Across The Hall (12 page)

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Authors: NM Facile

BOOK: Across The Hall
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roughly. I let out a moan. “You like that, don’t you?” I let my head lol back, pushing my chest up further into his hands.

He bent down, tracing his tongue over the skin just above the lace of the bra. He let go of my breasts just long enough to reach back and undo the

clasp and pul the straps from my shoulders. I dangled my arms down letting it drop off me.

He grabbed my breasts again, rol ing the nipples between his fingers. “I could feel you behind me on the way here. Your nipples were hard

pressing into my back. Al I could think about was getting you home and getting that shirt off and feeling them in my hands.” I raised my head and

looked at him. His eyes were heavy lidded and gazing down at me. “And in my mouth.” His words sent a little shiver through me.

With that, he flicked out his tongue, swirling it around my peak, causing it to harden even more. Then he closed his mouth around it, sucking hard.

His hands roamed down my sides, sliding under the waist of my pants. He brought a hand to my front, expertly working the button and zipper while

the other hand rubbed my ass.

My head was fuzzy, both from the alcohol and Beau. I swayed and tried to keep my balance. I giggled and grabbed at his hand he stopped

everything. “You think you can tease me al night and then stop now?” He peered up at me, his eyes clouded with lust.

“I’m not stopping anything, just moving it along.” I giggled again and stepped back, pushing the Capri’s and panties off my hips and shimmying

out of them. I dropped a little less than graceful y to my knees. Beau groaned as I undid his jeans pul ing them roughly off his hips and down his legs.

He stepped out of them and I wrapped my hand around him. I brought my head forward, running the tip of my tongue around his head. I looked up

at him as I did it, to see him watching me. It was al the encouragement I needed. I parted my lips and slid my mouth down around him hard as I

squeezed tighter around the base.

I pul ed back up swirling my tongue as I went. I pul ed al the way up, freeing him from my mouth with a pop. I looked back up at him and smiled.

His fingers were in my hair pul ing out the band I had it pul ed back with. He threaded his fingers in and pul ed at the same time, pushing my head

back down. He growled, “No more teasing.”

I took him in as far as I could, until I felt him hit the back of my throat. I brought my hand up higher on him trying to keep him from going in so far.

He set the pace, thrusting his hips forward into my mouth and pul ing back on my hair. I tried to concentrate on what I was doing, but I ended up

fighting more for a breath and keeping myself from gagging as he shoved in too far.

Final y he stopped and pul ed me up. He kissed me hard, running his hands down from my hair al the way down my sides and around to my

center. He rested his hand against me, making me writhe into his hand, wanting to feel more. “Mmmm. You’re so hot and wet already. Just waiting

for me.” With that, he pressed one finger between my folds, dragging it back and forth. Final y he circled around my clit, causing me to groan and

buck my hips into his hand.

He slid the finger back to my opening thrusting it up in me. I rocked into his hand and he added another finger and started to flick my clit with his

thumb. God, it felt good. But I wanted more. I needed more. “Please,” I whimpered into his shoulder.

“Please what Sylvia?”

“Please, I need more. Please.” I begged.

“Oh, I’l give you more.” His voice was low and gruff, sending tingles al through me.

He pul ed his fingers away and quickly spun me around until I was facing the back of the couch. I wobbled and grabbed on to the back of the

couch to keep myself from fal ing. I felt him reach down to the floor and heard the rip of a condom wrapper as he pushed me forward over the couch.

I spread my legs further apart as I bent over. I felt him behind me and was ready for him when he thrust in. Beau set the pace hard and fast. He

had a tight grip on my upper thighs, thrusting in harder each time. He was talking to me tel ing me how he wanted me and how he thought about

fucking me like this while he was gone. It was driving me crazy; the quick hard thrusts punctuating his words. He slid his hand off my hip and around

me to rub my clit again. He gently slapped at me tel ing me to come for him. I could hear him groaning and I wanted to be pushed me over the edge

with him. I felt his fingers tangle up in my hair again as he pul ed causing me to arch my back. I was so close. He thrust in hard twice more and he

gripped my hair and hip tighter, pul ing me roughly to him as he came; leaving me frustrated and unfulfil ed.

