Adaline (The Wallflower Series Book 3) (14 page)

BOOK: Adaline (The Wallflower Series Book 3)
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Chapter Twelve

As they waited for the door to open, Adaline reached over to gently straighten his collar. Murphy winked at her playfully and received a blush from her in return. She was slightly nervous. For the first time, Murphy was going to meet her friends; people she had referred to over and over again in their conversations. It was Sasha’s baby shower and after Adaline had received the invitation, Murphy had hinted at being interested in getting to know the other people in her life. She had already met a few of his friends. It seemed only fair. But that didn’t rid her of the butterflies in her stomach or the feeling that she could easily jump out of her skin.

The door opened and they both came face-to-face with Dmitri. He gave Adaline a warm smile and looked towards Murphy curiously. Adaline had already warned Murphy that the day would be slightly taxing being surrounded by so many hearing people who did not know sign language. But he told her he wouldn’t mind as long as she helped translate for him.

“Hello Dmitri,” she spoke while signing so that Murphy could see. “This is Murphy. Murphy, this is Sasha’s husband. The soon-to-be father!”

Murphy held his hand out in greeting, which Dmitri took into his own without hesitation.  After signing, Adaline explained to Dmitri, “He says congratulations.”

“Thank you! Please, come in. Sasha has been anxious to see you again, Adaline.”

They both walked in, admiring the layout and design of the clearly expensive suite.

I’m afraid to touch anything,
” Murphy said to her. Adaline could only nod her head in agreement.

When they came to the living room, they found Sasha surrounded by Teagan, Carter, and a few others Adaline had yet to meet. Almost immediately, Adaline began to feel doubtful about how well she was going to be able to communicate even after programming her cochlear implant to the appropriate program. Everyone was talking all at once- and quickly! As if sensing her anxiety, Murphy placed a gentle hand on her shoulders and squeezed.

Don’t worry about me. I’m just happy to be here with you.

And she knew that was part of what made her so nervous. Coming with him was a clear statement; they could no longer deny that they were dating. It was her first time being with someone this way. When they were alone, it was as if nothing had ever really changed from the beginning of their friendship. But now, there was no denying what had evolved from a platonic relationship into the romantic realm. And more importantly, there was no avoiding the possibility of running into Dominic. She could only hope that he wouldn’t show up, which was doubtful!

They hadn’t spoken since that night several weeks ago. She had gone out of her way to ignore each and every text he sent her way or the calls that would come in the evening. Eventually, they dwindled until they stopped coming completely. She didn’t know what her reaction would be when she finally saw him again; would she feel the same flutters of attraction? And how would that compare to what she now felt for Murphy? Adaline had a feeling she already knew the answer. But looking up into Murphy’s eyes and seeing the kind smile directed at her, Adaline didn’t want to know.

His moment of moral support was interrupted by a squeal from the couch. With her pregnant belly leading the way, Sasha came scurrying over to greet them. She quickly engulfed Adaline into her arms.

“I’m so happy you came,” she said, pulling back so Adaline could read her lips.

“Of course, I couldn’t miss this. Sasha…this is Murphy. M-my boyfriend.”

To her surprise, the smile quickly left Sasha’s shining face at her news. The pregnant woman looked between her and Murphy quickly, ignoring the hand he held out in greeting.


Adaline was taken aback and confused by Sasha’s response but repeated herself. “Murphy and I met through Lucille. It may be a bit hard for him, but I’ll translate everything.”

Sasha shook her head and placed a hand onto her belly. “I-I’m sorry. I’m just a bit…surprised.” She settled her gaze onto the newcomer and forced a smile onto her features. “It’s nice to meet you, Murphy. Welcome.”

They both could tell from the stiffness of her features that it was forced. But since neither knew exactly why she seemed so opposed to Murphy’s presence, they decided to let it go.

Murphy signed, “
Thank you for having us. Congratulations on your baby!”

Sasha turned to Adaline for the translation and nodded her head in thanks. “Come, sit down with us.”

