Abby's Last Stand (3 page)

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Authors: Michelle Marquis

BOOK: Abby's Last Stand
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by Michelle Marquis

gentle as he teased her lips then moved his tongue slowly into her mouth.

Snake lifted her nightdress off and threw it on the floor. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her back. He kissed along her shoulders, and then dragged a tender trail down her back. Abby closed her eyes and gasped against Bear's kiss. Bear broke away from her mouth to focus his attention on her breasts. He took his time as he pulled one then the other into his mouth. His lips and tongue played along her flesh, which sent her to new heights of ecstasy.

"Oh . . . Oh, I like that. . . . Yes," she said.

Snake glided one hand into her panties. Abby's face burned as the blond gunfighter discovered how very aroused she was. He removed his fingers, which glistened with her essence, and licked them like they were coated with the finest nectar. He slid his hand back in and tickled her clit with delicate strokes.

He pressed his lips to her ears. "You taste like candy. You want me inside you, sweet Abby? You want me to take some of the hunger away?"

Abby was too far gone to refuse him. Her body had become an instrument played by two masters who knew how to sound every note. They kissed and teased her, which pushed her desire to places where she never thought the human body could go. As scandalous as it was, she wanted both of them. She wanted them to touch and use her, but most of all she wanted to be satisfied by them.

She eased her panties off. "Have me any way you want."


Abby's Last Stand

by Michelle Marquis

Snake pulled her hips back against him, and she felt the insistent probe of his cock against her sex. She half-expected Bear to object and want her first, but he didn't. Instead he opened her thighs and parted her wide so his brother could take her from behind.

Snake's cock massaged its way into her pussy. It wasn't cruel or intrusive but an erotic exercise in seduction. It was wonderful and felt so good. He worked his cock in and out, his labor becoming easier and easier the wetter she got. While he took her, Bear continued to suck and lick her breasts. His calloused hands traveled over her skin, awakening new and mind-blowing sensations everywhere they went.

Snake's cock seemed to swell inside her, reaching places that drove her insane with lust. "Oh . . . Oh!" she cried as the tension built in her body. Then she shuddered and bucked, unable to get enough of him. Plumes of desperate sweetness filled her, flowing in a seemingly endless supply from her sex.

Her tension reached a peak, and Snake pushed her over the edge with his hard, relentless pounding. A moment later, her body relaxed and she was empty again.

Bear held her as she panted in his arms. When she caught her breath, he pushed her onto her back and lifted her legs, bracing them with his forearms. He pushed his cock through her moist folds but didn't dive in. His cock teased up and down so many times she thought she would climax from that alone. She squirmed under him.

"Bear, please put it in," she begged.

"You want another big ole cock to fill up your pussy?"


Abby's Last Stand

by Michelle Marquis

Abby tried to kiss him, but he was too far above her. "Yes, please. I want you inside me, Bear. Please don't tease me anymore."

He kissed her gently then pushed his cock against the threshold of her channel. Although both men were about the same length, Bear's cock was thicker. His member forged its way inside her, opening her passage wide. The pleasure was overwhelming, and Abby moaned several times. Her climax rushed over her, a small one at first that peaked and faded out, followed quickly by a much stronger one. Bear wrapped her legs around his hips and rode her hard, bearing down on her like a runaway freight train. But the delight he brought her was unequalled. He growled in her ear, and that excited her even more. She cried out as a third peak overtook her.

Bear emptied his seed inside her and eased off. All Abby could do was twitch in exhaustion. "You okay, baby?" he asked.

Abby nodded. She got up and cleaned herself off. She hunted around in the dark and found her clothes, trying not to smile like an idiot. That had felt so damn good she didn't care what happened from here on out. With her nightgown back on to keep her warm, she nestled back between the two sleeping gunfighters. She could definitely fall asleep now.

* * * *

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Abby's Last Stand

by Michelle Marquis

Chapter Five

Abby woke up the next morning feeling better than she had in her entire life. Snake and Bear were still asleep, so she eased out from between them and washed herself in the water basin once again. The sky was a soft blue-white, letting her know the sun would be up soon.