We were both panting and trying to catch our breath as we came back down. I was stil leaning over the back of the couch when the nausea hit

again. This time I couldn’t choke it back down. I ran for the bathroom. Throwing the door open as I hit the light on at the same time. The harsh bright

light had me flinching. I made it to the toilet in time, saving myself from getting sick al over the floor.

Oh, God. This is why I should never drink this much. I was too preoccupied with the heaving and gagging to be mortified at the fact that I just threw

up after having sex.

“Are you okay?” I looked up to see Beau peaking around the door at me, already dressed.

I knew I must be a sight, naked and puking, sitting on the bathroom floor. “Yeah, just too much to drink.” I groaned. I felt another wave coming up.

“You should drink some water or something.” He sounded concerned yet disgusted.

“I’m fine. Just go. I don’t want you to see me like this.” The realization of what was happening was kicking in. I could even feel myself start to blush.

“Are you sure...”

I cut him off. “Yes, just leave. Please.”

“Fine. Um, later then.” I heard him turn and walk away. The door opened and closed and I rested my head on the edge of the toilet. I just wanted to


I woke the next morning on my bed naked and cold. I laid there for a few minutes trying to ease the pounding in my head. At least my shades

were shut and it was stil semi-dark in the room. I rol ed over and threw my hands over my head. That’s when the night before came rushing back to


I cringed at the memory. Why? Why did I drink that much? I couldn’t believe I’d puked after sex. He was never going to cal back. I could hear the

low beep of my phone coming from the other room. I figured it was Kai. I would cal her later. Right now I needed the bathroom and more sleep.

Looking in the bathroom mirror had been a mistake. My hair was tangled up, sticking up al over. My eyes were bloodshot and ringed with

smudged make up. My lips were swol en. My hips and thighs hurt and I looked down to see finger print bruises on each side starting to turn purple.

The rest of my body was sore, too. I checked it out, relieved to not find any more bruises.

I shuffled naked to the kitchen to get some water, aching just about everywhere. The knock on my door about kil ed my poor head. “Damn it Kai,” I

yel ed. “Don’t you know better by now than to come wake me up?”

The knocking paused, but then started up again. “I’m coming. Just a minute.” Real y, why does she always have to do this? It wasn’t like I wouldn’t

go to see her when I got up. I grumbled to myself as I went back to my bedroom to grab clothes.

I pul ed the big t-shirt on that was lying on top of the dirty clothes pile. I thought it was the one I’d worn Wednesday night, not that that mattered. At

least I had something on now. I grabbed a pair of underwear out of the drawer and pul ed them on as I stumbled down the hal .

My clothes from last night were stil scattered around the living room floor. I wasn’t even going to bother picking them up. Kai could see it and

think what she wanted. I was just going to end up tel ing her about it anyway.

I got to the door and it wasn’t even locked. I’m surprised she didn’t just come barging in. “God, Kai. Could you not wait until I got up?” I huffed.

“What do you want?” as I flung the door open.

There stood Quinn. Looking good, al showered and dressed and ready to start a new day. Whereas I, on the other hand, was so not ready for


“Sylvia, I think we need to talk.”

Chapter 6 - Quinn

I couldn’t sleep. I paced the length of my apartment over and over. I just kept replaying the scene of Beau kissing Sylvia, over and over. I wanted

to go pul him off her and knock him the fuck down. I knew I couldn’t. Instead, I had turned away and left with Sloane.

The shock of seeing me was clearly evident on Sylvia’s face al through the picnic. I kept looking at her, only once catching her looking at me. For

the most part she just kept her head down, staring at her plate. I would have loved to have known what she was thinking. I knew exactly what Beau

was thinking. He’d glared at me throughout the meal. Even when he was talking to Sloane he stil threw looks of contempt my way. Then there was

the way he’d held on to Sylvia, like she was his property. It sickened me.

