocked the door to David’s heart.  All her dreams were coming true.  David did love her!  He’d just been waiting for her, being careful because of Skyler and because she hadn’t accepted Jesus.

     “David is my servant.”  She felt the words form in her heart.  “He is Mine, and no woman will have him who will not serve Me.  This is his choice and his commitment to Me.”

      Caitlin went to her knees.  “Yes, Lord.  I understand.”  she whispered.  “I will serve you.  I love David.  I don’t want to blow this.”

     “I love you, Caitlin.” She felt the love surround her immediately.  “Listen to David.  He’ll take care of you.  He will help you stay on the path.”

       Caitlin smiled.  “Thank you for bringing David to me, Jesus.  Thank you.”

       While Caitlin was busy communing with the Lord, David was saying goodbye to his mother.  She seemed uncommonly happy and peaceful.

       “So, you’re very fond of Cait, Mother?” he asked with a teasing smile.

      “I am, David.  She’s a lovely girl.”  Grace confirmed.  “I always knew that you couldn’t possibly resist her.  I am so glad you’ve used your head and proposed. ” 

      David raised his eyebrows and grinned.  “I’d be a fool to try to hide it from you.”  He admitted.  “You always know the truth.”


       He grinned at her.  “She is very special to me.”

       “Well, I will be taking good care of her while you’re away, David.  Don’t worry about a thing.”

     “I won’t.  I think that James won’t be any problem to her, and I know that Skyler can’t get in here.  I did tell James to beef up security.  I’ll make sure he clearly understands that it’s vitally important that he do so.  Now, you take care of yourself, and enjoy Cait’s company.  I’ll call you soon.”

     When David and Caitlin came down the stairs and out the front door, they found James there waiting with the car.  He helped David put his bags in the boot and opened the rear door for them.  He never once looked up.

      David and Caitlin snuggled into the back seat, and David immediately picked up her hand.  “Thanks for coming with me tonight.”

      She smiled up at him.  “How could I resist?” she asked.  “A chance to be with you for another hour?”

      He gave her a teasing look, and shook his head.  “Cut that out, now.  I have to have the will to get on the plane.”

      David did not put up the view screen between the front and back seats for two reasons.  One, because he would then be totally alone with Caitlin, and he wanted no talk of impropriety.  One could do just about anything one pleased in complete secrecy in the back of a limo when the screens were in place.   Second, he wanted James to see and understand clearly the intimacy that was evident in their relationship.  He wanted him to understand, and it was better to not have to say a word.

     James didn’t fail to see the adoration in her eyes, or the passion in David’s.  He didn’t need anyone to tell him that one wayward move on his part would probably cost him his job. 

      When they got to the airfield, David took Caitlin’s hand.  They walked out to the plane in silence.  Both of their hearts were heavy now that the time had come to say goodbye. 

      David turned and put his hands on her shoulders.  “I’ll miss you.  Please pray.”  He asked quietly.  His eyes searched hers.

       Caitlin swallowed sudden tears and nodded.  She smiled.  “I will.  I love you, David.” 
       He closed his eyes as though trying to deal with pain.  “I love you, Cait.”  He replied.  “Take care.  I’ll be in touch.” He said.

      Caitlin nodded and smiled.  She willed the tears not to spill, but she wasn’t too successful. 

       David wiped them away with a tender look, and held her against him in a tight hug.  He kissed her with a desperation that ignited her heart.  Then, he got on the jet.
       James opened the door for her, and she gave him a sad smile. 

      “Thank you, James.” She said.  She climbed into the car, and watched the jet move out to the runway. 



     David called home upon his arrival in Dublin.  He was tired, but sounded cheerful enough. 

      “Skyler’s in fine form.”  He told Caitlin wearily.  “His lady love is out of jail and she beat him up.”

      “What?” Caitlin asked incredulously. 

     “She beat the hell out of him with a chain.  She blamed him for getting her landed in jail, again.  Things are not good.”

      “David, where is the poor child?”  Caitlin asked.

      “I don’t know.  I understand that he is still very, very ill.  But I’m careful not to ask Skyler any questions.  He doesn’t welcome any interaction with me.  I think he knows you’re staying at my house, and he seems to deeply resent it.  His attitude of generosity was certainly fleeting.”

      “Why?  What did he say?”  Caitlin asked fearfully.

     “Nothing.  But he’s not stupid.  It’s just the looks he gives.  I almost feel as though he smells your cologne on me when he comes near.  It’s strange.  He gets this wild look in his eye.  But darling, don’t worry.  He can’t reach you there, and there is nothing he can do to me.  So, relax.  Just pray, please.  I can bear it all as long as I know you’re safe.  Is it going all right?”

     “Yes.  Wonderful.”  Caitlin replied immediately.  “I’ve been swimming and went riding, and it’s been lovely.”

       “Good.”  David said with satisfaction.  “And what about Jesus?”

       “Jesus is becoming very real.”  She assured him. 

       He chuckled.  “Most excellent.  Well, darling, I’d better catch some rest.  You keep up the exercise and the food intake, or I’ll spank you when I get home.  Tell Mother I love her and that I’ll call again when I can.”

       “All right, David.” 

       “Cait, I love you.” He said softly.

       Tears welled up in her eyes.  “I love you, David.  I miss you terribly.”

       He sighed.  “Tell me about it.  I’m going to have to have you traveling with me after this tour if I’m going to stay sane.  Now, give me a kiss through the phone, to hold me over.”

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