A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth About Alien Contact (22 page)

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It could be that we are being observed in a way that mimics our own investigation into native peoples around the world. The research project (humanity) might involve many factors: biology, technology, sociology, and so forth. German rocket pioneer Professor Herman Oberth, a man heavily involved in early space age research, speculated that these “intelligent observers” had observed Earth’s lifeforms for centuries, “and more recently…atomic centers, armaments and centers of armament production.”

Perhaps some of the abduction phenomenon is explainable as scientific observation. We tranquilize wild creatures, tag them with transmitters, then release them to track and observe them. From time to time, we pick them up.

Dr. Roger K. Leir has removed physical implants from alleged abductees, which he believes provide evidence of an alien tracking system. Many of the surgeries, which have been recorded on video, show bizarre, tiny objects being removed from people. According to Leir, these usually contain very sophisticated technology housed within a bio-membrane of some sort. The analysis of the implants, while intriguing, still awaits independent confirmation.

A vastly advanced race might not see our technology as a sign of civilization. They may instead see us as inferior life forms, curiosities worthy of study.

Membership Committee

Maybe they see us in a more interesting light. It could be that we are currently
The Greatest Show in the Galaxy
, about to transition to the next level of whatever it means to be a civilization.

Perhaps a dormant project was kick-started when the human race crossed the nuclear threshold and created nuclear weapons. Thus, the Others could be observing us as we are about to develop even more sophisticated technologies, enabling us to jump into their world, so to speak. If that were so, it seems reasonable that they would observe us to determine our suitability to join a greater galactic community. That may be the reason behind the scientific research study.

The example has been used that we might remotely observe a native culture from the sky in an aerial search, simply establishing that they exist. We might later move in for a closer look, avoiding being seen. Later, we might allow ourselves to be seen by members of the tribe who go back and describe strange visitors. Eventually, we might approach them, sit down, and talk.

In such a manner, the UFO phenomenon might be seen as an acculturation and acclimatization process, whereby the Others allow us to see them more and more through time. Eventually, as years pass, perhaps they will initiate open and formal contact of their own accord, regardless of our own agenda and readiness.

A continuing thread of UFO contact through the years has been the idea that the Others are here to save us. Sometimes the impending danger is galactic, like an approaching comet, and more recently the 2012 doomsday scenario. A dominant idea is that humanity is a threat to itself, that the planet cannot sustain human over-population, weapons, pollution, and mismanagement. This line of reasoning dates to the Contactee reports of the 1950s, and has found some voice in abduction research to this day.

They Want Our DNA

Many abduction accounts include a sexual and reproductive dimension. When we add in fairly consistent witness testimony concerning human/alien hybrids, we get a disturbing scenario. In 1997, Temple University professor David Jacobs published his book,
The Threat
. After extensive research into the alien abduction phenomenon, Jacobs argued that the Grays were creating a hybrid species designed to replace humanity and relegate us to an inferior status. As a result, they have kept their program remarkably secret, especially considering that they are integrating themselves into our society and world.

The creation of an apparent alien-human hybrid species could mean one of two things. First, that they seeking a way to merge with the existing human population. This does not necessarily portend evil for humanity. It might imply the continued existence of our species, albeit with an element surreptitiously added into the mix. The second possibility is a replacement scenario, such as envisioned by Jacobs. Human genetic material would be necessary in order for the extraterrestrial species to adapt to Earth’s ecosystem. This scenario is especially disturbing, because some of the interactions recorded by Jacobs between the hybrid beings and normal humans have shown them to be cruel, sadistic, and emotionally dysfunctional. He believes their plan to be well-organized, systematic, and a true threat to the human race.

They Want Our Souls

Whitley Strieber has said that his abductors told him, “We recycle souls.” Other researchers have occasionally come across startling references from abductees regarding the interest that these beings have in the human soul. This is a challenging topic to discuss, even in a book dealing
with such impolite topics as extraterrestrials, abductions, secret governments, and the like. In the first place, not all people even believe in the existence of a soul.

Can a soul be taken? Can it be “rewritten”? Can it be of value to others possessing the ability to “take it”? Such claims have been made by people professing to know the truth. They may prove to be inherently unverifiable. One anonymous source, someone who claimed to have a lot of knowledge and wrote detailed posts on the Usenet bulletin board system, claimed that during abductions, “sometimes a person’s soul is temporarily removed” and placed in a lead box, which effectively contains it. The reason is to prevent what happens next from being recorded upon that soul, from becoming a part of that person’s history. “But, perhaps more importantly,” the author concluded, “it doesn’t become a part of his history for others to read, either.”

Can such a thing be true, or is this complete fantasy? Can it go deeper than this? Does it?

Another theory of abductions and the soul is connected to the belief in reincarnation. Eastern religions have maintained that the soul can incarnate within creatures of all types. Could it be, as some people claim, that souls having previously been in an extraterrestrial race are now incarnating into human bodies? Are there Star People among us—people who are human in every biological and genetic sense, but who have the soul (literally) of an extraterrestrial?

