A Warrior Wedding (13 page)

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Authors: Teresa Gabelman

Tags: #Paranormal, #romance, #vampire, #warriors, #alpha, #series, #Protector

BOOK: A Warrior Wedding
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“It was everything.” Jax tilted her chin up with his knuckle. “And we owe you.”

Caroline started to respond that no one owed her anything, but Jax held her tightly, bringing her body flush to his. She waited, not patiently, for him to kiss her again and it took everything she had not to smash her mouth against his. No, she was done doing the chasing or whatever she had been doing. If he wanted a kiss, he was going to have to take it from her.

“It seems I need to practice what I preach.” Jax’s eyes darkened. “I tell you to stay away from me, but I can’t seem to stay away from you.”

Remaining quiet seemed the smartest thing for her to do and honestly, she probably couldn’t form a coherent sentence if her life depended on it. His body was hard against hers and she felt safe and protected, even though he was looking at her with a dark, dangerous stare.

His lips were inches form hers and she closed her eyes in anticipation or prayer, she didn’t know which or if it was both. Finally, his lips softly touched hers, but it wasn’t enough. She wanted more, dammit, and as if reading her mind, he gave her much more. His mouth ravaged hers and she savored every single minute she was in his arms and his mouth was locked to hers.

The kiss was so intense she heard banging, which was strange, but she went with it, and why was he calling her Ms. Fitzpatrick? Hell, how was he even talking? Then the kiss ended as quickly as it began. Caroline knew the disappointment on her face matched the moan of disappointment coming from her throat.

“Ms. Fitzpatrick?” The banging sound started again. “Are you okay? It’s Gary from Tristate Roofing. I have your estimate and have been trying to contact you. Ms. Fitzpatrick?”

Reaching up and touching her lips, her eyes met Jax’s before she glared at the door behind him.

“You want to kill him or shall I?” Jax’s voice was deeper than usual with a sexual roughness that made her want to cry.

“Give me my gun back and I’ll be happy to.” She grumbled before heading for the door. As on and off as she and Jax were, she’d probably be an old woman before he got around to kissing her again and then she’d be too damn old for him. Grabbing the door handle at that thought, she swung the door open with force, startling Gary who jumped back with wide eyes.

“Oh, Ms. Fitzpatrick.” Gary smiled, his eyes going to her lips.

For some reason him staring at her lips gave her an uncomfortable creepy feeling. Looking at the packet of papers in his hand, she reached for them. “Is that the estimate?”

“Yes,” he replied, but didn’t let her take it. “If you have a few minutes, I can go over everything with you.”

Caroline seriously didn’t have a minute, she wanted to get back inside and finish what Jax had started. “That’s okay.” She reached for the papers again, but he kept them out of reach. “I can look it over and then give you a call.”


ax stood back to let Caroline handle the asshole roofer. He could see and hear everything going on from his position inside. He also had one hell of a hard-on and needed a minute. Holy shit, the woman could kiss and was hotter than anything he’d held in a long time. He had plenty of sex, but no feelings were involved, at least on his part. He just took care of his need, made sure the female was well taken care of, and on his way he went. Caroline Fitzpatrick was a whole different beautiful beast and he knew once he got her in his bed, and he was smart enough to know that would be happening sooner rather than later, no other woman would be enough for him. Deep inside in that dark area of his mind, he knew that was the reason he really wanted her to stay away from him, and not his brother; although, his brother was a serious threat.

“Jesus,” he cursed, shaking his head, his eyes still on her as she talked to the roof guy. “I’m truly fucked.”

When he heard the roofer guy, Gary, pressure Caroline to let him into the house to go over the estimate, he knew it was time to let the asshole know where he stood.

Stepping up behind Caroline, Jax had perverse pleasure of seeing the fear in the man’s eyes. Reaching around Caroline, he grabbed the estimate and scanned it.

“Nine thousand seems pretty high.” Jax frowned at the man, daring him with his eyes and attitude to try and screw Caroline over.

“Ah, well, actually...it’s not.” Gary cleared his throat. “The whole roof needs to be replaced and that estimate includes material plus labor.”

“I’m sorry.” Caroline shook her head. “I can’t afford that.”

Gary’s whole demeanor changed. “Well, Ms. Fitzpatrick, we’re very competitive with neighboring companies. You’re not going to find a better deal than this.”

