After All (14 page)

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Authors: Lynn Emery

Tags: #romance, #suspense, #love story, #louisiana, #intrigue, #scandal, #reporter, #television news, #black romance

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Oh, Dosu, I--”

There were no promises
between us. We have been good friends. We still can be.” Dosu
kissed her forehead.”Now you can relax, okay?”

You're a treasure Dosu
Lemotey.” Michelle blinked away tears as she gave him a firm

Ah, now. I have made no
great sacrifice. It is said that if you love someone, set them


British rock star.” Dosu
smiled impishly.

Laughing with him, Michelle felt
relieved she had not hurt someone dear to her. Noticing the
inviting smell of the freshly brewed coffee, Michelle went into the
kitchen. She prepared a tray and brought it into the living room.
Over coffee, Michelle told him about Anthony and the cause of their
rift seven years before.

His uncle, a man he looks
up to, can be ruthless. My father worked for four years to rebuild
his business and reputation.” Michelle still felt the pain of those

And for that you cannot
forgive him.” Dosu took a cautious sip from the steaming

We went through so much. My
family hasn't been the same since. My parents have never been the
same with each other.” Michelle stopped short. This was the first
time she had said it out loud, and the pain from that alone made it
impossible to forgive Ike Batiste. “From everything I've heard he
hasn't changed one bit.”

Anthony was angered by your
feelings and you felt betrayed because of his loyalty to his

When we were younger, yes.
But now maybe we can at least acknowledge that our feelings are

Yes. You must learn to
accept his love for his uncle though you will never share it. He
must accept that you cannot share it.” Dosu summed up their task
with his characteristic keen perception.

I only wonder if we can.”
Michelle gazed into the coffee cup as if searching for the answer

A challenge, I agree. I
tell you this, you must at least try. Even if I won you away from
him, I would always wonder if you were truly happy. And you, my
Michelle, might always wonder about what might have been. Then
neither of us would be happy.” Dosu put down his cup.

Thank you.” Michelle felt
the swell of affection for him once again.

I do this for myself as
well, you know. But remember these wise words, try this bracelet:
if it fits you wear it; but if it hurts you, throw it away no
matter how shiny.” He wagged a forefinger at her.

Now, that is an African
proverb.”Michelle smiled.

Of course.” Dosu beamed.
Standing, he extended his hand to her.”Shall we have




I swear, Daddy. You must
stay up nights thinking of ways to make Mama mad.”Sighing, Michelle
looked around her father's office.

His was the largest office in a modest
building built by him on property he owned. It was very organized.
Three bookshelves contained neat rows of manuals and books.
Michelle mused how much Brian was like their father. Both needed to
have order in everything. She supposed it what was had gotten
Thomas through those horrible days of watching his business
collapse. Emotions always in check, Thomas pulled himself together
and began to methodically rebuild his business. Unfortunately, his
family did not respond quite as predictably. Never one to show
affection, he became even more reserved. Annette's temperamental
outbursts, at first merely annoying, finally disgusted him.
Michelle could remember him lecturing her on how his mother
stoically faced much greater hardships. To Michelle, her father was
unfeeling. Annette needed to be hugged and reassured, something
Thomas did not seem to understand or be willing to try.

Michelle had spoken to her mother the
night before. As always, Annette made up ridiculous excuses for
Dominic's behavior. Even Michelle had to admit she went overboard
to defend Dominic. Hard as she tried to argue that it would be best
to allow her father time to cool off from Dominic's latest
escapade, Annette had worn her down until she agreed to see Thomas
the next day. Not helping the situation, Thomas refused to give
Dominic a job. Worse yet, he was going to take away his beloved
Jeep Cherokee.

No, she stays up nights
nursing drinks and old resentments.”Thomas did not seem the least

Do you have to fight her on
everything? I know Dominic has made some mistakes.”

That's an understatement.
Dominic is completely irresponsible. He's thrown away every chance
to make something of himself.”

Dominic isn't like Brian.
You're too hard on him. You have been since he was little,”
Michelle said.

Look, I co-signed so he
could get that Jeep. At the time I told him I had no intention of
paying the note so he'd better keep a job. Well, he's missed three
payments. Since I paid them, it's now my Jeep.”Thomas continued
signing and arranging the documents on his desk.

You could give him a job

The last time I did, it was
a disaster. Remember?”

He wants another chance,
Daddy. I'd be the first to admit that Dominic has his

Another understatement,”
Thomas retorted.

But he tries hard. Maybe
too hard. He just wants to please you. Why can't you see that
Dominic operates on a different wavelength? He needs more space to
be creative.”Michelle was frustrated with her father's inability to
be more forgiving with his youngest child.

Creative? I suppose you
could call changing plans with a customer on a whim, after my
foreman and I spent days coming up with them, creative. His
creativity doubled the price of the job, but of course Dominic
assured him it was the same cost. I barely broke even,” Thomas

Can't you be patient and
teach him when he makes a mistake instead of jumping on him? He's
not you or Brian. He's different.”Michelle found herself saying the
same things her mother had been telling Thomas for years. From the
look on his face, she was no more persuasive.

Patient? I have been
patient. Dominic hasn't just had a second chance, my dear. He's had
sixty chances with me because he's my son. No more. He'll make it
on his own, or learn to do without.”Thomas looked past Michelle
causing her to turn.

Dominic. We were just
saying. . .”Michelle watched her brother's stormy expression with a
sinking feeling.

I heard.”Dominic faced his
father.”I'll make it on my own, Dad. I've already got a job. A
pretty good one.”

