Above the Law (19 page)

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Authors: Carsen Taite

BOOK: Above the Law
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“Oh crap.” Bianca pulled her phone out of her briefcase and looked at the screen. “I had it off because I was in court, and then…”

“And then you got distracted by a reporter.”

“She’s pretty distracting. Emphasis on pretty.”

Dale couldn’t help but glance over her shoulder at Lindsey who was pretending not to try to listen in to their conversation. Pretty wasn’t the word she’d use. Lindsey was storm and shadows. Dangerously attractive, yet like many dangerous things, her allure was strong. “Be careful. You can’t let her get too close.”

Bianca raised an eyebrow, but didn’t question the warning. “So, what’s the plan to track down Sophia?”

“Mary’s working on it. I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to show up at Sophia’s place in case she’s being watched.” She jerked her chin in Lindsey’s direction. “I’m supposed to spend the rest of the day selling my soul for a news cycle, but I want to fill Peyton in.”

“She’s at the ranch today. Pretty sure Lily’s there with her.”

“Thanks for the warning about that. At some point we’re going to have to take off the gloves and start fighting anyone who is working against us. No matter who they are related to.”

“Agreed, but I think I’ll let you get things started. I’m headed back to the office.” Bianca cast a wistful expression at Lindsey. “Tell Wondergirl I’m sorry I had to run.”

Dale watched Bianca duck back inside the building and then turned to face Lindsey.

“Are you going to run off everyone I need to talk to or just the important ones?” Lindsey asked.

“Whatever you needed to ask her, you can ask me.”

“Really. Are you sure about that?”

Dale detected the undercurrent of disbelief. She knew she’d given Lindsey plenty of reason to doubt she’d be cooperative, but maybe it was time to surrender. She could give the interview, answer all the questions Lindsey or anyone else had about Maria, and be done with it, once and for all. She could almost hear Maria telling her it was the most expedient, painless thing to do. “I’m sure, but here’s the thing. I have something I have to do today. Let’s have dinner tonight. You can ask me anything you want and, if you think it’s newsworthy, I’ll give you the on-camera interview after the event tomorrow.” She offered what she hoped was a humble expression. “I’ll be less distracted then. Deal?”

Lindsey narrowed her eyes for a minute like she expected Dale to yank away the generous offer she’d just extended, but then her features settled into one of her famous broadcast smiles. “Deal.”

After settling on a place to meet for dinner, Dale walked to her truck. She should be focused on finding Sophia and figuring out if she was really on board with the plan to catch Sergio or if she was trying to play them, but all she could think about was Lindsey and whether she ever used that smile for personal use.


“What’s the plan?” Alice asked.

Lindsey looked up from her iPad and fumbled for a response. They’d just left the courthouse, and she had nothing for her efforts other than a tacit agreement from Dale to relay her story. And a dinner date.

No, it wasn’t a date. A date was personal, a lead-in to something more intimate. Dale’s story might be intimate, but it wasn’t going to lead to more. Not with her anyway. She shouldn’t care, but she did.

Alice and Jed hadn’t fared much better. All they’d been able to glean from listening to Herschel Gellar’s press junket was that he planned to exile Cyrus Gantry to the gates of hell for using his business as a cover for drug money. He’d said it a dozen different ways, but it all came down to the same grandstanding promise to impose loads of prison time and lots of restitution.

The whole thing seemed off. Gellar had practically frothed at the mouth when it came to Gantry. Seemed like he’d focus his vitriol on the violent drug lords instead of the otherwise upstanding businessman. Lindsey had a sense there was something else at play, and she wondered if last night’s out in the country law enforcement meeting had anything to do with it.

They spent the rest of the morning doing what Lindsey called filler work—necessary, but boring. They filmed shots at various venues with Lindsey doing the back from break spots that would be aired after the show returned from commercial breaks. When they’d arrived at the studio at noon, Elaina was apoplectic when she learned Dale wasn’t going to show up.

“She’ll give the interview after the event tomorrow,” Lindsey said.

“What if she changes her mind?”

“She won’t.” Lindsey injected her voice with all the confidence she could muster, but Elaina’s question planted a tiny seed of doubt. What if Dale was putting her off, thinking that once tomorrow’s event was over, she could duck the obligation without fallout?

