ACV's 1 Operation Black Gold (43 page)

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Authors: J Murison,Jeannie Michaud

BOOK: ACV's 1 Operation Black Gold
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The raging storm broke again and again with growing intensity until her overloaded senses could take no more.  She gave one last ringing scream and her body went limp.




I stopped, her eyes were closed and her breathing settled into an easy pattern.  I on the other hand was gasping for air, some due to my exertions but most of it because of my own pent up furies.  I looked down but shouldn’t have.  I couldn’t stop the groan that escaped my lips, it was buried in her up to the hilt and everything down there glistened wet with the force of her orgasms, including the floor.




Her eyes fluttered open.  The glow grew brighter as she rose to meet it and her eyes opened upon a new world, it was like waking from a deep beautiful sleep.  She became aware of his ragged breathing instinctively knowing why and felt the force begin to build again.  She lifted her head.  ‘Take it out Jim.’




Her voice husky from our lovemaking, electrified me.  I slipped a hand down to support it and was rewarded by a flood of warmth as I withdrew it; my senses reeled.  I pried it out of my trousers and laid it gently onto the table beside her.  There was a raw spot next to my scrotum where I’d lodged the handle and it stung as sweat ran into it helping me steady myself.  Her legs wobbled as she stood.  I caught her before they gave way.  She turned in my arms and we kissed long and hard.

‘That was bad.’  She murmured into my lips.

‘Was it?’


‘But was it good.’

‘Oh god yes.’




She reached down to free his tortured member and was shocked by the softness of his skin.  It was stuck under his belt and she felt it swell in her hand as it was released from the restrictions.  A sudden need squeezed her.  She lifted a leg trying to guide it in but his strong gentle hands swept down and easily picked her up.  She tucked her knees up under his armpits and he lowered her onto his burning heat.  The sensation was overwhelming.  She felt him spasm deep inside her, once twice then stop, it wasn’t enough she wanted it all.  ‘Take me to bed.’




I carried her through still joined together.  Her dress came off up over her head in an impressive balancing act, then she attacked my clothes.  My shirt went first and by the time I reached the bedroom I was struggling with my trousers round my ankles, we fell onto the bed near naked.  I was beyond reason or finesse.




She cried out as he thrust into her again and again.  He was close she could feel him swell inside her.  Goose pimples appeared under her searching hands; she found she wanted that more than she’d ever wanted it before.  Locking her legs around his back, she rose to meet his every thrust.  As he flooded her with his warmth, the force was released once more like a long never-ending peal of thunder.





‘Roger, India, Sierra one two, you are now clear of satellite surveillance you have a green light.’

‘Roger out, Derek are you ready.’

‘I won’t take my eyes off this screen Don.’

‘Good, let’s hit it then.’  The three men were slammed back against their seats screeching with a mixture of terror and sheer exhilaration as they streaked out into the Atlantic.  ‘Wake up Derek.’

‘Christ, targets acquired, attack speed.’

‘Attack speed.’  Both pilots answered.

‘I have weapons lock from both aircraft.’

‘Synchronise release Derek.’

‘Roger, 5, 4,3,2,1 weapons released.  Break, break.’


The aircraft juddered slightly as the air to surface missiles were punched free from their rotating drums and down through the slipstream.  Both aircraft peeled off in different directions, their G-suits gripping tightly in protest at the forces they were imposing upon their bodies.  They regained formation at the same time as the targets behind them exploded.

The voice of their wing commander crackled in their earphones.  ‘Well done gentlemen you’re the first team this week that hasn’t overshot the target on the first pass.  Well done.’  The cockpits of both aircraft were filled with an embarrassed silence.  Derek grinned into his oxygen mask in quiet anticipation but the silence began to stretch.  He cleared his throat into his mike.

‘OK, OK don’t bloody crow,’ Don conceded.  Derek burst out laughing.

‘Christ what a rush,’ his George blurted.  It was their first run in with live weapons.  The increased satellite surveillance had drastically reduced training time at top speeds.  Now all three were laughing and joking.

