A Week at the Beach: A Hotwife Romance (8 page)

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I couldn't have thought about it any more even if I had wanted to. She opened her mouth. Her eyes didn't let go of mine. Her little pink tongue popped out and I watched as the tip of it touched the head of my straining cock.

"Oh Sam!" I groaned. I was dangerously close to an eruption.

"Yes, Andrew?" she asked. She was still staring straight at me. Moving lower, she pressed her tongue against the underside of my cock and ran up the length of it in a lick.

I shuddered and gripped the sheets.

"Oh Andrew," she teased with a smile, "this is so naughty!" I watched wide-eyed as she opened her mouth a little wider. Sinking down onto me, she swallowed me whole.

I couldn't stop staring at her. Partly because of how incredibly hot she looked, but mostly because I couldn't stop the thought racing through my mind. Had she really done this with James? Had she taken his big, black cock in her mouth this way? What else had they done? Was my perfectly polite Samantha secretly a dirty little whore?

Her fingers found the heat of my sack. I groaned again. She looked up at me and her mouth popped off the end of my cock as she came up for air.

"Do you like that Andrew? Do you like it when I do that?"

"Oh fuck yes, Samantha," I replied, staring deep into her eyes, trying to figure out if it was all just an act.

She seemed to approve of my answer. Without hesitating, she swallowed me again and started kneading at my balls, as if she couldn't wait for my sperm to come pulsing from my shaft.

I stared at her intently, watching the woman I thought I knew so well bouncing up and down the length of my shaft and coax the cum out of me. My hips started jutting up as I felt my climax begin to take over my body.

She put a hand on my pelvis, pressing me against the bed. Her head bobbed even faster though as she tried to suck the sperm out of my nuts. The fingers of her other hand were still rolling my balls around.

"Fuck...fuck...fuck!" I breathed again, my body starting to quake, "Fuck Sam, I'm going to come!"

I expected her to pull off, to finish me with her hand. I thought she would find it...disgusting. I was so wrong.

The first throb of an explosion burst inside her mouth. She slowed down completely. "Ah!" I yelled as my body shook, trying to fuck more of me into her mouth. She held me down though and I couldn't believe the feeling that gripped my insides.

Time seemed to slow. My climax stretched as she worked her tongue slowly, carefully over my entire cock. Each burst of sperm inside her cheeks felt like another orgasm, not part of the same one. Then, just as the feeling started to ebb, she sped up again. Her head bobbed up and down, her hand following it. She gripped my balls. I screamed as she coaxed the last spurts of cum from me, then eased me back into the real world, back onto the bed.

When she crawled back up toward me, I was still breathing heavily. I stared at her in amazement and disbelief. I shook my head slowly.

"What in the fuck was that?" I whispered.

"You liked it?" she asked. I couldn't believe how shy she sounded.

"Who are you?" was all I could say.

She giggled. "Samantha Smith, silly. I'm you're wife. Come on. Let's go get breakfast."

Chapter 10

"Andrew, it's so beautiful here."

I hadn't stopped staring at her staring out over the ocean since we'd sat down for breakfast. She was right. It was incredibly beautiful. The few wisps of cloud in the sky only seemed to make the blue of it even deeper. The warm ocean breeze tickled us as we sipped our coffee.

"I'm glad you let yourself be convinced," I said, taking a break from staring at Samantha to enjoy the view myself. When I looked back at her, she was taking a deep breath, her eyes closed. When she opened them, she caught me watching her.

"You've been looking at me like that all morning!" she said, her voice shy. "What is it?!?"

"Did you mean what you said?" I asked.

"Did I mean what I said when?"

"Did you mean what you said about James? When we were in the bedroom?"

Her shoulders sagged and she rolled her eyes and shook her head. "So you
jealous! I knew you would be! I knew I shouldn't have..."

"Samantha, no!" I interrupted, sliding my chair closer to hers so I could hold her hand.

"You said it made you jealous! You said so in the room!" she countered.

"Please, you have to listen to me," I replied, sounding a little frantic.

