Accent Hussy (It Had 2 B U) (17 page)

BOOK: Accent Hussy (It Had 2 B U)
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Lesson 291 in my life as an Accent Hussy; never fall for an Italian Stallion whose wife throws like Babe Ruth and has the agility of a gazelle.

“Will you please stop laughing?” I scold Jessi. We’re waiting in line to receive our diplomas. Jessi can barely contain herself as I relay everything that happened in the last four hours.

“Tell me again. Tell me exactly what happened?” She’s laughing so hard that the people around us are listening to our conversation and laughing, too.

“I was dating a married man, whose wife tried to kill me with flying stiletto shoes, romance novels, baseball bats, and vases.”

“And you actually ninja rolled in a dress, commando, across their bedroom floor?”

“I feared for my life, Jessi. The woman tried to kill me with inanimate objects. She should be placed in a psych ward.”

“You fucked her husband! What did you expect her to do—paint your nails and braid your hair? You’re lucky you made it out alive. She probably has plans to find you, kill you, and cut your body up into a thousand tiny pieces.”

“I think I’ll be okay. Tomorrow I pack and in a day I’ll be back at my parent’s place, far away from Lorenzo and his crazy ass wife.”

“What did you tell your parents about Lorenzo not being here?”

“That he was called away on business.”

“Couldn’t tell them the truth, huh?”

I shrug my shoulders and open my mouth to say something witty when they call Jessi’s name. She walks up, takes her diploma, and then sits back down in her seat. They call my name directly after her. I walk up on the stage with my head held high. I spot my parents and Max in the stands, waving their hands and hollering my name. Four years I’ve worked for this degree, and in a couple months, I can put it to use. Max and Dashawn are working diligently to open their gym. Once I get back home, I’ll be in charge of handling staff hiring and getting the people aspect of their business together. I definitely need a change of scenery. After the traumatizing Lorenzo experience, I’m ready to start over. Maybe returning to my roots is exactly what I need. Obviously, whatever I’m doing isn’t working.

After a two-hour graduation ceremony, dinner with my family, and an hour of my mother nagging me about Lorenzo not making it, I was ready for bed. I can pack tomorrow when things are less crazy. We round the hall and see a beautiful vase of red roses sitting in front of our door. Jessi skips ahead of me to snatch the roses up.

“It’s got your name on it. I bet it’s from Lorenzo,” she laughs again. If she wasn’t my best friend, I’d smack her. She takes the card out from the flowers and reads it.

“Everly, you looked so beautiful accepting your diploma. Call me. I’m in town for a day or two. ~C~,” she reads.

Caleb. He was at my graduation? He’s here in town? STALKER!

“Tell me again why you aren’t into the hot, romantic, fighter with the perfect dick?”

“Ummm, because he’s a stalker and a psycho. That is NOT a good combination.”

“You should give him a shot, Everly. It’s obvious you and foreign men don’t play well together.”

I snatch the card away from her and see Caleb’s number on the other side. Tearing the card into a million tiny pieces, I toss the remnants, throwing them into the trashcan right inside our entryway. There’s no way I’m contacting Caleb, not now, not ever. I’m about to throw the roses away with the card when I decide against it. Just because I hate Caleb doesn’t mean I should let beautiful roses go to waste. He may get on my nerves, but he does have good taste in flowers. I carry them inside and place them on my nightstand.

A few hours later, I’m in bed, staring up at the ceiling. Jessi is dead asleep in her bed across the room. The silence is maddening. Distracted, I find myself admiring my present. The roses are pretty, and they couldn’t have come at a better time. How is it he knows what to give me exactly when I need it? Oh yeah, he’s a creepy stalker.
Bad Everly, you do not like Caleb Conaway. You cannot like Caleb Conaway. He’s your green eggs and ham. You do not like him, Everly- I-am. You do not like Caleb and his sexy abs.
Crap, didn’t that dog guy in the hat ended up liking green eggs and ham? I’m doomed—one hundred percent doomed!














Chapter Sixteen

Four months later …


The last four months have flown by quickly. Since graduation, I haven’t heard one word from Caleb, and that’s how I prefer it.

Breezy and Max finally had their baby. Nine months is way too long to wait for a baby to be born. I was going stir-crazy waiting for the phone to ring. When I finally got the call, I rushed over to the hospital and was pleasantly surprised when I met my new nephew. They kept the sex of the baby a secret; only the doctor knew exactly what they were having. Breezy and Max ended up naming their baby Braxton—a mixture of both of their names.

To say I’m the world’s best aunt is an understatement! I’ve doted on my nephew so much his bedroom is like a Toys “R” Us. Every time I go to the store, I’m buying him baby clothes or stuffed animals.