‘There’s the next pair going in,’ Derek stated as the two dots on his screen suddenly picked up speed.

‘OK begin reducing speed now.’


The aircraft cruised back to their base at Lossiemouth. 


The wing commander met them in the debriefing room.  ‘Well done chaps looking forward to a piece of formation flying tomorrow.

‘Seems a bit suicidal at these speeds sir,’ Derek voiced the pilot’s opinions for them.

‘You’ll be all right Derek you’re at the front in the lead cobra aren’t you?’

‘Yes sir trying to keep everyone on station.’

‘Quite a responsibility don’t you feel up to it?’

‘I don’t think there’s a man on base that does feel up to it Sir, but it’s got to be done and I’d rather be doing it first.’

‘Good man, Good man.’





Andrew awoke to the sound of movement nearby.  He rolled over to find a wet head peeking round the open locker door.

‘Morning, sleep well?’

‘Oh morning Jim, yes I did actually.  I’d forgotten how comfortable these beds were.’  He sat himself up.  ‘What time is it?’

‘A little after nine, there’s a brunch on if you’re hungry.’  He closed and locked the locker.  He was dressed for running.


‘Where do you think you’re going Murison?’  The doctor asked sauntering up in a towel.

‘Where does it look like I’m going?’

‘You’re on light duties.’

‘Stuff them.’  The cat wandered up.  ‘Coming for a run boy?’


‘Come on then.’


He pulled a square pack from his top locker and set off with the cat trying to catch his heels.  ‘Will ye fucking quit it?’  Andrew heard faintly as they left the compound.  He found himself smiling as the doctor sat himself down on the end of the bed.  ‘Extraordinary.’

‘They’re some pair.’

‘It can’t be very hygienic having a cat here.’

‘Shh, it might hear you,’ Davie warned.  Andrew thought that was highly amusing.


‘I wouldn’t laugh if I was you,’ commented Abie on the way past in boxer shorts and flip-flops enjoying his first scratch of the day, ‘he’s being serious.’  He’d plenty war wounds to back up the statement.


‘Just don’t mention unhygienic and cat in the same sentence and you should be fine,’ added Davie remembering what he’d got up for and followed Abie through to the toilets.


A four tonner turned up with an MP escort as he finished breakfast.  The lads helped them load the truck.  Tension between the two groups wasn’t helped when Graham who was in charge of the detail absentmindedly looked under a label on one of the folders and found himself looking into the barrel of Jims pistol still held by the very able bodied policeman.

He made Andrew check under the label to make sure nothing could be seen before he would remove the pistol from the sweating man’s forehead.  ‘Not very nice, is it?’

‘No not really.’

‘Well just remember that the next time you decide to point a weapon at one of us.’

Which had been the whole point of the exercise in the first place.  Instead of being alarmed by the incident Andrew found himself amused by it, which was just as well, for he had a long day ahead of him.  His first job, an emergency meeting with the Prime Minister to bring him up to speed on events and to find out what he wanted done. 


He said his farewells and departed, the brothers George hung about for a few minutes.

‘Jim wiz right he’s no a bad old bugger.’

‘He’s sharp Buff; I’ll say that for him.’

Where’d that bastard Murison disappear to anyway?’

Ali shrugged, ‘Fuck knows, pick a hill.’


I stood on a hillside five miles from home sucking the cold mountain air deeply into my lungs.  I felt good, bloody good.  A hunting eagle screamed a protest at my intrusion and Boy, who’d gone to sleep in my pack after a couple of miles, popped his head up over my shoulder to see what the commotion was all about.  We watched it together for a while, his whiskers tickling my cheek.  He let out a low-pitched growl.  I eyed him speculatively.  ‘I think even you’d have a wee bit ó bother with that birdie boy.’

His return look was more scornful.  I decide to head for home before he got it in to his head to do something about it.


An old man wearing an old deerstalker tapped on the window of the land rover.  Samantha woke with a start; she’d cried herself to sleep at the wheel.  ‘Are you alright lass?’  He shouted concerned.

