Read Adam Online

Authors: Jacquelyn Frank

Tags: #Fiction, #Contemporary Women

Adam (18 page)

BOOK: Adam
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“Tell me your name, little Vamp,” he commanded her.

“Earn it, my fine Demon brute,” she shot back before she could check the impulse. But the dare made him smile in such a slow and predatory manner that Jasmine wanted to goad him again and again. Anything to invite that awesome savagery in his pale jade irises.

“I think I will at that, Vamp.”

Adam vibrated with the stimulation of her invitation, the possibilities churning through his mind as, for the first time, he gave himself complete permission to do so. She was a bold and obviously experienced wench, so he need not be delicate with her. She certainly wasn’t the first pretty thing with delicious tits and a fine ass to fall into his lap.

The crude thought came and went in a flash, some part of his mind rejecting it sharply for a reason he couldn’t fathom. Then, of all the choices she’d flaunted flagrantly before him, Adam settled on what he wanted most. He lowered his dark head until his lips drew warm and soft against her cheek, and then he set his head lower and lower until his nose was running the length of her fragrant neck and his mouth slowly opened against her raw little pulse.

Jasmine gasped sharply, and then rolled her eyes closed with a slow groan of pure pleasure as his damp tongue flicked against her throat. When he sucked at her strongly, she all but shot off the ground. That particular spot was highly erogenous in her people, and clearly he knew how to exploit it.

“Mmm,” she moaned against his near ear in spite of herself. Of all the things for him to choose, why had he chosen this? There was no direct satisfaction for him this way, was there?

The thought disturbed her deeply. Disliking the sensation of confusion, she jerked beneath him and unwrapped her legs from around him to brace her feet on the ground. He lifted his head when he felt her acts of resistance, and now it was his eyes that were alight with amusement.

“So, my little Vamp has borders after all. She prefers to tease but not be teased.”

“Get up,” she bit out in reply.

“I do not believe I will.” Adam went nose to nose with her. “Water is my element. All that is liquid is mine to manipulate and harmonize with. Shall I tell you where you are wet, little Vamp?”

“If you have the balls to say it, Demon, you will find them missing come morning.
Get up!

Adam laughed at her threat, unable to explain his delight. As the power play rotated between them, his excitement rose to greet it. He felt more grounded as he regained control of the dynamic of the moment. Yet he still realized that the arousal itself was out of his scope of management. Just the same, he craved indulgence in it. Even if only to get the better of the brassy vixen beneath him.

“Come, come,” he coaxed, his inflection making it a double entendre, “you were so eager to play a moment ago. And I have a name to earn from you.”

“Bastard! How’s that for a name?” she growled.

“Not pretty enough for the likes of you.” He chuckled.

Jasmine flashed fangs at him with a hiss. “If I tell you my name, will you get off me?”

“Hardly a fair trade after all you have given to me.” He shifted his hips forward against her to remind her of the reactions her teasing ways had wrought. Adam reveled in her nearly airless gasp, watching her sensual nature take her over with her darkening eyes and a delicate flare of her nostrils. She couldn’t contain the involuntary sound of pleasure that followed, and he could see her fury at her self-betrayal burning over her features.

Jasmine’s head was spinning with sensory and emotional overload. On one hand, she was enraged by this queer turnabout of power, feeling she was meant to dole out, not be victim to such tricks. However, she couldn’t believe how easily and thoroughly he affected her. She craved more, the excitement of it making her feel so ...


Adam sensed a measure of surrender, and he risked releasing one of her trapped wrists. Rising up a little, he studied the pretty palate of possibilities she presented. He reached to touch her exposed belly, running a finger under the extraordinary jeweled chain.

“Do all females wear these now?” he asked softly as his callused fingertips scraped over her smooth skin near her navel.

“Some do,” she breathed. “I like it.”

“As do I,” he informed her with an intensity that made Jasmine’s blood hum noisily in her ears. “Are you bejeweled elsewhere, little Vamp?”

“Yes,” she said on a rushed whisper.

“Tell me.”

“Find out for yourself,” she countered in a wicked return of her wildly powerful flirtation. The invitation slammed desire into Adam’s already heated systems.