“That doesn’t change the fact that I can’t afford it.” Caroline frowned as she walked out into the yard and looked up at her roof. “Are you absolutely sure the whole thing needs to be replaced? I mean I know the shingles do, but the wood? There isn’t any that can be saved?”

Jax knew the answer to that, but waited to see if this guy was brave enough to take advantage. He knew how these assholes worked. He would get the job, she would sign a contact, and then once he started, he would then falsely regret to inform her that more work equaling more money would have to be done. Crossing his arms over his chest, Jax waited for Gary’s answer.

Glancing at Jax, Gary hurried off the porch and started pointing out things which Jax had to give him credit were true.

“I’m sorry I’ve wasted your time, Gary.” Caroline frowned with a sigh. “I’m going to have to go a different avenue on the roof for now.”

Disappointed, Gary nodded. “I understand, but please keep my information and if you change your mind, give me a call.” Gary once again glanced up to Jax, then back to Caroline. “Is that your husband?”

Caroline was still looking at the roof when Gary quietly asked her that question. “No.” She frowned at him.

“Oh.” Gary nodded. “Your boyfriend?”

“Gary,” Jax called from the porch where he was watching and listening to every word.

Gary jumped as if guilty. “Yeah.” He cautiously approached Jax.

Jax grabbed his shoulder with one hand and squeezed enough to send a message as he leaned close to his ear. “Not going to happen.” Jax growled and could have sworn he heard the man gulp in fear.

Jax shoved the estimate into Gary’s stomach, turned him around using his one hand on his shoulder and sent him on his way. Gary hurried to his truck without even looking at Caroline, who was still staring at her roof in despair.

It had been a long time, but it looked like Jax was going to be doing some roofing. Yeah, he was truly fucked.


Jill shoved two crackers in her mouth and wanted to gag. She had begun hating crackers with a passion because that was all she could eat, but it was keeping her going...kinda.

“Hey!” she yelled at Steve who was coming out of Adam’s room.

Steve jumped, then turned toward her like she was a monster. “What?”

Slowing her steps, she watched Steve and knew something was up. It had been two days since Pam had pulled through, and although she found Steve to tell him the good news, she hadn’t seen Adam and she really needed to talk to both him and Steve.

“Is Adam in there?” Jill went to open Adam’s door, but Steve jumped in front of it, stopping her.

“He’s not there.” Steve’s voice was a little high-pitched.

“Okay, then why were you in there?” Jill interrogated Steve, the big liar.

Steve grinned, started to say something, then frowned and grinned again. “I had to get something.”

“What?” Jill cocked an eyebrow, looking at his empty hands.

“I, ah, couldn’t find it.” Steve, the worst liar in the world, lied.

“Cut the bullshit, Steve.” Jill went to open the door, but Steve knocked her arm away.

“Angelina is naked!” Steve shouted then cringed.

Okay, that made Jill back up a step or two. “Why are you coming out of Adam’s room, when he isn’t there, and Angelina is naked?”

Steve pursed his lips together, pointed his finger at her, and rolled his eyes to the ceiling trying his best to talk his way out of this one.

“Listen, Steve,”—Jill pushed him out of the way—“your lying is going to get you killed one day because you absolutely suck at it.”

Looking over her shoulder talking to Steve about his lying, Jill opened the door to Adam’s room and walked inside. When she turned around and saw Angelina holding Adam up as she was leading him to the bed, her heart sank. “Oh, Adam.” Jill ran over to help Angelina. “No!”

“I’m okay,” Adam replied, but didn’t refuse their help. Once at the bed, he collapsed, throwing his hand over his eyes. “God, I hate throwing up.”

“Steve, get Slade,” Jill ordered, watching the worry flash across Angelina’s face.

“I’m fine. Just give me a minute.” Adam swallowed hard before peeking up at Jill then to Steve. “And dammit, Steve, I told you not to tell her.”

“Dude, I didn’t say a word.” Steve crossed his heart. “But damn she is ruthless with her questioning.”

Adam groaned and sat up quickly. “Fuck! Watch out!” Jill jumped out of the way as he ran to the bathroom with Angelina right behind him. The sound of retching echoed in the room.

“Go get Slade,” Jill told Steve as they shared a look. “And then me and you need to talk.”

