Aaron's Kiss Series Boxed Set (Books 1 - 7) (87 page)

BOOK: Aaron's Kiss Series Boxed Set (Books 1 - 7)
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Using his other hand to open her ass wider, he worked her hot juices into her anus, massaging and teasing it.

“Relax, Bailey, let me in, baby. I want to fuck you with my finger.” He slowly inserted his long finger to the first joint, moving in and out, back and forth, then deeper and faster.

“Tristan, please, I need to come, please.”

He didn’t want to stop what he was doing, but if she came like this, he would as well. Pulling out of her tight hole, he moved her to his lap, her thighs spread over his.

“Bailey, I want you. I need you.” 

“Yes, I know.” She pressed against him and he lifted her up and slowly slid her onto him. He lay back on the bed and with his hands on her hips, showed her how to ride him, slow and long movements.

“Tristan, I’m sorry, I’m hungry. Please, I need to…bite me, please. Let me feed from you.” He sat up and moving her hair, and licked her throat. When she nuzzled deep into his shoulder, he bit hard and drank.

He flipped her over onto her back and she hooked her ankles around his hips. Riding her hard and fast, he tilted his head back, further exposing his jugular for her, and she bit him. His climax slammed into him, pushing him beyond all reason. He tore his mouth from her neck and let her drink her fill while he pistoned into her, her own climax triggering another from him.



He started filling her tub while she slept. He had been rough with her and wanted to soothe her in a warm bath. When the water was high enough where he thought they could both get in without flooding the downstairs bath, he went to get her.

“Bailey, honey, I ran us a bath. Come on, it’ll make you feel better.” He started to pick her up and she smacked him in the chest.

“Go away. I feel just fine right now.” She rolled over onto her back and snuggled deeper into the blanket. 

“Bailey, I’m going to pick you up.” He put action to words, ripped the blanket off of her, and scooped her into his arms before she could get away. He was stepping into the tub when she finally squirmed around enough to have her chest pressed to his. Sinking down in the tub, she wrapped herself around him and sighed.

“Okay, you were right, this does feel better.” She scooted around so that she lay against the other end of the tub across from him. He looked at her for long moments before he spoke.

“I didn’t know you fed. Why didn’t you say anything to me?” That had bothered him the most, that she had gone hungry rather than seek him out for food.

“I usually just feed from the targets if I’m hungry. I seldom get that way and when I do, I just feed. It’s no big deal. But lately, I don’t know, I haven’t had the urge.” 

She began soaping up the large sea sponge with some scented liquid soap that was sitting on the edge. When she lifted her leg out of the water to wash it, he watched, mesmerized by something so mundane as washing. 

“Has no one ever fed from you before?” The other leg came out of the water and the sponge moved down along the flesh. He reached out, took it from her, and began washing her foot.

“No, it was forbidden at the lab, not that anyone wanted to get that close to us. They told us what would happen if we did, so neither Tyler nor I ever did. At least I don’t think he did. He may have with a lover or two. I never asked him.” He pulled her toward him and turned her around to wash her back. He looked at the scars. She had there and he touched the larger one.

“What did this?” It was long, about five inches, and about an inch wide. There were stitch marks, little holes on either side of the wound. The stitches didn’t look even, as though someone without any skill had put them there.

“Hummm, oh I think that one was from when Tyler and I were training. I think I was about four or five. I couldn’t hold the blade very well and he got the jump on me. I hit the wall where the other weapons were stored and one of the pikes fell off its hanger and gouged me.” He kissed the scar, and then licked along it; he felt the shudder run along her skin.

“Who…who stitched it up?” He pulled her closer to his chest and poured more of the creamy soap on the sponge. After he lathered it up again, he began washing her arm, first the right, then the left. He washed her hands, each finger, then her wrists.

“Stitched? I don’t…the scar. Tyler did. It was his punishment because he didn’t kill me when he had the opportunity. He hated the sight of blood, and an open wound would make him puke. What are you doing?” Her breasts tightened under his ministrations. He could see how responsive they were from the sponge rubbing across them.

“Bathing you. Don’t you like it? I like the smell of this. I bet this is why your skin is so soft.” He moved it down beneath the water and ran it back and forth across her hips, slowly and gently.

