After All (42 page)

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Authors: Lynn Emery

Tags: #romance, #suspense, #love story, #louisiana, #intrigue, #scandal, #reporter, #television news, #black romance

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The phone on her desk rang before she
could retort. “Hi, Earl.” Michelle listened for a few moments. “I'm
on my way.” She grabbed her large bag throwing an extra note pad
into it. “The grand jury's findings are going to be announced at a
press conference in fifteen minutes.”

Goodbye then.” Dosu stood
to one side. “And Michelle,” He touched her arm lightly causing her
to pause before rushing past him. “I wish the best, for both of

Michelle could only nod in




A mob of reporters from around the
state filled the hallway outside of the DA's office. Michelle
pushed her way through trying to get close to Earl. He was
interviewing one of Connely's assistants about the investigation of
the Housing Authority.

The stocky man seemed nervous in front
of the camera. He kept tugging at his necktie.”Yes, that is
correct. The U. S. Attorney is handling the Housing Authority case
now since it involves the possible misuse of federal funds and by
federal employees. Our office will continue to pursue the Troy
Quarles murder investigation.”

Do you have any other leads
or suspects at this time?” Earl stuck the small microphone under
his nose causing him to jump back.

Uh, all we can say now is
that our investigations are continuing.”

Thank you. That was Lyle
Kramer, Assistant District Attorney. As we've been reporting, the
East Baton Rouge Parish Housing Authority has been under close
scrutiny based on allegations that we first reported in an
exclusive series. Numerous allegations of fraud, mismanagement, and
even criminal activities surfaced over the last five months. We
will continue to follow this situation closely. We'll be back to
report on the findings of the Grand Jury the moment they are ready.
Earl Gaines reporting for Channel Twelve. Back to you, Chad.” Earl
visibly relaxed once the camera went off. “Hey, Michelle.” He
loosened his necktie

So even though Lockport and
Jason accused me of making up a story, they've got you still on
it.” Michelle's smile was more of a bitter grimace.

Exactly. Lockport asked me
about your missing note pad and the work orders. I think he
realizes he moved too fast. Even Nathan jumped his case about not
standing behind you.” Earl clapped her on the back. “Reliable
sources say he's planning to give you a call real soon.”

Michelle shook her head. “Too little,
too late.”

Now don't let emotion cloud
your judgment. Look at it this way: you can come back on your own

I'm on my own terms now.”
Michelle broke in.

Full or part-time, the
money is good.” Earl pressed on undaunted.

It's not worth it if I
can't depend on them to back me up,” Michelle countered.

Getting a call from
Lockport is a vindication of sorts.”

He hasn't called me yet.
And if he does, look how long it's taken him to do it.”

And...” Earl gave her a
wink. “Even more important, you can rub Jason's face in

Michelle chuckled imagining the look on
Jason's face seeing her walk into the news room. “Humm. Maybe I
shouldn't hold a grudge.”

They waited for another tense five
minutes before a flurry of activity signaled the press conference
was about to begin.

Here he comes.” Earl
spotted the District Attorney coming from his office. He hustled
forward motioning the mini-cam operator into position. “Yeah, we're
ready,” he spoke into headset alerting the station to switch back
for a live report.

Connely's face was stern as he stood
just outside the double glass doors to his office. At least five
microphones from various television and radio news departments were
perched on the podium in front of him. Michelle held her breath
waiting for him to speak. A low murmuring began whose focus seemed
to be to her left. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw Anthony,
Cedric, and Anthony's attorney striding from an elevator on their
way out of the governmental building. Three reporters broke from
the crowd to race after them. Their exit blocked, Anthony's
attorney shot out terse answers to their questions. Connely's voice
boomed out drawing her attention back to him. Michelle's heart
raced in anticipation of calamity.

The grand jury has declined
to return an indictment.” Connely stared straight ahead. He did not
react to the clamor of shouted questions. When it was clear he
would not respond, the voices died away and he went on.”It is their
determination that there is at this point insufficient evidence to
warrant an indictment. The investigation into the murder of Troy
Quarles will continue. We hope to reconvene the Grand Jury at a
later date. Thank you.”

Mr. Connely, does this mean
that Anthony Hilliard is no longer a suspect?” This was shouted by
a female reporter from a local newspaper.

Mr. Hilliard is one of the
individuals who knew Mr. Quarles that we have questioned and will
continue to question in an effort to resolve this case.” Connely
intoned in an impassive voice.

So you have other
suspects?” Earl yelled over other voices.

We are pursuing other
avenues based on recent information given to us. Thank you.”
Connely turned and disappeared into the large office.

Michelle gasped with relief. She leaned
against the wall for support. Like a tide going out to sea, the
gaggle of news hounds moved towards the three men still caught
between the elevators and the doors leading outside. Drawing in a
shaky breath she turned to find Anthony staring at her. He seemed
impervious to the crush of people around him. Michelle walked
towards him glancing neither left nor right, unable to break from
the steady gaze that seemed to draw her closer step by

His attorney stood erect. “We felt
certain that Mr. Hilliard would be cleared of any involvement in
this crime.”

A tall reporter addressed Anthony
directly. “Mr. Hilliard, do you have a statement?” He held a small
microphone out towards Anthony.

Anthony's gaze never left Michelle's
face as he spoke. “I'm glad this is over. I only want to get back
to my life... and those I love.”

Gradually the reporters dispersed
having no more questions to ask. Michelle took a deep breath before
meeting Anthony halfway across the lobby.

Hi, Michelle.” Cedric
smiled at her. “I'll meet you outside, Anthony.”