They followed the smaller woman into the living room. For the first time, Murphy was introduced to Teagan and Carter. Having heard stories about them from Adaline, he was clearly happy to put a face with a name. Conversation soon surrounded them though. And while Teagan and Sasha did their best to include them both, Adaline could feel herself becoming overtaxed by trying to keep up. This was why she avoided large get-togethers. Needing a break from reading so many lips, she turned to Murphy and reverted back to sign language. The headache that was beginning to form continued to encroach upon her but its speedy entrance became more gradual.

“I’m going to go get some water. Do you want anything?”
Even as she asked, she felt awful about leaving him in the fray, but knew she needed a break from it all. Her anxieties were making it more difficult for her to follow conversation, and her translations to Murphy had been getting more and more cryptic and muddled.

Ever understanding, Murphy gave her a reassuring smile once more. “
I’m good. Take your time. I can read lips too, you know?”
he added jokingly.

It brought a slight small to her face, but she immediately took the opportunity to venture into the kitchen. The party hadn’t moved into the food territory just yet; the counters were covered by assortments of dishes that had been ordered, made, and brought as gifts. Adaline felt her stomach growl as the smells surrounded her. At least her stomach could take the attention away from the pain in her head.

She was reaching inside the refrigerator to get a bottle of water to take with the aspirin in her purse when she felt movement behind her. Turning, she came upon the source of her nerves and ill attention. It seemed from the expression on Dominic’s face, he also didn’t know what to feel at the sight of her. They both looked at each other blankly. He stood with his hands placed in his loosely worn slacks and his mouth in a firm line. It was as if he couldn’t get his words out.

Adaline looked away from him and felt warmth covering her cheeks from her guilt. She knew it had been wrong to ignore him, but it was the only way for her to find the strength to move on. Reminding herself of that and affirming her resolve, she finally found the courage to look him in the eye again. Adaline straightened her shoulders.


Her mouth had barely formed the first syllable in the commonplace greeting when she found herself shoved against the cold surface of the stainless steel refrigerator.  On one side, her body shivered from the cold but at her front, she felt her nipples almost immediately harden and a wetness begin to leak from her core as Dominic covered her mouth with his. His hands became tangled in her short curls, slightly massaging her scalp. Adaline gasped at the feel of the hardness pressed against her, giving him room to enter and explore the sweet cavern of her mouth. In spite of herself, she nibbled lightly at his bottom lip and was rewarded with a playful swipe of his tongue. Dominic held her to him with a well-placed grip on her thigh, right beneath her rounded bottom. Gently, he pulled at her until her leg had lifted of its own accord and settled against his waist, giving him entrance to her heated core.

They found themselves in the same position as before. Their bodies wreathed against the refrigerator, hidden from the view of everyone in the living room by a wall. Hands grasped clothing desperately, their breath quickened in pace as they fought to control the unquenchable desire that had existed for so long unacknowledged. Adaline’s mind was overrun by his very presence. She no longer saw the kitchen; if her eyes opened at all, it was to peer into Dominic’s, darkened cobalt-like gaze. Dominic could no longer hear the rambunctious conversations a mere few feet away. Instead, he could only feel his desperate need to be closer to her. The clothing between them was beginning to irritate him; his hands itched to tear away the jeans she wore. He could feel how desperately she wanted him as well from the warmth emanating from her jean-clad core. Unable to deny himself, he reached between them to place his hands against her mound. As he stroked her, Adaline’s hips began to move on their own; a whimper released from her lips and was immediately hushed by a kiss. His lips trailed across her cheek before he leaned away from her.

Speaking slowly so that she could read every word from his lips, “Don’t you ever ignore me like that again.” He increased the pressure of his strokes. Grinning smugly at her automatic response to grind against his hand, Dominic continued, “This is what you wanted, right? This is why you left that night?”

