Accidentally on Purpose (27 page)

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Authors: L. D. Davis

Tags: #General Fiction

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that can happen to me when I fuck other people over.

"He real y fucked up your head, didn't he?" Luke asked. "You feel like you deserved everything he did to you."

I didn't have anything to say. I just stood there staring at the floor, and he stood there watching me watch the floor.

He sighed, shuffled around a little.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't press you like that. When you're ready to talk about it, I wil always be ready to listen." A lingering kiss on my cheek and he

was gone.

I looked at the clock on the oven. It was three-thirty in the morning, and I knew sleep was going to elude me the rest of the night. I shuffled into

the living room and planted myself on the couch. I sat there until the sun came up, trying hard not to let the bad shit from the past take over my

emotions. I was able to get a grip by the time Lucas woke up.

I bathed him, dressed and fed him al before Luke rol ed out of bed. He looked as bad as I felt, tired, worried, drained.

"I'm not going in today," I said, packing up Lucas's diaper bag. "Can you drop him off at Lena's?"

"I'm not going in either," he yawned. "I'l drop him off anyway."

Okay, so I was being unreasonable, I realized. I had never spoken to anyone about the things Kyle did to me. Speaking about it aloud was

distressing. I didn't want people to know how weak I was, how stupid I was, and did I think I deserved it? I felt that karma was a bitch, and karma got

me good.

What happened to me was embarrassing, and was so far apart from the person everyone thought I was. I knew everyone would look at me

differently, and even though I was definitely different in countless ways, I didn't want to be pitied. I'm sure Luke didn't want to extend me his pity.

Honestly, I wasn't sure what Luke's intentions were. His behavior over the past several weeks were confusing. I didn't know where it al was going.

I was exhausted. I picked myself up off of the couch and dragged my tired ass to bed. I wanted to occupy my mind for a while, with someone

else's life. I picked up my kindle and started to read some Jennifer Weiner. Kyle came in a little while later.

"I have such a crazy headache," he grumbled as he kicked off his shoes. "I feel like my head is going to explode."

Forever ago, when Kyle was my boyfriend, when he had a headache, he would lay his head in my lap and I would run my fingers through his

hair, letting them gently graze his head. As if no time had passed since the last time we did this, he got into bed and put his head in my lap.

Hesitantly, I put my free hand in his hair and began the old ritual.

I went back to reading while my hand was lost in his soft hair, pretending that this wasn't an unusual event, pretending that it wasn't giving me

butterflies big enough to make me want to hurl. I read the same sentences over and over again before I understood the words, taking forever to get

through a few short paragraphs.

Luke was silent and I heard his breathing slow down. I looked down at his sleeping form, amazed. What the fuck was happening here?

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Eventual y, I was able to fal asleep after readjusting myself under Luke so that his head rested on my stomach instead of my lap. When I woke

up a couple of hours later, he was sitting up, remote control in hand, lazily changing the channels.

"You hungry?" He asked, when I sat up.

"I could eat."

"I'l order some pizza and wings."

"Sure," I said and got up to go pee. "How's your head?"

"Perfectly fine thanks to your magic fingers."


When I came out of the bathroom, Luke had his laptop open on the bed.

"I ordered our food."

I sat down next to him and looked at the screen. He was on a real estate site, scrol ing through pictures of houses.

"Where do you want to move to?" I asked.

"Maybe closer to Lena? What do you think?"

"It doesn't matter to me. As long as it's pretty safe. You want to get away from the city?" We currently lived almost in the heart of Chicago, not far

from downtown and al of the tourist areas.

"I think so, but I don't want a two hour commute to work either. Maybe somewhere close to public transportation."

I nodded in agreement. "How big of a place are you thinking of?"

"Four bedrooms and a space for an office."

I nodded again, counting who was going in what bedrooms in my mind. "So, we'l have one room left over for a guest room. What are we going

to do if, you know, you get married or something? I mean, it's something to think about if we're buying a house together."

