Abby Has Gone Wild (10 page)

Read Abby Has Gone Wild Online

Authors: Fiona Murphy

Tags: #romance, #erotic romance

BOOK: Abby Has Gone Wild
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“We can’t have that, now can we.” He moves
and he’s hard under me and in that instant I’m wet for him.

I grind against him, “Let me show my

He lifts me up and his fingers slip inside me
to make sure I’m wet enough for him and my name is a hiss of
breath. “I know your body baby. You weren’t wet a minute ago. How
do you get wet so fast for me?”

He’s free from his sweatpants and I sink onto
him with a shudder of ecstasy, his mouth captures my nipple and his
teeth sink around the tight bud. “Oh, Jack, I only need to think
about you and I’m wet for you. But when you touch me baby, when you
look at me and show how hard you are for me then I gush because I
always want you just as bad.”

His mouth sucks gently on my nipple he’d
previously bitten and I want to move, need to move on him. All too
quickly, as he so often does when I ride him, he takes control and
his hands are at my hips. Firm but gentle, he moves me on him and
I’m begging for my climax but no, oh no he’s going to make it last.
His mouth on my breasts are making me cry out and he works me into
a crescendo. I’m sobbing his name again and again. Finally, he
allows me to move and my climax is so strong, so consuming, I think
I’ve forgotten to breath. When he comes inside me the spasms of his
cock cause my body to shudder all over again. It’s only the deep
gasping movements of his chest against me that reminds me to

The buzzer is going off on the stove and he
picks me up and lays me down on the couch. I’m laying there, still
in a daze, when he comes back and watches me. I love feeling his
eyes on me and I know he’s looking at my pussy, watching his come
leaking from me. I love the feeling and it’s often the only time
I’ll wear panties, to keep his come inside me. It’s one of the
reasons I love to climb on top of him before I leave for work.
Going throughout my day with the feeling of him deep inside me
makes my day so much better. I told him that as he watched me get
off of him and pick out panties and rub my pussy through the silk
instead of running to clean up as so many woman would and he’d
gotten hard again at my words. I’d taken him into my mouth and left
for work smiling, knowing I was full of him.

He’s smiling as he watches me and he sits on
the ottoman and reaches for my hand. “There are times I wonder if
I’ve unleashed a monster.”

“Oh, Jack I think we both know if it’s a
monster, it’s your pet monster.”

He laughs and brings up my hand to his mouth
and kisses my palm. “I want to ask you something and if you don’t
want to it’s okay. I’ll understand but I’m hoping the answer is

“What?” I’m curious.

“There’s a work thing we do every year around
this time. We get together to help fund for officers hurt in the
line of duty. This year, we’ll do a basketball game and cookout.
It’s kind of an all day thing. But since it’s during the week on
account our busiest time is usually the weekend you won’t have to
be there long. Just a few hours, we usually shut down around ten.
Will you come? I promise, out of the uniform and on a laid back day
like this almost everyone is chill, no rigid assholes in

I study him and I’m feeling like an asshole,
he’s been careful to keep that part of his life out of sight. I
know there are times he’s gone out for basketball games or runs
with his friends, who were all cops but he’s never invited anyone
here. He’s also limited talking about his job or his day to other
than a few things that felt like it slipped out. I realize now how
unfair that was, it wasn’t just his job, it was who he was and I
didn’t want him to hide that from me.

“Jack, I would like to go. I’m sure I can get
the day off, I’ve got plenty of vacation saved up. I also want to
say I’m sorry. I’m sorry I lumped all cops into one bunch and
closed the door on it. That’s not who you are and I’m sorry if you
have felt you had to keep me from being reminded of that side of
you. It’s like saying all men cheat because one did. Or all sex is
scary and painful because of that one time. You showed me that and
I promise I’ll try not to see all cops through the eyes of the ones
I’ve seen in the past because you’ve shown me how good they can

He’s down on his knees, slipping from the
ottoman and his kiss. His kiss is so gentle and deep it feels like
he’s touched and taken my very soul into him.



