Accidentally in Love (21 page)

Read Accidentally in Love Online

Authors: Jane Davitt,Alexa Snow

Tags: #Romance, #M/M Contemporary, #Contemporary, #Gay, #Source: Amazon

BOOK: Accidentally in Love
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A car went by, the dusk deep enough now that its headlights were on, splashing the interior of Tom’s car with light like a dash of cold water, making them draw apart. The separation didn’t last long. The car was parked under a tree, shadowed by it, and the street was a quiet one, large houses with long drives, homes full of families eating supper. For now, they were safe.

Cal undid his seat belt and shifted closer, his hand dropping to cover the bulge in Tom’s jeans where his cock lay full and hard. His lips parted, remembering how it’d felt to have his mouth filled and fucked by Tom, who hadn’t held back then either. “I would,” he repeated, the words rasping his dry throat. He knew what would ease it. “God, you don’t know how much I want to feel you shoot down my throat and hear you say my name when you do it.”

“I wish you could.” Tom's thumb was restlessly stroking the skin below Cal’s ear and sending shivers through him. “Earlier, in the bathroom, the way you opened up for me when I was so close, shit, you don’t know how hard it was to wait until I was inside you. I nearly came just from the way you were looking at me, the way you’d let me touch you like that.” He nuzzled against Cal’s throat, biting at it until the skin stung. Cal clutched at his arms, pressing closer still, silently encouraging Tom because he couldn’t think of anything to say now that wasn’t just
. “You don’t make me feel like I’m new to all this.”

“You don’t feel new to it, that’s why,” Cal managed to say. “Jesus, Tom, we need to—”

“Get a room?” Tom said with a choked-off laugh that held an edge of desperation to it. “Yeah, we do.”

“We have one. We have a whole house.” Cal let his fingers trace over Tom’s cock lightly, deliberately being gentle because it was time to get control of this situation so they could get home, preferably as soon as possible. “If I keep my hands to myself, you think you can drive us back there?”

Tom caught Cal’s wrist and brought Cal’s hand to his mouth, kissed the knuckles roughly. “Maybe. If you keep your hands to yourself.”

“I’ll try,” Cal said. “It’s not easy, though.”

“I know the feeling.” Tom steeled his jaw—making Cal wonder if it hurt his teeth to clench them that tightly—and put the car in drive again.

It felt like forever before they pulled into their driveway, but Cal managed to keep from touching Tom until they reached the front porch, when Tom was unlocking the door. That was when his control snapped and he couldn’t help himself anymore. He stepped up close behind Tom and wrapped both arms around Tom’s waist. He slid one hand higher to Tom’s chest while the other trailed down toward his cock.


Tom turned the key, slowly, so slowly that Cal could see the fine tremor in his hand as he completed the action, could feel that same shake in the body he held, as if Tom’s control was seconds away from shattering.

“Inside.” Cal could barely hear the word through the pounding of blood in his ears. “God, please.”

They stumbled through the door, and Cal kicked it shut behind them. The noise it made as it slammed echoed in his head and was as quickly forgotten, because Tom turned in his arms and kissed him again. Their mouths struck, collided, all the heat of the kisses they’d exchanged in the car still there, the spice of the argument still present, though Cal didn’t think that Tom was pissed with him now.

“Upstairs,” Tom said, his fingers digging into Cal’s ass, his breath hot against Cal’s face. “Be nice to me upstairs, Cal, and—I don’t care if the fucking house burns down—don’t stop. God, don’t make me wait.”

There was no way Cal would fuck Tom like this, because he wasn’t going to chance it going wrong, but he wouldn’t say that now. He’d get Tom upstairs and do whatever else it took to get him off, hopefully more than once, and they’d worry about fucking another time. Hell, Tom could fuck him, maybe—and if Cal hadn’t already been hard, that thought would have taken him there.

“Upstairs,” he agreed, and somehow they managed to make it there without either of them getting hurt. They stumbled into Tom’s room, shedding clothes as they went.


Tom shoved Cal unceremoniously up against the wall and kissed him, grinding that impressive erection alongside Cal’s. “Sorry,” Tom said.

