A Workplace Affair (6 page)

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Authors: Isabella Rae

BOOK: A Workplace Affair
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“Actually, here she comes now.”  Leland turns toward me but doesn’t make any move to get up.

“Leslie, I’d like you to me meet my girlfriend, Victoria.” The blonde smiles and extends her manicured hand to me as she looks me up and down. His girlfriend! Oh, he was going to owe me big for this one. “Did your dress not fit love?” Turning his attention to Leslie, he smiles.

“She’s so little that nothing seems to fit her anymore.” Leslie looks at me like he’s crazy, and I have to hide my own look of disbelief. “Maybe you’d like to go to the boutique with her and help her find something that will fit her. We’re celebrating our anniversary tonight.” It takes her a second to register what he’s asked.

“Oh, well sure honey, I guess I could do that.” Watching this exchange I feel out of place. I’m trying to figure out if I’m really supposed to go find a dress, and thinking this is a very elaborate way to get away from unwanted attention.

Now Leland addresses me, “I’ve already let Carter know that you’re coming, and he’s all ready for you.” He leans in and kisses me softly. “Don’t take too long, babe; we have reservations in thirty minutes.”

“Of course.” Smiling, I allow Leslie to lead the way so that I can shoot Leland me best “what the hell are you doing” face behind her back.


Chapter 15

Walking into the boutique I am greeted by Carter with a huge hug and a two-cheek kiss. He’s really into French everything right now. Leading me back to the dressing rooms, he’s chattering on about “that magnificent creature”, I assume he means Leland, and how generous he is. Leslie follows behind us trying to add her opinion whenever Carter takes a breath, which isn’t often, but Carter is not having it.

Ignoring her, he stands me up on the platform that stands in the middle of the large dressing area, all around me I’m looking at my own reflection in the mirrored walls.

“Don’t worry, boo, those are one-way mirrors,” laughing he smacks my ass, “as if you have anything to worry about.” His comment breaks my concentration.

“What? Oh right?” I fake a laugh, but inside my head I’m still trying to figure out what Leland is trying to accomplish by dressing me up, and going over what Nick said at dinner.

“Ok honey, let’s play dress up.” Carter is clapping his hands in excitement just as Leslie walks in carrying a leopard print mini-dress. “Oh no, my lady, you go put that back. We will get to you in a minute.” Turning his attention back to me, Carter looks me up and down. “So, what are the plans for tonight?”

It occurs to me that I have no idea.

“Actually, I don’t know, all he told me was that we have reservations.” Carter nods and heads off in the direction of the dresses. The front of the dressing area is blocked by a rack of dresses that extends across the opening, leaving about three feet on either side. It’s impossible for me to see what he’s picking out. After what seems like forever he returns carrying a dress in the most beautiful shade of green I’ve ever seen. Carter helps me into the dress and zips the back, it fits like a glove.

“I just knew it would be perfect for you!” Carter squeals as he turns and runs off saying something about the perfect shoes. I turn around to take a peak and stop dead. Even with my hair undone and little make-up on, I’m amazed at how beautiful I look. The one strap coming over my right shoulder is made up entirely of flowers, each one embellished with an opal in the center. The bodice is a ruched V-neck that fits snugly and holds my larger than average breasts high. The waistline of the gown sits high, right under my breasts, and the skirt falls loosely to the floor. I spin slightly, hearing Carter return, and enjoy the twirl of the skirt. Carter looks at me satisfied, dangling a pair of strappy green satin heels. Staring at the thin spikes I wonder how he expects me to walk. Before I can protest Carter is bent down, slipping my feet into the shoes and buckling the straps. Once I’m fully strapped in he offers a hand to help me down.

“You are putting movie stars to shame right now.” He smiles a genuine smile and slips my arm into his as we walk to the small office located at the back of the boutique. Once there, I see the same women who had worked on my hair and make-up this morning. Carter leaves me in their capable hands and promises to be back in ten minutes. Immediately the women get to work fixing my hair and face. In exactly ten minutes, Carter returns with Leslie who has changed into a sleek simple black mini-dress. Even the high neckline of the dress couldn’t hide her surgeon given gifts, but she looked beautiful. One of the women hands me a mirror and I approve of their work. My hair is still down, but the length has been given beautiful body, curling at the ends, and my make-up is done in golden tones with a hint of green on my eye lids. Helping me up, Carter once again slips my arm into his, and does the same to Leslie on the other side. Together the three of us make our way to the lobby where Leland is waiting for us. At first, he doesn’t notice us, giving me a chance to appreciate how handsome he looks in his slate gray suit. He’s brushed his hair back and he looks nervous.