Steve didn’t question, he just ran out the door. Jill sat on the edge of the bed, her stomach cramping at the sound of Adam heaving. The feeling of defeat weaved its way into her mind, but she pushed it back and welcomed the anger. This so wasn’t fair and it pissed her off.

Hearing the door open, she lifted her head, her eyes meeting Slade’s.

“Where is he?” Slade asked, but then the retching started again answering his question. Slade headed that way. Angelina walked out, her face a mask of fear. Standing, Jill reached over giving her a hug. “He’s going to be okay.” She tried to comfort Angelina, but it even sounded hollow to her own ears.

Once Slade got Adam back on the bed, he checked him out and took his blood. “I’m going to take more blood since you’re showing symptoms now. When did you feed?”

“Today,” Adam replied. Jill could tell he was trying not to gag. “And I’ve been sick ever since.”

Slade was in the process of taking his blood when Sloan entered. Jill and Steve stepped out in the hallway to give them more room. Jill pulled Steve further away.

“I need you to do something,” Jill said low enough not to be overheard.

“Anything.” Steve glanced at the room where more retching sounded. He looked on the verge of tears. Jill totally understood because she had been on the brink of tears for weeks.

“I need you to find out when the next City of Cincinnati council meeting is that’s open to the public,” Jill said, her mind going a hundred miles a minute.

“I think they’re all open to the public,” Steve replied, but nodded. “Okay. Yeah, I’ll do it right now. What are you planning, Jill?” Steve eyed her closely.

“I’m planning on living, Steve,” Jill answered. She then hugged him tightly before walking quickly away ready to set step two of her plan in motion.


wo hours later, Jill stood outside of Sloan’s office. She was actually getting sick of being in Sloan’s office, but she couldn’t chance anyone hearing what she was about to do. Taking a deep breath, she walked in closing the door behind her.

Everyone who she asked to be there was present, even Adam, who looked like hell.

“Okay, Jill,” Sloan said from behind his desk. “We’re all here. What do you need to say?”

Jill prayed she could do this without crying. This was her family and she was going to do everything in her power to save them. She owed it to each of them. Her eyes touched upon Damon, Jared, Duncan, Sid, Adam, and then Slade, who looked at her with a question in his gaze. Taking a deep breath, she cleared her throat.

“As you guys probably already know, Slade and I are getting married.” Jill began nervously. She so didn’t know how this was going to go over and she was about to pee her pants with nerves.

“Jill, honey.” Sid sighed. “Are you sure you asked the right people here? I think you might be wanting to talk to the women since that’s all they have been talking about.”

Her phone buzzed in her back pocket. “Sorry.” Jill grabbed her phone and looked at the message from Steve. Holy crap, this had better work.

“Jill.” Jared frowned. “Can we please get on with this? I have something I need to do.” A few grunts of agreement followed Jared’s statement.

Okay, that pissed her off. “Well, excuse the hell out of me.” She glared at him. “Give me a damn second, would you?”

Everyone laughed, even Adam who was looking greener by the minute.

After shooting off a text, Jill put her phone back in her pocket. “Anyway, I want to do something special, but I need you all to agree.”

“Okay.” Sid sighed. “What is it?”

“First agree,” Jill replied, knowing it was a gamble because these Warriors were not born yesterday and for them to agree to something without details was such a long shot, she was surprised at herself for even asking it of them.

The room erupted, everyone talking to her at once. Jill’s shoulders slumped from the onslaught, but her eyes caught Duncan’s who wasn’t saying a word, just staring at her as if reading her, but she knew that wasn’t happening, because she was closed off tight.

“I agree.” Duncan’s voice boomed above everyone.

Tears tickled the back of Jill’s eyes, but she held them back. “Thank you,” she said to Duncan before looking at the others.

“Ah, what the hell.” Jared sighed. “I agree.”

Soon the whole room agreed and Jill knew for a fact she was going to fight for these men and their loved ones if it was the last thing she did, and it probably would be the last thing she did.

“I know you all love your mates above anything.” Grunts of agreements followed her statement. “I want my wedding to be your wedding also.”

“Let me get this straight.” Sid scratched his chin. “You want us all to get married at the same time?”

“Yes.” Jill nodded, then looked at Damon. “Damon, you and Nicole could renew your vows along with all of us.”

No one said anything else. The room was silent. Her worried eyes met Slade’s and wondered if he was upset, but his widening smile and nod of approval made her heart soar.

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