A Wife for a Westmoreland (10 page)

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Authors: Brenda Jackson

BOOK: A Wife for a Westmoreland
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“I didn’t say that, so I won’t be admitting anything. I told you what I wanted.”

She glanced over at him. “To sleep with me again.”

“Yes, but not just a couple more times. I’m talking about the rest of my life. You’re my soul mate.” Derringer smiled thinking that sounded pretty darn good and had to thank Jason for putting the idea into his head.

Her mouth dropped. “Soul mate?”


“That’s insane,” she threw out

“That’s reality. Get used to it,” he threw back.

She turned around in her seat as much as her seat belt would allow. “It’s not reality and I won’t get used to it, because it doesn’t make sense. If this has anything to do with you thinking I got pregnant from our previous encounters you don’t have that to worry about. My monthly visitor arrived this morning.”

“That wasn’t it, although that would have definitely been important to me if you had gotten pregnant. But like I told you before, you’re in my blood now. You were a virgin and I’d never been with a virgin before.”

“Whoop-de-do,” she said sarcastically. “No big deal.”

“For me it is.”

She just stared at him, deciding not to argue with him anymore. Doing so would give her a friggin’ headache. She shifted positions to sit straight in her seat and closed her eyes, but she wouldn’t go to sleep for fear of waking up with her lips locked to his again.

Each time she felt herself being lulled to sleep by the smooth jazz sounds coming from the CD player, she would open her eyes to gaze out the window and study all the buildings they passed. She thought Denver
was a beautiful city and there was no other place quite like it.

Due to the lack of traffic, they returned to her office building sooner than she had anticipated. And, she tried convincing herself, not as quickly as she would have liked. But she knew that was a lie. She liked the fact that she was the woman riding in the truck with him tonight. She had been the one he had waited for outside her classroom building. And she was the one for whom he had ordered a special escort service to get her to school on time. Then there were the flowers. A girl could really succumb to him if she wasn’t careful.

“How do you think you did on your test tonight?”

His question surprised her and she glanced over at him when he parked his truck behind her car. She couldn’t help but smile. “I think I aced it. I’m almost sure of it. There were a lot of multiple-choice questions, but there was one essay question to test our writing skills.”

“I’m happy for you then.”


She watched as he opened his door and then walked around the back of the truck to open the door for her. Once he helped her out, they stood there facing each other. “I appreciate all you did tonight, Derringer. Because of you I got to school on time.”

“No problem, baby.”

The term of endearment sent sensations rippling through her. “Don’t call me that, Derringer.”



He leaned against his truck. “Why?”

“Because I’m sure I’m not the only woman you’ve called that.”

“No, you’re not, but you’re the only one I’ve called that when it meant something.”

She shook her head as she walked slowly to her car with him strolling beside her. The April air was cold and everyone was talking about a snowstorm headed their way this weekend. “You just won’t give up, will you?”


“I wish you would.”

They came to a stop next to her car. The smile he gave her was slow and sexy. “And I wish you would let me make love to you again, Lucia.”

She was certain that irritation showed on her face. “Yet you want me to believe it’s not just about sex?”

She shook her head sadly, thinking he just didn’t get it. She loved him and now that he knew how she felt, she refused to settle for anything less than being loved in return. She knew for him to fall in love with her was something that wouldn’t happen—not in her wildest dreams—so all she wanted to do was get on with her life without him being a part of it. “Good night, Derringer.”

He moved out of the way when she got into her car and quickly drove away.


Later that night, Derringer tossed and turned in his bed. Finally, he pulled himself up and reached out to turn on the light. Brightness flooded the room and he rubbed his hands down his face.

Tomorrow would be a busy day for Denver’s branch
of D&M Horse-Breeding and Training Company. In fact, the rest of the week would be hectic. His cousin Cole would be delivering more than one hundred horses from Texas at the end of the week and they needed to make sure everything was ready. It didn’t help matters that a snowstorm was expected this weekend. That made things even more complicated as well as challenging.

He reached behind him and lifted his pillow and smiled when his hand touched the lacy items. He had two pairs of Lucia panties. Added to the pink pair were the red ones he’d taken off her last weekend. He wondered if she’d missed them yet and figured she probably hadn’t; otherwise, she would have mentioned it.

