Abduction (23 page)

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Authors: Varian Krylov

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Abduction
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I felt a hot wet mouth come down over my cock. I tried but I couldn't help it, thinking, realizing that a man was sucking me. A man's lips. A man's tongue.

I concentrated very hard, trying pointlessly to keep Jimmy away from my brain, since I had no control over what they did with my body. I watched Miranda’s full pink lips smothering Taser Girl’s pussy, then her tongue flashed out and tickled Taser Girl’s slit a few times. And I was being licked and sucked, a firm tongue, a man's tongue winding around and around the head of my prick, then lips taking me deep into that hot mouth, all the way in.


Miranda’s ass was pertly sticking up in the air, showing me a glimpse of her pussy, inviting me to fuck her from behind. The thought of fucking that slick little cunt, the thought of ramming my prick up that ass that had writhed around my finger, caused a surge of excitement. Almost without warning, without being able to stop or control it, I started to come. And God, no, I didn't want to. With him. But I couldn't help it.

When I felt it bearing down on me I felt…annihilated. Not just afraid, not just disgusted, but like if I let myself…with him…I wasn't me any more. I strained with my whole body to resist, but there was no point. I was getting off in Jimmy’s mouth. When Taser Girl realized what was happening, she got so excited that she started coming too, grabbing the back of Miranda’s head to press her mouth more firmly to her pussy, staring at me, my face, at Jimmy's head at my groin. She sighed a deep moan of release.

“Aw, puppy,” Taser Girl mused breathlessly, “that was delicious to watch."

Her voice seemed to come from far away and at the time I don't think I really registered her words. Not until later. Of course now I have every disgusting word and gesture memorized, after fucking rehashing every second over and over again. A minute later someone touched me and I jumped, not ready to fight. Just raw. Taser Girl was wiping away tears I didn't know I'd cried.

"Poor puppy." She sounded almost kind. "Don't take it like that. Pleasure is pleasure, you know. And there's not a cock in the world that can resist Jimmy's mouth."

Then, on a dime, her sympathetic tone reverted to her earlier crass playfulness. "But now we’re going to have to wait a while until you can get hard again, aren't we?"


Taser Girl sent Miranda into the kitchen to make everyone drinks, and she came back with a tray of vodka tonics. She insisted I drink mine, saying she didn’t mind in the least if it slowed my recovery process, she had nowhere to be. Miranda had put her skirt back on and was sitting demurely on the couch, sipping her drink and following me with her eyes. Taser Girl had pulled her tube top back up, hiding and rounding out her plump tits. She was ambling about the room, vodka tonic in hand, looking over our knickknacks and photographs. Jimmy was trailing along behind her, pants re-zipped, belt re-buckled.

Only I was deprived the dignity of an article of clothing.


I turned to face Miranda.

“You're at least having a little fun, aren't you?"

Oh my fucking god, was this girl for real? Could anyone really be that stupid? I just gaped at her, seething and incredulous.

"Just a little?" she pressed in earnest, her big dumb eyes really expecting some kind of affirming answer that would make this stupid stunt of hers okay.

“No.” My voice was flat. Cold.

“Oh, come on, Vaughn.”

Taser Girl had come over to join the conversation.

"You're having fun. Even if you're too worked up to realize it yet."

I was full of rage, but I laughed.

"That's right, puppy. You laugh, but sooner or later you'll realize we're right. The part that's fun for you, Vaughn Doe, is that you get to do things tonight you'd never get to do otherwise. You may be a big rock star, and I'm sure women of all sorts are lining 203


up to beg you to fuck them, but you’re also the kind of guy who’s terrified to let a guy give him head, then he blows his wad after two minutes in the guy’s mouth. You’re the kind of guy who’s afraid to do things he might like.”

"Fuck you."

"Ah, the answer of a man who has no real answer."

God, I wanted to choke the life out of that bitch.

"Brigid?" Miranda asked tentatively.


"Is it time yet?"

"Time for what?"


"No, dear, what?"

Miranda just stood there, obviously flustered, trying to persuade the other with her eyes.

"Oh!" Taser Girl finally relented, "yes, I guess we can do that now. Tell your little puppy."

Miranda, after all that had transpired, had the nerve to blush.

"I can't. You
I can't."