I’m shutting down my computer and clearing my
desk for the weekend when Claire comes into my office. I fight the
sigh, one more conversation on whether or not she should leave
Daryl and I’m going to scream. Also, she was getting whiny about
all the time I was spending with Jack and I just didn’t want to
hear it. Then she does something nice by setting my favorite
cupcake from, as far as I was concerned, the best cupcake place in
town on my desk. She also sets down a silver wrapped box.

“Happy Birthday!”

“Claire, thank you! You know you don’t have
to do that. No gift was necessary especially with the cupcake.
Sweetberry is my favorite, thank you for remembering.”

“Open the box and shut up.”

I tear open the box and they’re beautiful
tanzanite stud earrings at least a carat each. “Oh my god, Claire,
I can’t accept these.”

“Don’t be a pain in my ass. I went to like
three different stores to find those, I remember you lost one of
the ones your mom sent you for your birthday. It’s also a guilt pay
off. I broke up with Daryl two months ago and I want to say I’m
sorry I wouldn’t listen to you. I’m sorry I allowed him to take
over my life so that you wanted no part of it because you saw what
I didn’t want to see.”

“Oh my god, how could you not tell me?” I’m
stunned, truly stunned.

“At first I was afraid I would be weak and
take him back if he asked me to. But he just shrugged and walked
out. The next day he came over when I was at work and cleaned out
all of his stuff and left a note saying his key was on the porch
light, no goodbye or anything. I have to tell you I was a wreck at
how easily he just walked away. You probably didn’t notice because
I was on enough Xanax to put a bear down. But you also didn’t
notice because of how wrapped you are with your hot stud. Then
after the first month I finally came off the Xanax and I felt so
good. I felt free and I finally began to see it all. And honestly,
I think I was embarrassed because of how long I’d let it go

“I’m so happy for you Claire. You deserve
better. You deserve someone who makes you feel like a million bucks
and he spends all his time with you because he wants to, not to
keep you under surveillance.”

“Is that what your man does for you?” I only
grin as my finger runs over the pretty earrings. “Okay, fine be
like that. I actually really wanted to talk to you about something
else and I didn’t want to bum you out on your birthday.”

“What, what’s the matter?”

“You didn’t notice Stan gave Karen the
Thompson account? I really think these short days are effecting
your position. Are you sure it’s wise?”

I go still and my back is up. “My days aren’t
short. They are the forty hours a week required, there is no fine
print that says I have to work like a dog and be here when I would
rather be at home. Abe Gusman is here for forty hours, Jessica
Tucker is here forty hours a week and no one blinks an eye. Stan
hasn’t said a word about it and I’ve been doing it for almost nine
months now.”

Claire sighs, “Abe has been here over twenty
years and Jessica is only here until she lands a rich husband. I
thought you wanted more than that.”

“I have what I want. I have a gorgeous, kind,
thoughtful and giving man at home waiting for me and I’m not going
to give up one minute more with him than I have to. I put in work,
I’m not hanging out in the break room or copy room or playing
pranks. I do my work and I do it well and if my boss, Stan has a
problem with it, then he will let me know. If he does that’s fine.
I’ll find somewhere else where forty hours is just fine with them.
The pay might be lower and the benefits package might not be as
good but what I have at home is far more important than pushing
paper and entering numbers. I can be replaced, I will one day be
replaced but nothing is going to replace what I have with

Shock is evident on Claire’s face. “I’m sorry
I said anything. I had no idea that’s how you felt about him. You
love the guy and I should have thought about that before I stumbled
in and made a mess. Have a happy birthday sweetie.” She comes
around my desk and kisses me on the cheek and she’s gone.

But I haven’t moved. I’m still turning over
what I’ve said in my head. How could I not know I love Jack? When
did it happen? Was it real or was I letting the still fantastic and
myriad sex sessions we had cloud my judgment? Then I think of the
few times we’d both fallen asleep on the couch as we read the day
away or watched television, always wrapped around each. Those times
weren’t about sex and they were just as numerous and special as the


The whole talk of him moving in three months
ago had lasted about five minutes with him mentioning he wasn’t
sure about renewing his lease on the duplex he shared with his best
friend Shane. I hadn’t looked up from the vegetables I was
chopping. Only saying it seemed stupid when he was never there but
it was up to him. Taking the knife from my hand he set it on the
counter, pushed the cutting board away and a large hand bent me
forward over the counter. His hands pushed up the long tee shirt I
wore, up over my ass, so I was on display for him.