She dressed and picked the men's clothes up off the floor, then folded them neatly on the only table in the room. That was when she noticed one of them had a tear in his jeans.

Abby went to the closet and pulled out one of her carpet bags. She settled in the chair closest to the window and lit one of the kerosene lamps. Even with the lamp the light was poor, but Abby did her best to sew up the tear so it would be almost invisible at first glance. When she was done with that one, she went over their other clothes, fixing any damage she found.

She was so intent on her work she didn't pay any attention to Bear when he sat up in bed. "What you doing there, girl?"

Her face and throat felt hot. She avoided looking at him.

"Just fixing stuff."

Bear ran his hand over the sheets as if he was looking for something. "You don't gotta mend stuff for us like a serving girl."

"I know."

He looked thoughtful. "You know, it don't mean nothing to me one way or the other, but I'll wager you've been with a man before."


Abby's Last Stand

by Michelle Marquis

Tightness made her chest ache. "Yes, I have."

"I take it there's a story you don't want to talk about."

She frowned and shook her head in apology. "I'm sorry, Bear. It's just that—"

He held a hand up. "You don't need to explain yourself to me, Abby. I'm an outlaw. I ain't gonna judge you for nothin'."

Snake groaned and rolled to the far end of the bed. He covered his face with a pillow. Abby grinned and went back to sewing.

"You mind if I ask
a personal question?" she asked.

"I ain't got no secrets. Ask away."

"Why are you and Snake holed up in this hotel room? It seems like the two of you are waiting for something to happen."

"We are. We're waiting on a murdering thug named Cassius Barker to come into town. He's about due, and we want to give him a proper greeting." He leaned over the bedside table, grabbed a thin cigar, and lit it. "Now ole Barker ain't never been a nice man. He done his share of killing and robbing and . . . " He squinted at her. "And violating women like a lot of men around these parts. But Barker went over the line when he killed a good friend of ours, and we're fixing to get revenge."

"What do you mean by 'he's about due'?"

"He owns a farm just a few miles outside of town. He only comes to town two times a year for supplies. Each times he goes to the saloon, gets drunk, and starts a fight with some poor bastard. That's how he come to kill our good friend Willie. Barker started talking his drunken trash, and Willie 28

Abby's Last Stand

by Michelle Marquis

invited him outside. But before poor Willie got to the swinging doors, Barker shot him in the back. He bribed the sheriff into saying it was an accident, and that was that. Willie's wife contacted us with the story, and we decided to come on out and make things fair."

"An eye for an eye," Abby whispered.

"I suppose that shocks a fine young woman like yourself?"

"Actually, it might surprise you to know it don't shock me at all. In fact, revenge is the main reason I came to this town, too."

"I don't follow you."

"I didn't just run out of money and end up in this town. I
to come here. I saved every dime I earned sewing until I had enough for my stage ticket. I'd been warned about this place, but I came anyway. And do you know why? I'll tell ya. I came to learn how to shoot and kill from the best outlaws in the land. I want to learn how to handle a gun as good and even better than any man who ever lived. And when I get good enough, I'm gonna put a few bullets in that low-down pig who hurt my sister, Ann."

Bear shook his head slowly. "I know where you're coming from, Abby, but that's a losing game. You're young. There's all kinds of possibilities for you. Doing what you're aiming to will change you for the rest of your life."

"Why is it so wrong for me? You do it all the time."

"I got blackness in my heart, and I've been going to hell since the day I turned fifteen. You don't want this kind of life.

It don't have nothin' to offer you but pain and misery. And suppose you
find and kill the man who wronged your kin.


Abby's Last Stand

by Michelle Marquis

Don't you suppose his friends and kin are gonna come looking for you?"

She broke the thread with her teeth and folded the jeans.

"They come after me, and I'll kill them, too. Once I know how, I'll kill everyone who so much as thinks about coming after me."

Bear and Abby were silent for a long time. Abby stood up and paced with her arms folded. Why, oh why, had she told this man so damn much? "Now look what I've gone and done.