"The only way it's going to happen, sweetie, is if you tell him."

Miranda just stood there looking like she was going to cry.

"Go on," Taser Girl urged.

Miranda finally opened her lips to speak, but she was looking at the floor.

"I want…"


"Don't tell the ground, silly girl. Tell

Miranda spent another moment in communion with my carpet, then came over to where I was standing. She looked up at me. It was plain that it was hard for her, meeting my eyes right then, with what she was about to say. I didn't make it any easier on her. I glared down at her with cold contempt, hoping she would see that I hated her.

"Vaughn, I…"

I went on doing my best to crush her with my cold stare.

"Would you…"

"Oh, for Christ's sake, Miranda," Taser Girl interjected, "just make a nice complete sentence for the man."

Miranda looked like she might actually cry in embarrassment. What a fucked up world.

"I want to make love with you," she finally blurted out, her eyes wet, her cheeks bright red.

'Make love,' she'd said. Jesus Christ. The girl was really deluded.

"How does that sound, Mr. Doe?"

I kept staring at Miranda, hating her with my eyes.

“Well," Taser Girl said, giving up on me, "if you want to persuade Mr. Doe’s tired prick to join us again, you’re going to have to encourage it a little. Now, no one’s seen your titties yet today, perhaps it’s time for them to come out.” Miranda whispered something in Taser Girl’s ear.

“Yes, darling, I know you’re shy about that. It’s hard to say, isn’t it, why you’ll show everyone in the world your snatch, but you keep your boobies hidden away at all 205


times. Nevertheless, I would like to see them, and I’m sure Mr. Doe would, too. But first,” Taser Girl went to a little back she’d left next to the sofa, and drew from it a small bottle. “Kindly put out your hand, Mr. Doe.”

I did as she said, and she squeezed a fat line of goo onto my hand, from my fingertips to the center of my palm.

“Stroke your cock, puppy, while Miss Miranda unveils this hidden treasure of hers.”

I think some part of me actually wanted to do this, to beat my cock stiff, to fuck this sweet, ditzy insane girl. No, not just fuck her. What I wanted was to punish her, punish her for picking me for her stupid crush, for bringing these freaks to my house.

I smeared the lube onto my surprisingly responsive dick. Jimmy and Taser Girl flanked Miranda as she reluctantly began to unbutton her blouse. My dick was growing hard in my hand. When she’d gotten all the buttons undone, Miranda giggled, crossed her arms over her chest and said she couldn’t do it. Taser Girl leaned in and gave her a tender kiss on the cheek, then gently pulled Miranda’s wrist to her side. Jimmy copied this effort on his side. Still holding down her wrists, Taser Girl took the fabric between her fingers and slowly pulled it toward her, revealing one small, jutting breast with a bubble gum pink nipple. Miranda’s chest was heaving excitedly as Jimmy exposed her other breast. Watching them restrain her as they bared her tits to me, my cock grew perfectly hard.

They weren’t done getting Miranda ready, though. They each drew an arm across their shoulders and bent to kiss the pink nipples, Jimmy flicking his tongue over the hardening bump, Taser Girl drawing the tip of Miranda’s tit into her mouth for a long 206


caressing suck. Then Taser Girl took Miranda’s hand and drew her over to the sofa.

Sitting and spreading her legs wide, she pulled Miranda down into a sitting position in front of her. Reaching around her waist, Taser Girl drew Miranda’s legs open, exposing that tender little pussy. Jimmy went to work on her, lapping hungrily at her cunt as he pushed her legs open even wider. While Jimmy sucked at Miranda’s pussy, Taser Girl reached around from behind, putting her fingers in an inverted V, spreading Miranda’s cunt and pressing the lips, pushing the clit out of its hiding spot. Miranda was panting and writhing. Taser Girl was using her other hand to lightly tease the hard, pale pink nipples. Then Taser Girl ordered Jimmy to stop, and they left her tense and panting. My cock was throbbing.

"All right, Miranda, go ahead and fuck you rock star," Taser Girl said as she looked at me.

Miranda looked at me hopefully, expectantly with her big dumb blue eyes. I stood there, facing her, still stroking my lubed prick, my brain charging with weird images.

Miranda walked over toward me, looking nervous. She touched my arm.

"Want to go into the bedroom?" she asked in a soft voice. Tentative. Expectant.