And she wasn’t pregnant. He’d actually been disappointed when she’d made that announcement. He had gotten used to the idea that perhaps she could be pregnant with his child. He knew that kind of thinking didn’t make much sense, but he had.

He settled back down in bed thinking she just wouldn’t let up with this “only sex” thing. He had all but told her she was his soul mate so what else did she want?

He knew the answer without thinking much about it. She wanted him to love her, but that wouldn’t and couldn’t happen. What if she got real sick or something and he couldn’t get her to the hospital in time? What if she was in a car accident and didn’t survive? What if she got stampeded by a herd of horses? What if…he lost her like he had his parents? His aunt and uncle? They were here one day and had been gone the next. He rubbed his hand down his face, not liking how his thoughts were
going. He was freaking out for no reason; especially when he didn’t intend to get attached to her like that.

He liked things just the way they were and didn’t intend for any woman, not even Lucia, to start messing with his mind…and definitely not with his heart. But he wanted her.

There had to be a middle ground for them, something they could both agree on. It would have to be something that would satisfy them both.

He would come up with a plan. Because, no matter what, he had no intention of giving up on her.


ucia closed the lid to her washing machine and leaned back against it thinking that Derringer had not given her back the panties he’d taken off her the other night. The red pair. Now he had two. What was he doing with them? Collecting them as souvenirs?

She strolled to the window and glanced out. It looked totally yucky outside. The forecasters’ predictions had been correct. She had awakened to see huge snowflakes falling outside. That’s the only thing she missed about the time she lived in Florida. This was the middle of April, spring break in most states and it was hard to believe that in some other place the sun was shining brightly. A week spent on Daytona Beach sounded pretty darn good about now. At least the snow had waited for the weekend and most people didn’t have a reason to venture outside.

Her parents had gotten smart and decided to fly to Tennessee for a few weeks to visit her mother’s sister. Chloe had called this morning to chat and to tell her how she, Ramsey and the baby were snuggled inside in front of the roaring fireplace and planned to stay that way. Lucia sighed deeply, thinking this was the only time she regretted being an only child. Things could get lonely at times.

She moved away from the window to go into the kitchen to make herself a cup of hot chocolate and watch that movie she had planned to watch last week, and she remembered why she hadn’t.

Derringer had dropped by.

She hadn’t heard from him since the night he had taken her to school. Maybe he had finally admitted to himself that he only wanted one thing from her and had moved on to some other willing female. The thought of him making love to someone else had her hurting inside, but she could deal with it the way she’d always done. It wasn’t the first time she’d known the man she loved was sleeping with others and it wouldn’t be the last. But it hurt knowing someone else was the recipient of his smile, his look and his touch. More than anything, a part of her wished she hadn’t experienced any of it for herself. But then a part of her was glad that she had and would not trade in a single moment.

Moments later, with a cup of hot chocolate in her hand, she moved toward the living room to watch her movie. She had a fire blazing in the fireplace and it added soothing warmth to the entire room. Why she wanted to watch a romantic movie when she lacked
romance in her own life was beyond her. But then, women had their dreams and fantasies, didn’t they?

Lucia had settled back against her sofa with a cup in one hand and a remote in the other when the doorbell rang. She frowned, wondering what on earth could get Mrs. Noel to come across the street in this weather, unless her heating unit was on the blink again. Standing, she placed the cup and the remote on the table and headed for the door. She looked out the peephole and caught her breath.


Denying the rush of heat she immediately felt between her thighs, seeing him standing there and looking sexier than any man had a right to look—this time of day and in this horrid weather—she drew in a deep breath and fought the anger escalating in her chest. She would not hear from him for a week or so and then he would show up at her place unannounced. It didn’t matter that she had told him to leave her alone. That was beside the point. The only point she could concentrate on was that he evidently thought he could add her to his booty-call list. Well, she had news for him.

She snatched the door open and was about to ask what he was doing there, but wasn’t given the chance to do so.


Derringer didn’t give Lucia the chance to ask any questions, but leaned in and covered her mouth with his. He not only wanted to silence her, he also wanted the heat from his kiss to inflame her as they stood just inside with a frigid snowstorm raging outside. There was no doubt in his mind the kiss had enough spark,
power and electricity to light the entire city of Denver. And he felt it all rush through his body.

