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Authors: Victoria Vane

A Wild Night's Bride (16 page)

BOOK: A Wild Night's Bride
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Edward frowned. “Don’t you think that a bit harsh, Di? He is Vesta’s godfather, after all.”

She laughed. “I only wonder what my dear cousin Annalee was thinking to have ever allowed such a thing!”

His frown deepened to a full-blown scowl.

“Oh, don’t look so thunderous, Edward! I know he is your friend, but you know as well as I that his reputation is the lowest, and he revels in it. Vesta may be his godchild, but the less made of it the better.”

“You shouldn’t believe everything you hear about him.”

“Lackaday! I only need believe
of it to be reviled. Besides, I do not base my opinions purely on hearsay. I have had sufficient dealings of my own with the man to have his full measure.” She almost bit her tongue on her poor choice of words.
His full measure, indeed.
The remembrance of it still shook her five years later.

“Surely you don’t still hold him to blame for—

“For Reginald? Not completely.” Diana strolled to the window and gazed out at the vast expanse of park. She sighed long and deep. She chose her next words carefully in the knowledge that the truth of her past connection with the viscount would never be revealed. DeVere had, at least, promised her that much. “We both know Reginald had long made a habit of going for wool and coming home shorn. DeVere was merely the devil’s agent who accomplished the inevitable. Still, one cannot touch...
She looked to Ned with a meaningful curve of her lips. “And not be defiled. I’d much rather avoid any contact with DeVere.”

“Regardless of your low opinion of him, I would be remiss beyond redemption to allow two women alone in London without benefit of male protection. I would entrust my own life to DeVere and will notify him of your arrival.”

“But—” She spun around, but his darkening look squelched further protest.

“If you wish Vesta to accompany you, I won’t hear another word.”

Though she felt like she was sucking on a lemon, she forced a smile. “Very well. I see I have no choice. If in need, I will call upon DeVere.”

When pigs take flight...

Victoria’s Titillating Tidbits

While I would never presume to call
A Wild Night’s Bride
anything more than a diverting work of romantic fiction, there were a number of intriguing historical facts that came together to form this story.

In 1783, the Drury Lane Theatre did, indeed, close for renovations.

Mrs. Hannah Cowley’s
The Belle’s Stratagem
was a wildly popular play and a favorite of the Royal Family who commanded it nearly every season.

Charlotte Hayes presented a subscription-only Otaheitian Feast of Venus at her King’s Place brothel—details of the illicit gathering can be found in
Nocturnal revels: or, The history of King’s-place, and other modern nunneries,

M. Goadby, Pater-noster-row, 1779

George IV, as an eighteen-year-old Prince of Wales did, indeed, have an illicit affair with actress Mary Robinson that began with a love letter addressed to
and signed
He also had a custom of taking locks of hair from his lovers. Upon his death as King George IV, over one thousand of these were discovered. For more details, see my Georgian Junkie blog George IV: An Indolent Enigma at:


A lover of history and deeply romantic stories, Victoria combines these elements to craft erotic and romantic historical novels and novellas for a mature reading audience. Her writing influences are Georgette Heyer for fabulously witty dialogue and over-the-top characters, Robin Schone, Sylvia Day, and Charlotte Featherstone for their beautifully crafted prose with deep sensuality, and Lila DiPasqua for creative vision in melding history with eroticism. Ms. Vane also writes romantic historical fiction as Emery Lee.

Author Links:

“Reckless hearts, battling wits, and plenty of steam in a wonderfully well drawn Georgian setting.” –NYT Bestselling author Grace Burrowes

“Victoria Vane ignites the Georgian era with her delightful characters and deliciously wicked sensuality. Pitting wiles against stubborn wills and innocence against seduction, she leads the reader on a merry chase that will leave you with a grin and a sigh! I’m looking forward to more from this author!” –Allison Chase, author of Recklessly Yours

Reviewer Accolades:

A Breach of Promise
is a deviously delicious read. Ms. Vane has written an historical romance that is erotic and witty, emotional and sexy. Her characters, whose chemistry cannot be denied, play a mental game of chess and both end up winning.

READING ROMANCES: A talented and skilled author who knows her plot and how to create sexy scenes. This isn’t a story focused on the sexual acts between the characters, but much more, a story about the hero and heroine’s life. She’s created a novella with a lot of depth... I expect great things to come from Victoria Vane.

Victoria Vane has delivered a story with historical richness yet one that does not overwhelm the romance nor the delectable love scenes. This beautifully written novella has it all. Historical depth, romance, lush love scenes and gorgeous prose befitting the era. Highly recommended.

A Breach of Promise
is a historical erotic romance filled with humor, passion, and a fun, delightfully sexy storyline. With rich depictions of life, dress, and beautiful period prose, Victoria Vane swept me away to the heart of Georgian era England where I devoured every word, every sigh, every sinfully delicious moment. And even though this story has it all, I was left wanting for more!

What’s not to enjoy when passion, sensuality, trust, mistrust, possible ruin, rich historical romance, and steamy passion and forgiveness as well as love and romance. A must read for anyone who enjoys historical romance, erotic romance, or a quick fun read that will leave you in awe.

BOOK: A Wild Night's Bride
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