A Whole New Light (5 page)

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Authors: Julia Devlin

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica

BOOK: A Whole New Light
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She stared, unable to move, to speak.

He placed his hand over the flair of her hip and squeezed hard enough to make her jump. “Next question and you’ll be over my knee, bare ass in the air. Got it?”

“You wouldn’t!” The words tumbled out of lips before she could stop them. “Ask me another question and find out.”

Their gazes met, and his eyes glinted like hard bits of blue steel. He meant it. She had no doubt.

A desire to fight him rose fast and furious within her. The need welled in her chest and pounded against her rib cage. But underneath, something else coursed hot in her veins. Arousal. It vibrated through her, along her skin and between her legs. She wanted him, wanted this. Now wasn’t the time to be stubborn. Besides, she was pretty sure she’d lose.

She pressed her lips together and settled along the hard length of his torso. He chuckled in her ear. “Smart move, little girl.”

Determined to ignore him, Violet focused on the scene in front of her.

The woman was pretty, almost pixyish with her small features. She wore a white silk blouse that covered her from neck to wrist, and a navy skirt fanned the floor. Caleb stroked the bone of her jaw, leaning in to whisper in her ear. With downcast lids, she nodded, and he stepped away.

He disappeared into the shadows, and the woman stayed on her knees, motionless except for her chest that rose and fell in fast rhythm. As if connected to the woman’s growing anticipation, Violet squirmed in her seat.

What was going to happen? She wanted to ask but kept her mouth shut.

Ethan’s fingers brushed over her waist, she jerked. Into her ear, he whispered, “Relax, sugar.” His hand moved to her thigh. He stroked the flesh and she quivered under his touch. “Put your head on my shoulder.”

The woman center stage glanced up and for a fraction of a second. It seemed as if their eyes met before the woman’s gaze quickly looked back toward the floor. Her arms began to tremble, rattling the chains that hung from the ceiling.

Compelled by the scene before her, Violet rested her head against Ethan. His fingers slid up her stomach before his thumbs brushed over the curve of her breasts.

The hard buds twisted and puckered. She held her breath, anticipating his touch. He grazed the tips with his fingers, and then he was gone. She bit back the moan. Squirmed again, pressing her ass against his erection.

He nipped her ear. “Are your nipples sensitive?”

“Yes.” She wanted them touched so badly. Her breasts were heavy, swollen. She wanted to ask for it but refused. She couldn’t be that wanton so quickly. That would give him way too much power and the man didn’t need any more.

As if hearing her silent plea, he grazed over the peaks, circling. The pressure was too light. She craved more. She moved into his touch. He didn’t move to deepen the contact. Frustrated, she thrust her breasts into his hands. He didn’t comply to her will, instead keeping his caress light, teasing.

It wasn’t enough.

She wanted bare skin.

“Have you ever come from having them played with?”

She shook her head, her fingers clutched at his thighs. That was impossible.

He lightly pinched the tips, rolling them between his fingers. Pleasure shot through her, her belly clenched.
Oh yes. That was it.

His hands fell away.

The protest sprang to her lips, but before she could voice it, he pushed her forward, his fingers brushing the skin on her back as he sought out the zipper.

What was he doing? She stiffened.

He didn’t hesitate at her silent resistance, and before she knew it, her dress was unzipped halfway down her back.

She didn’t want to be naked in front of strangers. Hell, she was scared to be naked in front of Ethan. She wanted to scream for him to stop. But the words stuck in her throat.

He settled her back onto his chest, keeping her covered. “I just want room to play.” Relieved, she sighed.

Caleb stepped out of the shadows, and Violet gasped. The girl’s eyes widened and she jerked back.

He held a whip. A bullwhip.

He walked over to the girl and lifted her chin. This time Violet had no problem hearing his words. “I told you not to move.”

“I’m sorry, Master.”

He released the tail. With a soft flick of the wrist, it twisted around the girl’s waist like a lover’s caress, the end falling to the floor. Violet’s eyes widened. All the moisture evaporated from her throat. She swallowed.

The woman flinched, but her mouth parted and she licked her lips.

