Afflicted (7 page)

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Authors: Sophie Monroe

Tags: #Romance, #Music

BOOK: Afflicted
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The fact that they had sex stung a little.
Of course, I knew that they would, but hearing her say it out loud made me feel jealous, an emotion that I wasn’t accustomed to dealing with. We fell back into silence until we were about twenty minutes out and her phone started ringing. It was Cole.

“Where are you?” She asked.

I heard him screaming at her through the other end. I couldn’t make out what he was saying, but I wanted to punch him in the face for talking to her like that.

“What the fuck else was I supposed to do, huh? You left in the middle of the night, again, and there was no reason for you to do it!” She screamed back at him. “Fuck you, Cole. I’m done. Go get your shit and find somewhere else to go because I am
not dealing with this anymore.”

I glanced over at her feeling like and intruder in the whole scenario.  

“Fine. You don’t want to leave then I will.” She clicked off the phone and looked at me. “You can just head straight back to the house. I’m supposed to be helping Aubrey with the twins today anyway.”

There was no denying that she needed to get away from him
, or that I was already in too deep. I just needed to think of a way that I could help her…

Pushing in the gate code I
pulled into the driveway of the guesthouse. I was going to let her off at the main house, but figured I’d walk her over there in a bit since it was still early. I invited her inside to tell her my plan. We breezed through the empty living room and up to my room. I wondered if Derek even came home last night, hoping that he would be home in time for recording. I was suddenly nervous how this was going to sound, but I thought that it might actually help both of us. She walked over and took a seat on my bed patting the spot next to her. Taking a seat, I sucked in a deep breath.

“So I kind of had an idea… If it sounds stupid
, or you don’t want to come it’s fine. You know that we’re working on the new album, and I actually need to write some music to go along with the lyrics. It’s hard here with the constant distractions, but Tim said they have a small cabin in the woods. He offered it to us the last time he was here, and I think I’m going to take him up on it. I wanted to see if you wanted to come along. It would allow us both some space away from everything. I know you have bills to pay, and I’d be willing to pay for them for you if you want.” She sat there playing with her hands and looked up at me. “I’m just going to stop rambling now.”


“Okay?” I asked, making sure I heard her right.

“Yeah, I mean I’ll
have to rearrange some appointments, but that sounds like exactly what I need right now. When did you plan on leaving?”

“Probably in a week or two, I guess.”

“Perfect, that will give me time to get everything in order.”
A small smile played on her lips, making me wish I could lean in and kiss her.

rying to suppress my excitement, I focused on anything but her. Once she headed across the lawn to help Aubrey, I decided to talk to the rest of the guys when we got into the studio. I called Tim to double check that it was still okay with him that we went up there, he said that it was absolutely fine, and Aubrey already had the spare key. When Jake came over I pulled him aside just to give him a heads up before bringing it up to the other guys. He thought it was a good idea, but said to be careful since Cole was a loose cannon.

I was relieved to see Derek at practice
. He looked like he had a wild night, but was in a pumped mood. We only got one track done, but it came out perfect. As we were leaving Jake pulled me to the side, asking about what happened the night before. I explained everything from the phone call on. He was worried about her saying she was losing weight and not coming by as much.

I headed back to my room and texted Piper telling her I would bring her home when she was ready.





“Jeez, what the hell happened last night and why didn’t you call me?” Aubrey scolded, holding Violet.

Granny Jean was sitting in the rocking chair cuddling
with Jameson. She looked over at me too. Her brow creased as she looked at me expectantly.

“Well, we’re broken up again. I can’t keep doing this with him. One minute everything’s
fine, and the next he’s gone again. I thought we actually made progress last night, and then he took my car and left in the middle of the night. I couldn’t bring myself to call you and I didn’t know what else to do, so I called Blake. We drove around for hours looking for Cole and ended up having to get a room. Then I find myself getting up in the middle of the night and climbing into bed with him. He didn’t mention anything, and I was too chicken shit, so I didn’t say anything either. Then he just asked me to go to the cabin with him in a couple weeks, and I said yes.” I started rubbing my temples in an attempt to calm my straying thoughts.

Granny Jean started cracking up waking Jameson up. She stood to her feet.

“Piper, I’ve known you since you were in diapers, right?” I nodded. “I’ve known Cole just about the same amount of time. I remember when his momma took off, and all the struggles Fred dealt with after. He’s a good boy, and he loves you, but you need to do what’s best for
because you’re the one that has to live with the consequences. I haven’t known Blake for long, but that boy is absolutely smitten with you and will most likely worship the ground you walk on for as long as you’ll let him. No one can tell you what to do here, pumpkin. It’s all on you. Just make sure you don’t bite off more than you can chew.”

“I agree with Granny. You and Cole are back and forth so much it gives me a headache
. When you’re good, you’re great, and when you’re bad, you’re awful. I know you’ve both been struggling since he got home and after all the lectures you gave me about love I think you can figure this out on your own. I support whatever decision you make, but don’t lead Blake on, because believe it or not he’s had his heart broken too.” Aubrey said placing Violet down in her bassinet.

Jake strolled into the room, his eyes lighting up as soon as he spotted Aubrey. He leaned in and kissed Violet and took Jameson from Granny and gave him a
quick snuggle before handing him over to me. He pulled Aubrey into an embrace, kissing her passionately. Their relationship seemed so effortless, and it made me envious. I kissed Jameson’s dark head of hair and watched him peacefully sleeping in my arms. My mind wandered to Cole. I knew I loved him, and if he could be the way he was before then it wouldn’t even be a thought in my head, but he wasn’t that way anymore and deep down I wondered if he ever would be again.

on the other hand, was supposed to be a one-night stand with no strings attached, but somehow he managed to worm his way into my world and be the exact opposite of what I was expecting him to be. I enjoyed spending time with him. He was funny and easy to talk to.

