Aevar: Trekkers (A SciFi Alien Human Military Romance) (9 page)

BOOK: Aevar: Trekkers (A SciFi Alien Human Military Romance)
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Chapter 9

ow long will
he sleep for?” He whispered to me.

“Camden? A while yet.”

“So then we have some time. Let’s make good use of it.”

He took my hand and led me away from the table. “But what about dinner?”

“Dinner can wait,” he said with a devilish smile.

I’d go anywhere with him. I followed him into his bedroom. He pulled me towards the bed and tugged off my apron.

“How did you know I had a thing for girls to cook?” He whispered to me, nuzzling against my hair.

I smiled playfully as he laid sweet kisses down my neck. “Lucky guess?”

He moved up my neck and just underneath my chin leading back up to my lips. He tugged on my T-shirt pulling it above my head and over my arms exposing my voluptuous breasts. I had on neon pink bra and panty set, it was my favorite.

“I forgot how good you looked,” he said licking his lips.

He unclasped the bra and I moaned as his mouth devoured me, lingering on each breast as he took his time. “We have to do something about these pants.”

“I can't be the only one who's getting naked it around here,” I said as I tugged on his shirt. I yanked it off and threw it to the side relishing in his muscles. He was built like a statue, with thick pecs and a six pack at least. Maybe eight, if that was even possible. I pulled on his belt as I sat down on the bed. He climbed on top of me and licked his way up from my stomach all the way to my lips singeing my flesh as he went. I felt like I was on fire.

“I've waited so long for this.”

“You and me both,” I said. I thought about him so many times since that night, and not just because of Camden. Even before I knew I was pregnant I waited for him to come back to the diner, but he never did. Night after night I would leave his table open and always have a hot pot of coffee going, just for him. He was one of my only customers that liked decaf.

But he never returned.

Now I knew why, and we had a lot of time to make up for.

He unclasped the button on my pants and I wiggled out of them revealing the hot pink underwear I was wearing. He smiled at me and then grabbed them playfully between his teeth, also removing them. Once they were on the floor he kissed the insides of my ankles and then slowly placed his lips on the inside of my thighs licking ever so lightly. It sent a tremble through my body and I gripped the sheets for support.

I remembered what sex was like with Harrison, there was nothing like it. Our bodies intertwined and it felt unbelievable. He continued to kiss the insides of my legs until finally his tongue found my mound. His tongue flipped in between my folds while he thumbed my clit. He started rubbing vigorously and it sent me over the edge almost immediately. My body had craved this type of attention. My back arched as a quick orgasm jolted through my body. The feeling of ecstasy never leaving my skin.

He stood up and removed his belt. I sat up in front of him and unzipped his pants. I pulled both his pants and his boxers down to the floor releasing his member, already hard and erect.

“I can't believe we’re doing this again.” I said to him looking up into those beautiful gray eyes.

“Why? It seems to have gone pretty good the first time.”

“We made a baby.”

“And he's perfect,” he said as he pushed me back on the bed. “And I can't wait to make another one with you,” he said whispering against my skin.

I spread my legs as he entered me slowly teasing me with just the tip. “Harrison you feel so good,” I moaned.

I wrapped my arms around him and pulled his face so was just centimeters away from my own as he slid into me. Our bodies rocking forth so fiercely that the bed began to squeak. He kissed me and for a moment chewed on my lower lip as he continued to move our bodies back and forth. I turned my head to the side exposing my neck and he whispered into my ear, “I missed you so much.”

I put my hand up on his stubbled cheek pulling his head down again onto mine and kissing him again deeply and passionately. I didn't want to be anywhere but in James Harrison's bed. I had waited so long for a moment just like this.

A moment with him.

He quickened his pace and it sent shivers through my body, I moaned in his ear, unable to control myself.

He thrust even faster grunting as he pushed into me. He quickened his pace for just a few more beats and then I felt him spill his seed inside of me. His final thrust sent me over the edge into my second orgasm.

Harrison fell down on top of me holding my head so that our mouths just barely touched. “I’m never letting you go again.”

