Advise and Consent (39 page)

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Authors: Allen Drury

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary, #Genre Fiction, #Political, #Contemporary Fiction

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“You’re a real funny man,” the Majority Leader told him.

“Or,” Senator Cramer said, “you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggheads. How’s that?”

“I think you’re enjoying this,” Brigham Anderson said in mock reproach, and Verne Cramer grinned.

“Something’s got to give,” he remarked. “I wonder who it’s going to be?”

It was then, as they were standing in an amiably chatting group while the crowd shuffled out with many interested backward glances toward them, that Fred Van Ackerman came bursting in again in obvious excitement.

“Reconvene the committee!” he said breathlessly. “Reconvene it, God damn it!”

“What’s the matter with you?” Senator Anderson demanded bluntly. “We quit five minutes ago.”

“But I have proof,” Senator Van Ackerman said, a sudden savage note coming into his voice. “Don’t any of you
the proof, Senator?”

“Proof of what?” Lafe Smith asked shortly.

“Don’t you
the proof when I
the proof?” Fred Van Ackerman demanded again with his strange, strangled, about-to-blow-up emphasis. “There isn’t any 2731 Carpenter Street, Chicago. I called the city hall and checked. There’s no building there. It’s a vacant lot. I want you to reconvene the subcommittee, so I can nail that lie right now.”

“Bob Leffingwell has asked us to go over,” Brigham Anderson said calmly, “and we have. It’s his wish.”

“You don’t want to help him,” Fred Van Ackerman said sharply, a peculiar light in his eyes. “You’re out to get him, aren’t you, Brig? You’re all out to get him, and you most of all. All right. All right. You just wait. You all just wait!”

And he turned abruptly on his heel and hurried out through the last curious spectators while behind him Kitty Maudulayne said, “My goodness, he’s mad too!” and Verne Cramer said, “We dropped him on his head when he was two years old, but we’ve been hoping. Apparently we haven’t hoped strong enough, have we, Brigham?”

“He isn’t normal,” Brigham Anderson said, shaking his head. “There’s something all wrong inside somewhere.”

“Well, watch out for him,” Senator Munson advised soberly. “He plays rough.”

“Let’s all go to lunch together and forget about it,” Verne Cramer suggested lightly. “Ladies?”

“I’d love to,” Dolly said, slipping her arm through Senator Munson’s.

“So would I!” Kitty exclaimed, and Celestine smiled.

“A quick one,” Bob Munson said, “Because I think we’ve got to get to the floor pretty soon. I have an idea it’s going to be a rather blowy afternoon in the Cave of the Winds.”

“Yes,” Brigham Anderson agreed; and on that understanding they all took the subway over to the Capitol and went along to the Senate restaurant for forty-five minutes of rather restless conviviality during which the ladies of the party found it difficult to hold the attention of their senatorial companions because the latter were all waiting uneasily for the commanding double ring of the quorum bell which they were quite sure would mean trouble.

Surprisingly, however, it did not come, and their automatic assumption that Fred Van Ackerman would go roaring to the floor and raise hell proved to be mistaken. Instead the Senate adjourned shortly after they finished lunch without anybody even mentioning the name Leffingwell; a fact the Majority Leader did not entirely like, for it seemed to him about time for some steam to be let off on the subject by some of his more vocal colleagues, and their careful quiet seemed more ominous than reassuring.

It soon became apparent as afternoon and evening wore on that this was not for lack of interest anywhere in the country, or, indeed, anywhere in the world. Raoul Barre called Lord Maudulayne to confess a certain misgiving; Krishna Khaleel, passing Hal Fry swiftly on the floor of the General Assembly at UN, pointed to the headline on the paper he was carrying, raised a quizzical eyebrow that might mean almost anything, and hurried on; on Sixteenth Street Vasily Tashikov in some puzzlement had one of his aides check some records in the vault in the basement and the aide came back in greater puzzlement to confess that he had drawn a blank; both the president of General Motors and the president of the United Auto Workers called Bob Munson in some agitation, as did the chairman of the National Committee downtown, and the Majority Leader had to spend a valuable forty-five minutes calming the three of them down; Seab received, by phone, personal visit, and corridor conversation, assurances from another round dozen of his colleagues that they were on his side in the light of the day’s events; the
, the
, and every other evening newspaper in the United States without exception bannered the Gelman testimony; the evening radio and television commentaries carried it completely if in rather gingerly fashion; loud voices in the Press Club bar argued violently with one another about it; it was noted in London, in Rome, in Paris, in Moscow, in Helsinki and Cape Town and Singapore and Sierra Leone and all the points between; and everywhere in the capital, everywhere in the country, and everywhere in the world that knowledgeable people gathered it was a major topic of conversation.

