Abram's Daughters 05 The Revelation (24 page)

BOOK: Abram's Daughters 05 The Revelation
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"To you, too^ Mamma!" He surprised her by kissing her cheek. Ii -.nu-ll waffles."

I 111, and not j ust any waffles chocolate waffles served with hot wrup or whipped cream, take your pick."

I "That's easy. I'll have both." He went and sat right down at theIble.

I "' I ,et patience have her perfect work.' " Leah smiled. I "You're the most patient person I know." Abe picked up his fork Irul knife and clunked them on the table. "I ain't even half as longiffering, Mamma. I've been waitin' all night for a taste of your KhrLstmas waffles."

P How could she deny such a wonderful boy? "All right, then. Get yourself over here." She motioned him over.


"Really, Mamma? You're goin' to tempt me, ain't so?"

She removed a freshly made waffle and placed it on the large serving platter. "Count to five slowly and pull off a piece. Tell me il there's too much chocolate or not."

The twinkle in his eye surely reflected hers. "Aw, you can never have too much chocolate!"

"All right, then. Go 'n' call your father and Aunt Lizzie . . . and Lyddie, too. I'm ready for our Christmas breakfast."

She watched him dash to the stairs, thinking all the while what a wonderful-good day this would be. But it was knowing she would see her beloved beau in a few hours that made Leah's heart beat faster.

Leah held her breath as Jonas's buggy fairly flew up the lane. He's here! She hurried down the steps and tried to contain her exuberance, but it couldn't be helped.

"Come in, son," Dat said in his big voice, greeting Jonas at the back door. "Leah's in the front room."

That was all she could make out as Aunt Lizzie also offered soft words of welcome. Soon Jonas was coming through the doorway and into the large room, not nearly as toasty warm as the kitchen, but more private at least.

He rushed to her, giving her a squeeze. "Blessed Christmas to you, love."

"Happy Christmas, Jonas."

He comically pulled her away from the view of anyone who might be peering into the doorway, grinning at her as he reached for her hands. "I've missed you something terrible. And I have a surprise for you, but you'll have to ride with me somewhere to see it."

"Oh? Where to?"

"You must wait 'n' see."

"All right." She nodded, but she could scarcely wait, feeling as thrilled as a young girl.

"Should I give you a hint?" he teased.


"I thought you said I had to wait. What's this guessin' game?"

"I love you to pieces, that's what."

I lei In .111 pounded with his nearness. "We best go 'n' see what mm ( iT K-li, jah?"

[j A Hivlu-r o( disappointment came and went on his face, but she iftfW lie would enjoy one of the tasty pies she, Aunt Lizzie, and Nldlc- li.ul busied themselves making. Pecan, apple mincemeat, Wiiii|ikin, lemon sponge, and chocolate cream all awaited, so she Hiitk him by the hand and led the way to the kitchen.

They spent time visiting with the rest of the family, some of wlimn .silt ;it the table for second and third helpings of dessert, not Itiiuliii^ .it all sampling the many sweets.

Sometime later, when afternoon milking rolled around, Dat, kite, .iiid Lydiann excused themselves, and Jonas mentioned he and U'tili were "goin' for a quick ride." Leah rose and kissed Aunt Lizzie pd Sadie on the cheek before rushing to find her warmest wraps, raecrl Lilly following her beloved out the back door.

On the ride to Eli's place, Jonas recounted for Leah the day he'd one lo visit the bishop. Leah's heart went out to him as he dett'ihcd the hazardous search and the ultimately terrible discovery. I Ic shook his hedfcl as though reliving the ordeal.

"A car struck him . . . that's what you think?" Leah was horrified.

"Well, there's no way to check that no skid marks, not with all i he snow." He reached around her. "But it's Christmas, my dearest, .<) let's not talk of this anymore. I'm sorry."

" "Us all right. Poor man ... it was his time." She believed in the overelgnty of the Lord. What came to bear on a person's life was amply the will of the Almighty One.

They rode along, Leah sitting smack-dab next to Jonas, surMiunded by the crisp late afternoon air and the serenity of snowy white.

Jonas pointed out some deer tracks along the roadside. "They must know 'tis hunting season."


