Across The Hall (43 page)

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Authors: NM Facile

BOOK: Across The Hall
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Once they were there I spread the food out on the table and we al fil ed our plates and ate in the living room. We ate while we talked about our

Christmases. It was great having everyone together again. It felt right. While our group had been together so long, something had just been missing,

but now that Quinn was with us and we were together, our group was whole. I realized that was the same feeling I couldn’t name the few times we

were al together for games nights or bowling. I smiled as I watched my friends laugh and joke with each other.

“So, Kerri, how did Reed end up popping the question?” Quinn asked.

Al eyes turned to Kerri. She rol ed her eyes and Reed had the goofiest grin ever. I knew this was going to be good.

“It was Christmas Eve, and Reed’s parents’ house was packed. I have no idea how they could fit that many people in a house that smal . There

had to be at least 50 there.” She shook her head and continued. “They had al been drinking al day and it was noisy and chaotic. There were kids

running everywhere. Someone had given al the kids those little fireworks poppers that you throw on the ground and they pop.” Reed wore a guilty

yet pleased look.

“Baby, I warned you it was going to be like that. It always is.” Reed was grinning.

I smirked, thinking of a house fil ed with drunken Reeds. I could only imagine how entertaining that would be. Then again, I imagined Kerri was out

of her element with al that going on.

“If you think that was packed, just wait until the wedding.” Reed wiggled his eyebrows at her.

Kerri groaned. “Oh, God, what have I gotten myself into?” We al laughed and Kerri continued. “So Reed’s uncle and...who was the other one?”

She asked Reed.

“Cousin Ray-Ray,” Reed fil ed in as he took a big bite of mashed potatoes.

We al looked at Reed to see if he was joking. Kerri answered for us.

“Seriously, he has a cousin named Ray-Ray. In fact Ray-Ray has a son. Ray-Ray Jr. So anyway, his uncle and Ray-Ray had just gotten into a fist

fight and broken his mom’s NASCAR display case. After they were dragged outside to cool down, this moron here decides to break the tension by

turning on Beyonce. He starts dancing around the house singing along to Single Ladies.”

Laughter broke al around the room. We’ve al heard Reed singing that and it truly was one of the sil iest things ever.

“I just wanted to go hide but nooooo, he pul ed me up and made me dance with him. He was spinning me al around the living room. At one point

we knocked into the tree, almost tipping it. He about dropped me when he dipped me.”

“I’d never drop you, baby.” Reed was beaming.

“Whatever,” Kerri tried to sound annoyed but the love was written al over her face. “After he about dropped me, I thought he was done because

he let go of me. I was looking for an escape and I realized he was down on one knee in front of me, holding out a ring.”

That was so Reed. We were al laughing.

“I about told him no just for having put on that little spectacle. What would you have done then?” She cocked an eyebrow at Reed.

“Oh, baby, there is no way you would have said no. No one can say no to the Reed charm.”

We al dissolved in laughter again. When the room quieted down I turned to Kai.

“It’s your turn. How did Sloane ask?”

Kai met Sloane’s eyes and they shared a long loving look. It was so personal I fidgeted and glanced away. I met Quinn’s gaze and smiled. I

expected Kai to go al out on her retel ing. She surprised me.

“He just slipped the ring on my finger.” She practical y whispered it.

“He didn’t ask?” Kerri asked.

Kai shook her head. “He didn’t need to. I knew what he wanted.” She was stil watching Sloane, her eyes ful of love, and he reflected that love

back at her.

“Yeah, wel what were you doing?” Reed asked his mouth ful .

Kai and Sloane both smiled, but didn’t say anything. The room was quiet for a few beats before Reed yel ed, “Dude, you asked her while you

were banging her?” He reached over to give Sloane a fist bump, but Sloane leaned forward and punched him playful y instead.

“No! Jesus, you doofus that’s something crass that only you would do. I’m surprised you didn’t do that.” Sloane scoffed at him.

“Hey, that
my original plan but I went with the moment.” Reed shrugged.

“Wel I just went with the moment, too.” Sloane drawled out and sat back wrapping his arm around Kai.