She knew Dale didn’t want to do the interview, but she didn’t think Dale would break a promise. Lindsey smiled as she remembered one of those promises was dinner tonight, and she got so lost in the fantasy of what might happen if it weren’t a work thing that she had to ask Elaina to repeat her next comment.

“I was thinking tonight we could go over the interview questions,” Elaina said. “I could order room service and we could work in my room.”

Lindsey recognized the tone in her voice and the glint in her eyes. A stint of late nights on location spent “working in the room” had been the genesis of their relationship. Did Elaina think they could just pick up where they left off or was she looking for a no-strings attached fling? Either way, Lindsey wasn’t interested. If she were going to break her rule about mixing work with pleasure it wasn’t going to be with her ex, but she didn’t want to hurt her feelings either. “Actually, since tomorrow’s going to be a long day, I think I’ll just spend tonight putting my thoughts together and we can talk after the event, but before I interview Agent Nelson. Okay?”

It wasn’t a complete lie. Dale had said she would answer any of her questions at dinner, and she could think of no better prep for an on camera interview than full disclosure.


Dale didn’t call before she drove out to the ranch. She didn’t want to believe that Lily or Peyton were sheltering Sophia, but her instincts told her it was better to be cautious. People were funny when it came to family. When the door opened in response to her knock, she didn’t recognize the face of the young man that answered, but she knew he had to be a Davis. He was a younger, male version of Peyton. “May I help you?”

“Dale Nelson. I’m here to see Peyton.”

“Hi, I’m Zach, Peyton’s brother. Come on in. You thirsty?”

Dale strode into the house. “Sure. Water’s fine.” She followed him to the kitchen and waited while he fetched a metal tumbler from the cabinet and filled it with cold water from a pitcher in the fridge. “Thanks,” she said when he handed it to her. “You look a lot more like your sister than Neil.”

“True. We get along a lot better too. You’re the agent who arrested Neil, aren’t you?”

“Arrested is a strong word. Let’s just say I found him in a bit of trouble. It’s not like he’s in jail or anything.” She downed the rest of her water. “What’s he up to lately?”

Zach grinned. “Working his ass off. Dad has him doing double duty. Probably to keep him out of Peyton’s hair.”

“How is your dad?”

The smile dimmed. “Not great, but he’s happy to be here at home. We have a nurse come by every couple of days, which he doesn’t like, but to be honest, I’m not sure he remembers her once she leaves.”

Dale nodded. She couldn’t imagine watching one of her parents dying a slow death, let alone having to deal with the added challenge of Alzheimer’s. “He’s lucky to have family to take care of him and a nice place to be.”

“We do the best we can, considering everything.”

He didn’t have to say more. “Probably helps to have your sister back in town,” Dale said.

Peyton strode into the room at that moment. “Don’t answer that, Zach,” she said with a smile. “Whatever you say, she’ll hold it against me.”

“Don’t worry, sis. I’ve got your back.” He looked between them. “I suppose you have important things to discuss, and I have an appointment with a horse. See you later. Nice to meet you, Dale.”

After he cleared the room, Dale asked, “Where have you been hiding him?”

“Mom sent him to check out some stud horses in New Mexico. I think she was just trying to keep him out of the way with everything that’s going on. He’s always been a big fan of Neil’s, and now he’s not really sure what to think.”

“Got it. This whole ordeal has been hard on your family. And Lily’s.” She cleared her throat to segue into the reason for her visit. “Speaking of which, I need to talk to you about our plan.”

“I called Bianca and she said she didn’t think Arturo went for it.”

“I told her to tell you that.”

“Come again?”

“I watched the whole exchange. Arturo did tell Sophia to get lost, loud enough for everyone to hear, but then he whispered something to her and she’s suddenly AWOL. I don’t suppose you’ve spoken with her?”

Dale didn’t have to wait long for a reaction. Peyton shoved back from the table and stood. “What are you implying?”

“Not a damn thing, but here’s the deal. They had a conversation that no one else could hear and she’s ducking our calls.”

“Maybe she’s in trouble. Did you ever think about that?”