“Oh, Vamp. What you do to me ...”

Adam looked into her eyes, pale jade clashing with warm mink in a tangle of intensity they both felt far deeper than either thought they wanted to. He suddenly felt as though breathing was beyond his capability, and he found his full attention drawn to her mouth. Her lips were lush and dark, but the pricking of her fangs kept them from appearing sweet or innocent. Instead the image was darkly erotic and strangely tempting.

Jasmine turned her head sharply aside when he feinted for her mouth. His free hand shot up to her chin and turned her back hard to face him, holding her firmly in place.

“Too afraid to kiss me, little Vamp?”

“A kiss is nothing,” she ground out. “And my tongue is not pierced, so you need not go looking.”

“Your tongue ...” Adam laughed hard. “I would not expect it to be. Surely not even Vampires would do something so ridiculous.”

Jasmine grinned. “No. Of course not.”

Adam had a feeling she was having a private joke at his expense, but he didn’t much care.

“Kiss me, dark angel. You have nothing to fear from a man who barely exists in this moment.”

“Fear?” She laughed at that. “I fear very little and give my kiss to even less. I would not touch my lips to my food if I could possibly avoid it, but, as you see, I have little choice.”

“What? Above slitting a throat for your dinner?”

“Not above it, but merely prevented by law and a small shred of decency.”

“Oh my,” he returned, “what a little liar you are. You are not as lacking in morals as you would have me believe. Tell me, do these quills prove effective in keeping others at a distance?”

“Only certain pricks deserve pricking back.”

“Well, let us see how we two might dodge your sharpness, little Vamp,” he coaxed softly as he brushed her lips with his. She tried to pull away again but he held her tight.

“Please, I don’t kiss ...” she whispered in final desperation, her free hand reaching to push against one large shoulder.

“Yes, you do. You just have not realized it yet.”

Adam’s mouth covered hers with heated domination. She was a powerful personality in her own right, but in that moment she was on the defensive, and he could feel the tightening of resistance as it bolted through her. But he could also feel the gasp of surprise she made and the thoughtful turn of her hurried breathing. Tension that had her resisting him suddenly began to reach for him as he slipped a hot, insistent tongue between her lips. He encountered the erotic scrape of her fangs, the points sharp enough to cut him if he moved wrong, but he ignored that small danger so he could focus solely on the sweet darkness that was their kiss.

She hadn’t lied when she’d said she didn’t kiss. The intimacy was clearly one she avoided. He could tell by the awkwardness of her resistance to his initial invasion. More so, he could tell by the unpracticed way she began to relax and relent into his stolen kisses. It wasn’t that she didn’t know how to do what she was doing, just that it had been a long time since she had allowed it.

When her tongue finally fully engaged with his and her whole body seemed to lift into him in eager participation, Adam didn’t resist smiling down on her triumphantly. She made an obstinate noise and her hands came up to curve fast and strong over his shoulders, covering their expanse in an instant. Her kisses grew fiery and rich, drawing him deeply into her and setting his every inch of flesh on fire. Adam drew back after he felt her fingertips stroking down the entire length of his back, a delicate caress that seemed somehow the antithesis of the wrenching passion skipping between their mouths, yet was deeply stirring just the same. He had to look down into her darkly beautiful eyes, an attempt to center himself or possibly comprehend the depth of what was resonating through him. Could he even begin to understand what he was experiencing? He readily admitted to himself that in spite of his age, he had nothing in his experience to compare this to. Looking into her bewildered expression, he had to doubt it was any different for her. He wanted to fill his hands with her, and it was clear she would have very few complaints if he did.

The Enforcer slid a hungry hand up the lean curves of her side until soft flesh overflowed his palm and the cage of his fingers. Disregarding the barrier of her thin, clinging shirt, he angled her breast and its crest toward his mouth. At first all he did was tease her with the ghostly rubbing of his lips, but it only took a moment for him to realize he had uncovered one of the treasures she had challenged him with. He could feel, on a rushing thrill of excitement, a hard circlet of metal and the two tiny balls accompanying it.

