A Winning Gift (15 page)

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Authors: Catherine Hapka

BOOK: A Winning Gift
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A color of horse or pony. Bays have a reddish-brown coat with black mane, tail, and lower legs.

body brush:
A grooming brush with soft bristles used on the body of a horse or pony.

chin strap:
Part of the helmet; the chin strap snaps beneath the rider's chin and helps keep the helmet on the head.

grooming kit:
A collection of brushes, currycombs, and other tools used to groom a horse or pony.

lead rope:
A rope, usually with a clip on one end, used to lead a horse or pony. Lead ropes can be made of various materials, including cotton, nylon, or leather.

lesson horse/pony:
A horse or pony ridden primarily in riding lessons. Lesson horses tend to be quiet, agreeable, and well trained, since they usually must carry a variety of riders rather than just one or two. However, some stables also keep livelier, more challenging lesson horses for more experienced lesson riders.

The noseband (sometimes called a “cavesson”) is the part of the bridle that goes around the horse's nose on an English bridle. There are several kinds of nosebands, including flash, drop, or figure-eight nosebands. Standard Western bridles usually don't include a noseband.

Also known as the “croup,” a horse or pony's rump is the top of the horse's hindquarters and the area around it.

saddle pad:
A pad that goes between the horse's back and the saddle. A saddle pad keeps the underside of the saddle clean and can sometimes be used to help a saddle fit better.

A strap on a bridle or halter that goes beneath the horse's throat. It prevents the bridle from coming off over the horse's head.

has written more than one hundred and fifty books for children and young adults, including many about horses. A lifelong horse lover, she rides several times per week and appreciates horses of all breeds. She keeps three horses on a small farm in Chester County, Pennsylvania, though none of them are Chincoteague ponies—yet. In addition to writing and riding, she enjoys animals of all kinds, reading, gardening, music, and travel.

The Marguerite Henry's Ponies of Chincoteague series is inspired by the award-winning books by
, the beloved author of such classic horse stories as
King of the Wind; Misty of Chincoteague; Justin Morgan Had a Horse; Stormy, Misty's Foal; Misty's Twilight;
Album of Horses
, among many other titles.

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Book 1:
Maddie's Dream

Book 2:
Blue Ribbon Summer

Book 3:
Chasing Gold

Book 4:
Moonlight Mile

Coming Soon

Book 6:
True Riders


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This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author's imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

An imprint of Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing Division

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This Aladdin hardcover edition July 2015

Text copyright © 2015 by The Estate of Marguerite Henry

Jacket illustration copyright © 2015 by Robert Papp

Jacket designed by Karina Granda

Jacket illustration copyright © 2015 by Robert Papp

Also available in an Aladdin paperback edition.

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Library of Congress Control Number 2015936987

ISBN 978-1-4814-3969-5 (hc)

ISBN 978-1-4814-3968-8 (pbk)

ISBN 978-1-4814-3970-1 (eBook)

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