Breezy had one of those pregnancies most women would be jealous of: hardly any morning sickness, a quick and easy labor, and straight back to her figure almost immediately. It’s annoying how perfectly her pregnancy went.

Max and Dashawn are finally opening their gym, and tomorrow is the big ribbon cutting ceremony. Being their business manager, I’ve been working my ass off trying to get a competent staff in line to help run their business. I’ve hired almost everybody; I just have one more spot to fil—a night trainer. Max and Dashawn want Contitude Gym to be open twenty-four hours. Finding someone who can pass the background check, and is willing to stay all night has been difficult. The last five applicants all had prior records, and a couple of them I think had drug problems. This human resource stuff isn’t easy. I’m just about to pack up for the day when there is a knock on my door.

“Come on in, it’s open,” I yell.

I’m too busy sifting through my paperwork to look up right away. It isn’t until the person speaks that my heart stops.

“G’Morning,” a thick Irish accent says.
Oh yeah, vagina . . . that was Irish
. My poor vagina has been on a cock hiatus for the last four months. Caleb and the housewife incident has seriously ruined my pursuit of bedroom fun. This is the first time in months that she’s actually woken up from her hibernation.

My eyes shoot up to find the deepest dark brown eyes staring back at me. Wild, disheveled hair is sticking up on the head of the most striking man I’ve seen in a long time. He doesn’t smile at me. It’s more of a smirk as he slightly lifts the corner of his mouth. He’s wearing a large black leather coat, black jeans, and a black and white plaid shirt underneath. His dark eyes are briefly hidden behind his thick auburn bangs. His large dark eyebrows make him look like one of those moody guys you see in movies.

“M . . . May I help you?” I barely manage to get out. Somehow, a broken Irish accent filters into my voice. It’s like I have no control over it. The minute I hear an accent, I automatically start copying it.

“Are you from Ireland?” he asks coolly.

“N . . . no,” I say, still holding onto the accent.

“But you got me accent,” He says grinning.

“I . . . um . . .” Max picks that exact moment to walk into the room.

“She’s got this weird talent of picking up accents very easily. Hi, I’m Max and you are?”

“Keegan O’Shea,” he states, shaking Max’s hand.

“Nice to meet you, can we help you with something? It’s obvious Everly here has lost all her ability to think or talk, so I’ll talk for her.”

“Shut up, Max. My brother here thinks he’s funny.”

Keegan cocks his head to the side and laughs. “That’s some talent, ye have thar. Almost made me believe you’s from me home country. I came searching for the job you’s listed. I be interested in the night position, if it be still available.”

This couldn’t be any more perfect. A hot, sexy foreigner walks into my office looking for a job—not just any job, but the job I just so happen to be currently hiring for.

“What are your qualifications?” Max asks.

“I have experience managing a bar, so I’m used to staying up late. I exercise at least four hours a day. I’m physically fit and know how to spot people when they’re working out.”

My brother doesn’t look impressed. Me, I’m ready to hire him on the spot. As long as he keeps talking to me, that is.

“I’m not sure. I’m really looking for someone with a background in physical fitness. Everybody we have hired so far has one.”

“Ay, I don’t have a degree. Physical training isn’t big where I be from. I promise to work hard, and get the job done right.”

“Max, we need to hire someone. Nobody else who is even remotely qualified applied for the position. Can’t we give him a shot?”

Max quirks an eyebrow at me. “Keegan, can you excuse us for a minute?”

“Sure, I’ll be outside.”

My eyes follow Keegan out the door.

Max glares at me. “We aren’t hiring that guy.”

“Why not,” I whine.

“He’s not qualified. Not to mention, I don’t have a good feeling about him. Your judgment is clouded by his accent. We aren’t going to hire someone just because he’s Irish.”

“And good-looking,” I add. I probably shouldn’t have said that out loud, but I did.

“Yeah, we’re so not hiring him.”

Dashawn comes rushing in the door and smiles. “Is that our new guy? He’s going to bring in a whole crowd of ladies!”

“We aren’t hiring him,” Max firmly states.

“Why not?” Dashawn asks.

“He’s not qualified, and Everly thinks he’s hot—not a good combination. I have a bad feeling, Dashawn.”

“We need him, Max. You saw those other hillbilly applicants. This dude is gold.”

Running a hand through his hair, Max lets out a frustrated huff. “Fine, as long as he passes his background check. We’ll hire him on a trial basis.”

“Sixty days,” I tell Max. “That’s the normal period of time you give a new employee.” I smile, knowing perfectly well I’m gonna like these next sixty days.

“Do his background check, Everly. Then we’ll talk how long his probation period is going to be.”

“Got it, Boss,” I salute him with a stupid grin on my face.

Dashawn calls Keegan back into the room. Max stares him down. I can tell Max really doesn’t want to give him a job, but, at least, he’s giving him a shot. I’ll have my pussy send him a thank you card later.