She switched on the ignition and lowered the windows.  ‘Yes I’m fine.’

‘You sure?’

‘Yes I was just….’

She was stuck for an explanation but the old face had come to its own conclusions.  ‘You never mind him, go home and get into a nice bath before you catch cold.’

She smiled wanly.  ‘I will, thank you, goodbye.’



Amanda woke up with a hundred and one questions on her lips, but Samantha fobbed her off saying she stayed at Andrew’s.  She soaked for almost an hour in the bath, occasionally topping it up with hot water.  On the way back she could hear Amanda’s excited squeals halfway down the hall.  Then she heard Sylvia’s and was surprised by the violent emotions that swept through her, still, it gave her the courage she needed to face them.  They fell silent when she entered the room.

‘Hi Sylvia.’

‘Hello Sammy.’

Amanda was looking guilty as hell.  ‘You look radiant, have a good evening?’

‘It was wonderful, thank you.’

‘That’s good,’ she smiled, but turned away quickly to prevent her eyes betraying her true feelings.  They went back to their conversation in more hushed tones, only Amanda’s excited squeals giving away the nature of the conversation.  Amanda’s squealing may have grated on her nerves as she got dressed but it knocked her out of her tired lethargy.  She’d decided to stop in by the office before going shopping and subconsciously chose clothes that enhanced her natural beauty rather than hide it as she normally did.


‘Where are you going Sammy?’  Amanda asked noticing.

‘Oh just into work.’

‘Like that?’  Snapped Sylvia noticing the difference too.

‘Like what?  I have a few odd jobs to do then I’m going shopping.  Have you some sort of problem wí that like?’  A thrill ran up her spine as she realised she’d sounded off like one of them.  Sylvia felt she’d been slapped, while Amanda could only blink in surprise.  When Samantha never got a reply, she carried on doing her hair putting it up at one side with an ornamental slide.  She looked good and knew it.  She caught Sylvia glaring at her from time to time out of the corner of her eye and found she was enjoying the experience.


‘Sammy why did Jim tell Sylvia he scratched his arm crossing a deer fence?’

Samantha finished locking up her locker before replying.  ‘Well that’s how he hurt it, why, did Davie tell you different?’

‘No,’ she frowned shaking her head, ‘He always changes the subject.  What’s going on with you lot?  I saw the report.  He killed three men and was wounded himself; he was shot in the arm.  Why are you all denying it?’

‘Where did you see that report?’

‘At HQ, I was helping out the MP’s one day when some of their people were off sick.  I typed up the report myself.  I saw it with my own eyes.’

‘The MP’s held an exercise out our way; it was probably their scenario you were typing up.’

‘That’s bloody rubbish Sammy and you know it.’  She went into a huff.

‘Did Jim enjoy his blow?’  She asked Sylvia, trying to change the subject.

Sylvia turned scarlet.  ‘Bitch!’ she thought.

Amanda’s head came back up.  ‘Davie says he doesn’t take dope.’

‘It’s not that kind of blow he likes silly.’

‘Oh, oh, that kind of blow, you didn’t-did you.’

Sylvia gritted her teeth, but she had a weapon in her arsenal Samantha didn’t.  ‘I’m afraid you’ll have to ask him that, but he certainly seemed to.’  She ran her tongue lightly across her top lip.

It was Samantha’s turn to flush crimson.  Amanda squealed in mock horror.  Samantha conceded the point with a graceful smile.  ‘I’ll ask him then?’

‘You do that.’

‘I will, see yah.’


‘See you later Sammy, did you really, really, oh you filthy bitch.’  Amanda’s voice followed her down the corridor.


Samantha seethed inside and made herself a vow.  ‘One day I’m going to be better and when I am, you’d better watch out Jim Murison because I’m going to get you back and when I do, you’ll never be able to look at another woman again.’


‘The debt we owe these young men is beginning to grow Andrew.’  The prime minister ventured.

‘Yes sir.’

‘Especially this chap eh?’

‘Murison sir.’

‘Murison, yes that’s right don’t you think their talents are being wasted where they are?’ 