“I don’t wear scents often, I need to be hidden and a smell can…please stop. You’re making me crazy.” She took the sponge from him and turned around to face him. “I have to talk to you. You’re not going to like it, but I don’t have a choice.”

“All right. Do we stay here, or would you like to tell me while we’re dressed?” He wanted to talk to her too, and he also knew she wasn’t going to be happy with him either.

“Dressed. That way, if you want to leave, which you will, there will be no awkward moments while you dress.” She stood up, reached for one of the towels folded on the side of the tub, and handed it to him. She pulled the other to her, flipped it open, and wrapped it around her body. Stepping from the tub, she moved on into the bedroom beyond. By the time he was dried and his own towel was around him, she was gone.

One of his powers was to manifest clothes he or someone he was touching might need. He was also able to remove them with just as much efficiency. He hadn’t removed their clothes even when they were nearly tearing at each other because he found that exciting. He should try that on her one of these days and see how she liked that. He was still grinning when he entered the kitchen, where she was just closing her cell phone.

“I’ve ordered me a pizza; I assume you won’t want any of it.” She had her head in the refrigerator and wasn’t looking at him.

“You would assume correctly. You should be eating more meat and drinking more fruit juices.”

“And you should stop acting like a father. Nice duds.” They were, too—navy blue silk shirt with a darker tie. The dress pants were a lighter blue and hung across his slim hips in a loving caress. “Do you ever wear anything but dressy clothes, not even jeans and a sweatshirt?”


“Okay. I have an assignment tomorrow. And in all likelihood, I’ll be killed. I just thought you should know.”

She didn’t look at him. Not right away at least. He was pissed, shocked and pissed, but she wanted him to know. No, that wasn’t it either. She needed him to know. And she hoped, stupidly, that he would listen to her as she explained.

“Well, isn’t that just great of you,” he snarled at her. “Thank you so much for the heads up.”

She was trying to be truthful and he was actually snarling at her. Bailey took several deep breaths to calm herself. She wished that she could give him details, but he, out of all the people that would be affected by this, needed him to be the one that would be unharmed.

“It’s…I want you to go to Griff if you need anything. He knows your scent now and he’ll let you in any of the buildings we own jointly. He can’t go into public for reasons I’m sure you can guess, so someone will need to make sure things are taken care of for him.”

“So, what, Bailey, that’s it? I’m going to be killed and, oh, by the way, take care of my friend once I’m dead? What am I supposed to do? Any last words of advice for me? What the hell is going on?”

She turned away from him and looked at the mess in the living room. She didn’t want to answer him, but knew that she had no choice. “I...this assignment, this target...I probably won’t be coming back. No, that’s not true either. I won’t be coming back. The danger is…in all likelihood, I’ll be dead. I’ll be killed by either hi…the target or those who wish to avenge his death.” It didn’t sound any better saying it out loud than it did in her head, she thought.

“Are you saying you
on getting yourself killed?” His voice cut through her and straight to her heart. He couldn’t possibly believe that, she hoped.

“I’m not planning it, no, but it’s a good probability that I will. I mean, I’ve been in dangerous situations before, but this one is different. The players are different. The demands are...Tristan, this isn’t what I want, but I have no choice.”

“Yes you do, Bailey. Everyone has a choice. Just say no; don’t do it. In fact, if it helps, tell them I said no.”

He stood there glaring at her with his arms crossed over his chest. It that very moment, she realized that she was in love with him. Her heart shattered in her chest. She’d found love only to have to toss it back because of circumstances. Well fuck a duck.

“It doesn’t work that way and you know it. I have to do this. If I don’t, someone else will and it won’t be all right…I mean, things could go wrong and he could…I take my job very seriously.”

She turned from him to get her cash from the kitchen drawer. She could smell the food coming up the stairs to her floor and she wanted to hustle the kid out fast. Bailey was walking toward the door when the bell rang.

“Hi Bail, didn’t think you was gonna call this week. Bugs said you had a hot date and hot dates didn’t need…oh, hi.” Bailey turned around and saw Tristan leaning against the jamb of living room, glaring at Sammy the pizza boy.

“How much this time, Sammy?” She ignored Tristan and focused all her attention on what she was doing with her food. She didn’t know why she asked the price. It was always the same. Apparently, Sammy was confused too because he was looking at her like she had asked him the formula for some chemical compound.