Of all these discussions sprung from the hearing around the globe, perhaps the most significant was the one which occurred toward midnight when the senior Senator from South Carolina took up the receiver and asked the Sheraton-Park switchboard to give him the apartment of the senior Senator from Michigan a quarter of a mile away in the other wing.

“Bob?” he said softly. “Is that you, Bob?”

“That’s me, Seab,” the Majority Leader said. “What are you going to tell me, that you’re giving up your opposition to Leffingwell?”

“Now, I swear you’re a marvel, Bob,” Senator Cooley said amicably. “Your whole cause has collapsed and you’re still able to make jokes. It makes you a great leader, Bob. Yes, sir, that’s what makes you a great leader.”

“I’m on my way to bed, Seab,” Senator Munson said. “Is it anything that can keep until tomorrow?”

“No, sir,” Seab said. “I just thought, Bob, that just maybe you might call the White House and tell him that it might just possibly be a good idea to withdraw this nomination, Bob. I think that’s what you might tell him, Bob.”

“Well, sir, Seab,” Bob Munson said, “do you know something? I already called him, and do you know what he said?”

“What did he say, Bob?” Senator Cooley asked.

“Hell, no,’” the Majority Leader quoted crisply. “Good night, Seab.”

“Good night, Bob,” Seab said gently. “I hope you sleep well, Bob. Tomorrow may be a busy day.”


Chapter 5

And so it was. Busy for the two of them, riding again together in the early morning traffic from the hotel to the Hill, sparring warily but good-naturedly on the way; for press, television, and radio, arriving early in the galleries, gulping their coffee quickly in the restaurant, hurrying over to the Caucus Room to stake out their places of vantage; for Brigham Anderson and Orrin Knox and Arly Richardson and John Winthrop and Johnny DeWilton, leaving their respective homes early and making their separate ways as fast as possible to their offices to get mail and dictation out of the way before the burden of the hearing came upon them; for other members of Foreign Relations who had decided to be on hand
today, and for Fred Van Ackerman who had decided the same, doing the same quick housekeeping duties in their offices; for Dolly and Kitty and Celestine, each choosing with quick skill the exactly right dress, the exactly right hat, the exactly right expression to wear for today’s session; for the nominee, leaving his home in Virginia early after a restless night, driving in over the Fourteenth Street Bridge, turning right on Constitution and moving through the rush past Agriculture and the Botanical Gardens and up the Hill not far behind the Majority Leader and his shrewd old companion; for Herbert Gelman, coming in on the bus from Northeast, unseen and unseeing, unknown and unknowable; for the Capitol cops who had to be on duty at 7 a.m. to handle the crowd, and for the crowd itself which began arriving shortly thereafter and by nine forty-five when the doors opened was lined up four deep back from the doors, across the hall, and clear around the balcony of the front rotunda of the Old Office Building, well over a thousand more than could possibly get in.

This was in truth to be a busy day, for it was, and everyone knew it, the climactic episode in the committee-hearing stage of the Leffingwell nomination.

“Mr. Chairman,” Arly Richardson said into the quivering silence that fell after Brigham Anderson gaveled the room to order, and the television cameras obediently peered around upon him like impassive black cows watching impersonally with little red eyes. “I have a brief statement I should like to make, and something to put in the record.”

“Certainly, Senator,” the chairman said. “Go right ahead.”

“I have received this morning,” Senator Richardson said, “an airmail special-delivery letter from the president of the University of Chicago. He tells me that there was found late yesterday afternoon a record of the student Herbert Gelman, who did attend the university as he says he did, and who did take the administrative government course from Mr. Leffingwell as he says he did. The letter states, however, that no record has been found of his ever having taken a seminar from Mr. Leffingwell. The letter concludes with an affirmation of continuing confidence in the nominee, and attached to it is a statement of endorsement signed by 346 members of the faculty of the University of Chicago. I ask that the letter and the statement of endorsement be placed in the record at this point.”

There was a loud and prolonged clatter of applause which the chairman permitted to run its course. Then he spoke calmly.

“Without objection,” he said, “it is so ordered. Mr. Leffingwell, I think if you will move your chair to the left-hand side of the witness table, as you face us, and Mr. Gelman, if you will move yours to the right-hand side, so that you face one another, that we can begin.”

And after the nominee had done so, regarding Herbert Gelman with the same half-amused, half-contemptuous look as when he had seen him last, Herbert Gelman looking vaguely away, Senator Anderson spoke directly to the audience.

