Accidental Peers 03 - Compromising Willa (25 page)

BOOK: Accidental Peers 03 - Compromising Willa
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Ogden did not react to Hart’s angry outburst. He remained impassive, rising from his chair across from the massive desk in Hart’s study. “Your Grace, I’m afraid the seller has another demand.”

Hart turned from the window to look at Ogden. “Dare he suggest he requires more than triple the value of the vowels?”

“He insists you meet him in person to transact the deal.”

“Whatever for?”

“I’m not certain, Your Grace. He asks that you meet this afternoon at Green’s, the new hotel on Albemarle Street. Suite 102.”

A few hours later, Hart made his way to the first fine hotel to open in Mayfair. Composed of several townhouses, Green’s offered luxury suites to its most exclusive clientele. Stepping into one of them, he closed the door behind him and surveyed the well-appointed parlor, anxious to meet the bastard who was trying to fleece him.

“At last we meet,” said a warm, feminine voice.

Chapter Fifteen

Hart knew that voice. He heard it in his dreams—the robust sound of warm, dark chocolate. He turned to find Willa standing in the doorway that led to the bed chamber, a knowing smile on her face.

“What the devil?” said Hart. “What are you doing here?”

“You’ve come to meet the person who holds forty percent of Augustus’ vowels.”

“Yes, but—” He halted, raising his brows in disbelief. “You? But how?”

Willa settled on the parlor’s burgundy velvet sofa. “You told me to use my dowry as I saw fit.”

“You are the person who’s been buying up Bellingham’s vowels?” he asked incredulously.

She smiled at the surprise she saw in his face. “I hired someone Cam recommended to acquire them for me, using the funds from my dowry.”

Hart dropped down by her side, grudging admiration gradually replacing his exasperation. “So you bid up the price. You’ve cost me a fortune.”

“In my defense, I was not aware that you were the other buyer until you agreed to pay my astronomical asking price. No one else would go to those lengths.” She looked at him with dancing eyes. “Really, Hart, I thought you prided yourself in being an unparalleled businessman.”

Hart let out a gruff laugh. “You minx. That is why I sensed the seller knew how much I wanted those bloody vowels.”

Willa slipped her hand into his. “No one would know better than I.”

“Well, a deal is a deal. You shall have your coin and I will own all of Bellingham’s vowels.”

Willa gave him a wary look. “What are you going to do with them?”

Hart grinned, the humor in the situation not lost on him. “In truth, I was going to gift them to you once I had acquired all of them. But at this moment, I’m considering changing my mind.”

“Oh, Hart.” Her eyes shined. “What a lovely thing to do. You planned to give them to me to do whatever I chose?”

“Very lovely for you. You’ve managed to both triple your money and acquire the vowels.” He stood up, pulling her along with him toward the bedchamber.

“What now?” Willa asked, willingly following him.

“Now,” he said. “I am going to allow you to show me just how much you appreciate my very generous gift.”

She showed him in every way she could imagine. Two hours later, their exhausted glistening bodies were intertwined in the massive bed. Willa’s head lay on Hart’s chest while she toyed with the smattering of tight dark curls there.

Hart gave a lazy smile. “I must say, you certainly have an excellent way of showing your appreciation.” He yawned, looking very pleased with himself. “I must arrange gifts for you much more often.”

Laughing, she placed a light kiss on his chest. “What shall I do with the vowels?”

“Why were you purchasing them? Surely you had a plan. Something to give Gus his comeuppance?”

“I did have revenge in mind when I began purchasing the debt.” She sighed, her soft curves snuggling into his warm body. “But now…honestly, I was thinking about selling all of the vowels even before I realized you were the anonymous buyer.”

“Why would you do that?”

“Once I realized the enormity of Augustus’ debt, I comprehended that I didn’t have the means to buy all of it.” She adjusted her body slightly so she could look at Hart. As she did so, she savored the supple warmth of bare skin upon bare skin. “I want you to buy me out.”

