A Warrior's Sacrifice (39 page)

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Authors: Ross Winkler

BOOK: A Warrior's Sacrifice
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active jammer [
n, sing, lc; a device that blocks radar and other means of long-distance detection

Ancients [
n, cap, pl; the first Sentients created/evolved after the First Conflict

arterial faucet [
n, lc, sing; an automated device to access a Human's bloodstream
]; arterial faucets [
n, lc, pl

Ashi-Kage [
n, cap; the criminal underworld within the Republic

Base Commander [
n, cap, sing; one who commands a Choxen base, the soldiers within in, and the surrounding area.

Benefactor [
n, cap, sing; referring to a species within the Republic that offers money, technology and genetic tweaking to an Inducted species

Beirat Council [
n, cap; aka Beirat; governing body withing the Republic

Beirat Military [
n, cap; small military force controlled by the Beirat, not the Oniban/Oniwabanshu

blackout device [
n, sing, lc; a device that jams all com frequencies

BP [
n; acronym for blood pressure

blood wine [
n, sing, lc; alcoholic drink created by the Choxen

Cargo City [
n, cap; logistics hub within the Republic's Mid-West

Car-karniss [
n & adj, cap, sing;
an individual or characteristics of individuals within the Car-karniss race
]; Car-karniss [
n, cap, pl; a group of Cat-karniss

caste [
lc when referring to castes broadly
]; Caste [
cap when referring to a specific caste

Chemical Interview [
n, cap; interrogations performed by the Oniwabanshu

Chi [
n, cap; Japanese term for Earth

Choxen [[
n & adj, sing, cap; an individual from, or characteristics pertaining to members of the Choxen race
]; Choxen [
n, cap, pl; a group of Choxen

Civil Police [
n, cap; aka CP; lowest of the Warrior Caste, they perform patrol and raid duties within Republic cities


Cleaner [
n & adj, sing, cap; an individual or characteristics of individuals within the Cleaning Caste
]; Cleaners [
n, pl, cap; a group of them

Cleaning Caste [
n, cap; aka Cleaner; pertaining to the caste itself

clothxlotic [
n, sing, lc; toxic drink created by the Choxen

C.O. [
n, sin, cap; Commanding Officer

com [
n, sing, lc; general term for their communicators that act as computers
]; coms [
n, pl, lc

Command [
n & adj, cap; a word or action filled with Sahktriya to make it more powerful than the word or action is on its own


Construction Caste [
n, cap; aka Construction; pertaining to the caste itself

Constructor [
n & adj, sing, cap; an individual or characteristics of individuals within the Construction Caste
]; Constructors [
n, pl, cap; a group of them

Control [
n, cap; a lockdown
]; control [
normal use and meaning

Creator [
n, cap, sing; Choxen name for the Siloth
]; Creators [
n, cap, pl

crèche [
n, sing, lc; a generic term for the daycare and school systems of the Republic
]; crèches [
n, pl, lc
]; Crèche [
n, sing, cap; referring to a specific crèche "The Variant Crèche…", "The Crèche of the Oniwabanshu…"

datapad [
n, sing, lc; a tablet
]; datapads [
n, pl, lc

Designer [
n & adj, sing, cap; an individual from, or characteristics pertaining to members of the caste; they research and design new technologies
]; Designers [
n, cap pl; a group of Designers

Design Caste [
n, cap; aka Design; pertaining to the caste itself

dreng [
n &
adj, lc; the embodiment of all those personal/cultural characteristics vital to the survival of the Republic and Humanity

Drengin [
n & adj, cap; an individual, Family or action that embodies the concept of dreng

Dreng-less [
n & adj, cap; an individual or Family without a history of service to the Republic and therefore, without dreng

drop pod [
n, sing, lc; aka pod; combat vehicle fired from orbit
]; drop pods [
n, lc, pl

Droth [
n, adj, cap; an alien metal used in crafting melee weapons

dyzu [
v, lc; the act of sensing Sahktriya either as physical sensation or through intuition; can be conjugated with –ing
v, lc, pp

equipment kiosk [
n, sing, lc; aka kiosk; an equipment station
]; equipment kiosks [
n, pl, lc

Eurasia [
n, cap; landmass that combines European and Asian continents

Eurasian [
adj, cap; of or relating to the characteristics or inhabitants of Eurasia

Exilist [
n & adj, cap, sing; an individual or characteristics of individuals within the Exilist movement]; Exilists [n, cap, pl; a group of Exilists

family [
lc as generic term, "most families eat protein…", 'a Quisling family…"