Through with fascinated exploration, Adam shot his hand beneath her shirt and peeled back the skin-hugging fabric. He felt her free hand gripping tightly into the curls of his hair, as though she was undecided about whether to draw him closer or push him away. But all it took was a single glimpse of the silver piercing through the very tip of a turgid nipple the shade of a flushed rose, and he couldn’t have forced himself to stop his next impulse for all his worth in the world. He reached out with the tip of his tongue to hook the inviting ring. With an experimental tug and a quickly followed draw into his mouth, Adam was delighted when she arched her back and all but clutched his head to her in sudden encouragement. She gasped softly, her fingernails dragging down out of his hair and along the cheek that went concave beneath her touch as he took the liberty of toying with her fascinatingly bejeweled body.

The scent of her emanated from her skin in sweet waves of sexual invitation. She made a low, trilling sound of enticement to him, her legs sliding restlessly in renewed temptation. Adam tested her tolerance at the sensitive point, catching the ring and tugging strongly on it until she exhaled a sound of response.

Adam’s entire body was raging with need, and he knew he had never wanted a woman with such a sense of sheer insanity. The only exception would have been that moment when she herself had elicited the same strong response from him in what was now the very distant past.

The thought was a highly sobering one. His situation in life was reeling out of his control, nothing making sense and no resolution in sight, and yet here he was with this female, and somehow he felt more grounded than he ever had before. Even though it was wrong to be with her. Or was it? He had no idea what was right and what was wrong in this confusing world he found himself in, and it was making him feel like he had no center. He needed to know the rules. The law. It was how he had always lived his life, and he wasn’t going to stop now.

Adam pushed away from the temptation lying in the grass, backing off from her even though very visceral parts of himself protested the act quite violently. He gained his feet and his composure and watched as she slowly sat up and smoothed her hands down over her stimulated body. She touched her mouth with elegant fingers, wiping away the moisture he’d left behind with a pair of sensual little strokes that made his chest ache with longing once again.

“Until next time.” She snickered as she rose up from the ground in an easy levitation.

“There will be no next time,” he grumbled darkly.

“Sure there won’t.” Her disbelief was more than obvious.

She headed for Noah’s, flying barely four inches above the path as she skimmed along her way. Adam cursed, still unwilling to take her word that the war was over and hurrying quickly after her in case he needed to protect Noah’s household.

She entered the Great Hall without knocking, just as she always did, completely aware that the big Demon male was hot on her tail. Jasmine might be acting cool and incidentally flirtatious about their encounter, but she was feeling anything but calm. In fact, her whole body was hot with response and eager curiosity. She couldn’t remember when she had last come up against a male who had been so confident and outrageously bold, a male she was also attracted to. And the fact that he wasn’t a Vampire simply floored her.

Then again, she hadn’t found anyone in her breed to play with in a very long time. They all bored her or were obnoxiously cocky. This Demon male was strong and self-assured, but she could feel the moments of doubt and confusion in him. He was most certainly a puzzle. Why was it she had not laid eyes on him in four centuries? And why was it every time she did see him, they seemed to stick together like irrepressible magnets?

“Noah!” Adam barked out as he reached to grab the Vampire hard around her arm. “She says she knows you. Is this Vampire welcome in your home?”

Jasmine smiled at the way he said “Vampire.” As if she were something truly dirty. Well, when she was around him she felt dirty. Very dirty.

“Jasmine!” Noah stood, pushing his wife off his lap and coming up to meet them. He was frowning, just as Adam was frowning as he tried to understand how humans could have become mates to Demons. “Yes, Adam, she is very welcome here. Jasmine, forgive Adam, he has been out of touch with current issues. Adam, she is an important attaché to the Vampire Prince. There is peace between Vampires and Demons ... for the most part.”

“For the most part?” Adam echoed.

“There are some Vampires who have turned to lawless behavior. They endanger us all. Like the one you killed.”

“Killed a Vampire, did we?” Jasmine asked, arching a brow at him. He could almost hear her mocking the feat.

“Nicodemous,” Noah informed her.

Adam watched with a bit of amazement as she went very still, absorbing the information nonchalantly when all of his senses told him she was quite shocked.

BOOK: Adam
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