“The Chair,” he said, “wishes to make very clear to the audience, who are reminded that they are here as guests of the subcommittee, that this morning there will be no more demonstrations of any kind. The Chair has been more than lenient in the past two days; but now we come to the nub of this matter, and I am not going to have it complicated by outbursts of emotion on either side. We are all under strain enough in this room without adding to it. So I will have your co-operation if—you—please.” He paused and looked searchingly over the crowd, and the room was absolutely silent. Then he went on in a more conversational tone.

“Mr. Leffingwell,” he said, “you have been the target of the most grave and serious charges made by this witness, Herbert Gelman; and because of their nature and the fact that, unless disproved, they cast the most damaging light upon your general integrity, if not indeed upon your personal loyalty to your country, the Chair thinks, if the subcommittee concurs, that you should be given the right to cross-examine without interruption or interference from us, just as though you were a member of the Senate and a member of the subcommittee. We of course reserve the right after you have finished to question both of you again if we deem necessary. The Chair will even go so far as to say that if you desire it in order to clear your name, the subcommittee will exercise its right of subpoena in your behalf to bring other witnesses before us. These are extraordinary courtesies, not without precedent though not often resorted to, but the Chair feels that in fairness, considering the nature of the attack and considering the nature of the office to which you have been nominated, and how important it is to all of us that you embark upon it, if you do, with your name and reputation in the clear, that they should be extended to you. Is that agreeable to the subcommittee?”

“Perfectly, Mr. Chairman,” Orrin Knox said firmly, and John Winthrop said approvingly, “No one could ask for more.” The nominee bowed gravely in agreement.

“Mr. Chairman,” he said, “I appreciate your courtesy and that of the subcommittee more than I can say. This is, as you realize, perhaps the decisive moment of my life, up to now, and I am very grateful that you have seen fit to grant me such consideration to help me in it.”

“You might point out, Mr. Chairman,” Senator Knox said dryly, “that the motives, at least mine, anyway, are not entirely unmixed. Whatever develops here this morning, Mr. Leffingwell, I don’t want anyone afterwards to ever be able to say that you did not receive fair treatment at the hands of the Senate of the United States.” And he smiled, rather grimly, at the nominee.

“Do you wish to have counsel with you,” Brigham Anderson asked, “or are you going to act as your own counsel?”

“I have no counsel,” Bob Leffingwell said simply, “but the truth.”

“We hope it stands you in good stead,” Senator Anderson said. “Mr. Gelman, the subcommittee wishes you, too, to know that this final phase of this inquiry is not being undertaken in any spirit of hostility toward you. We are grateful that you have returned here voluntarily, without the necessity of subpoena, and we know you understand why we are adopting this particular course of procedure. Your charges against the nominee are of an extraordinary and hurtful nature, and it is only right that he should be given every opportunity to disprove them if he can. You are reminded that you, like Mr. Leffingwell, are under oath to tell the truth.”

The witness gave his shy little half smile.

“I know that,” he said in a low voice. “I told it yesterday and I am going to tell it today, too.”

“The subcommittee commends both you and Mr. Leffingwell for your devotion to truth,” Brigham Anderson said with a certain dryness in his voice, “and it hopes that out of your differing versions of it the real truth will be clear when this is over. Mr. Leffingwell, your witness.”

For a moment, while the nominee opened a briefcase on the table before him and took out some papers, while he arranged some pencils and paper and the microphone and a glass of water, and while Herbert Gelman shifted once in his chair and then sat forward with an almost willfully dogged expression on his face, there came one of those friezelike instants of time which might, if there were Rembrandt to capture it, stand beside the “Night Watch” as a rendering more lifelike than life. “The Committee Hearing,” it might be called, the chairman and his colleagues waiting intently, the audience tensed and silent, the press and television ready, the great marble room, filled to its utmost capacity, focused in a frightening fascination upon the two men seated at opposite ends of the witness table, the one so dignified, handsome, steady and sure, the other so wisplike, isolated and alone, yet filled with the fearful tensile strength of the righteous weak. Then someone coughed, the nominee leaned forward, the press tables stirred, the committee members shifted, there was an angry exclamation from somewhere among the television cameras, the moment broke, the picture moved and was lost.

“Mr. Gelman,” the nominee said quietly, “do I know you?”

The question, unexpected in its indirection, brought a stirring of surprise from the subcommittee and the press, and from the witness a hesitant little laugh. But there was nothing hesitant about his answer.

“I believe you do,” he said.