He looked at me funny, like I just said the dumbest thing.

"What happens if
get married?" He asked.

I almost laughed. A stupid chuckle left my mouth instead. "I think my current state is as good as it's gonna get for me. I'm so not on the market."

"Why would you even say that?" He said, irritated.

"No one buys broken items," I sighed, and reached over him and scrol ed through the houses.

"People buy broken cars and fix them up al of the time."

"I'm not a broken hot rod. I'm more like...a shattered vase. No one buys those."

"Why are we talking about you like you're an inanimate object?"

"What about this house?" I clicked on a four bedroom house, but Luke pushed my hand away and slammed the laptop shut.

"This is driving me crazy," he said, jumping to his feet. "Sometimes I see that woman I knew so wel , but as soon as she starts to come out, you

push her back down into the dark."

"That's poetic," I smirked, also getting to my feet. I needed something to do instead of sitting there. I started folding some clean laundry sitting

in a basket.

"Why?" He asked. "Why are you so afraid to be her?"

"Maybe you've forgotten, but that woman you knew so wel screwed you over and broke your heart."

"You know what? Honestly?" He said, snatching the clothes away from me. "More often than you think, I
forget, and real y, I may never forget entirely, but I have forgiven you. I forgive you entirely, no more animosity, but you can't forgive yourself."

"Luke, real y!" I snapped. "Why are you bombarding me with al of this serious shit lately?"

"Because in order for us to move forward, we need to deal with that shit, Em. You need to deal with what Kyle did to you and you need to deal

with your feelings about yourself."

dealing with it!"

"Hiding behind your kid and your job wil only hold up for so long."

I rol ed my eyes and exhaled loudly and walked out of the room. Luke was hot on my heels.

"Great idea! Run away! That's a great way of dealing with your problems."

I paced the living room, while Luke stood off to the side.

"So, you've made some mistakes," he said, with a little less aggression. "We have al made some mistakes."

"Yeah, your mistake was, how did you put it? Oh yeah. You had this inflated idea of who I was and it's not my fault that I didn't live up to your

expectations." I stood in the middle of the room, staring at the floor, breathing heavily. Saying it out loud real y made me understand how badly it

had hurt me when he said it.

"I was hurting pretty bad," he said softly. "I wanted you to feel my pain. I apologize, I didn't real y mean it. Had I known then how deeply damaged you real y were, I would have behaved differently, and I should have anyway. I didn't treat you the way I should treat the mother of my child. I've real y

been trying to make it up to you and be a better man."

I didn't know what to say to that. I was a little surprised.

"Em, I know you're broken, okay?" He said with a sense of urgency. "But I need to know what broke you so I can fix you."

I stared at him for a dumbfounded moment before returning my attention back to the floor. "Why would you want to bother? Is it making me a

bad mom?"

"You're an excel ent mother. I want to because I love you, and it kil s me to see you like this."


I didn't have to respond, because the buzzer sounded. Luke grabbed his wal et and went down to meet the pizza guy. I sat down on the couch,

feeling anxious and confused. Luke had not told me he loved me in a very long time. Did he love me love me? Or just love me as his baby mama?

When he returned with the food, I expected him to pick up where we left off, but he didn't. We sat on the couch for the rest of the afternoon

nibbling on pizza and wings and watching television. He sat close to me and always had an arm behind me across the back of the couch. My

anxiety grew until I thought I would burst, but just before reaching that point, Luke got up and left to get Lucas.

We slept in the bed together again that night, but this time my rest wasn't disrupted by intruding questions about my past. We crashed on

opposite sides of the bed, much to my relief. In the morning, I woke up to find Luke and Lucas at the dining room table having a meaningful conversation about Elmo. I could only understand a few words, but Luke nodded and spoke at what seemed like the appropriate times.

"Are you playing hooky again?" I asked Luke after kissing the baby good morning.