“Hey handsome, you sure you don’t want to be my date?” Carter yells a little loudly across the marble expanse, drawing Leland’s attention to us. He fidgets with his suit jacket as he walks over to us.

“No, I’m good with the date I have; maybe next time though.” He says this without ever taking his eyes off of me, his crystal blue eyes burning into me. Taking my hand he spins me around, my skirt twirling slightly. “You look amazing.” He says so quietly. I almost can’t hear him. Realizing that both Carter and Leslie are watching us, I feel the blush rushing to my cheeks.

“Thank you.” I smile wishing someone else would say something, Leslie grants my wish.

“So where are we going?” We? Confused, I look from Leslie, back to Leland.

“Oh, by the way dear, I invited Carter and Leslie to join us tonight.” Turning his attention to Leslie, he tells them both to follow him. Placing his hand on the small of my back, he leads me towards the elevators. Beyond the elevators, we enter the hotel restaurant, where Leland gives the maitre’d his name.

We are led to a table positioned in the center of the room, all eyes are on us. Leland pulls a chair out and motions for me to sit. Thanking him, I do so. Leland takes the seat to my right, Carter to my left and Leslie across from me. Leland leans over and whispers in my ear, “play along or she’ll know we’ve been lying, and that would not be good.” His breath is warm on my ear and has my insides turning as he takes my hand in his.

The meal goes very slowly, a full five courses including a cocktail course. As the night seems to be coming to an end, I find myself slightly disappointed. Being on a date with Leland was actually very easy, he easily joked with our companions and seemed at ease with Carter even when he made reference to his sex life with other men. I was very impressed. As we exited the restaurant, Carter catches me up in a hug and whispers, “Best fake date ever,” before pulling away. Leslie seems unconvinced by our act, and who could blame her when I know so little about him. She is keeping a watchful eye on us.

“Your woman looks like she could use a kiss.” She was smiling like she had figured out our secret until Leland smoothly pulls me to him and gives me a long, lingering kiss.

“I’ve wanted to do that all day.” He says this just loud enough for me to hear and then turns to Leslie. “You were right.” Leslie turns around in a huff and requests, if you can call it a request, that Carter get her a cab. I’m still in a daze from the kiss that has me tingling down to my toes when Leland looks back at me. “Stay with me.” The words are not a request or an order, they are a plea. The only thing I can do is nod as he leads the way to the elevator.


Chapter 16

In the elevator reality is setting in, for both of us I think. As other guests file into the car, we are on our very best behavior. You could cut the tension with a knife. We finally reach the twelfth floor and Leland slides his key into the slot and we both step into the suite. Before the doors have a chance to close, he grabs me and pulls my body against his. When our bodies are molded together, he treats me to a kiss that has my toes curling. He brings both arms around to the small of my back and lifts me slightly so that he can better indulge in the kiss. One hand comes up to cradle the back of my head, and I let my lips part for his impatient tongue. As he begins his exploration my senses begin to heighten. Just when I think I can’t take it anymore he sets me back on my feet and loosens his grip on me.

“Are you sure you want to stay with me, Victoria? Please be sure, because once I have you I will not share you with anyone.” His eyes are begging me to say yes, I can tell he didn’t want to ask.

“Don’t let me analyze this, please. I’m staying.” His eyes go dark.

“Then tell me how to get you out of this thing.” I laugh and back away.

“That is something you’ll have to figure out on your own, if you can catch me.” I run straight to the other side of the living room putting the coffee table between us. It takes my words a second to register before he reacts and comes after me; he comes from my left pushing me towards the bar. My only options for escape are the balcony, which probably means I’ll end up wet in the hot tub, or the stairs. Weighing my options, I choose the stairs and make my way up, tripping once in the skyscrapers I have on my feet. Below me I hear Leland coming.

“I will tear that dress from your body if you don’t tell me.” At this point, I am halfway across the room looking for a hiding place. I take too long to decide and he’s there. I spin quickly around not wanting to have my back to him. “You have exactly thirty seconds to tell me how to get that dress off before I shred it.” The look in his eyes tells me he’s not joking. I cross the room and turn, giving him my back, and I pull my hair to the side so he has access to the zipper. In one swift motion, the zipper is down and he’s sliding the strap off my shoulder, peppering kisses along its route. Taking my hand, he helps me step out of the dress, and turns me around. Suddenly, standing in my underwear and heels, I am very nervous. Thank God Carter had insisted that I wear a sexy matching lace and bra set, both are the same color as my dress and the dark green against my skin seems to shine like an emerald. I make an effort to cover myself, but Leland pulls my arms away.