We played that joke of a footbal game. At first, I thought it was just going to be a friendly game, more like playing catch than footbal . I didn’t real y

know how to play. Sloane was on my team, and he just told me to catch the bal and run, or -- if the other team had the bal -- just tag them. He

explained that they didn’t get real physical when they played because of Reed’s knee. I was fine with that.

Everything was going fine. Reed and Sloane taunted each other as they always did whenever they played any game. Beau was just quiet,

watching everything I did. I would have asked him what his problem was, but I already knew the answer to that. I couldn’t believe it when I got past

both him and Reed on one play. I knew I was a fairly fast runner, but I didn’t real y think I would do very wel playing footbal . Something in Beau’s

eyes changed after that. They became cold and calculating.

I tried to hang back and not put much effort into the game after that, but Sloane wasn’t letting me get away with it. On the next play where I went to

run the bal , I felt someone col ide with me. I went down hard and felt my ankle give on me. I looked up to see who hit me. Beau’s smug face was

hovering over me. I knew the warning he was sending. ‘Stay away from Sylvia.’

The game ended after that. Beau took off to find Sylvia, and Reed and Sloane were ready to go. On the way back to the jeep, Reed was the first

to bring up the incident. “What the fuck was that al about? I told him it was just touch footbal .”

“Don’t worry about it. He was just letting me know where I stood with Sylvia.” I just wanted to let it go. I didn’t want any trouble with him. For

whatever reason, Sylvia was with him and I wasn’t going to do anything to cause trouble with her.

“I don’t like him.” Sloane said quietly. “This is only the second time he’s been out with Sylvia. I don’t get why he’s being so possessive towards


Only the second time she was out with him? I wanted to ask more about that but didn’t want them to think I was interested in her. I held on to that,

though. If she hadn’t been seeing him long, maybe it wasn’t serious. I mul ed this thought over again.

I remembered how she looked in the park. She was even more beautiful than she had been four years ago. I knew it was a completely girly

thought, but she looked real y good in that color. I always liked her best in green, green like her eyes. Her eyes. I missed her eyes. Today I saw them

for the first time in years. First, they were fil ed with surprise, and then pain, and I wasn’t sure, but I briefly thought I saw love. The look was gone so

fast that I wasn’t sure if it had actual y been there, or if I was seeing what I wanted to see. It had given me a little hope that maybe we could work

things out.

I had to stop thinking about it, and stop pacing. I went for a drive hoping that would help. I drove around Minneapolis aimlessly. I tried to pay

attention to what was around, trying to familiarize myself with the area. I don’t know how long I drove before I realized it wasn’t doing any good. I

went back to the apartment, intending to try to get some sleep. I saw the motorcycle in the parking lot and cringed. I knew it was Beau’s. That

bastard was probably upstairs right now with Sylvia. The jealousy was eating away at me.

I was almost to the door when he walked out. It took al the control I had not to just fucking hit him. How could Sylvia be with such a prick? He

passed by me with a self-satisfied smirk. My jaw tightened and my fists clenched. I kept walking, though, hoping he wouldn’t see how pissed I was. I

real y needed to get over this. Sylvia was free to date who she wanted. I could not stand in the way.

I went to bed, stil thinking about Sylvia and Beau. I worried about how territorial he was with Sylvia. I didn’t like seeing him act that way towards

her. I’d seen relationships like that in the past, and I knew they never ended wel . I wondered if Reed and Sloane would step in if he started getting

even more control ing. I sure hoped so. From the little I saw of Kerrington, I couldn’t imagine she would let that slip by.

Over the course of that sleepless night, I realized that I needed to just stay away from Sylvia. If we both happened to be in the same place, I would

act friendly and nothing more. I could handle that. If Beau was there, I would just make sure to stay as far away from him as possible so there

wouldn’t be any trouble.

I knew she must have been worried about me being here. I decided I’d go talk to her and let her know that I wasn’t there to cause any trouble. I

waited until mid-morning since I figured if Beau was leaving that late, she probably would be sleeping in. I checked the clock every ten minutes,

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