“Do you want me to move in, baby?” Fingers
sliding inside me found me wet for him.

“Yes, Jack, please.” I pant as I can feel his
cock hard in his jeans rubbing against my ass. The jeans rough
against my skin.

“Please what? Tell me what you want.”

“I want you to fuck me hard and I want you to
move in so you’re always here to fuck me when I need you and when
you want.”

“Good answer, that’s my good girl.”

The sound of his zipper makes my nipples so
hard I rub against the cool counter, seeking relief and push my ass
back to him begging for more. He’s toying with me and I whimper as
the head of his cock runs along my soaking slit. Slipping in and
then out and sliding down to my clit, I’m begging for him. His
chuckle seems cruel, I know the head of his cock is covered with my
juices. Putting an end to my torment he slams all the way inside
until his balls slap against my pussy and I’m stretching all over
again, he always feels so much deeper in this position and I love

“You love having a cock buried deep inside
you, don’t you Abby?”

Squeezing him deep inside me I hear him moan,
“No Jack, not any cock, just yours. Your cock is the only one I
want inside me.”

“That’s my Abby, mine, all mine.” Sliding
out, he slams in again.

“Yes, I’m yours Jack. All of me belongs to
you.” I had shivered as I recognized the truth of that. I belonged
to Jack, not just my body but my mind was always on him, wanting to
please him. Not just while we were having sex but the little things
I knew that made him happy. But I didn’t have time to think about
it anymore as Jack lost control at my words and he moved in and out
of me as if nothing mattered but bringing me to my climax and him
coming inside me. It didn’t take long for me to come with him so
aggressive and thickening inside me with every stroke, he followed
me only a few strokes later.

When we could both breathe again normally and
he slowly slid out of me, I got down on my knees and cleaned his
cock. I love doing it and Jack knew not to cover up again until I
had cleaned him. As I stood, he pulled me into his arms and kissed
me hot and deep. It felt like we were settling something but I
wasn’t sure what it was.



Now, I’m wondering, was it then that I had
made the leap from need to love? He was more open with me about his
work and we’d been invited to and attended several barbeques with
people he worked with. I’ve met his Captain a man built like a
brick wall who had been surprisingly soft spoken and welcoming. The
only thing he never talked about was his family, ever. He would
clam up and minutes later he would be inside me and my question
long forgotten. It was the only thing that gave me cause for
concern but then again I rarely talked about anything but my mother
and even that was sporadic. His past didn’t matter, who he was now
and the way he was with me now, was all that mattered.

Leaving work in a fog, I don’t even remember
the drive home. I open the door and he’s there pulling me into his
arms and I cling to him. In his arms is the only place the world
makes sense. Love is a question for tomorrow, his body against me
is the only thing that counts.

“Okay, I wanted to wait until after dinner
for you to open your gifts but I’m too nervous and I want you to
open them now.” He’s pushing me onto the couch and I go with a

I start with the first two boxes and they’re
beautiful silk nighties and I know they aren’t just for me and a
gift card to the online book store to download books on my tablet
and that would have been enough for me but then he brings out a
bigger box. I open it and I’m quizzical, they’re books by one
author I’m particularly a fan of. I have all of his books, even
those from him branching out of the crime fiction genre, and I’ve
been free with my praise to Jack.

“Open the cover.”

A gasp escapes me, it’s signed to me and
there’s a personal note from the author. He thanks me for my being
a fan and then goes on to let me know I had a bigger fan in a man
willing to hunt down his personal phone number and beg for the
signed books. Shipping them to the author and making sure there was
enough to be returned and because of that, as a treat he included a
proof copy of his next book due out next year, also signed.

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