“I don't want you to. This time I’ll stay, I promise.”

I still couldn't believe this was happening, after all this time I might finally get my happily ever after.

Chapter 10

a deep breath and entered the facility as soon as they opened. I didn’t want there to be an opportunity for a lot of discussion between employees before I arrived.

“I’d like to apply for a job, ma’am.” I knew that if I really turned on the charm, she might let me in even without an official interview. “Do you have an appointment, Mr.…?”

I wanted her to look more sinister, to have yellowing teeth or disgusting hair. I wanted her to look greasy and evil, but instead. She just looked like any other secretary. I wondered if she knew what was going on here, the things that they were doing to people. I had to assume that she didn't. It just made me feel better that way. All the things I planned on doing to her, to this place.

“Mr. Green, George Green.” I extended my hand for a shake. She took it gingerly and blushed. My flirtations were working.

“Oh, well, let me just check the computer. What time did you say your interview was?”

“Oh, I'm sorry, I don't believe I have one. I got the email though, about you needing extra security. Said at the bottom to show up. The head of security would meet with me.” I passed her the paper that we had made up. It looked authentic enough, so I hoped she bought it. We found an old ad for the company from last year and used it’s logo and information. We made the email look like it had been forwarded a few times, harder to track that way.

“Oh, yes, it appears that you’re just to arrive. That's odd. I don't remember Frank saying anything about needing more security. But there's a lot of turnover here, so I can never be sure who they're looking at next.” She passed the paper back to me after inspecting it further. “I'll just phone Frank to let him know you've arrived. Please have a seat.”

I took the paper back and stuffed it in my pocket. I sat down on one of the plastic chairs in the waiting room. I tried to look as casual as possible, just slightly nervous because I needed the job. It was believable.

I heard a buzz near one of the white doors, the entire place just looked so sterile. A man just a few inches shorter than me and about my age exited the door and spoke to the secretary before looking at me. He had on long black pants and a black short sleeve T-shirt. On his belt was some type of tag I assumed was his identification. I would need to get one from him in order to gain access to all the parts in the lab.

I stretched my neck slightly as my earpiece was in my ear. I hated feedback. Finally, the man approached me and offered his hand. “I'm Frank. I'm sorry, but I think there's been some type of mistake. I wasn’t aware that there were any jobs we needed to fill.” I shook his hand and squeezed it tightly, showing my force. I wanted to make sure he knew what he was turning down.

He looked down at my hand, obviously noting my strength. “Maybe we could take a walk, though. There’re a few janitorial positions I think.”

I was surprised at his willingness to let me take a walk around with him. “Sure, I could really use the job, man. I'm sure you know how hard the security sectors been lately. It's tough to find work anywhere.”

Frank nodded. “I was lucky to get this job. Come on, let me show you around. Maybe if you meet the big boss, he’ll make an exception for you. You gotta admit, you're huge.”

So my tough handshake had worked. He swiped his badge and let us through the white doors into another hallway. This one had no windows, but on either side of us were glass panels that looked into the labs. Everyone was wearing goggles and white lab coats. The place was pristine.

“So what do they make here, anyway?”

Frank shook his head, “Hell if I know. I'm just supposed to make sure that nobody gets in, and nobody gets out with any product. No medical supplies, medicine, any of the chemical compounds that they're creating. I don't know what any of this is for, but it's expensive. Most of the stuff could pay for a house, or more.”

I couldn't tell if he was telling the truth. Did he really not know what they were doing here? That they were torturing people? Maybe he just didn't want to think about it.

I know I wouldn't want to.

“How long have you been here?”

Frank licked his lips before turning a corner and walking down another hallway that looked similar to the last. “About six weeks? We've only been open three months. Before me there was another security guy, but I guess he didn't work out. I've got six guys under me. It's enough to keep the place running. I'm always telling them we need more. I just wasn't aware that they approved any spots. They’re really stingy about money, which is strange, considering how much money is in this place. Video cameras in every corner, audio in every lab. They want to make sure they know what the scientists are doing. Make sure that they’re working at all times. They don't like to pay anybody to not be working here. And everything is classified, high security clearances.”

