Adonis and Aphroditus (8 page)

Read Adonis and Aphroditus Online

Authors: Crystal Dawn

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #adventure, #action, #gods, #valentines day, #sci fi

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“I believe so,” Lucy said coolly looking him
eye to eye.

“What if they stumble on you? What kind of
protection do you have?” he asked as his phone rang.

“Zeus…I see…so it is him. Thank you for
calling.” He looked back at Lucy. “It seems this may be a mute
discussion. As you’re aware, god seed was used to create your
child. An unwilling, tortured male was forced to give up his
essence and given no free will in the matter.”

“What are you going to do? Take it back?” she
said starting to get angry.

“You may not know that every god is bred to
reproduce. The desire is strong, stronger than that of most human
males. We also love our children even more than ourselves. No god
would reject their child or even the child of another if they
needed them. The god that fathered Paisley has rights and according
to the policy your government has with us, she would be kept here
and you would get visitation.”

Adonis looked at Lucy. She was pale and
looked as if she would be ill. “You can’t take my baby away. If it
wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t know about her or the others and
Perseus would still be imprisoned.”

“He’s not saying we’d take her away,” Sierra
explained shooting an angry glare at Zeus. “He’s simply explaining
the worst possible situation to you. He wants you to realize it
wouldn’t be fair to deprive the father of his child either. We want
to work out something fair to all concerned.”

Adonis heard Lucy draw in a deep breath. “I
don’t want to be unfair. I know what a child means to a parent but
he doesn’t even know about her.”

Zeus nodded at Adonis. “That’s not true. He
suspected and now he knows.”

“What do you mean?” she asked completely

“Adonis is her father. We also believe he is
your intended mate. Our kind believe one special person is that
perfect match for us. I know you’ve heard that gods can’t breed and
that was true for many years or seemed to be. Origin has discovered
that a god can breed but only with
match. One female out
of millions, what are the odds he would ever find her? Impossible,
you might say. Origin started finding females with certain traits,
strong, attractive, and smart. Now they breed them with a cocktail,
a mix of all god’s seed available. Just a drop of each because our
seed is strong and if put in the right place it

Lucy had turned to look him instead of Zeus.
If anything she looked more confused. “When did you know?”

“I felt a bond with you when you called. It
wasn’t strong enough to be sure but when we met face to face, I
knew you were mine. If you were mine, would Paisley be too? I
couldn’t be sure and I didn’t care. I wanted to claim you both
regardless. Living here, all gods help with the children so if she
had a father that wasn’t me, if there was some aberration to the
rule, he would still be able to be part of her life.”

“You never told me,” she accused.

“I told you several times that you were my
mate,” he corrected.

“About Paisley, you never told me what you

“I didn’t know. What difference would it have

“I don’t know but you should have told

Zeus and Sierra just sat there watching them
bicker. When Zeus was tired of it, he spoke. “You two aren’t going
to come to an understanding anytime soon, so I have a suggestion.
Stay for a while and try to work something out.”

“I have a job I need to get back to. I can’t
just stay here without making arrangements. My parents will worry,
my apartment will be at risk, I don’t have anything with me, and I
made arrangements to have a sitter for Paisley,” Lucy

“Are those all your concerns?” Zeus

“The important ones.”

“I’ve made arrangements with your work and
they’ll let you work from here. They will send you a computer to
use as soon as you make a decision. You can call your parents and
tell them the truth if you trust them or a story of you don’t. I
can have someone stay at your apartment since we need to track down
some of the other mothers. Babysitters are not usually contracted,
are they? Pay them something for their trouble and tell them an
emergency came up. We have all the supplies on hand you might need
and we can airlift anything in within a week. Any more

“You can’t know who I work for, that’s not

“I was able to get a contact number through a
senator. I don’t need to know what agency or what they do to get
arrangements made. We work with all the agencies in some way or
another. We have a friendly exchange of information on our enemies
and theirs. I think you underestimate the information we have
available. Our teams do work for all the major governments. I need
an answer, but take today to think, rest, relax, and spend time
with your daughter. Adonis will take care of anything you need and
we will meet in the morning,” Zeus concluded.

They were dismissed and it was time to go.
Zeus handed him a package but he didn’t look at it until he was in
the hallway. It turned out to be exactly what he expected. It was a
bottle of champagne with two glasses, well he hadn’t expected that,
and the codes to his new family size apartment. It was a three
bedroom so they had room to grow. It was easy to have two kids
almost on top of each other since gods were so fertile with their
mates. He headed back to medical and Lucy followed along behind

Doc was playing with Paisley when they came
in. Paisley seemed to be laughing and grabbing for Doc’s fingers.
It made Adonis feel good to see Paisley looking so happy. Now if he
could just get somewhere with Lucy.

Chapter 7


Lucy felt out maneuvered and she didn’t like
it one bit. She knew she shouldn’t blame Adonis, he’d been a victim
just as she had been. It did improve her mood to see her baby
laughing and having fun. What happened next would be no fun at all.
Adonis took Paisley and they left with him sending her a look of
regret. Doc was going to give her a physical to see if Origin had
messed with her while she was at their mercy. The rubber glove
snapped as she pulled it into place. She was ready to begin and
Lucy was undressed and in position. It was probably one of the most
hated things women had to do.

“I’ll do this as quick and painlessly as
possible,” Doc said in a reassuring professional voice. She quickly
went through all the usual steps and she worked quickly and
silently. “You can get dressed now.”

Lucy went behind a screen dressed and came
out to sit in a chair. “So was everything alright?” she asked.

“I don’t know how to tell you this,” Doc said
as she placed a small silver bead on the desk. “They had you
tagged. It wouldn’t have mattered where you went. They would have
found you. We’ll take this and I think Hercules can track it back
to the source. Maybe we’ll catch somebody.”

