According to Jane

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Authors: Marilyn Brant

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Advance praise for Marilyn Brant and
According to Jane

"Marilyn Brant's debut novel is proof that Jane Austen never goes out of style. This is a warm, witty and charmingly original story of a woman coming of age and finding her own happy ending--with a little help from the ultimate authority, Jane Austen herself."

--Susan Wiggs,
New York Times
bestselling author

"Entertaining, sincere, real...well, okay, that the acclaimed author, Jane Austen, speaks across the centuries to beleaguered romantic Ellie Barnett is not quite
, but it is fun. An engaging read for all who have been through the long, dark, dating wars and still believe there's sunshine, and a Mr. Darcy, at the end of the tunnel."

--Cathy Lamb, author of
Henry's Sisters

"Where were the true Darcys?' That's the burning question bookish Ellie Barnett has been asking herself since high school when handsome, charismatic Sam Blaine first captured her heart--and then broke it. In this lively, clever novel by Marilyn Brant, Ellie is accompanied along the perilous path of romance by none other than famed novelist and formidable woman Jane Austen, who, for reasons of her own, has taken up residence in Ellie's head. Ms. Brant wittily parallels the two women's difficult journey to the understanding that love has the power to transform even the most selfish of men into a 'true Darcy.' This is a must-read for Austen lovers as well as for all who believe in the possibility of a happily-ever-after ending."

--Holly Chamberlin, author of
Tuscan Holiday

According to Jane


For Jeff, Joe and Andrew
Incredibly Good Guys
In memory of
Margaret Weigel (1921-2007) and Kim Hintz (1967-2004)


Since the road to publication is usually so arduous, meandering and fraught with unexpected twists, writers have ample time to compose (in their heads or on fettuccini-stained restaurant napkins) dissertation-length monologues befitting that of a Shakespearean lead character, during which they describe--in complex, paragraph-long sentences--how exceedingly indebted they are to everyone they've ever met, read a book by or chatted about "Motivation" with online (in their entire lives) for the help given in the writing, acquisition, printing and distribution of their debut novels.

I was
not going to be one of those people with the endless lists. Seriously. I was going to do a "brevity is the soul of wit" thing. Heartfelt, but short. Until I started to actually jot down the names of the family members, writing mentors, friends, publishing professionals, librarians and occasional random grocery-store shoppers who've helped me at turning-point moments on this journey and I realized what tremendous teamwork it took to pull this off.

I originally had nine and a half pages. This is the condensed version. So, anyone I may have inadvertently omitted in this draft, please email me and I'll send you the longer edition. (Trust me. Your name is
on that one. As is the name of every resident in the entire state of Wisconsin.)

First, my infinite thanks to Jane Austen. No, I don't really talk to her, so I'm not sure if she's aware of my gratitude and lifelong admiration. Nevertheless, it's overflowing.

I had the incredible good fortune to join the Chicago-North chapter of RWA, through which I met exceptional authors who also became some of my best friends. Erica O'Rourke, Simone Elkeles, Karen Dale Harris, Laura Moore, Lisa Laing and Jennifer Stevenson--thank you all for reading and critiquing the complete novel and for being so encouraging during every single step toward publication. Erika Danou-Hassan, Sara Daniel, Pamala Knight Duffy, Ruth Kaufman, Liz Evans, Martha Whitehead and all of my terrific C-N chapter mates--thanks to you, too, for your supportiveness and for sharing in the adventure.

On the National RWA level, I benefited greatly by being a part of the online PRO and PAN loops, by getting to know the Cherries, by being a "Bond Girl" and celebrating milestones with my fellow 007 Golden Heart Finalists and by lucking my way into a blog community full of talented writers, astute readers and enthusiastic Austen fans. I'm also grateful to the
Romantic Times
staff for all I learned as a reviewer, to JASNA for the fun of being surrounded by Janeites, and to the Z-Authors, the Sisters of the Pen and the Girlfriends Cyber Circuit for their guidance and for helping spread the word.

Professionally, I've been so fortunate to have Nephele Tempest as my agent. She believed in this story from the beginning, helped me polish it and worked hard to see it published. The Knight Agency's amazing staff and clients have been behind me at every stage, and I truly appreciate their efforts. As for Kensington Books, I don't think I could've dreamed up an editor more insightful, experienced or supportive than John Scognamiglio. He and the entire publishing team have been ceaseless in their work on this project, from copyediting and publicity to cover art and infinite behind-the-scenes details. Thanks to all of you--we did it!

Here at home, I'm unbelievably lucky to have Sarah Pressly-James, Joyce Twardock, Karen Karris and Pam Russell in my corner. Thanks for your friendship and for your many kindnesses. My dear friend Edna, you've shared your wisdom and your love of literature with me since I was nineteen--I send hugs of love and gratitude from here to Australia for you! My neighbors Jennifer and Heather, I appreciate not only your helpful feedback on my writing but your genuineness and humor. Josh and all our friends from the Y, thanks so much for answering my endless questions. Dorothy Enloe and Raymond Schoen--my writing mentors when I was young and impressionable--you may no longer be with us, but your messages from decades ago are still with me.

Hugs, kisses and colossal thanks to my wonderful family: Mom, for your unwavering encouragement; Dad, for those amazing cliffhanger story endings; Bro, for being the coolest brother imaginable and for helping me build the sound track to every book; Brad, Beth and Dave, for your excitement and interest; my grandparents and extended family for cheering me on (with extra-special thanks to Michelle and Stephanie for your enthusiastic emails); and Joanne, for being as caring as a relative. The love you've all given me through the years is such a gift. The downside? I've been forced to look elsewhere to find prototypes for my most antagonistic characters. (And I can't thank you enough for that!)

Finally, my extraordinarily supportive, loving and generous husband and son--you two made it possible for me to pursue this dream, and you're why I always say "Yes!" when people ask if I'm an optimist. I love you both--even more than ice cream, music, sunshine.... Thank you.

Next to being married, a girl likes to be crossed in love a little now and then.

--Jane Austen,
Pride and Prejudice

According to Jane

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