Cal had no idea what he was apologizing for and didn’t care. “Nope. Please tell me you’ve got lube somewhere and a condom?” He had both in his own room; he just didn’t want to have to go that far to retrieve them.

“Yeah, somewhere.” Tom sounded hazy on the details. “Got them somewhere—

Hearing Tom say his name like that, with so much longing, did things to Cal, shredding what was left of his doubts. Tom needed him as much as he needed Tom, and they’d make this work, getting past all their issues; he knew they would. Filled with a lust-fueled euphoria he hoped Tom shared, Cal couldn’t imagine anything stopping them.

“Need them,” he said. “If we’re going to do this, we need—”

“I know, I know.” Tom cupped Cal’s face in his hands, staring down at him, his pupils dilated, his hair tousled wildly. “You want to do this, right? It’s not just me?”

“Of course it’s not just you.” Cal leaned forward and kissed Tom hard, lips bruised against teeth. “You have to be able to feel how much I want you.” He slid his hands around to Tom’s ass and pulled Tom forward, rubbing against him. “There, feel that?”

Tom made a little whimpering sound and shoved his hips more firmly into Cal’s. “God, I want you so much. Don’t even care what we do. I just know I want to be naked with you, feel you…”

“Race you to the bed,” Cal said daringly and was surprised by how quickly Tom pulled back and stripped off his pants. “Hey, no fair!”

“How is this no fair?” Tom kicked his underwear away and leaped onto the bed. “What do I win?”

“Win?” Cal was still removing the rest of his own clothes, and he couldn’t help but be distracted by the sight of Tom. “How about me?”

Tom rose to his knees, giving Cal even more to look at. He might have lost the race, but he got to see Tom unselfconsciously posing for him. It more than made up for coming in second. When they got the chance to catch their breath, he was going to capture Tom on film, getting closer to him in a way that was second nature to Cal. Through a lens, he saw people differently, each shot revealing more than motion could. He couldn’t wait to discover what Tom photographed like. Maybe a series of shots with Tom bundled up in his baggy clothes, removing them item by item, revealing that lean, strong, utterly edible body…

“You make the best prize ever,” Tom said, jolting Cal out of his reverie. He crooked his finger, a teasing glint in his eyes. “Come here and let me admire you.”

Cal licked his lips and walked slowly over to the bed, running a hand down along his bare stomach as he did so. He could imagine the picture he presented and could see it reflected on Tom’s face, the hunger in Tom’s gaze clear. “I hope,” he said, climbing onto the mattress with one knee and then the other, “that your admiration is going to take the form of hands. And lips. Maybe tongue?”

Taking hold of his hips, Tom turned him and pressed him down onto the bed. “All of those,” he agreed. “And what about you?”

“Me? I was kind of hoping”—Cal kissed Tom’s shoulder—“that maybe”—he kissed the curve of Tom’s jaw, feeling the prickle of stubble on his sensitive mouth—“you’d be willing to fuck me.” He watched Tom’s face while he said it, to gauge Tom’s reaction, and was gratified to see Tom’s eyes darken further with arousal.

“I thought we were going to do it the other way around.”

“I usually do,” Cal admitted. “But I don’t want your first experience with penetration to be on the end where you could get hurt. It’d kill me to hurt you.”

“It’s more likely to be you wanting to kill me.” Tom chewed at his lip indecisively, even though his hands were warm and sure on Cal, stroking his skin, petting him as if Tom couldn’t bear not to be touching Cal when they were this close. “You’re sure about this?”

“Honestly? Yes.”

“Okay, but you go on top,” Tom said unexpectedly. “Right now I’m so turned on, I might not be able to take it slow, and that way, you’ll be the one controlling things.”

It was a sign of how inexperienced Tom was that he thought being on top meant you were automatically the one in control. However, it didn’t seem like the time to point that out. It was the kind of thing he’d figure out sooner or later on his own, and Cal was more interested in touching every inch of Tom than lecturing him on the finer points of sex. “Okay, yes. Whatever you want. Where’s your stuff? Lube?”

“I think it’s under the mattress.” Tom dropped an arm down off the bed and squirmed briefly before coming up with a small bottle and a wrapped condom.

“You keep condoms under your mattress?” Cal asked, grinning.