She seemed to settle down.

"It's not that I'm jealous and that I don't want you to tell me. It's that I'm jealous and if it's true, I want to hear more!" I explained.

She pondered that for a moment. Her brow furrowed a little and she studied my eyes again, like she didn't quite believe me. "You want to hear more?" she finally asked, glancing around to see if anyone was listening.

"Is it true then, Samantha? Were you really like that with James?"

The corners of her lips curled up into a sly little smile. A shiver ran through me at who she'd turned into, who I'd turned her into. I could barely wait to hear what she was going to say next.

"What if I didn't tell you?"

"Didn't tell me what? What you did with James?" I asked, dejected at the possibility that she was going to deny me the pleasure.

"No," she answered, leaning back in her chair but still watching me. "What if I didn't tell you whether all of it was real, or if I was just making it up?"

A shiver ran through me. A delectable, jealous shiver of excitement and dread. "Well that would just be the most perfectly cruel thing you could possibly do," I answered. She looked down at my waist. My cock had already started to rise again. When she looked back up, she was smiling a much wider smile.

Her eyes rose and she seemed to ponder the ceiling. When they came back to mine, her gaze was more intense.

"I have a question for you now."

"What is it?" I asked, hoping she would finish her breakfast quickly so I could try to bed her again.

"Did you mean what
said? The other night? When you were drunk?"

"When? What did I say?" I couldn't tell what she was getting at. She leaned even closer. Her warm breath tickled my ear.

"When you said you wanted to watch me fuck our big, black Chef?"

A ripple of excitement coursed through me. It settled in between my legs. I looked at her. There was excitement there, too. In her eyes. What had I created? What had I done?

"Samantha, are you serious? Would you do it?"

"The question is, Andrew Smith, are you serious? Would you
want me to?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Oh yes Samantha. God, yes!" I whispered, clutching at her arm.

"Hm." She leaned back over the table and took a bite of her toast. I sat there staring at her, dumbfounded. Finally, I couldn't take it any longer. I had to ask.

"Samantha, are you really going to do it?"

"I don't know," she answered. She took a sip of coffee. "I'll have to finish my breakfast first."


I sat on the edge of the bed. Samantha stood at the balcony, staring at the ocean view beyond. I studied her. Even the way she moved had seemed to change. Gone were the quick, jerky, prissy motions of a proper lady. Now her body swayed with an easy elegance. Once again I wondered what I'd done.

"So you think you're serious about this?" she said. The sound of her voice shook me from my stupor, back into the room.

I couldn't believe what she was asking me. Hell, I could barely believe any of this was happening. Never in a million years would I have suspected that my wife would act like this.

"I do want it, Samantha," I said. "I want to watch you with another man."

She pulled the chair out from the desk and put it in the middle of the room.

"I'll tell you what," she said, walking towards where I was sitting and taking me by the hands. She pulled me to my feet and walked me over to the chair. "Have a seat," she said, smiling politely.

"What are you doing?" I asked with a smile. "What's this about, then?"

"Well, if you're so certain, I want to make some rules."

I sat down. I still couldn't take my eyes off hers. Was she really being serious about this? Would she really go through with it? "Alright," I answered as she strolled around the room. "What sort of rules?"

"Well first of all," she said, strolling behind me and running a slender finger down my neck. It sent a shiver through me. "First of all I want to make sure you really

"I am Samantha, I swear it!" I replied. Turning to look at her I begged her to believe me with my eyes.

"Maybe so, but I want to be sure. Take off your pants."

I jumped to my feet and tore away my shorts. Throwing them across the room, I sat back down, staring at my wife, wondering what she would have me do next. She walked around the chair and stood in front of me. I raked up and down her petite form. This was getting very interesting, indeed.

"You want to hear some stories?" she asked, her expression completely serious.

It was hot, seeing her take control like that. I was more than happy to play along. "Absolutely," I replied, nodding eagerly.

"You want to hear how James fucked me?"

The words were like a delicious punch in the gut. My cock shifted. Her eyes caught the motion and glanced at it. When she looked back up, she seemed convinced.