She didn’t resist him, and at the moment that was a good thing. He didn’t need her resistance, what he needed was this—the taste of her all over his tongue.

He had tried not thinking about her all week. Hell, with the delivery of those horses he’d had enough to keep his mind and time occupied. But things hadn’t happened quite that way. She’d still managed to creep into his thoughts most of the time, and he had awakened that morning with a need to see her so intense that he just couldn’t understand it. And nothing, not elephant snowflakes nor below-zero-degree temperature would keep him from her. From this.

He finally pulled back from the kiss. Somehow they had made it inside her house and closed the door behind them and that was a good thing. Having an X-rated kiss on her doorstep would definitely have given her neighbors something to talk about for years.

She gazed up at him and he thought at that moment she was the most beautiful person he had ever seen. No other women he’d messed around with before could claim that. He inwardly flinched when he thought of what he’d just done. He had compared her with all the other women in his womanizing life and in essence none could compare to her. In fact, her biggest beef about having an affair with him were those other women in his life. But he knew at that moment he would give them all up for her.

The reality of him willingly doing that hit him below the belt and he nearly tumbled over. Derringer Westmoreland would give up his lifestyle for a woman?
Make a commitment to be only with her? He drew in a sharp breath. He’d never made such an allegiance with any female. Had never intended to be dedicated or devoted to one. There were too many out there and he enjoyed being footloose and fancy-free. Was she worth all of that? He knew in that instant that she was.

“What are you doing here, Derringer?”

He could tell she had regained control of the senses they’d both lost when she had opened her door. He had initiated the kiss, but she had reciprocated, which told him that although she wished otherwise, she had enjoyed it as much as he had.

“I needed to see you,” he said simply.

She rolled her eyes. “That’s what you said the last time.”

“And I’m saying it again.”

She drew in a deep breath and then turned and walked toward the sofa. He followed, thinking at least she hadn’t asked him to leave…yet. She sat down on the couch and he dropped down on the love seat.

“If you had to venture out in this blasted weather, why not go visit Ashira Lattimore? I’m sure she has a bed warming for you.”

The last thing he needed to do was to admit there was a strong possibility the woman did. As far as he knew, Ashira had gotten it into her head that she would eventually become Mrs. Derringer Westmoreland. He wouldn’t marry Ashira if she was the last woman on earth. She was too possessive and clingy. On the other hand, the woman sitting across from him wasn’t possessive and clingy enough. Yet she claimed to love him,
when he knew all Ashira wanted was the Westmoreland name and all his worldly possessions.

“She isn’t the woman I want warming a bed for me,” he said quietly, glancing over at her intently. Not only did she look good as usual, she smelled good, too. He was so familiar with her scent that he could probably pick her out of any room even if he was blindfolded.

“Do most men care what woman warms their bed?”

He’d never cared until now.

“Don’t answer, Derringer, you might incriminate yourself,” she said bitterly.

That should have gotten him off the hook, but he felt a need to respond anyway. “Those who find the woman they want care. Then they are willing to give up all the others.”

She lifted a brow and he knew the moment she thought she had boxed him into the perfect corner, one she figured he wouldn’t be able to get out of because there was no way he would give up his other women for her. It amazed him that he could discern just how his woman thought.

His woman?

He smiled thinking that yes, she was definitely

“And you want me to believe you’re willing to give up all other women for me,” she said, chuckling with a look on her face that said the whole idea of him doing such a thing was simply ridiculous.

“Yes, I’d give up all other women for you,” he said, meeting her gaze with a look that told her he was dead serious. She almost dropped the cup she was holding in her hand.

She shook her head. “Don’t be silly.”

“I’m not,” he responded. “I’m as serious as a Bugatti Veyron on an open road.”

“No, you’re not.”

“Oh, yes, sweetheart, I am.”

She simply stared at him for a moment and then asked in a cautious and quiet tone, “Why?”

“Because you are the only woman I want,” he said.

“But love has nothing to do with it?”

He knew he had to be completely honest with her. He didn’t want to give her false hope or misguided illusions. “No. Love has nothing to do with it. But we’ll have something just as important.”