“Everly is going to run a background check on you. As long as it comes back okay, we’re going to hire you on a trial run basis.”

That crazy smirk of Keegan’s crosses his face and my heart pitter- patters in my chest. “Sounds good.”

“Everly, I’m leaving this up to you. Nice meeting you Keegan,” Max says, practically stomping out of the room. Dashawn follows him and says goodbye as well, leaving me alone with the Irish hottie.

I feel his eyes on me and my cheeks burn. I start fumbling around my desk looking for the background check paperwork I need him to fill out. He makes me too nervous and I end up knocking a whole stack of papers onto the floor. Keegan bends down at the same time I do and we end up knocking heads.

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” I reach out to touch his temple. The moment my fingers connect with his skin; I’m holding my breath.

He laughs, taking my hand and removing it from his forehead. “Let me help youse pick these up.” He hands me a stack of papers. I feel myself blushing again when our eyes meet.

“Maybe you shouldn’t take this job,” I mumble, trying to get my head back into professional mode. His accent definitely doesn’t make me want to be professional.

“Excuse me?” he asks in shock.

“Sorry, It’s just that I have a weakness for hot guys with accents. Your Irish one is going to be my undoing if we work together.”

Oh my god, could his smile get any sexier? He’s got me by the pussy, and there’s absolutely no way I’m going to let this sexy man-specimen get away.

“You fancy me?” he asks. He moves towards me and his left eyebrow slightly raises at the same time his half smirk does.

Oh pet me! Sweet lord, please pet my pussy!
I’m doing my best to try and remain composed, but his close proximity is driving me wild. When
he moves closer to me, I can smell his cologne—a rough scent of sandalwood and smoke. Then he touches me and I’m done for. I practically pool at his feet and start bowing to him like the Irish god that he is.

He puts a firm hand around my forearm to help me to my feet. His touch has left me weightless and I tumble into him.

“Be more careful, Everly. Youse could break yar ankle or something warse.” I fall into his jacket and find my hands pressed against his chest which is hard and rigid with muscles. I’m wondering what he has hiding under there. “So what do I need to fill out for the background check?” he asks, still holding me steady against him.

“Don’t worry about it. I’m sure your record is just fine.”

“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to lose me job over something like a wee background check.”

“You won’t get into trouble; I will. Congratulations, you got the job!” I smile up at him and realize we are in sort of a romantic embrace right now. I pull out of his arms and brush a piece of hair out of my face. “I’m sorry, that was very unprofessional of me.”

“It’s okay. You smell good, like roses.”

My hair hides the inflamed pink tinge his words created.

“I look forward in working with you, Everly. A beautiful girl like you is sure to keep me on me toes.”

“Our opening is tomorrow. You should come. There will be refreshments and door prizes. All sorts of fun stuff. We can get you acquainted with the gym.”

“What will me responsibilities be?”

“Wipe off the machines. Spot people who need spotting. Make sure no one steals anything. Mainly, we need someone who is willing to be here overnight. That’s what we are looking for.” He makes eye contact with me and my eyes drop to my feet. He’s really handsome—so handsome it’s hard to stare at him at all.

“Well, it’s a good thing I’m a night owl. I’m kind of a backwards sleeper. When the sun is up, I’m sleeping. When the moon is up, I be frisky.” He winks.

Oh my god, even his winking is sexy.

“So you’re a vampire then. They sleep during the day, too.”

“It’s a possibility. Guess you’ll have to protect your neck around me. I do have a rather odd biting fetish.”

I cover my neck and blush even deeper. Thinking about Keegan’s lips anywhere near my jugular is the biggest turn-on ever. Wetness pools between my thighs. The longer he stares at me, the wetter I get.

He chuckles. “Don’t worry, if I bite you, it will only be to make you mine forever. You know, like a vampire bride or whateva’ they be called.”

“Oh . . . um . . . okay.” When I look up at him, he’s staring at me. I hate that I can’t tell if he’s smiling because he’s amused or if his smile is of the condescending variety. Either way, whatever he’s doing right now is insanely hot.

“Okay, Miss Everly, I best be on me way now. I will be at the ribbon cutting ceremony tomorrow. I’m looking forward to our time together.”

“As am I,” I say a little too seductively.

“Until we meet again, Love.” With that, he turns and walks away, leaving me a pool of lust right in the middle of my office. If sex was a personality trait, Keegan would be ninety percent sex and ten percent charisma. I’m seriously still fanning myself and my under regions after his departure. My vag is prowling like a tiger right now, pacing around her cage, thirsty for his attention. She’s got a taste for the Irish. I’m afraid that at any moment, she’s going to pounce his penis and go in for the kill.

Down Vagiger. Don’t worry; one day he will be both of ours.
























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