This left me with a choice to make
, and I wasn’t sure I was ready to commit to either of them right now. Maybe I needed to take some time for myself before I made any decisions. I still planned on going to the cabin since it would be nice to be somewhere where I can think without distractions, but after that I needed a change.   

Granny excused herself
announcing that she was heading home where she can smoke inside and watch Judge Judy. I helped Aubrey give the babies baths and get them ready for their naps. Jake came back over before dinnertime and told me that Blake was just going to hop in the shower before swinging by to pick me up. He kissed the babies before Aubrey carried them upstairs leaving us alone in the kitchen.

“So the cabin, huh?” He cocked an eyebrow.

“Yeah, so?” I shrugged.

“He wants in your panties
” Jake teased.

“He’s already been in my panties. I have a magic pussy, don’t you know?”

“Gross woman!” He laughed, covering his ears. “Have a fantastic time and I guess we’ll see you in a couple weeks when you get back. Take it easy on him will ya, and Pipe we’re here for you no matter what.”

“Whatever you say,
Jakers.” I said, slugging him playfully in the side.

Aubrey came into the kitchen and handed me the keys to the cabin and the GPS address. I heard Blake beep the horn alerting us that he was outside. She kissed my cheek and told me to call if I needed anything. I promised her that I
would, and headed to the door. Blake was hanging on the door waiting for me in his aviator sunglasses looking more delicious than any one person had the right to. I shoved the keys into my bag and climbing into the passenger side.

He reached over and buckled my seatbelt
, making sure that it was secure. I looked at him confused as he grinned. As soon as the gate closed securely behind us he slammed on the gas and whipped through the gears tossing me back in my seat, earning a laugh from me. The trees were whizzing by as we headed back toward town. I loved that he always seemed so carefree. Nothing seemed to bother him, and he just lived life. I only wished it were as easy as he made it look. He slowed down to a safer speed once we were in town limits.

When we pulled into my driveway
, I noticed my car was there meaning that Cole was too.

“Thanks for the ride, maniac.” I ribbed.

He smiled, showcasing his dimples and flashing me a perfectly white smile.

“I’d like to give you another kind of wild ride sometime if you’re interested.”
He winked, and I felt myself getting seriously turned on just by his proximity.

“Blake.” I warned.

“I know. Out you get, I’m walking you inside to make sure it’s safe.” He said reaching for the handle.

fine. It’s probably best that you just go because it’s not going to be pretty, it never is when it gets to this point.”

“All the more reason for me to come in and make sure it’s okay to leave you here. Did Aubrey give you the keys?” I held up my purse
, and he smiled. “Can you bring a tattoo gun?”

“What for?” I asked confused.

“I have something I’d like you to do. Pretty please?” He begged playfully, giving me his best puppy dog face.

“Fine. I
really have to get in there before he comes out here. It’s going to be hours of talking and getting nowhere and end in him leaving again. Call me when you figure out what days you plan on going.” I was already dreading what was in store for me when I closed the door.

I could sense Blake’s
apprehension about leaving, but I wasn’t giving him a choice. I kissed him on the cheek and thanked him before getting out of the car. Walking to the front door I took a deep breath before turning the handle. I was shocked when I saw what waiting for me inside.

made dinner and set the table. There was even a little bouquet of flowers in the center. He came out of the bedroom wearing a black polo shirt and jeans. My anger flared, and I wanted to punch something, hard. He was like Jekyll & Hyde, and I never knew which version I was going to get, it pissed me off to no end.

, baby.” He said, walking over to me.

“Seriously, Cole? Are you fucking kidding me?” I shouted
in exasperation.

“Whoa, I just wanted to do something nice for you.”
He said holding up his hands as he slowly approached me.

“Okay, so let’s recap
, shall we. Last night was great, up until you left without a trace. This coincidentally, also happened to be right after we just had a discussion about you working on it. I was a fucking wreck all night looking for you, wondering if I was going to get a phone call that you were dead or something. I can’t keep doing this with you anymore. It’s no good for me, and I have enough to worry about with my own shit that I don’t need to add constantly worrying about you on top of that. Especially when you refuse to let me know what’s going on in your head.” Angry tears rolled down my cheeks as I slapped his chest in frustration. He pulled me to him and kissed me.

Part of me wanted nothing more than to tell him to go to hell and find another place to live, but the other part of me wanted to stay in this moment forever.

The kiss seemed to linger for eternity as he picked me up wrapping my legs around his waist. He made a slow retreat to our bedroom where he proceeded to take my shoes off kissing each toe with tenderness and affection.

“I’m sorry I had you worried. I love you.” He said earnestly.

I wanted to growl in frustration, but seeing a glimpse of the old Cole melted me.

“I love you, too.”



Glass Tongues




It was a gorgeous fall day outside and I was so sick of sitting inside all the time. I decided to go grab the keys for the quad
so I could go tear up the woods a bit. I pulled my hoodie over my head and grabbed my old sneakers since it was bound to be muddy outside. I headed across the lawn to the main house.

As I approached the back door
, I saw fire red hair from behind. Being the funny guy I am, I went into Jedi mode and stealthily moved around the bushes so she wouldn’t see me approaching in the glass. As soon as I was only a few feet away I sprung from the brush and scared the fuck out of her. She screamed bloody murder, clutching her heart.

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