“Respect for each other and a sense of caring. I do care for you, Lucia, or I wouldn’t be here.” There. He’d painted her the picture he intended for her to see. She loved him and had admitted to doing so and he had no reason not to believe her. But he knew a woman’s love went deep and things could get rather messy if she expected or anticipated those feelings in return. She wouldn’t get them.

“Are you willing to accept being the only woman in my life in a long-term exclusive affair, Lucia?”

She stared at him, not saying anything and then as if to be certain she’d heard him correctly and clearly understood the perimeters of what he’d proposed, she asked, “And during that time you won’t be involved with any woman but me?”

“Yes, I give you my word on it. Something I’ve never given any woman I’ve been involved with in the past.
You are the first woman.” It was on the tip of his lips to add,
Just like I was your first man


Lucia sat there, staring at Derringer and searching his face for any signs that he was being anything but aboveboard. Was he giving her a line? She drew in a deep breath. He had given her his word, and most people knew that the Westmorelands’ word meant everything to them. But could it withstand temptation? What if he got tired of her and was tempted to test the waters elsewhere with someone else?

“And if you change your mind about this exclusivity thing, you will let me know? I wouldn’t find out from others?”

He shook his head. “No, you wouldn’t find out from others. I wouldn’t do you that way, Lucia. If and when I get ready to end things between us, you will be the first to know.”

He paused for a moment and then inclined his head. “So, if you fully accept those terms, please come over here for a second,” he murmured in seductive invitation.

She hesitated, still uncertain. She knew there was sexual chemistry between them, she could feel the snap, crackle and pop even now with the distance separating them. On what was probably the coldest day in Denver this year, he was sitting over there looking hotter than any man had a right to look, and he got finer and finer each time she saw him. His dark eyes were pulling her in, mesmerizing her down to her panties. And that luscious mouth of his seemed to be calling out to her, tempting her in ways she really didn’t need to be
tempted; especially when she went to bed each night dreaming of him.

She would be the first to say that his offer of an exclusive affair surprised her because she knew that’s not how he operated. In fact, that was not how any of the single Westmorelands handled their business with women. So why was he treading off the beaten track?

One thing was for certain; his blatant honesty about the kind of relationship he wanted with her had caught her off guard. He wasn’t promising love, although he was well aware of how she felt about him. Instead of offering her love in return, he was offering her an exclusive affair.

Suddenly something happened that she hoped she didn’t live to regret. At that moment, she began listening to her heart and not her mind. Her heart was telling her that she loved him too much not to take him up on the offer he’d laid out to her. She would be entering the affair with both eyes open and no expectations except one. He would give her advance notice when he was ready to end things between them.

That meant that while things lasted she would spend all the time with him she desired. She would be the only woman sharing his bed. The one and only woman claiming Derringer Westmoreland’s full attention. She glanced down at her hand and accepted the fact that the only drawback was that he would never put a ring on her finger.

She glanced back up and her gaze returned to the deep, dark eyes that were staring at her. And waiting. And as she returned his stare, she was getting wet just
thinking about all the things they would probably spend their time doing together as an exclusive couple.

She moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue and watched his gaze take in her every movement as she slowly stood. And then he stood and at that moment she realized what he was doing. Something she hadn’t expected. He was meeting her halfway.

He began walking toward her the moment she began walking toward him and they met in the center. “I wasn’t sure you were going to take those steps,” he whispered throatily when they stood face-to-face, his mesmerizing dark gaze locked on hers.

“I wasn’t sure either.”

He then cupped her face in his hands and took possession of her mouth in the way she’d gotten used to him doing.


When Lucia began responding to his kiss that had liquid heat flaming inside him, he knew what they both wanted and needed. And this was the perfect day for it. He broke off the kiss and swept her off her feet and into his arms and purposefully moved toward her bedroom. Wanting her this much was the epitome of insanity, but he might as well get used to it.

He placed her on the bed and stepped back to quickly remove his clothes, sending them flying all over the place. And then for the first time since they’d made love, he took the time to use a condom.

When he returned to the bed, he captured her hand and drew her toward him to remove her clothes, slowly stripping her bare. Today she was wearing a pair of white panties, but they weren’t of the granny style. They
were bikinis. But the style or color of her undergarments didn’t matter to him.

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