“Well, at least the working conditions are okay. I’ve certainly worked in worse.”

He laughed, nodding. “I did concert security for a while. The chicks were great. But the rest of the job benefits? Zero. Standing in the blazing hot sun for hours while the band warmed up and then headed into an air conditioned trailer. It was terrible! And the money? Equally horrible. This is cushy compared to what I'm used to.”

This guy was beginning to trust me. Seemed nice, too. It made me feel kinda bad. “Oh yeah, I've worked gigs like that. I was a bouncer at a club. Private security is definitely where it’s at. I can definitely see myself here.”

“Well, we passed most of the labs, and now we’re entering the office part of the compound. The boss's office is at the very end. He's not here today, but a second in command is. The boss himself, he's never here. I haven't met him once.”

“Not even when you were hired? Security seems like a pretty important job.”

“Nope. I interviewed with the head of human resources. I didn't even meet the second in command until I was on the job for three days. His name is Calvin. He's a real douchebag, but he knows his stuff. That, and he can tell a good worker when he sees one. You impress them, and you’ll have a job here.”

He opened the door in front of us. It was another metallic door, but this one was actually metal; the other ones had been some type of plastic material. When we walked through that door, there was a completely different look on the other side. Everything was still white, but now there were cubicles and comfortable chairs about. There was a water cooler and a kitchen, healthy snacks sitting in a bowl. Even though it was so sterile feeling, it was much more comfortable than any of the labs had been. There was another door at the end of the room with a huge desk sitting in front of it. Behind it was a man with his feet up on his desk talking on a cell phone. He looked casual enough, with a smile on his face, and when he saw us, he hung up quickly.

“Frank, what are you doing in here?”

“I brought a new recruit, sir. One to join the security staff, said he got an email about the job?”

“Fine, fine. Bring him over here, let me see him. Stacy, come meet this guy,” I heard him say to one of his peers. So he was already suspicious. Or maybe he always was.

“What's your name?”

“George, George Green. Like Frank said, I received information about the job in an email. I was told to show up. Sorry if that puts you out.”

“No, not at all, I like a man who goes after a job. Shows they've got something. So tell me about your background. You’ve worked security for a long time, I assume?”

I sat down in the chair across from him. Just another small plastic chair—clearly he like to make his guests feel inadequate. “Yeah, about ten years. Started as soon as I got out of college. Realized the police force wasn't really for me. They just let any riffraff in there, you know?”

I knew the guys were listening, probably cursing me out for that one.

He leaned forward on his desk, his eyes staring into my own. He was about ten years older than me. His suit was crisp and clean, and he looked like he had put on a little bit more weight than he probably wanted. He seemed like the type of guy with a trophy wife at home just because he made a lot of money. “Yeah I do know about them. So what have you been doing for the past ten years?”

I had to tell my story. This was the part of going undercover that I really liked. Creating a whole new character. George Green was absolutely nothing like me except that we looked the same. His story was totally different than my upbringing. “Oh, you know, I worked as a bouncer for a couple years at a few clubs, then I moved into private security. I kind of have a thing for gamblers.” That piqued his interest. Just as we had suspected, he was probably a gambler himself. All the big wigs in town were. They made most of their business deals around the poker table.

“Anybody I know?”

“The Garbini family, you know, high rollers. I protected the boss and then his two sons. I was there for six years.”

He sat back, looking impressed. “So why leave? That's a nice paycheck.”

“Oh, you know, family drama. I was ready to do something a little bit less emotional, a little bit more detached. When I saw this opportunity, I just had to jump on it.”

He nodded at me. “I see that. Well, listen, I don't have an opening right now, however, I have to fire some idiot tomorrow. So why don’t you come back on Monday? We’ll get you a badge and properly train you. I’ll call your references and we’ll go from there.”

“Sounds great. Thanks so much for meeting me like this. I’ll be back on Monday.”

“Fine, I'll see you then.”

I had done it. I had gotten in. Now I would just have to uncover the truth of what was really going on in this place.

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