"I guess you really do."

My heart thundered in my chest as I stared at the prim and proper lady that I'd married, stared at me with sultry, slutty eyes. I nodded again.

"See, this is the part I want to be sure of, Mr. Smith." She took a step towards me. "Because maybe you think you want to see me with another man but when it really comes to it, when the moment is there, I want to be sure that you won't change your mind."

My cock had started throbbing as she circled me. When she knelt down in front of me, it was almost completely hard.

"So it wouldn't bother you at all," she said, "if I were to do this with another man?" She pulled at the elastic of my underwear until I popped out in front of her. The image of her with another man's cock in front of her just made me all the harder.

"No. I would love that," I answered.

"And you'd like to watch that? You'd like to watch your wife doing this with someone else?" She put her fingers gently against the underside of my cock and started rubbing up and down. I watched my member bouncing at her touch.

"Oh God yes, Samantha," I replied. I could see it now in my mind's eye. I could see her kneeling in front of Bastian.

It was a shock, to say the least. This Samantha was more than just a
different. This wasn't my Samantha at all. My cock was too hard, the ache in it too great for me to think about it more.

"I'm going to make sure of that in a second. But before I do, I want you to know that once I know you're sure, once we start the game, you don't get to stop."

Her fingers kept sliding along my shaft. I felt my eyes widen. It was utter torture, sitting there like that just waiting for relief. "What do you mean?" I asked, breathless. "Why would I want it to stop?"

"What if you see something you don't like?" she asked. Her fingers stopped moving and she pulled her hand away and watched me bouncing, hoping she would put it back. "Because, Andrew, this is all lovely and fun right now, but what if it hits you a different way once it's not just a fantasy? Once it's not just in your head?"

I thought about it for a moment. My cock had stopped bouncing quite so much. "How are you going to find that out then? How can you know?"

Her smile made me realized she had a plan. "I'm so glad you asked! I'm going to show you something, Andrew, but first I'm going to tell you a story. I want you to close your eyes."

I did as she asked. Another gentle ocean breeze breathed through the window.

"I want you to imagine James sitting here, instead of you. I want you to imagine my big, black ex-boyfriend sitting in this chair. Keep your eyes closed."

My cock jumped again in arousal at what she'd said and I had to fight to keep my eyes closed. The image came instantly. There he was, instead of me, his then-girlfriend, my now-wife kneeling in front of him, between his legs.

"There. You see it don't you?" she asked.

I nodded.

"Good. Now just imagine, Andrew, that you're sitting in the corner, in the armchair and you're watching what happens."

I saw myself in the corner. I saw her in front of him. As she took my cock in hand, I saw her wrap her fingers, instead, around his.

"Oh..." I spasmed at the feeling of her. Her hand started stroking me, slowly still, up and down as she spoke.

"Because it might just happen Andrew," she explained, "it might happen that you see something you don't like. You might see something you want to put a stop to. You might not have a chance."

She was squeezing me harder now, pumping me with more intent. I felt the pressure of the cum moving into my shaft.

"James had a big cock, Andrew. I never told you that, but his cock was huge."

I throbbed again but didn't say a word. True, it did make me a bit jealous to hear it. Not jealous enough to make her stop, though. The jealousy only made me harder.

"He made me do things to him, Andrew, things you don't make me do. Another man might do that too. Is that something you want to see?"

I nodded, straining in my seat. I could feel my knuckles turning white as I clutched the edges of the chair. She was going to make me cum again, I just wasn't sure how.

"Remember, you're still in the corner. I still have James in hand. Are you ready Andrew?"

I nodded urgently, my eyes still pressed firmly shut.

The heat of her mouth engulfed me. In my mind's eye, I watched as she pushed James big, black organ into her mouth. She wrapped her lips around me tightly and I felt them gliding down my stiff shaft. I throbbed and stiffened completely, knowing I wouldn't be able to last much longer.

It didn't happen the way I thought it would, though. It didn't happen that way at all.

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