“I’ve already given you all of the vowels.”

“Yes, and now I’d like you to buy them back. I have better uses for the funds.”

He guffawed, the sound rumbling deep in his chest. “Indeed? So let me be clear about this. I’ve already gifted you the debt, which you made me pay triple the value for. Now you want me to
back the gift I’ve just paid a fortune for?”

She smiled, her mind already working furiously on her new plan. “Exactly.”

“Why do I have the feeling you plan to drive a hard bargain?”

“I will, of course, demand top coin for it.”

“To what end?” He ran his fingers over the smooth white curve of her shoulder. “Will you drive me to ruin just for sport?”

“I want to open more coffee houses for women and street children. We could open one in Bath.”

“With your special teas?”

The idea of having a worthy project of her own—one that could keep more women and children off the streets—left her giddy with excitement. “Of course. What do you think?”

His large, warm hands rubbed her bare shoulders. “I think it’s an excellent idea.”


He kissed her hard. “Truly.”

“And I shall expect a very good price for the sugar you supply to the coffee houses.”

“I am to be your new supplier as well?” He lifted a dark brow. “I expect to be properly compensated.”

She returned his demanding kiss. “I begin to comprehend what sort of payment you have in mind.”

“What about Gus?”

She yawned and stretched over him. “I could care less what happens to Augustus. I want him out of my life and my thoughts. Revenge takes energy and I don’t want to expend anything on him.”

Hart’s hands slipped off her shoulders and under the counterpane, kneading her upper back as she lay atop him, stomach to stomach, chest to chest. “Then leave it all to me.”

“Mmmm, that’s nice.” Willa closed her eyes, enjoying his touch. “He’s already all but ruined himself, you know.”

His hands stilled. “Gus?”

She wriggled her shoulders under his motionless hands. “Don’t stop.” When he picked back up again, she continued with a satisfied sigh. “Do you know the Bellingham country seat is no longer entailed? The earl allowed the tail to lapse. Possibly to give himself the flexibility to sell off parts of the estate. That would leave Race and Addie without a home.”

“But surely her dowry is as generous as yours.” Hart’s hands worked their way lower, to the curve of her lower back. “They could still live quite comfortably.”

“Yes, but Race refuses to make use of it.”

“How honorable.” His long, warm fingers slid over the curves of her bottom, cupping and squeezing. “Quite a different sort than his brother.”

Desire tugged deep in her belly. “The two are unalike in every way. Race is decent to the core. He has a true connection to the land. Addie fears Race will be crushed if Bellingham Park and the surrounding estate pass out of the family.”

She reached up to kiss his lips. It was sweet, soft, and fleeting. After an exhausting afternoon of lovemaking, it surprised her to feel Hart thickening again against her thigh.

“Well, I have not lost my taste for revenge.” His fingers kneaded her bottom with a more insistent touch. “What would you say if I told you I have a plan to deal with Gus which would also protect your sister?”

She gave him a hot, lingering kiss. “I should be most appreciative.”

He lifted Willa by the waist, bringing her down on his engorged flesh. She sat astride him, pushing down until he was fully sheathed. Cupping her breasts in his large hands, Hart began to move indolently beneath her.

“Come now, darling, show me just how grateful you would be.”

Augustus Manning was in a hurry. He barely gave his coachman time to stop before alighting from the carriage and bounding into Green’s Hotel. He demanded to be directed to the suite, arriving at the appointed destination to find the door had been left ajar. Augustus’ arousal ached with anticipation. Willa awaited him in this suite. He shoved the door open only to find the opulent sitting room empty. He looked around with urgent desire, barely able to endure any longer. His sweeping gaze found the entrance to the bed chamber.

Perhaps she was already abed waiting for him. Willa’s note had asked Augustus to meet her here at this time. She had come to her senses, it seemed. He imagined her stripped of all her clothes, begging for forgiveness.