We were al quiet for a few minutes while we ate, until Reed started complaining that we needed to hurry up and get on with the gift opening. The

Titans were playing the Vikings at two and he wanted to watch the game.

“Hey, I have money riding on it. Jason is going to owe me big after this.”

“Where is the dork anyway?” Kerri asked. “I would have thought he would have been here.”

“He’s on his way back today. He partied al weekend back home.” Jason checked in with me every couple days. He stil wasn’t Quinn’s biggest

fan and I figured that was part of why he was keeping his distance. I real y hoped that once he saw that Quinn and I were definitely back together

that he would come around.

We al pitched in and had lunch cleaned up in no time. Kai and Reed were practical y bouncing off the wal s with child-like anticipation. We

gathered in the living room and Kai donned a Santa hat and handed out gifts to everyone. We al took turns opening a present until al the gifts were

opened. Reed gave us al engraved flasks fil ed with some of his “Tennessee Tiger Sweat.” Sloane gave me an Amazon gift card, which Kai

claimed wasn’t right cause I didn’t even have to go to a store to use it. Kerri gave me an assortment of barely-there lingerie, which made me blush

and Quinn grin. Quinn gave me the same spa gift card that I had given to the girls. Tel ing me I needed a day out with them. He also gave me a new

comfy blanket to cuddle under. Kai’s gift brought tears to my eyes. She gave me a Christmas ornament with a mother of pearl finish and had it hand

painted with the date and “When the heart spoke, love answered.” I didn’t even question her as to how she knew. She always just seemed to know

that stuff.

We finished just in time for kickoff. The guys settled in to watch the game as I was stuck going through bridal magazines with Kerri and Kai. Both

had brought a stack with them. After a while I made my escape to the kitchen to get leftovers out for supper. Once the game was over, everyone

made a hasty retreat. Reed grumbled the whole way about the stupid Titans and how much he had to pay Jason. Sloane laughed at him and told

him it was his fault for betting on a worthless team. I could hear them arguing al the way down the stairs.

I closed the door and leaned against it. Quinn came over to me and took me into his arms, pul ing me tightly against him. I breathed him in and

relaxed against him.

“Sylvia, my love.” Quinn held me as he gently swayed us side to side. “How are you doing? Did you have a good day?”

I nodded as I murmured yes into his chest. He chuckled and I let the vibrations from it course through me. He released me and stepped back.

“Are you ready for tomorrow?” He careful y scrutinized my expression. He was looking for any trace of apprehension. Admittedly I had it and it

was showing.

“Yes and no. I’ve been gone long enough I need to get back to work sometime and tomorrow is just as good as any. Besides, it’s just a short shift

to ease me back into it.” I sighed and started to pick up around the apartment. Quinn joined me.

“You can always cal in if you’re not up to it yet.”

“No. I want to go back. It’s time that I start living in the real world again. The new semester starts in a week and I want to be sure that they have

enough help.”

“You don’t need to work, you know. I can help...” I placed my finger over his lips, stopping him from finishing that.

“No. I know that you can and I know that you want to. It’s not that I don’t appreciate the offer. I just feel that it’s more than the money for me. This is

just another step in the process for me. I know you understand that.”

Quinn nodded and before I removed my finger he playful y bit it. “I know. I just don’t want you pushing yourself too soon.”

“I’l be okay. I promise.” I cal ed out as I walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water. “On the bright, side I didn’t get any texts today.” I smiled at

him over the rim of my water glass.

“Did you remember to get your phone from my place when you left this morning?”

I groaned and let my shoulders and head drop. “No. Damn it.”

“Wel do you want to go back to my place or do you want me to go get it for you?”

“Go grab it for me. I want to stay here tonight.”

“Do you want me to check it for you?” Quinn grabbed his keys off the table by the door and waited for my answer with his hand on the knob.

“Yes please. I don’t want to know what he said.”

“Okay. I’l be back in a few minutes.”

After he left I took my gifts into my bedroom and set them on the vanity. I looked again around the top to see if I could spot the pendant. When I

was sure it wasn’t there I got down on the floor and looked for it. I heard the door open while I was looking and Quinn cal ed out to me.