Strong hands cupped Violet’s shoulders and she flinched right along with the girl onstage. Ethan’s fingers trailed over her collarbone, the lines in her neck, the hollow in her throat. Lower. He seemed to stroke every single bone. Making her want to beg for him to touch her breasts again. Making her ache for it, for him.

“You’ll have to make it up to me, now won’t you?” Caleb’s deep voice rang through the room, and Violet trembled right along with the woman he held bound with both chains and whip.

“Yes, Master,” the sub said in a soft voice.

Another flick of the wrist and the whip was back in Caleb’s hands, he paced back, muscles rippling under the black ink of his tattoos.

Ethan’s fingers slipped under the fabric of her dress, skimming along her skin, leaving a trail of heat. She held her breath. Prayed he’d go lower. He caressed the plump curve of her breasts. His hands dipped lower, the tips of his fingers circled her nipples. She moaned. So good. She forced herself to not arch into his hands. Again and again he looped over the hard peaks with that featherlight touch. “Mmmm,” he murmured. “I think I can make you orgasm like this. I’m barely touching you and already you want to beg. Don’t you, Violet?”

She shook her head. Why had she made such a big deal about this earlier? Now her pride wouldn’t let her say the words she wanted to voice and he wanted to hear.

Fast as lightning, the whip whizzed through the air right at the woman’s chest. The button on her blouse flew off.

“Oh!” Violet couldn’t stop the exclamation, she squirmed.

Ethan’s slow, easy torment of her breasts didn’t let up. “Caleb’s an expert with a whip. Probably the best there is. Maybe someday I’ll let him use it,” his tongue flicked the lobe of her ear, “on you.”

Another button popped off.

Ethan simultaneously squeezed her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. Sensation swept through Violet, a helpless sense of being tossed about in a rolling wave.


Ethan pinched. Rubbed over the tips. Torture. A pleasure-filled burn. A scream welled in her throat, she bit lip hard enough to draw blood. Her pussy clamped on nothing as she felt warm liquid seep onto her thighs. Oh god. This was embarrassing. An orgasm built like a tidal wave. She hung suspended on the edge of cresting.

The girl moaned as another button flew through the air. Ethan pulled her nipples. Violet couldn’t stand it. She jerked under his hands. She was going to die.

Into her ear, he growled, “I want to hear you.”

The blouse hung open now, exposing the sub’s small, bare breasts. Violet couldn’t stand this. It was too much. Too intense.

“Let go,” he commanded. “You want it, moan for me. Please me, Violet.”

He released his tight hold and dragged his fingers over the aching buds. Her pussy clenched, throbbed. Oh Jesus, she was going to have an orgasm. She—the woman who had to work for it every time—was going to come without even a stroke on her clit. The need built and spiraled, tightened until she might snap. Once again he pinched her nipples, pulling them up and away from her body. She arched back, her lips brushing over his jaw. She bit down.

He grunted. “That’s it, let me feel those teeth, sugar.” A small scream ripped from her throat. “Oh god.”

“There we go, that’s my girl.” He eased up, trailing his hands along the slope of her breasts. He pressed his thighs together and ground his hard cock into her ass, his breath hot and fast in her ear.

“It’s too soon to come.” He gripped her chin and brought his mouth on hers in a hard, brutal kiss that was over before it even began.

She lifted her heavy lids to meet his eyes. They blazed with such intensity she shivered. Violet had been on the admiring end of a lot of men’s attention, and never had anyone looked at her like this. He turned her chin so her attention moved back to the stage. “Watch.”

Ethan had never been in such an exquisite hell. He’d barely even touched her, hadn’t even gotten started, and she was already needy with desire, so hot to come he needed to take a break to keep her from going off.

Caleb walked forward, a pair of scissors in his hand that Ethan hadn’t even noticed him getting. He leaned down and sliced the sub’s blouse off in one fluid motion, causing a tiny gasp from Violet.

Caleb placed the shears on the floor then reached down to unzip his pants, shifting to pull out his cock. He fisted it, moving up and down the length of his erection, smiling down at the woman. “You want it?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Ask for it.” Caleb continued his slow, easy stroking. “Please let me suck your cock, Master.”

Caleb took a step and ran the head along the seam of her lips. The sub’s pink tongue snuck out to lick the slit. Caleb continued the tease, not giving in to the temptation she presented.