Dom, that's great! How did
you get it?”Michelle hugged his arm.

You mean who would be crazy
enough to hire me.”Dominic drew back from her. He came around to
stand between them.

No, I didn't mean that at

Yes you did. It's okay.”
Dominic stood straight and met his father's scrutiny. “Dad, I'm
sorry you had to pay the notes, but I'll need the Jeep to get to
and from work. I promise to pay you back out of my first three
paychecks. If not, I'll bring the Jeep back myself.” He was not
pleading, but spoke as one man asking a favor of

All right.” Thomas eyed him
with mild surprise. He was clearly not used to this kind of
approach from him. Reaching into his desk drawer, he handed him a
set of keys.

Daddy, isn't that great
Dominic has a new job?” Michelle looked at her father. “Don't you
think so?” Michelle dropped another hint that he was to be

Yes.” Thomas seemed about
to say more, but the tense expression on Michelle's face stopped

So, tell us all about it.”
Relaxing Michelle turned to Dominic.

I'll be arranging with
contractors to do repairs and preventive maintenance on housing
units.” Dominic watched his father closely as he spoke.

Hey, you have experience
with that. You should do a real good job. Shouldn't he, Daddy?”
Michelle prodded Thomas again with a slight movement of her

I suppose,” Thomas
conceded. His expression remained impassive.

So who are you working
for?”Michelle smiled expectantly.

Dominic stood erect and paused before
answering. “Quality Building Contractors.”

What! You have lost you
mind? That's--” Michelle spluttered. She faced him. Her voice shook
with exasperation.

Ike Batiste.” Thomas spoke
in a quiet voice of suppressed fury.


Chapter 6



The horror began in the parking lot.
Bloody arms and legs were strewn around its perimeter. The sound of
intermittent moans floated around them. Michelle kicked a head from
her path causing it to emit a metallic squeak. Michelle shrieked
and jumped back almost knocking Anthony down.

A truly sick mind came up
with this,” Laree twittered.

Great idea though.” Shantae
looked around appreciatively at the spooky setting.

The three had decided to triple date.
Laree was accompanied by a handsome gentleman she had met at the
banquet. D'Andre met all of her qualifications; handsome,
intelligent, and an employed professional. Shantae and Cedric
brought up the rear razzing each other about how they

Say baby, I love that
outfit. Why don't you buy it?”Cedric stroked the stuffed spider
legs that hug from her diaphanous long black dress.”Yeah, wear it
the next time I come over for the night.”

Sure, sugar. Just remember
what happens to the male afterwards.”Shantae drew a finger across
her throat.

The decorations were impressive.
Tombstones lined the short hall leading to the large room where the
party was going strong, giving all those entering the feeling of
walking through a small cemetery. Inside the dance hall, orange and
black balloons and streamers hung from the ceiling. The walls were
also hung with fake skeletons, spider webs complete with huge
rubber spiders, and more assorted body parts.

Good evening and welcome to
the Unique Social Club's Third Annual Benefit Monster Mash. May I
have your invitations please?”A huge green monster cheerfully met
them at the door.”Thank you. Your gift will help both the Baton
Rouge Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation and the Highland Street
Community Center. Have good time.”

Man, this place is packed!”
D'Andre, his gruesome mask pushed back from his face, surveyed the
crowded dance floor.

We're at table sixteen.
This way.” Michelle led them along the wall towards a section with

Michelle seemed to glide along as she
walked. Her figure hugging ivory dress had a filmy, chiffon layer
that drifted around her like a cloud as she walked. The neck line,
cut low in the front and back, was made less revealing by a chiffon
shawl. She wore her thick, dark hair piled high with a white streak
painted up one side in front.

Uh-hum, you look
fantastic.”Anthony let out a low whistle. His eyes glowed with

Why Frankie, you say the
sweetest things.”Michelle fluttered her eyelids at him as he held
her chair.

Come on, D'Andre.”Laree,
bouncing and snapping her fingers to the music, stood up. “Let's

Me too.” Cedric pulled
Shantae from her seat almost the second she had settled into

Anthony headed for the refreshments. He
returned minutes later with a tray of assorted bottles and
glasses.”Okay. We have a strawberry daiquiri for Shantae, a pina
colada for Laree, chardonnay for the young, upwardly mobile
D'Andre,” Anthony winked at Michelle causing her to snicker.”Coca
Cola for Cedric, the designated driver. And for us, Ballatore, a
fine sparkling wine to celebrate our first month of
togetherness.”He tipped the bottle pouring it into two plastic
champagne glasses.

Wonderful.”Michelle sipped
the drink staring at him over the rim of her glass.

The last four weeks have
been very special.”Anthony placed an arm around her chair and
leaned close to her. “Thank you.” He kissed her lips tenderly, and
then sat back with a sigh.

Michelle sat blinking rapidly, a wave
of desire flooding her. With a trembling hand, she took another sip
of the wine to buy time. But when the band began a slow, tune,
Anthony took the glass from her. He led her onto the dance floor.
He guided her in a gentle swaying motion. Michelle tensed, trying
to resist the strong force pulling her. It was useless. As the
music swelled to a crescendo, Anthony began to hum soft and low,
his lips brushing her ear. Michelle closed her eyes. Resting her
cheek against his chest, she breathed in the spicy scent of him.
She let go, allowing herself to be swallowed up in the delicious
cocoon of being in his arms. Lifting her head, he kissed her again
just as the song ended. They stood holding each other for several
seconds before realizing that the couples around them were dancing
to a livelier tune.

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