"Impossible. I am co-owner of the firm. I can do whatever I want."


"I want to take Lucas to the zoo today and tonight you and I are having date night."

"Date night?" I asked doubtful y.

"Yep. I already asked Diane to babysit."

Diane was Luke's nineteen year old cousin. She was cute and perky and al of the Kessler kids loved her.

"I know I'm not Brad Pit, but I think I make a pretty good date," Luke said when I didn't answer.

I couldn't hide my smal smile. "I guess."

"Oh my god, Lucas! Did you see that?"

"Smartass," I muttered and went into the kitchen.

The boys went to the zoo, but I stayed home to clean and do laundry. Luke wasn't letting me off of the hook for date night, explaining that I

needed to get out. Maybe he was right, because unless it was a family function, I didn't do anything or go anywhere. While he and Lucas were gone,

I convinced myself that this was a good thing, that it didn't necessarily signify anything romantic.

Diane arrived at four-thirty and Luke and I were out the door a few minutes later.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we stomped down the sidewalk.

"Let's just see where our feet take us," he said, taking my hand.

"You mean you didn't plan anything?"


"You suck a little at this dating thing," I said.

"Was that a joke?"


An hour later we found ourselves at a Barnes and Noble, standing a few feet apart, quietly sifting through books.

"This is a hot date," I said.

"I know you think so. The only thing missing are your sexy pink rubber gloves."

"Maybe we should go buy some, I mean if that's what rocks your boat."

"Only if you promise to wear the gloves and nothing else."

I snickered. "Yeah, because my body is so rockin' after having a baby."

"I think your body is even more rockin' than before you had a baby."

I threw a sideways glance at him. "I haven't lost any weight since the day Lucas was born."

"You're hot, I'm tel ing you," he tried to reassure me.

"You think so now. You haven't seen the stretch marks on my bel y."

"I don't care about your stretch marks," he said, putting his book back on the shelf.

I felt the conversation was going in a direction I wasn't ready to go in, so I changed the topic.

"Are you flying to Jersey with me and Lucas for Labor Day?"

Donya's baby was a couple of weeks old and I was anxious to see her in person. She named her Rosa, after her husband's deceased mother.

"Do you want me to?" He looked at me.

"Yeah. Sure."

"Don't be so excited about it," he frowned. I think I actual y hurt his feelings.

"I don't get excited about anything these days. Don't take it personal y."

He looked at me doubtful y.

"I would love for you to come," I said with as much excitement as I could muster.

"Right here in the book store?" He feigned shock. "I knew my bad ass girl was in there somewhere. I haven't done it in a public place since that

one time in the bathroom at the diner."

"Walking away now," I said and left him in the aisle with the two older women who had just witnessed our whole conversation.

We went to dinner after the book store. The first thing Luke did was order us some hardcore drinks. I eyebal ed my drink with apprehension. I

haven't had a hard drink since before I found out I was pregnant with Lucas.

"Drink up," Luke insisted after devouring his.

"This is going to hit me like a pile of rocks."

"It wil loosen you up a little."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Are you cal ing me uptight?"

He pressed his lips together and we had a staring contest, but I quickly lost, because he was right. Every day I felt tightly wound, knotted even.

Sometimes it was hard to breathe, because everything inside of me felt squeezed tight as hel , as if there was a boa constrictor slithering around

inside of me, squeezing and squeezing, suffocating me.

"Hey, are you okay?" Luke reached across the table and took my hand. And the snake squeezed a little tighter.

Why does Luke make my condition worse? So stupid.

I picked up the drink and took a deep breath. I wasn't going to sip it like a little bitch. I was a master at drinking in my past life. I was going to

make this tal , hard ass drink my bitch. I downed it faster than Luke had downed his.

He looked at me with a crooked smile while I made a face. Wel , I couldn't al ow that drink to make me make a face. I cal ed the waitress over.

"Two more please, and some shots of Hennessey."

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