“Actually, that’s the first thing I thought so I sent Mary to check things out. Sophia’s at her ranch and going about her business like nothing ever happened.”

“Why didn’t Mary ask her what’s going on?”

“Because I told her to keep her distance and report any unusual activity. We may not be the only ones with eyes on her. If my hunch is right, I bet Sergio has someone watching her ranch.”

“So, now you’re spying on Lily’s mother after she did what you asked.”

“If she wasn’t Lily’s mother would you even care?”

Peyton’s expression was pained. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I guess the lines are getting a bit blurred. Do you want me to try and reach her?”

“No, let’s just keep an eye on her for the next twenty-four hours and see if anything develops. I only came out here to give you a chance to come clean if you have the inside scoop.” Dale grinned. “I guess those blurry lines are contagious.”

“Thanks, pal. If I hear from Sophia, you’ll be the first one I tell. Okay?”

Dale stood up. “Okay, but don’t let Lily go out there.”

“Not a chance.”

“How’s Lily handling all of this?”

“Better than me. She’s made of steel.”

“I’m glad you found each other. Sorry it’s so complicated.”

“The things that are worth it usually are.”

Dale played Peyton’s words over in her head on the way back to Dallas. Life with Maria had been complicated at first as they negotiated the uncertain terrain of careers that came with an element of danger. But as time progressed, the strength of their bond made even the most complex situations seem surmountable when they tackled them together. She couldn’t even imagine a new relationship. She’d probably spend all her time trying to replicate what she’d had while the other person tried to build something from scratch.

She knew all this thinking about a new relationship was prompted by her undeniable attraction to Lindsey, but she also knew attraction didn’t a marriage make. Lindsey would finish up her story tomorrow and head back to New York where she belonged. She, on the other hand, would stay right here and keep doing the same old things. Eventually, she would be content with memories to comfort her for the rest of her life.


Lindsey tossed the dress on the bed and pulled another from her hotel room closet. She was supposed to meet Dale at the restaurant in thirty minutes, and she was running out of options. A knock on the door blasted her ability to think clearly. She cinched the tie of her robe and walked over to look out the peephole to see Alice waiting outside. She swung open the door. “Whatcha need?”

“Elaina said you’ll be taping with Dale after the event tomorrow. Do you plan to do it onsite or back at the studio?”

“What do you recommend?”

Alice glanced at the pile of clothes on the bed. “Hot date?”


“You’re not one of those I have to wear the perfect thing for the camera girls, so I figured this clothing volcano must be due to a hot date.”

“Well, you’d be wrong.”

“Right. Let me guess. You’ll be dining with a certain Special Agent Nelson this evening.”

“I’m conducting a pre-interview over dinner. You know, to be disarming.” Lindsey tried not to flinch at her own disingenuousness.

“Pre-interview. Is that what you’re calling it?” Alice shrugged. “Fine. She’s totally not my type, but there’s something about her. She’s all mysterious and law-and-order. Makes you want to get under her skin.”

Lindsey looked away to hide the smile on her face. Alice had nailed it. Almost. She didn’t want to get under Dale’s skin; she wanted to rub up against it. But that wouldn’t be happening. Not tonight, not ever. She’d get her tell-all tale tomorrow, and on Sunday she and the rest of the crew would be on a plane, back to New York.

New York, where she no longer had a place to live. A flash of melancholy told her it might be time to find a new home. She couldn’t toss her sublet out for another six months, but she could find something new. Something more permanent than the one-room loft she’d used as a stopover on her way in and out of town for the past couple of years, a place that looked very much like Dale’s apartment.

Dale. Lindsey looked at her watch. She was blowing through her get-ready time and Alice was standing there staring at her, waiting. “What did you just say?”

“I said I recommend doing the interview on location. Jed and I already scoped it out and found a few places that would work. I assume you want kind of an intimate feel, but realistic.”

Right. The interview. She dreaded dragging Dale through the experience—a sure sign she was going soft. When this week had started, she was all about the story, and now she was letting her personal feelings get in the way. Dale Nelson was just one of many people she’d interviewed who had experienced tragedy. Now that she was committed to telling Dale’s story, she had a duty to dig deep, to be impartial. Or fake it as best she could. For now she settled on faking it.

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