He ought not to forgive her for denying him the right of taking her maidenhead. Still, cuckolding Hartwell would be equally satisfying. Perhaps even more so. And he felt certain Willa was the woman who could bring out the man in him again. He had trouble staying hard with other women, unless the interaction involved a bit of rough play. But that was only because they were all whores. It would be different with Willa.

He thought of the things he would do to her. He would punish her and then he would take her. He would use every part of her over and over again until she begged for mercy. His arousal agitating him beyond measure, Augustus burst into the hotel bed chamber looking wildly around for Willa. The bed clothes had already been disturbed. But a quick look revealed Willa wasn’t among them.

His blood iced when he spotted the dark-clad figure in a comfortable chair by the bed. “Hartwell.”

“You were expecting someone else?” Clad in all black, the duke’s dark hair was tied back in that ridiculous queue he favored. It emphasized his harsh features, the strong nose and sharp cheekbones. Augustus suppressed a shiver. The man looked like the devil.

His stomach dropped. “What in bloody hell?”

Blue black eyes regarded him with cold clarity. “You were expecting my wife perhaps?” Hartwell lit a cheroot and exhaled, infusing the air with the smell of burning tobacco. “Are you here for an assignation?” Hartwell made a careless gesture toward the rumpled bed clothes. “As you can see, you are too late. My wife was just here. Unlike you, I don’t bring women to private chambers unless I am confident of the outcome. But to be honest, it was my wife who rented the room and lured me here. You can imagine my surprise…and delight.”

A shudder of disgust rippled through Augustus at the thought of the scoundrel’s hands on Willa. “Your wife invited me here. It seems you don’t have what it takes to satisfy her.”

Hartwell took a drag off his cheroot and watched as he exhaled small tight circles of pearly smoke. “Oh, believe me, satisfaction has never been a problem.”

Augustus’ insides curled with hatred. “I fondly recall another rented room much like this one some four years ago. I am very well aware of the pleasures she offers.”

“Spare me.” Swarthy skin stretched taut over the devil’s uncompromising features. “We both know you have no intimate knowledge of her pleasures. As her husband, I am in a unique position to know. However, I am not here to discuss my wife.”

“Why are we here?” Augustus suppressed the urge to spit on the demon’s polished boots. “Do get on with it. I haven’t got all day.”

An icy smile. “Off to place a bet somewhere?”

“That’s none of your concern.”

Another frosty turn of the devil’s mouth. “I’m delighted to inform you that it is indeed my concern. Do you know that there are enough vowels out there to ruin you?” Hartwell’s eyes were intent on his cheroot as he took another slow drawn-out drag. Followed by tightly controlled small white circles. The silence screamed in Augustus’ ears.

Hartwell crossed his legs, his gleaming black Hessians catching the light. “Owing little bits of coin to many different parties is manageable, provided you are adept at juggling.” Hartwell’s gaze reached Augustus’ eyes. “But can you imagine what could happen if all of those vowels were in the hands of one person?”

A wintry blast slammed through Augustus, depriving him of air. He sank down on the padded bench at the foot the bed, wondering for the first time just how much he really owed. He never bothered to pay attention. Surely it couldn’t be that bad.

“Unlike you, I mind the numbers,” said Hartwell. “I examine them in very close detail. Close enough to know you are ruined.”

“Like hell, you say.” Nausea swirled in Augustus’ gut. “I’ll sell Bellingham Park, the entire estate, to settle this debt. You don’t own me, Hartwell.”

“That might be an agreeable plan,” Hartwell said, his mouth curving upward into a chilling smile, “if you had not already bet away Bellingham Park.”

Augustus blanched. How could Hartwell already know about the note on Bellingham Park? That had happened at White’s just a few days ago. He intended to win the family estate back right away.

“Yes, I hold the vowels on Bellingham Park,” Hartwell said, answering the unasked question. “And your London town house alone won’t settle your debts. I’ll have you in debtor’s prison within a fortnight. You will be completely ruined.”

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