‘Yes sir, I do, but they seem most committed to what they are doing.’

‘I could soon change that.’  Andrew visibly winced.  ‘What’s the matter; be frank?’

‘Well to be frank sir, if you tried to change their role now, they would probably tell you where to go.’

‘They will do what their damn well told.  This man’s knowledge of computing is far too valuable to risk on operations, but leave that for now.  The American embassy are making some low level enquiries about some missing tourists, let’s deal with that first.’



I sprinted the last couple of hundred yards to the door but Samantha was blocking the doorway showing a lot of leg from a wraparound silk skirt.  I screeched to a halt throwing up a few loose cinders.  She squealed, pulling her legs up out of the way, treating me to the sight of her lovely bum and a snowy white gusset.  I was shocked by the violent reaction of my body.  Christ, I’d just spent half the night making love to Sylvia, one flash of those lovely legs and I was ready again.


‘Hey ho soldier, where have you been?’

‘Eh, just out for a wee run.’  It was stating the bloody obvious, but my hormones were interfering with my thinking processes.

‘I thought you weren’t supposed to.’

‘Ach, I’m fine.  What are you doing here?'

‘Catching up on a few odd jobs and just as well, they’ve utterly raped the office.  There isn’t so much as a staple left.  Poor Reginald will faint when he arrives on Monday.  So I’ve made out a requisition.’

‘Thanks, what are you doing sitting down out here in the cold?’

‘Looking for Boy.’


He came popping out of the square pack at the sound of his name, resting his paws on my shoulders.  It must have looked funny.  She got up laughing and gave him a hug and a kiss.  The trouble was she had to press herself against me to do it.  The smell of her made my head spin.  She plucked Boy off my shoulder and cradled him in her arms tickling his belly.  He loved that as much as she loved my embarrassment.


‘I’d better check out that office myself.’

‘You haven’t seen it yet?’


‘Must have been out late, eh.’

I was determined she wasn’t going to make me feel uncomfortable about this.  ‘Only got back a couple of hours ago.’

‘Oh, did you enjoy your blow?’

I almost fell over.  ‘Too much teeth no enough tongue.’  Fuck her; I decided the hard-necked reply was the best to put her off.


I tried to get away but Abie’s head popped round the doorframe like something out of a cartoon.  ‘Hey ho, Jim.’  He cracked a grin.

I’d just about shat a brick.  ‘For fuck sake Abie what are ye playing at?’

‘Question, how long did it take ye to get the knickers off that lassie last night?’

‘Fit kind ó a bloody question’s that to ask a man?’

He grinned wickedly at Samantha then back at me.  ‘It’s nae as bad as asking ye if ye enjoyed your blow job, and ye answered her.’

‘Whit is going on around here the day?’


‘Just shut the fuck up and answer the question Murison,’ Buff roared from the safety of the living quarter.

‘Fuck you,’ I roared back.

‘I’ll bug the shit out ó ye a day.’


‘An me,’ Abie smirked menacingly.

‘Oh for God’s sake.’


‘You’d better tell them,’ Samantha sniggered.  My good mood had evaporated.


‘Well?’  Roared Buff.

I gritted my teeth.  ‘About three hours, OK.’


‘Eh!’ exclaimed Abie looking surprised.

‘What’s the matter are you getting deaf as well as ignorant these days.’  I barged past him and went to the office followed by a bellow of laughter.  Samantha followed me in. ‘Your right they’ve emptied the place.’

‘I did tidy up a little.’

Another bellow of laughter filtered through.  ‘What the hell is going on through there today?’  Boy jumped out of her arms and went to investigate for himself.

‘They took bets on how long it would take you to get the clothes off Sylvia.’

‘Oh they did, did they; well I’ll soon see to that.’

‘Don’t, please.’  I thought I’d run into a brick wall, but it was only her small white hand placed gently against my chest.  For the love of me I couldn’t knock it aside or push past her.  ‘It was only a harmless piece of fun Jim.’

‘I don’t like people speculating on my love life Samantha, not even my friends.’

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