He only nodded at him as Cedric headed
out of the doors. “How have you been?” His eyes were bright with

Michelle hesitated. She wanted to blurt
out how happy she was for him. Yet guilt restrained her. Had she
not played a part in throwing his life into turmoil? “Okay.
Congratulations. I'm glad things turned out the way they

Anthony's face was drawn. He rubbed his
forehead with a weary gesture. “There's still a cloud of suspicion
hanging over me. I wanted to be cleared completely.”

Come on,” Michelle said.
She started to reach out and touch his arm then drew back. “”Don't
look at it that way. No indictment means there’s no evidence
linking you to the murder. That lack of evidence points to your

Anthony stepped closer to her. “It's
enough to know that you don't think I'm guilty.”

Michelle looked up into his deep brown
eyes. The curve of his lips sent a charge of excitement that began
in her chest and ended with a tingle in her toes. Before she could
speak her cell phone went off. Rattled by her strong reaction,
Michelle fumbled with it for several embarrassing moments. She
pressed the button to retrieve the text message.

Station calling. Guess I
better get back.” Michelle smiled self-consciously. There was so
much she wanted to say. But where to begin? Thoughts and feelings
crowded her so that she could not find the right words.

Anthony's attorney joined them. “Excuse
me, Anthony. Hello.” He gave Michelle a polite nod. “I wanted to
talk to you. Don't go, miss. This will only take a few

Yeah, wait, Michelle. We
won't be long.” Anthony moved towards her when she began backing
away from them.

Michelle felt the distance growing
between them again. Sounds around her became muffled as she
struggled to reach out somehow. But a sense of being powerless held
her in check.”I have to leave anyway. Congratulations again. See
you around.”

Anthony watched her walk away.”I hope
so,” he called out. His voice echoed plaintively in the large



Chapter 17



Lonnie paced the length of Charlotte's
large living room like a restless panther. He had smoked four
cigarettes in the last thirty minutes. Charlotte watched with wary
eyes, afraid to complain about the haze that filled her luxury

Damn it, somebody's got to
know where he is!” Lonnie inhaled deeply.”Either he got scared and
ran or somebody lyin'.”He stopped short in the middle of the room
to stand directly in front of where Charlotte sat stiffly on the
edge of the large ivory sectional sofa.

Wouldn't we know by now?”
Charlotte was careful to keep her voice calm and steady.

That's just it. If the DA
got him then what they waitin' on? It don't add up. I'm bettin' Ike
Batiste got him tucked away somewheres, and his punk son knows
about it.” Lonnie's voice held a deep, ominous timbre. His heavy
black eyebrows pulled together.

Ike wouldn't be acting so
nervous if he knew James was no threat to him,” Charlotte said. Her
facial expression was all openness.

Don't be fooled by that.”
Lonnie sat next to her. “It's an act like you said. Think about it.
Ike keeps us all in the dark until he and Bridges can cut a deal
with the DA.”

Oh, no. I can't believe
they would do such a thing. Especially not James.”

Get smart, babe. We talkin'
some heavy stuff goin' down. We talkin' the US Attorney. Long
federal sentences.” Lonnie snorted. “If you think old James is
gonna do hard time just 'cause you gave him some, you outta your

Charlotte grew very still. “ And then
there's a murder. But James didn't have anything to with that. You

Yeah, but he can help the
damn cops come straight to me.”Lonnie blew out a long stream of

You were careful weren't
you? I mean getting rid of the gun.”Charlotte swallowed
hard.”Nobody saw you, right?”

Lonnie turned on her with bared teeth.
“Never mind that! Ain't nothin' gone lead the cops to me unless
somebody talked too much.”

Charlotte drew back from him and became
silent for a few moments.”Tia and Marcus have gotten very close.
You don't think Marcus and she would try to set you up? Maybe they
know something, too.” Charlotte watched the effect of her words on
him. “Having you arrested would take the heat off them.” She bit
her lip and stared at him with wide, guileless eyes. “I mean, isn't
that the way people like that think? Maybe James has been
threatened and is too frightened to let anyone know where he is.
You know how paranoid he was the last month or so.”

Lonnie stood up and resumed pacing.
“Could be Tia has decided she can kill two birds with one stone.
Get all the action for herself and give the police a neat package.
I been thinkin' somethin' like that myself.” He seemed oblivious to
her presence. He rubbed his hands together as he walked. “I ain't
never trusted them two since they got together.”

Baby, come try to relax.
Tomorrow you could ask around--”

Hell no! I'd be a damn fool
sittin' around waitin' for them to make the next move.”Lonnie
grabbed his jacket draped over a portion of the sectional sofa.
“I'm gonna get my boys out again. Ain't nobody sleepin' until we
find something out one way or another.” He was out of the door in
three strides.

Charlotte did not move for several
minutes. Hearing the roar of his car starting, she jumped up and
went to the window. She was careful to move the draperies only a
little to watch him leave. Charlotte watched the red taillights of
his black Ford Bronco disappear completely before she went to the




Tia unwrapped herself from Marcus and
sat on the side of the bed. She lit a cigarette. When the phone
rang she paused to push back her long braids before picking up the
receiver. “Yeah. Uh-uh, we'll deal with it soon. Yeah, I'll tell
you about it.” She hung up without saying goodbye.

Who was that, baby?” Marcus
ran his fingers long the smooth nut brown skin of her

J. J.” Tia stood up and
stretched in front of the mirror. A small smile tugged the corners
of her mouth at the effect this had on Marcus.

What's up? He found James?”
Marcus sat up in the bed.

Nah, just some minor
business.” Tia put on a green and gold silk robe.

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