Tom pinched Cal’s left nipple. “I do now. What? I’m not allowed to hope?”

“Oh, you can hope, and if you tell me what you want, I’ll try to make sure you get all of it. Everything.” Cal meant it. “I want to give you everything.”

“Right now, I just want to come,” Tom said with a groan. “God, I feel like I’ve been hard for hours. I’m
. And that’s just weird. I mean, we’ve done nothing but have sex all day. I should be exhausted and I’m—” His eyes widened. “Jesus, I’m insatiable. A sex addict. Shit.”

Cal bit his lip to stop himself laughing. He was never sure if Tom really meant some of the things he said or if it was his own peculiar brand of humor. Either way, Tom made him smile. “I think we can hold off a few more days before we check you into rehab.”

“If you say so.” Yes, that was definitely his tongue tucked into his cheek.

“You’re going to regret winding me up,” Cal told him with his best imitation of severity. A raging hard-on made it difficult to carry off. “I’m going to ride you like a pony, and when I’m done—”

“Rode hard and put away wet,” Tom murmured, not seeming to be at all apprehensive. “God, hurry.”

“You’re the one holding the condom,” Cal pointed out.


“What? Oh!” With less fumbling than Cal had expected—though there was no reason why Tom couldn’t have practiced, after all—Tom opened the packet and rolled the condom over his rigid cock.

“Now you need this. Or do I do it?” Tom asked, the bottle of lube in his hand. A small frown creased his forehead.

“Put some on you first.” Cal shifted to the side to give Tom room and took the bottle from him when he was done with it. “Now put some on me. It’s okay if there’s a lot. We might have to change the sheets afterward. It’ll be worth it, trust me.”

“I do.” Tom drizzled more lube over two fingertips and brushed them over the skin behind Cal’s balls and along the seam of Cal’s ass, pausing to tease at his hole. Cal gasped and lifted his hips involuntarily, seeking more.

“Yeah, like that. Just get everything all wet, and—”

Tom was easing a fingertip inside him, just the tiniest amount, cautious about it, and it felt better than Cal remembered. It had been years since he’d been fucked, and he was more than a little bit anxious about it, which he knew wasn’t going to help the experience. He needed to adjust his thinking, to look forward to the push and stretch of Tom’s cock inside him. “Tell me if it’s too much,” Tom said.

“No, it’s good. Now just—” It didn’t seem like Tom needed the direction Cal was trying to give him. The slick slide of his finger, deeper, and crooking to find Cal's prostate, made Cal close his eyes and pant for control. “God. What the hell have you been reading?”

? Oh, I get it. Just, stuff, you know,” Tom said vaguely. “Online mostly. Porn movies. Though they tend to skip straight to the action. Still feel okay?”

Cal felt sweat break out along his forehead. “Yeah,” he said, his voice tight. “That’s—” He lost the battle to stay cool and exhaled sharply. “That’s so fucking good.”

“Ready for more?” How Tom managed to make a simple question out of something another man would’ve turned into an innuendo, Cal didn’t know.

“More lube.”

The loss of Tom’s finger, withdrawn at a glacial pace, gave Cal the chance to regroup and make a conscious effort to relax for what came next.


“Two fingers now?” Tom asked.

Cal shook his head. He seemed to remember two fingers hurting more than one cock. Maybe that was just him, though. “One’s fine. Just get plenty of lube in me. I’m going to be tight as hell.”

“So will I when you fuck me,” Tom reminded him.

“Not helping,” Cal said, his cock jerking as he thought about easing into Tom and feeling the hot clench of flesh squeezing him.


. Sorry.” Tom leaned to kiss him in what was probably meant to be an apology. It didn’t take more than a few seconds before Cal was straining for Tom’s mouth, wanting more.

It was a running thought in his head as Tom’s finger breached him again, slick with so much lube that Cal felt his eyes widen. He stared up at the ceiling, unseeing, too busy focusing on the sensation of Tom inside him to worry about anything else. It was like he could feel Tom’s fingerprints, each tiny ridge and whorl, leaving their mark on him in this secret spot.


No one would ever know but him and Tom.

“Please,” he said softly. “In me, now.”

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