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"The clatter of gunshot must frighten them," Leah said, won dering if Jonas, who was not a hunter, was aware of the old shack where local men, particularly the English, went for shelter or to reload, their rifles and fill their stomachs with food and drink. It h;ul been a long time since she'd roamed the woods high above the Ebcr sol Cottage, and even longer since her last visit to the old shanty, where she'd heard the surprising tale of her beginnings from Auni Lizzie, who'd happened upon her there. But she did not utter a word about the place just now not on the Lord's birthday.

"My father and brothers had been planning to go huntinY' Jonas said out of the blue. "But I doubt they will now."

"Leah, there's something on my mind, but I hesitate to bring i i up." Her interest piqued, she waited for him to go on. "It seems Jalahas an idea . . . and I'm only sayin' this on his behalf."


"He'd like to visit with Sadie sometime. What do you think of that?"

The words inched into Leah's mind, but she didn't have to think too hard, knowing her sister as she did . . . and the cry of her heari. "Honestly? I say it's a perfectly wonderful idea. When should it be?"

"Well, you might think this too sudden, but Jake was hopin' it might happen yet today, bein' it's Christmas and all."

"Tonight?" She could scarcely believe her ears.

Jonas nodded. "You and I could bring Jake back with us, if you think it wise, and you could go and see how Sadie feels 'bout it."

She almost laughed but squelched it. "Oh my, Jonas. Let me tell ya . . . there's no need to be askin' Sadie anything beforehand. I know what she'd say." She sighed. What an amazing turn of events. "There's not a single doubt in my mind." She became so excited shecould hardly sit still.

"I wanted to do the right thing, you know. Be mighty cautious."

She fully understood. "Thank you for being so considerate, but I'm sure nothing would please my sister more."

When they arrived at Eli's, Jonas took her around the back to the shed, where, when he opened the door and lit the lantern, shegazed at a most beautiful furniture piece.

"This is for you, Leah." He slipped his arm around her.

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"C )h , , . it's ever so perty!" She assumed it was an engagement ! Hi, liui he quickly told her it was for Christmas. To this she said, Vuhi me ya sure?"

He pulled her into his arms. "It's been the longest time since I I millUaI it to you."

She leaned her head against his strong chest. "I don't think I've

.ft' been so happy."

"lull, I know that feelin', too, my dear."

Shc* stepped back and went to explore the wood and sheen of the lovely sideboard, Jonas right by her side as she touched it and peered mui ils drawers. "You should be makin' furniture like this all the nine, ya know." Instantly she realized what she'd said and wished to i ike bai k her remark, hoping against hope she had not beenilioiipjiiless.

"Maybe I will again someday." He reached for her hand. "I'm lulling my time."

She leaned into his tender embrace. "Denki, Jonas . . . for the lovely present."

Alter she'd inspected every inch of the sideboard, Jonas asked if >tlir wanted to go to the house to talk with Jake. She was a bit reluci,hit in leave behind her Christmas surprise, but quite eager to see

11lie, as well. To think of Sadie spending time with her son on this si blessed day made Leah feel ever so joyful.

What will dear Sadie say when she sees her son? }: -

215 -K* Z'Tl'

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Bl it'.i when Sadie was thinking she might feel a bit lonely tonight, Bjf lic;ird the back door spring open and became aware of Leah's Brtiuv. She also heard Jonas and assumed he was coming in to get Vuri" before heading back into the cold.

I I ,v.\\\ came running into the front room, her cheeks flushed and yes wider than usual, and Sadie immediately wondered what was pp. "Stay sittin' right there, Sadie ... I have a surprise for you!" Bflicu she turned and headed toward the kitchen. I In a few moments she was back in the front room again. "Sister, m best close your eyes, all right?"

I She would play along with Leah's game, whatever it was, but she He 11 nearly like a child doing so, what with Leah's goings-on. "I've in my eyes covered, you silly."

After a moment's wait she heard the sound of footsteps and a on tig man's voice. "Hullo, Sadie ... a happy Christmas to ya." E When she opened her eyes, there stood Jake, tall and smiling. She Bould not speak, so astonished she was. "Oh goodness!" she sputtered. "I've been wantin' to meet you." His brown eyes shone and he

looked slightly embarrassed.

Leah and Jonas, who had been standing in the doorway, inched

back, leaving her alone with her son. "Please sit with me," she said at

List, her heart racing with absolute gladness.

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"I hope I didn't startle you by comin' uninvited."