“There were eleven texts, Sylvia.” I heard his voice grow closer as he moved down the hal . “I’m going to cal my dad in the morning and get the

number for the family attorney. There has to be something we can...What are you doing?” I looked over my shoulder at him. He was standing in the

doorway staring at my ass which was in the air as I had been looking under the vanity.

“Don’t get me wrong. I like the view and al , but you don’t normal y go crawling around on the floor.”

“I’m looking for the pendant I had on the mirror.” I returned to scanning the carpet for it.

“The one from your mom?”

“Yes, that one. Have you seen it? It was off the mirror and I thought maybe it fel on the floor.”

“Here, I’l pul the dresser out and you can look behind it.” I moved back so Quinn could move it. It wasn’t behind it either. I knew it was ridiculous,

but that bad feeling started creeping up on me again. It had to be around somewhere. Quinn picked up on my foreboding and hugged me again.

“It’l turn up. It probably got snagged on the clothes I had setting on here. Tomorrow while you’re at work I’l go through my stuff and see if I can’t

find it.” He was nuzzling my neck along my sweet spot, and I forgot al about it for the time being. “Why don’t you try on one of your gifts from Kerri?”

His voice had gone husky and low, and it sent shivers darting straight between my legs. I moaned an agreement and grabbed one off the vanity

where I had set them down and took it in to the bathroom to change. I may have been embarrassed opening them in front of everyone but I had

secretly been waiting to put them on for Quinn. Tonight was going to end wel .


Work had gone much better than I had been expecting. It was only a four hour shift and it was almost over. The time had flown by. I worked with

Bobbie and Corrina. I had missed both of them and it was nice to catch up with them again. In fact I did more talking with them than I did working. I

had to tear myself away from them and get some work done.

I was stocking books on the back corner shelf when I heard someone say my name. My body froze. I didn’t know what I should do. I dropped my

hand to my pocket and felt my phone in there. I debated on cal ing Quinn although I didn’t know what that would accomplish. In the end I turned to

face him. As I did I glanced around to see if anyone was nearby. I figured at least I was in a public place everything would be okay. I needed to get

this over with eventual y.


He stood before me in his ripped jeans and leather jacket. I once thought he was so hot, now he just looked dirty and unkempt. He stared back at

me, moving his eyes across my body in a way that made me feel violated. I couldn’t stop the shudder that ripped through me. He didn’t speak. He

just continued to look at me, increasing my nervousness.

“What do you want?” I tried to keep my tone even and not give away my fear.

“You. I want you, Sylvia. I miss you.” He stepped closer to me and I stepped back. My back hit the shelves behind me and I realized I had no place

to go to. I put my hand in my pocket and wrapped it around my phone.

“Beau, it’s done. I’ve tried to tel you that. Don’t you get the hint when I don’t respond to your messages? What do I have to do to make you

understand that I don’t want you in my life?” There was a slight tremble to my voice and my heart was racing. He stepped closer and was right up

against me. He swept a lock of hair behind my ear and leaned in close to me. I felt his breath against my cheek. I could smel the alcohol on his

breath and it made me sick. I swal owed hard, trying to keep the fear choked down.

“Please, Sylvia. We were so good together. I’ve never felt this way about anyone. I need you, Sylvia.” His voice was was low and guttural. He ran

his hand over my shoulder and down my arm. I cringed and tried to pul myself away. He grabbed my arm tighter so I couldn’t move. “I know you feel

it too, Sylvia. You can’t deny it. I felt how wet you’d get for me. I’ve heard you moan my name.” He pushed himself up against me and his other hand

came to rest against my hip. I tried to push him away but he held me too tightly. I let out a little cry.

“Please, just let me go. I don’t feel that way. In fact I never did. Please, Beau, just let me go. I won’t scream, and you can just walk away from

here.” His eyes were so cold, piercing into me, stabbing me with fear.

“Is it him?” I heard the hatred drip off his tongue. I knew he was referring to Quinn.

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