“You heard me testify that I did not,” Bob Leffingwell said, and Herbert Gelman nodded slowly.

“And you believe I was deliberately lying,” the nominee said.

“That was my impression,” Herbert Gelman replied and the nominee frowned a little, glancing toward the subcommittee as he did so.

“I couldn’t have been simply mistaken, could I?” he asked. “I couldn’t have been puzzled, and not remembered you at first, and later had my memory refreshed by your testimony about the Power Commission, could I? It had to be a deliberate lie, in your mind, did it?”

“That was my impression,” Herbert Gelman repeated stubbornly, and Bob Leffingwell looked him square in the eye.

“Why was that your impression, Mr. Gelman?” he asked.

“I could not believe that you would have forgotten such a thing,” the witness said.

“What thing, Mr. Gelman?” Bob Leffingwell asked. “Playing cops and robbers with you in Chicago, or having you retired from the Federal Power Commission for reasons about which you were somewhat less than candid with the subcommittee yesterday?”

“You tell ’em, Bob,” the
Philadelphia Inquirer
whispered with satisfaction. “Nail the bastard to the mast,” the
agreed with a chuckle.

Herbert Gelman’s steady stare at the nominee widened a little, but he spoke in the same evenly stubborn tone of voice.

“Are you admitting you played cops and robbers with me in Chicago, Mr. Leffingwell?” he asked.

“Well get to that, Mr. Gelman,” the nominee promised. “Well get to that in due time and in full, believe me. But first I want to know why you think I have lied to anyone in this matter of such gravity to the country, to say nothing of its gravity to me? You realize you have made a deliberate attempt here to destroy me, don’t you, Mr. Gelman? Why, Mr. Gelman?”

The witness gave him an oblique glance and his face set in still more stubborn lines.

“How many questions are you asking me at the same time, Mr. Leffingwell?” he asked.

“Am I going too fast for a man in your mental condition?” the nominee inquired with a certain savage politeness. “Then I will take them in order. Why are you convinced that I have been lying here, Mr. Gelman? Answer that one and then well proceed to the others one by one.”

“Just because I believe you are,” the witness said doggedly.

“And just because you say you’re convinced, you expect that to convince this subcommittee?” Bob Leffingwell demanded.

“I think some people may think I’m telling the truth,” Herbert Gelman said quietly.

“And what is the truth, Mr. Gelman?” the nominee asked.

“What I said yesterday,” the witness said.

“Very well, suppose we go to what you said yesterday,” Bob Leffingwell said, turning to a blue-covered manuscript. “I have here a transcript of the proceedings yesterday—”

“I don’t,” Herbert Gelman interrupted. “Can I have one too?”

“You mean your story today would change from what it was yesterday if you didn’t have a transcript to remind you?” the nominee demanded sharply, and the witness looked at him with an almost insolent blankness.

“Oh, no,” he said. “I just thought if you had one it would be fair for me to have one, too.”

“Here,” Orrin Knox said, sliding his copy across the table, “take mine.”

“Thank you, Senator,” Herbert Gelman said with a little smile.

“Now,” Bob Leffingwell said, laying his copy aside unopened, “suppose we talk about your career at the University of Chicago. You have testified, and the university has now confirmed it, that you did attend during the time I was a teacher there. The university also confirms that you took my administrative government course. How many people would you say were in the two sections of that course each week?”

“About three hundred,” Herbert Gelman said without hesitation, and there was a little stir of excitement in the audience.

“Does it seem strange to your mind that out of all those students I should not have been able at first to remember the name of one of them?” Bob Leffingwell asked.

“It wouldn’t be strange if that had been our only contact,” Herbert Gelman said quietly, and the nominee permitted himself to look a little annoyed.

“Well, Mr. Gelman,” he said, “if you’re going to come back every time with an answer like that, then we do have to bring it down simply to your word against mine, don’t we? Because I am going to prove here that the facts refute everything you’ve said. If you’re going to counteract every fact with an insistence that you’re right and no one else is, then that’s going to leave you in a rather sad position, isn’t it?”

“Let’s see the position I’m in when we’re finished,” Herbert Gelman said in the same soft, stubborn voice, and again there was a stirring through the audience.

“As you please, Mr. Gelman,” Bob Leffingwell said indifferently. “We have now established, at least to my mind and I think to any fair mind judging this, that you were in a class of three hundred—which was only one of four different classes over four years, each containing approximately the same number of students, so that there were some twelve hundred, all told, over that period of time—and that it was entirely possible that I should not remember your name out of all those students. So now suppose we go on to the seminar. The university says you didn’t take it. Are you still going to maintain you did?”

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