"Well, jah . . . you certainly did. But never a more welcomed fright!" She literally stared, taking in every aspect of his handsome face eyes, brow, nose, cheeks, mouth, chin until she realized 1 itwas just as curious about her, too. "Well, I guess it's not polite in stare, is it?"

They both laughed, and she blinked back tears, nearly overcome with emotion.

He looked at her fondly. "Ever since I heard 'bout you from Dr. Schwartz . . . well, my grandfather, I knew I had to see you again." He paused before continuing. "I wouldn't have known of you if il hadn't been for Lydiann."

"Most important is we're here now, Jake, sittin' and talking together, ain't so?" She opened her heart wide and began to tell him many of the things she had longed to say all this time. "Losing you the night you were born was out of my hands. I would've kept you, because I wanted you so desperately... to raise you and love you dearly, in spite of my unmarried state."

She felt the tears running down her cheeks. "I always felt in my heart you might be alive somehow. I truly did." She didn't refer to her recurring dreams in those first months of a baby's cries, but her remembrance of them caused her to weep.

"I didn't want to barge in on you tonight. . . but I'm mighty glad I did," he said gently.

When Sadie had composed herself, she went on. "I believe you're much like I was at your age. Nothing stood in my way if I had my heart set on it." She reached for his hand. "Denki, ever so much, for takin' this brave, even awkward step. I can't tell you what it means to me." ,

"Thankyou . . . for sharin' what you did."

"I am very happy." She said it with the utmost reverence.

"We daresn't wait so long to see each other again, jah?"

"Why, sure, as soon as you'd like."

He placed his free hand on hers. "Happiest Christmas, jah?"

"Oh my . . . the best ever, Jake. Truly."

He rose slowly, and she felt compelled to stand, as well, wishing she might hold him near, wanting to protect him from further pain,

'' -.'217The Revelation

[Millliu only what was best for him, but she spared him more Jinked up words and tears.

Wllli a deep breath, she put on her brightest, most delighted (nile, lollowing him through the kitchen, where her family sat i--'iiul I lie table playing quiet games, their heads politely bowed.

happened to notice Lydiann's head bob up quickly before going

1 ii Mguin.

"wr, deiir girl. She thought of the unfortunate short-lived

lillip with Jake, thankful she'd heard recently from Leah that

1 vorsl of Lyddie's sadness was already past.

10011 both Sadie and Jake found Jonas and Leah in the utility "it holding hands and looking as happy as she'd ever seen them.

Xkiod night, Leah, and happy Christmas," Jonas said.

vVhcn it seemed appropriate, Sadie thanked Jonas and Leah linking it possible to meet with her son. She found it difficult to

her eyes on anyone but Jake, hardly able to get her fill. "A most yiHitlrrful night!" she declared.

I .cull came and stood near, and together they watched Jake and i ii hi head outside, the two men turning to wave their good-byes yetHiim,

Stems like nothing short of a miracle, thought Sadie, her heart Dimming with joy.

I lo/,y in her log home, Hannah sipped hot cocoa as she watched

die girls play wfth their new games. Gid sat nearby in the front

'imm, close to the fireplace. Such a fine day they'd all enjoyed to-

.;iMlic*r, having made the short trek across barren fields to Gid's par-

ni1.' to partake of the Christmas feast with Tomato Joe and Dorcas

'iit I I heir children, as well. A later visit to the Ebersol Cottage in the

.illy iiitcrnoon had treated them to more pie and cookies. A busy

mii til Christmas Day, yet Hannah would not have traded their

iMiiings and goings for anything.

()iil of the blue, Gid spoke of the bishop's death and how there -vniilil most likely be an ordination for a new bishop come spring. We'll draw from the older, more established preachers from both iIn- (icoigetown district and here."

"Who'll oversee us in the meantime?" she asked.


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"The Grasshopper Level bishop is the nearest, so I'm sure it will be Simon Lapp a most compassionate man, I must say."

"You won't be considered for bishop, then?" Hannah said.

"People would look on me as too young, which is quite all right by me."

She was glad to hear this, because when the ministerial lot (ell on a man, it was a most solemn thing. To back away and not receive the ordination was to meddle with the sovereignty of God and seen by some as a bad omen.

Gid reached for her hand. "Don't worry over the ordination, Hannah, but be in an attitude of prayer."

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