Violet squirmed. Ethan gritted his teeth as her ass shifted along his shaft. He pushed her hair back so he could see her face. Lips parted, she seemed transfixed on the sight in front of her. He ran his hand up her thigh. “What is it you like?”

She glanced at him, brow furrowed.

“Is it the sight of his cock? The way he’s teasing her? The way she has to ask for it?” “I, I don’t know.” Her gaze skirted back to the scene.

Caleb slid the head into the sub’s eager mouth and started an unhurried, shallow thrust.

“Yes you do, tell me.” She shrugged.

Ethan smiled at her resistance but made his tone hard. “You have a choice. Tell me and get rewarded, don’t and get punished. It’s all up to you.”

Irritation flashed across her face as she glanced back at him. He knew what she was thinking—why focus on this when she’d been all hot and ready for him. Why ask her questions when she was willing to spread her legs.

Her motivations were understandable, normal. His, however, were not.

He’d never had to slow his pace. Never had to ease off in order to calm the fuck down. It was disconcerting as hell. But damned if it wasn’t the truth.

Violet was going to be the death of him.

She opened her mouth, and he could read a question in her eyes. Excitement and desire pumped in his veins as his blood ran fast. His heart raced. Palm already itching, he grinned. After hours of dreaming about smacking Violet’s ass, he was finally going to get his chance.

“Wh—” She stopped, remembrance stiffening her spine. Snapping her jaw shut, she took a deep breath.

Ethan couldn’t help feeling a stab of disappointment. Damn. Now he had to wait. He sighed. Just as well, he’d rather spank her in the privacy of his own home. Patience. He’d never needed much but suspected Violet would be testing his on a repeated basis.

He raised a brow. “Yes?”

She bit her lip. “He reminds me of you.”

Surprise flashed through him so quickly he knew he’d revealed it on his face. In a slow voice he asked, “And this is what arouses you?”

Her cheeks flushed. “Yes.”

Jesus. For a man with a healthy ego, she couldn’t have said or done anything hotter. His cock was in danger of exploding at any minute. He ran his hands through his hair. “You’re killing me here.”

Her lavender eyes lit up and she looked so pleased with herself, he growled.

When she giggled, he yanked her back against him and hooked his arm around her waist. “That’s it, now it’s time for you to pay.”

Chapter Seven

“Drape your leg over mine.” Ethan was ready to get down to business. He told her he’d make her pay and Violet needed to understand he always kept his word.

“But—” She shifted against him. Not obeying him, of course.

He cut her off. “But your pussy will be open and exposed. I know. Do it.”

She looked back, questions in her eyes while she tried to figure out if he was serious. In a conversational tone, he asked, “Are you going to fight me every step of the way? Because I’ll win.” He leaned in so their faces were close. “Every time.”

Without another word she turned back to watch as Caleb’s sub now deep throated him. Violet didn’t make any move to heed Ethan’s wishes.

He waited a few more seconds, watching the uneven rise and fall of her shoulder blades as she breathed. He could practically see the wheels turning in her head as she plotted a way out of obeying. Now that her impending orgasm had waned, she was more conscious of her actions, of her position, and that he was taking control.

For a woman like Violet, the lack of power was hard to accept, to submit to—even when she wanted it. And she did want it, she was hungry for it—her mind just refused to cooperate.

Ethan understood her confusion, understood the war going on in her head as she fought between her desires and what society told her a modern woman should want. He’d spent enough time talking to Violet to know she considered herself a feminist. She’d been reared in a matriarchal environment and was a successful female in a long familial list.

Even in her relationships she’d had the control. The men she dated were promptly eating out of the palm of her hand within a week. But not him. Not even when he’d been in the throes of unrequited infatuation. Now he realized it was what had drawn

her to him like a moth to flame. All too clearly he saw their past with new perception. He’d been so sure she hadn’t returned his sexual feelings he’d never paused to consider why she had been so adamant they were close. But like everyone else, he’d been so dazzled by her he’d never questioned her motives. Now he knew. He was the only man Violet trusted. On some base level, Violet had recognized him as her Master and had claimed him as hers.

Tonight was about showing Violet that he was more than up for the challenge. About showing her that even though he wanted her more than he wanted his next breath, he had the self-discipline to maintain the control and power.

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