“Huh? Oh nineteen ten. Didn’t know you had company. You shoulda told Bugs. He’d of added you another pie or something.” Sammy kept looking over at Tristan, but Bailey refused to acknowledge him.

“Here you go, buddy. Keep the change. I’ll see you around. Tell your mother I said hello.” She practically slammed the door in his face, flipped the locks, and turned to go back into the kitchen.

“You do know you gave him a twenty dollar tip, don’t you?” He followed her in and sat across from her when she opened the box and bit into the first slice. He got up and looked for a plate and finding no napkins, gave her several paper towels. She ignored the plate and used the box instead.

“You should try a slice. You might be surprised that you can eat again.” She had polished off three slices in less than five minutes. The concoction smelled great and looked even better; it was covered in what could only be considered double the meat, cheese, and sauce.

He reached over, took the plate she had pushed aside, and slid a hot slice onto it. He got up and retrieved a fork and knife and more paper towels. After folding the towel in half, he laid it on his lap and picked up the utensils to eat. His glance at her had him stop in mid cut.

“What?” He looked completely out of his element. She didn’t answer him, but shook her head and bit into her fifth piece.

They both finished off the pizza. Tristan ate eight slices to her six, then surprise, surprise, he cleaned up the kitchen, washing the few things they had used and putting them away again. They were in the living room sitting on opposite ends of the couch when he picked up the conversation right where they left off.

“So, who do you have to call to get out of this?” She looked at him and was amazed again at her feelings for him. Love was very strange.

“Get out of what?” She ran her foot up his leg, over his knee, and back down again. The second time she went to his thigh, he opened his legs wider and scooted down more.

“The contract. Who do you have to call to…Bailey, stop it; I’m not in the mood right now.” Which was a lie, she thought. She could see his cock lengthening, hardening through his pants.

“I’m not calling anyone. There isn’t anyone to call.” This time, she rubbed her foot across his balls, then up over his cock before moving back down his thigh and up again. He hissed at her and she pressed harder on him, curving her toes around his hardness.

“There has to be…don’t do that. Bailey, I’m not kidding.” He captured her foot this time and used it to rub hard against him, up and down.

“Take out your cock, Tristan. Let me see it.” This was their last night, she thought. She wanted him to remember her.


Tristan set her foot on his thigh and opened his belt, then his button. He slowly pulled down the zipper and watched her stare at him as he worked the placket open. His cock sprang free of the opening as soon as he pulled his pants down passed his hips. He fisted his cock, up and down, and watched the change in her. Her need pooled in her eyes.

“You keep looking at me like that and I’m going to come just like this.” His hand slowed and he loosened the tight hold he had on himself. He wanted this to last.

“I’d like that, to see you come. To see your hot cum shoot out of you. I’d like that very much.” She had moved her hand down and was playing with her belly button with one finger while the others were skimming along the top of her pants.

“Take off your clothes, Bailey. I want to see you touch yourself again. That was perhaps the most erotic thing I’ve ever seen anyone do.” 

She stood up and pulled the t-shirt up and over her head, baring her breast with a small bounce for him. She turned back to him and with her thumbs hooked into her pants, turned her back to him and pushed them down to her knees, and then bent at the waist to take them off over her feet. Her ass was positioned in front of him, right in front of his face.

His heart rate doubled when she reached behind her and opened her ass cheeks for him, exposing the tiny rosebud to him while she was still bent over. Bringing one hand to the front of her, she spread her legs wider and inserted a finger into her dripping wet pussy. His eyes crossed when she brought her finger to her mouth, suckled it, and moaned.

“Turn around, turn around and lean over the couch.” She walked around to the back of the couch and placed her hands on the back. She leaned down into it and spread her legs wide. He got up and moved up behind her, rubbing his cock in the juices that dribbled down her thighs.

“If you think this is going to make me forget what we were talking about, you’re wrong. I’m going to make you pay for teasing me like this.” He smacked her ass hard, bringing a small cry from her. He smacked her twice more, her ass bright red and he was sure burning.

He touched her pussy, gathered her cream onto his fingers, and opening her ass, began rubbing it into her bud. He didn’t ease his finger in this time, but rammed it into her, deep and fast. He added a second finger too soon and nearly came when she moved back against his invasion after the initial assault. He kept his fingers working her, grabbed his cock with his other hand, and began working her cream from her pussy over the head.

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