“Please don’t, I want to look at you. Damn, you’re beautiful.” His words make me blush.

“I don’t think it’s fair that I don’t get to see you, too.” Smiling, I fake confidence. He crosses to the bed, sits on the edge leaning back onto his hands.

“I think I need some help, these buttons can be hard to undo.” I hesitate for a moment before crossing over and stepping between his legs, he’s discarded his jacket downstairs, taking one step out of undressing him. I reach up and loosen his tie enough to slide it over his head. Then, with shaky hands, I move to the top button of his shirt. His eyes are starting to burn holes in my head, so I lift my eyes to meet his as I work my way down, undoing each button. When I have last button undone, he leans up so that I can slide his shirt off. He takes this opportunity to press soft kisses on my stomach making the muscles there quiver. Once his hands are free, he runs them from my thighs up the length of my body. Lying back, he pulls me with him. I have to adjust, putting a knee on either side of him, to keep from falling. With our bodies pressed together he pulls me into another kiss, this one deep and more urgent. My hair is falling around his face as we kiss; taking his hands he moves it out of the way and places a hand on either side of my face. He deepens the kiss once more, grabbing my ass, before rolling me quickly underneath him. I open my eyes to find him smiling down at me.

“Hi.” Idiot, I’ve been with him for hours, and ‘hi’ is all I come up with.

“Hi.” Laughing slightly, he brushes the hair out of my face once again.

In an instant he’s off me, and I immediately feel exposed again. I’m momentarily distracted when he pulls his undershirt over his head. The muscles in his stomach ripple. Stepping out of his shoes, he reaches for the button of his pants and, undoing it, lets them slide to the floor. Standing in his socks and boxer briefs, I am able to appreciate his well-toned body. My eyes make the trip from his black dress socks, up his runner’s legs, and pause momentarily taking in the bulge threatening to break free. I follow the sexy corded muscles of his stomach from where they dip low into his pants, up his chest to find a smile in his eyes. He reaches down and removes his socks before he lifts my leg by the ankle and undoes the clasp holding the shoe on my foot, kissing my ankle where the strap had been, he places my foot on the bed and does the same with the other leg. The heat when he looks at me again has me instantly ready for him.

“I’ve wanted to see you this way ever since I first saw you in that karaoke bar.” He leans down and presses and a soft kiss on my lips before leaving a trail of them along my jawline, moving down my neck. He bites me softly on my collar bone and runs a fingertip along the inside of my bra grazing my nipple, making it harden instantly at the stimulation. My breath hitches, and Leland lets out a low growl deep in his throat. He slides his hand under me and I arch my back allowing him to undo the clasp of my bra, with no straps to hold it in place he pulls it off easily. Discarding my bra on the floor along with the rest of our clothes, he lowers his body to mine taking one nipple into his mouth while rolling the other between his fingertips. As his tongue works on my aching breasts, I can feel his erection pushing against me, and we begin to move together, grinding our bodies against each other.

He moves his hand from my breast and runs it achingly slow, down my stomach. He slides his hand over my mound before sliding his hand inside my panties finding me swollen. At the same time, we both let out a moan. The combination of the vibration against my nipple along with his fingers working on me has me coming instantly. I arch, pressing harder against his moving fingers and silently beg him to take me. Or not so silently, “please.” The single word escapes before I can stop it. Removing his hand from inside my panties, he pulls away and places a kiss where his hand had been. Pulling my panties down, he places another kiss there and flicks his tongue out sending a spasm through my body. I moan louder, which seems to break his resolve as he pulls his own underwear off. His erection springs free giving me just a glimpse of how big he is. He pulls a condom from his pants and slides it on before wrapping his arms around me and pushing his way inside my warm, aching body. He devours my mouth, muffling my moan as it escapes my throat. He holds himself still for a moment before beginning to move slowly inside me. With each stroke he brings me closer to climax. We both begin to sweat, our bodies gliding effortlessly together as we pick up speed rhythm. I try, without success, to flip him so that I am on top, pulling a single word from him.

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