Lucy felt ill as her stomach rolled. If they
had caught her, they would have either taken her or killed her and
Paisley would have been lost forever. “Thank you,” she whispered
and her voice broke. It looked like staying was the only option for
now. It would be nice to spend time with Adonis, but she was afraid
she was falling for him. What would that mean if she did?

Adonis knocked on the door frame and walked
in with Paisley in his arms. They looked good together, like
family. She could get used to the three of them being together like
that. All she wanted to do right now was throw herself in his arms
and let him tell her it was alright. Maybe it wasn’t all she wanted
to do because since she’d met him her libido had been in overdrive.
She felt a funny feeling when he was near her and she was afraid of
falling for him. Maybe even afraid she had already fallen for

She stood up and came to him. “I’m ready to
go now,” she said and she knew she was putting herself and Paisley
into his hands, for now anyway and maybe for ever. She would have
to think through things before making that kind of commitment.

She remembered all the reasons she had
decided to have Paisley as a single mother. The first was the men
had disappointed her. The next was she wanted a baby more than she
needed a relationship with what she had found available to her. She
didn’t want a man to mother, she wasn’t a slave, she wanted more
than to just settle for what was available. If she thought about
it, had Adonis been available to her, she wouldn’t have thought of
it as settling. She would give him some time, it was only fair. She
would give him a chance to show her how things could be.

She was falling, there was no other way to
describe it and everyday made it clearer that they had always been
intended to be this little family. Paisley adored Adonis, and Lucy
admitted she did too. She lay right now with her head above his
heart listening to it slow down and get back to normal in the
afterglow of some incredible lovemaking. He had finally explained
about the bites he gave her and she could feel the changes taking
place. She had been angry at first, but she had talked to Doc who
had described what the venom did and assured her that while it
calmed and relaxed, it didn’t take away free will. She had chosen
Adonis without anything messing with her mind.

The bite had simply eased her acceptance of
her own choices. It was easier to feel okay about a decision if you
knew it was truly yours. They fit together so well and it wasn’t
just wonderful sex. They could talk for hours and they were in
agreement on how to raise Paisley and even on giving her siblings.
She knew he feared she would leave him, but she had settled all her
affairs and come to an agreement with her work. She would tell him
soon, she was there to stay.


A week later, Lucy admitted she was happy.
Her computer had arrived two days ago and she was able to put in
her work schedule without problems. Someone was always available to
keep Lucy and often they came over to watch her so she could spend
her breaks with her. Adonis had been unbelievable. He was romantic,
sweet, loving, and the sex just got hotter every time. She was
waiting for him right now with candles lit, champagne on the table,
and wearing a lovely little bit of nothing he would love.

She heard the door open. “Lucy.” Adonis

“In here,” she said.

“Oh, my.”

She lay stretched out on the bed ready to
seduce. It would be the first time she had taken that role. She
crooked her finger at him. “Come closer, Sweetheart.” His eyes
glowed and she had not only gotten used to it but now it excited

He moved to where he was standing in front of
her and started to slowly and sensuously strip out of his clothes.
Heat rolled over her body as his magnificent attributes became
exposed inch by gorgeous inch until h stood naked and proud his
cock reaching toward the sky. Her breath whooshed out of her, she
hadn’t even realized she’d been holding it in.

“See something you like?” he asked coyly.

She reached out and stroked him then grabbed
him and pulled him right in front of her. He slid onto the bed and
all she could look at was his magnificent monster so close that she
leaned down and licked the drop of dew off the end. That tasted
sweet so she went back for more. She licked him like a lollipop
causing him to groan with need. She slid him into her mouth and
went down as far as she could until she feared she’d gag. She took
one hand and used it to stroke the bottom of his shaft where her
mouth didn’t make it. She moved up and down bobbing her head faster
and faster and stroking harder and faster with her hand.

He was close she could tell but he seemed to
want between her thighs so she let him roll her to her back and she
spread her legs wide so he could slide inside her. He was wild and
he thrust in hard and fast going into a frenzy of need that caught
her up with it. Fast, hard, and deep he moved and he swiveled his
hips to hit the spots that drove her wild. He jack hammered into
her until she spiraled out of control and then he followed her to

Once they were both breathing normally and
their hearts had calmed, he gathered her into his arms. “Do you
still resent being brought here?” he asked.

“No, I’ve come to believe it was fate that
brought us together.”

“Will you marry me?”

She was stunned for a moment and she thought
about it. Life with Adonis was everything she could hope for. She
had already been planning to stay, this just made it more
permanent. This would cement the decision she had already made. She
and Paisley had found a home here among the gods.

“Yes, God, yes!” She exclaimed and he took
her in his arms and she knew everything would be alright.

Frozen Origins Love


By Crystal Dawn

2015 Copyright by Crystal Dawn

Cover by Crystal Dawn using Istock images

Dedicated to love. We all want, need, and
pursue it. May we all find it!


Adonis with his dark outlook was severely
testing Afrod’s good nature. His name was Aproditus, the male
version of Aphrodite goddess of love, but everyone called him
Afrod. He didn’t mind, it suited his playful side much better than
his full name did. He was almost always in the best of moods, it
was a gift really. Lately, the funk that had settled on Adonis
seemed to have infected him as well. At least Adonis would be on a
mission for a few days. He had had a successful call and as a
reward, Hades had let him come with them. Word had spread
throughout Olympus and some of the younger gods were jealous and
some fearful that they might have to go out into the human world.
Everyone knew how crazy it was out there and some embraced crazy
while others ran from it.

Afrod had just returned after lunch feeling a
little better with Adonis’ dark influence gone. His phone line lit
up and then rang. “Lost god’s hotline. How may I direct your call?”
he asked.

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