Family [
n, cap; referring to a specific family lineage, "Family Lieng…", "my Family…"

Father [
n, cap when used as a proper name
]; father [
n, lc when used in general

First Conflict [
n, cap; Accessionist belief that the state of Wholeness was split through Schism, an act that created the Universe

First Exiles [
n, cap, pl; aka The First Exiles; the remnants of Humanity after the Siloth invasion

First Oniban [
n, cap, sing; the first elected Oniban of the Republic

Foralli [
n & adj, cap, sing;
an individual or characteristics of individuals within the Foralli race
]; Forallis [
n, cap, pl; a group of Forallis

Fu [
n, cap; Japanese term for Wind


Galactic [
n & adj, cap, sing; a general term for an alien within the Intergalactic Alliance
]; Galactics [
n, cap, pl

Grand [
n, sing, cap; a gender-neutral term for grandparent
]; Grands [
n, pl, cap

Granrexen [
n, cap, sing; aka Grunt; the mindless melee soldiers of the Siloth empire
]; Granrexen [
n, cap, pl

Great One [
n, cap, sing; one of the names that the Choxen call the Siloth
]; Great Ones [
n, cap, pl

greens [
n, pl, lc; the only other food in the Republic

Groaton [
n & adj, cap, sing;
an individual or characteristics of individuals within the Groaton race
]; Groaton [
n, cap, pl; a group of Groaton

Grunt [
n & adj, sing, cap; an individual from, or characteristics pertaining to members of the Grunt race
]; Grunts [n, cap, pl; a group of Grunts]

High Caste [
n & adj, sing, cap; pejorative term for anyone within the Warrior Major Caste
]; High Castes [
n, pl, cap; pejorative term from multiple members of the Warrior Major Caste

holoprojector [
n, sing, lc; device the projects a 3D image
]; holoprojectors [
n, pl, lc

Human [
n, cap, sing; an individual or trait relating to the species of Human

Humans [
n, cap, pl; a group relating to the species of Human


Induction [
v, cap; the act of bringing a Sentient species into the IGA; can be conjugated with -ing (Inducting)];
[ v, cap, pp; a Sentient species has been brought into the IGA

Inspector General [
n, cap, sing; a rank within the Oniwabanshu Inquest Caste

intel [
n, pl, lc; aka intelligence; information about a situation

Intergalactic Alliance [
n, cap; aka IGA; aka Alliance; an alliance of alien species bound together by common laws, technology, monetary systems, and Induction

Intergalactic Library [
n, cap; aka IGL; a compendium of knowledge curated by all the species in the IGA

Inquest [
n, cap; an action performed by the Oniwabanshu to check for any wrong-doing. Could be on an individual, Family, or city-level

ion shield [
n, sing, lc; the shielding that covers most cities within the Republic

Iron Womb [
n, cap; a machine that does the job of gestation for women

Ismael [
n & adj, cap, sing;
an individual or characteristics of individuals within the Ismael race
]; Ismael [
n, cap, pl; a group of Ismael

jendr [
n & adj, lc; the opposite of dreng and Drengin; one can be jendr, as well as act in a jendr-like way

Ka [
n, cap; Japanese term for fire

Kazoku [
n, pl, cap; the family of elements that combine to create the Void

Kraw'ka'ow [
n & adj, cap, sing;
an individual or characteristics of individuals within the Kraw'ka'ow race
]; Kraw'ka'ows [
n, cap, pl; a group of Kraw'ka'ows

Ku [
n, cap; Japanese term for Void


Labor Caste [
n, cap; aka Labor; pertaining to the caste itself

Laborer [
n & adj, sing, cap; an individual or characteristics of individuals within the Labor Caste
]; Laborers [
n, pl, cap; a group of them


Logistics Caste [
n, cap; aka Logistics; pertaining to the caste itself

Logistician [
n & adj, sing, cap; an individual or characteristics of individuals within the Logistics Caste
]; Logisticians [
n, pl, cap; a group of them

Lotagten [
n, cap, sing; a communication booster used by the Choxen and Siloth

Low Caste [
n & adj, sing, cap; pejorative term for anyone within the Support Major Caste
]; Low Castes [
n, pl, cap; pejorative term from multiple members of the Support Major Caste

Maharatha [
n & adj, sing, cap; an individual within, or characteristics pertaining to the elite fighting force within the Republic
]; Maharathas [
n, pl, cap; a group of Maharatha

Maharatha Academy [
n, cap; aka The Academy; the school where the Maharatha Caste trains

Maharatha Caste [
n, cap; aka Maharatha; pertaining to the caste itself

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