Instead of replying, Adaline threw back her head and bit her lip to quiet the moans that ached to be released. The pressure from his large hands along with the friction of the jeans against her clit had her approaching her breaking point quickly. The tempo of her hips increased as she ground herself harder against him. She could feel her pussy clench at the emptiness; she wanted more, she wanted to be filled completely by him like before. Grasping at his shoulders, her mouth opened but no sound came out as he brought her over the edge in mere moments. A flood of juices came pouring from her heat. Her muscles continued to clench sporadically, satisfied for now but still desperate to be filled. By him. Only by him.

Dominic watched as she slumped against the refrigerator; her eyes hooded as the last of her climax ran through her body. He took her mouth once more, claiming her succulent lips gently. At first, she was unresponsive, still recovering. But with the tender coaxing from his soft lips, she finally kissed him back. Once he had garnered a response from her, Dominic reluctantly stepped away. Both their bodies protested the space between them, still left wanting from the short interlude. But the distance made them come back to their senses. Adaline’s eyes widened in horror at what had just happened. She looked around and noticed how open the kitchen was. If it weren’t for a thin wall separating them from the living room, they would have been seen.

. As her thoughts turned to her
, she shoved at Dominic’s chest unexpectedly. So overcome by her anger, frustration, and guilt she couldn’t form the words quickly enough to follow her hands.

“What is wrong with you? How dare you!”
Tears sprung into her eyes at just how much she had screwed up.

Not wanting them to be overheard, Dominic forewent speech as well.
“What is wrong with
You’re the one who has been ignoring me for weeks! All I’ve wanted to do is talk to you and apologize. You haven’t even allowed me to do that. I shouldn’t have left; I know that now. But there’s no denying what’s between us anymore.”
Adaline stood with her eyes widened in shock at how much he was able to sign. He had apparently continued practicing.

Dominic took a step towards her once more. His gestures slowed down as he recalled the look on her face as she came against him; his cock hardened at how she would look under him.
“Baby, I want you. I want to make love to you.”
Dominic bent down until their lips were just a breath away from the other. “I’m done fighting this.

Adaline scoffed and stepped to the side out of his reach. She was calm enough now to find her words and speak once more. “It doesn’t matter because it’s never going to happen.”

He looked at her quizzically, “You wanted to take things a step further just as much as I did.”

Before she could deny anything or point out how recently he had been the unwilling one, they both felt a third presence in the kitchen. Murphy took a step toward her and gently caressed her upper arm. He could sense the tension between them. Not knowing who Dominic was, he glared at him and asked Adaline,

Is everything okay? Is this guy bothering you?”

Dominic eyed the hand that rested against Adaline’s arm and the familiar body language between the two of them. He could feel his throat close up in shock as realization hit him. They were

Adaline’s eyes flitted between the both of them. This moment was expected, but that didn’t mean she was prepared for it. Let alone the look of hurt and confusion on Dominic’s face as he fixated on Murphy’s hand on her arm.

Blindly, she signed, “
Yes, I’m fine. This is Dominic. He and I grew up together in Dover.”

The guarded expression on Murphy’s face quickly changed. He looked toward Dominic and held out his hand in greeting. Acting automatically, Dominic shook the outstretched hand.

“And you are?”
Dominic signed as he spoke the words.

Taken aback by the use of sign language, Murphy released a huff of air and looked back at Adaline in shock. She merely shrugged her shoulders.

Murphy. Nice to meet you, Dominic. It’s good to meet someone who signs. When did you learn?”

Dominic eyed Adaline intensely. He couldn’t look away even as he explained how he learned from her in high school and was still trying to improve his skills. Murphy, always excited about a hearing person learning ASL, was completely unaware of the tension between Dominic and Adaline as he signed excitedly about his work. Adaline stood by Murphy’s side, discomforted by Dominic’s continued gaze. In it, she could tell that he was silently questioning her. But he never got the chance to actually ask. The conversation continued between him and Murphy about the difficulties of learning ASL as a hearing person, but Dmitri eventually interrupted them, inviting them back to the living room for the festivities.

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