They Want Our World

If the Others are here, on our world, in our reality, interacting with us in some manner, then
? Could it be as simple as coveting our planet? Within the context of our vast cosmos, Earth is surely a paradise, blessed with natural resources and an abundance of life. If beings from elsewhere come from a world less abundant than our own, they may be developing a strategy to make Earth their new home.

The idea of extraterrestrials coming to Earth to enslave humankind has been a science fiction staple since H.G. Wells invoked it more than a
century ago in
The War of the Worlds
. “Yet across the gulf of space, minds that are to our minds as ours are to the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this Earth with envious eyes,” Wells wrote in the opening to his book, “and slowly and surely drew their plans against us.” Ever since, in books and film and television projects, aliens have taken to trashing our world.

Yet, it has hardly been the sole purview of sci-fi writers to invoke alien threats. American war hero General Douglas MacArthur twice alluded to the possibility of a future war between humanity and aliens from space. On one occasion in 1955, he reportedly told a journalist that “because of the developments in science all the countries on Earth will have to unite to survive and to make a common front against attack by people from other planets.” In 1962, while speaking to the graduating class of West Point, he referred to “ultimate conflict between a united human race and the sinister forces of some other planetary galaxy.”

Ronald Reagan’s several statements concerning hypothetical alien invasions come to mind. As someone who had been a UFO witness himself, and who (according to sources of the authors) was also briefed on the topic, it seems unlikely that he was merely being whimsical.

They Want Nothing

What if they are so far beyond us that we offer them nothing at all? Such a possibility has been raised many times throughout the years. Consider the insights of Whitley Strieber, one of the few people who has openly discussed his abduction and contact experiences, and is probably the most articulate of them. In our “classical” reality, he points out, when you flip a coin, you get either heads or tails. You cannot get both. But at the scale of the very small, reality works differently: matter can be both wave and particle at the same time. Normally, this is because there is a strong interaction that prevents atoms from going into “superposition” and becoming “indeterminate,” essentially everywhere at the same time.

But, Strieber asks, what if we could control the degree to which our bodies were in such a state? What if, in addition to possessing quantum entangled neurons within our own brains, we could have quantum entanglement
with all other human brains, and therefore have access to the knowledge and intellect of billions of brains? In that case, writes Strieber, “we would be radically, fantastically different from what we are. We would have the ability to spontaneously change our appearance, or even become invisible. We would be able to not only extend our awareness across the whole of reality, but also to draw on our collective understanding to interpret what we see. We would, in short, be like our visitors.”

Of course, he points out, we are most certainly not like them. Their consciousness may exceed our own as much as ours exceeds that of the family dog. With perhaps total knowledge of the universe, such beings, according to Strieber, are at “the end of innovation,” something that “would be the most profound catastrophe that could befall an intelligent species.” In such a situation, “the quest for the new would take on an almost mythic urgency.” Thus, it would not be entirely true to say they want nothing from us. In effect, they might be voyeurs who desperately seek to experience, if only vicariously, the feeling of discovery accorded to humanity.

In the same essay, Strieber argued that Disclosure could well “devastate the human mind.” For, if the Others appear in numbers, they will enter our minds. “And, I can assure, you,” he writes, “that kind of contact is as hard a thing as a human being can experience. It is an agony beyond terror. I know. I have been there.” He concedes that a few people will be able to handle it, but many will not. They simply will not be ready, nor are they ever likely to be.

Question #3: Are We Safe?

In the news business, the question “Are we safe?” is the key question that people want answered in any story, whether in an international story like 9/11 or a local shooting. From our current perspective (observers who have been denied certain key facts), trying to determine the threat posed by the Others is guess-work.

Still, our “safety” involves some assessment of three criteria. First, how advanced their technology happens to be. Second, how physically close they are to us. Third, what they want.

Hiding their agenda? If they have come in peace, why have they not contacted us in an open way?
Image by Amalgamated Dynamics, Inc.

“If we believe their technology is not much better than ours, that they are basically ‘good guys,’” wrote UC Davis psychology professor Albert Harrison in 1997. “We will feel less threatened than if they have an overwhelming technical superiority, are already in our neighborhood, and seem unfavorably disposed toward humans.”

There are military men and women who have studied these questions, but we can give quick provisional answers to them right here.

First, their technology is clearly superior to our own. Despite scientists who assert that interstellar or interdimensional travel is impossible, these beings have managed to reach us, whatever and wherever their origins. Second, they are here, and not phoning us from 50 light years away. Third, although there are neutral and even positive examples of interaction, there are some examples indicating a lack of concern or empathy for humans, and even a few that appear decidedly hostile.

Their Technology

The capabilities of the Others are clearer to us than their intentions. A review of more than a half-century’s worth of UFO encounters gives us an idea of what they have, and what they can do. The results are unsettling.

Craft that can hover silently, indefinitely, and accelerate instantly in any direction.

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