I didn't want her fucking me in the bedroom. Nothing private, intimate. But I figured I didn't get a say.

"Hang on, Miranda."

Taser Girl gave me a weird smile.

"Your little puppy's been so cooperative this evening. Maybe we should throw him a little bone, hmmm? Tell you what, Vaughn. I don't see why you shouldn't get to 207


have your fun, too. So, Miranda gets to fuck you, but you get to choose how. Fuck her any way you want."

Taser Girl had kind of a mean look on her face. Meanwhile Miranda looked almost excited. What did she think? I was going to come up with some special position just for her? Maybe she was just happy at the thought that I'd choose something. Maybe to her that would mean me wanting her. Anyway, I wasn't thinking yet about what I wanted. I was wondering what Taser Girl was up to.

"Go on, Puppy. Take her however you'd like. So long as you fuck her, we'll leave Edi out of it. My only condition is that you have to come, with your dick inside Miranda."

My little blonde fan frowned then, like Taser Girl's words had taken the polish off her cherished dream of 'making love' to me. In that instant my vision crystallized. I looked around the room a second. The floor. The dining table. Then I walked over to the end of the sofa, and when I looked at Miranda she came over to me. She pressed her small frame against me. Weird little radiator girl, her body so hot, and she looked up at me with her stupid adoration. I knew what she wanted. She wanted a kiss. I put my hands on her shoulders, stepped her a bit away from me, and turned her to face the couch.

If I really try to go back, to feel what I was feeling then, something had happened.

I was still thinking of Edi. My brain was locked on her, on the image of her, reasoning that I had to do whatever would keep her safe. But emotionally…I think as I stood there, stroking myself, watching them undressing and touching Miranda, I didn't feel like the victim anymore. I felt…sinister.

"Put your knees up there."


She didn't look back at me, but I felt her droop a little under my hands. After a few seconds she did it. I made her bend over so her hands were down on the couch cushion, her shoulders well below her hips. I grabbed her calves and spread her legs wide, until things were at the right height and I'd have easy access.

I was going to fuck her in the ass. I wanted to be cruel. To hurt her. To make it as unlike her romantic vision as I could. But something changed my mind and I rammed my hard prick into Miranda's twat. Her wet, vulnerable little twat. She yelped. I'd driven into her hard and sudden. I stopped for a second, just sunk into her, startled by my own brutality.

When she didn't say anything, or try to move away, I clasped her hips and began to pump my cock into her, hard and fast. Even though fucking me was her fantasy, even though she'd played a part in blackmailing and forcing me, I felt I was raping her. I was so filled with violent hate, I was hoping that I was hurting her, if not physically, then I at least hoped I was humiliating her, violently destroying her childish fantasy of being with me. I had never, never done that before. I’d fucked bored, but never hating. I felt like I was someone else.

I hammered away at her, slapping against her, wishing I'd come so fast she'd barely feel she'd been fucked, in spite of my violence. But I'd just come a little bit before, and I just couldn't get close. I was hard as iron, and my cock needed to come, after all my greased stroking, watching them lick Miranda's tits and cunt, feeling her pussy gripping my cock now. But it felt like it was never going to happen. I just kept at it, pounding her as fast and hard as I could sustain. It seemed to be going on forever.


I got a better grip on her hips and started fucking harder. Ramming as deep on every thrust as I possibly could, with the speed and force of a jackhammer. My heart was banging a million times a minute from the exertion. My fucking cock—I hated it.

Getting hard when I wished it wouldn't, then refusing to come. Making this weird hell stretch on forever. Fucking and fucking forever.

Finally I felt close. I'd come soon. I dug my fingers into the tender flesh of her hips and did the impossible. Started fucking her harder. My hips loudly smacking her ass. Her breaths were rattling out of her, staccato, with every whap of my body against hers, like I was knocking the wind out of her. So close. Fuck. Her cunt so wet, so tight, her, somewhere down there on the couch, out of my sight. All I saw was her ass and my chest belly cock, cock disappearing and appearing shiny and red. I slammed into her with all my strength. I was almost there. Violent, almost forgetting about her I thrust my hard, needful cock into the wet grip of cunt. Suddenly my whole groin clenched like a fist and I came, my cock jerking and shooting. And everything went out of me.

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