I've told you too much. Now you ain't gonna want to teach me how to shoot."

Bear stared at her with eyes as cold and dark as midnight.

"You're wrong there, Abby. You want to learn how to live by the gun? Then Snake and me are just the right boys to teach you."

* * * *

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Abby's Last Stand

by Michelle Marquis

Chapter Six

When Snake woke up, he was energized. Sharing Abby with Bear had been one of the most exciting things he'd ever done. She'd been so passionate and sensual. He stretched out on the bed, suddenly feeling in the mood for a bath.

Normally, he wasn't much for bathing, but he wanted to look and smell nice for Abby. There was a bathtub in the middle of the hall for all the rooms to share. Only cost five cents, and that included the water even if you did have to lug the buckets up the steps yourself.

Abby was seated by a window, and she stared out at the street below. She had a needle in her fingers, and she kept rubbing her thumb up and down over the stem. She seemed to be very far away.

"Whatcha thinkin' about?" Snake asked as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

She gave him a shy, beautiful smile. "Nothing, really. I was just thinking how lucky I was to have met the both of you."

Snake laughed. "Wait 'til you get to know us." He glanced around the room. "Bear here?"

"No. He left a few minutes ago to see if there were any rumors about Barker coming into town today."

Snake nodded, sparing a moment to think about the grim task that awaited him and Bear. Then he slapped the pillow and jumped out of bed buck naked. "Well, I'm of a mind to 31

Abby's Last Stand

by Michelle Marquis

have a bath in that big ole claw-foot tub down the hall. Care to join me?"

Abby put down the needle and thread. "Sure, but where do we get the water?"

He winked. "That ain't for the faint of heart. Follow me."

Snake threw on some clothes and led Abby out of their room and down the stairs. Out back of the hotel there was a water pump and a few buckets stacked inside each other.

Snake had Abby hold one of them while he pumped water into it. Someone cleared his throat behind them. Snake stopped and turned around. Old man Tucker, the owner of the hotel, was standing there with his arms folded. He squinted at them and wore a crooked frown.

Snake nodded to him, all friendly like. "Tuck."

"All buddy, buddy like, are we? What you think you're doing there, Snake?"

"I'm getting me some water so I can have a bath."

Tucker snorted. "You and your brother already owe me for the room last night. When am I gonna get paid for that?"

"Here's a nickel for the water," Snake said as he handed the old man his money. "As for the rest of it, I'll get it to you shortly. What if we did chores for the room?"

"Ain't nothing needs to be done around here I can't do myself," Tucker insisted. "The one thing I ain't got a lot of is money."

Abby stepped forward. "I could cook the evening meal. I'm a good cook."

Snake made a sweeping gesture to Abby. "See? There's one thing you ain't no good at. Abby can cook a fine meal, 32

Abby's Last Stand

by Michelle Marquis

and she's more than willing to for that flea-infested box you call a room."

"Now, now, Snake. Ain't no cause to get all like that." The old man looked thoughtful and scratched the gray stubble on his chin. "What can you cook, young lady?"

Abby smiled, and Snake again thought she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever laid eyes on. Most every man who walked by her stopped to give her a once-over. The thought of making love to her in that bathtub was making him terribly hard.

"I can cook anything. You get the ingredients, and I'll cook

'em up for you. Well, I'll bet some of your guests would pay at least seventy-five cents for a good, hot meal."

That did it. She was a sly one, that Abby. "It's a deal,"

Tucker said as he held out his beefy hand. "You cook dinner every night, and you and your menfolk can stay in that room for free."

* * * *

After several trips up and down the stairs with buckets of water, they were finally ready to get in. The water was sort of cold, but just being able to soak in the soapy water would be pure heaven. Snake stripped quickly and eased himself in.

"Ohaa, now that's what I call livin'. You comin'?"

Abby took her clothes off one piece at a time like a virgin bride on her first married night. You wouldn't think she'd been such a passionate woman the night before. He smiled as her body was revealed and his desire burned higher. Her long, brown hair, which was usually kept in a tight bun on top of 33

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