Read After Forever Online

Authors: Krystal McLaughlin

Tags: #anthology, #magic, #teen, #ya, #fairytale, #indie

After Forever (24 page)

BOOK: After Forever
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“You boys enjoying yourselves?” He asked
eyeing them all.

Andy and Drew let her go and turned toward
the large man.

“Of course Dean.”

She flew into Cynder’s arms. Her small frame
pressed against him as he led her to the terrace outside.

“Thank you again.” She whispered. The
moonlight fell on her golden hair and he reached out to run his
hand through it.

“I never should have let them get away with
you in the first place.” His fingers softly trailed down her cheek.
He held her close to him. They swayed gently to the music. Her
cheek pressed against his chest, he longed to see her sparkling
green eyes again. So he lifted her head with his finger, then
twirled her around, before pulling her back to him. They swayed
together, lost in time, needing only each other’s embrace.

“Why were you crying earlier?” He asked,
still holding her against his chest.

“It’s hard to explain. I came here this year
to find something, and I just don’t think it exists.” She sighed

“Well, don’t give up. You never know when
you might stumble upon it.” He smiled down at her, entranced by her
deep green eyes.

“My princess charming.” She said
breathlessly as she looked up at him longingly. Cynder pushed his
hand into her hair and gently pulled her face to his before he
remembered he was wearing a mask. Her eyes were already pinched
closed in anticipation so he titled his mask back and pressed his
lips to hers. It was the perfect kiss. Her mouth was soft and warm.
Her lips parted ever so slightly, she tasted like summer rain. He
kissed her again as her hands clenched the lapels of his vest. When
they parted his mask fell back into place.

“What’s this?” She asked thumbing the thin
chain of the pocket watch.

“My good lady, all gentlemen need a fine
pocket watch.” He tugged the watch from his pocket and held it out
to her to inspect.

“Can I open it?” She asked still running her
fingers across the front.

“Of course.” He pulled the key from the
chain and handed it to her, pointing to the notch at the bottom. It
clicked open and to his horror read 11:49. He snatched it from her
hand looking at it again.

“I have to go, I’m sorry.” He turned and
began back through the ballroom.

“Wait! I don’t even know your name.” She
called as she tried in vain to follow him through the crowd. When
she burst through the front doors he was gone.

Ella examined the tiny key for the hundredth
time. Every time she looked at it she saw something new in the
details. The miniscule lines were vines with nearly microscopic
flowers, the rolling and winding design in the key head made a ‘W’
or maybe an ‘M’ pending which way you held it. Looking at it made
her heartache, but she couldn’t put it down.

She’d fallen asleep that night in her ball
gown, the key clasped in her hand as it laid over her heart. She
had to find him again. He was her prince charming, her happy ever
after he was the thing she was searching for. He’d shown her love
and kindness without ever seeing her face, without knowing her
name, he’d loved her for her and that’s all she ever wanted.
Everyone else wanted her for her money, or to get closer to her
mother, for the power, but not her prince.

She dashed down the hall to her mother’s
room, the key on a small chain around her wrist.

“Mom, mom I have to find him.” She cried as
she threw her hands up in the air.

“Wow Ell you really like this guy huh?” Her
mother smirked at her.

“Mom!” she groaned in desperation.

“Fine, what do you want me to do honey? Send
out the military? Call in the national guard?”

“Can you do that?’ Ella asked.

“No sunshine I can’t. I’m not the president
of the United States.”

“But you are the President of Global Trading
United. Help me! You brought me here, told me to spread my wings,
find freedom, find myself, find love so I could take your place one
day. You said that here, miles from the bustling city and the
prying eyes of all the people who want to take over the company I
could just be me. Well I was me, and he loved me mom. I found
everything you wanted me to, and then …then I lost it.!”

“You’ve grown so much in the year that we’ve
been here. I was worried it would be a wasted trip. Are you sure
you want to find him again? We leave so soon.” Her mother reached
out to smooth Ella’s hair.

“Yes mom, more than anything. Even if it’s
only to say goodbye.”

“How will you know it’s him?”

Ella raised her arm, the tiny key dangled
from her wrist.

“I have the key to everything right

“Fine, we’ll throw a going away party.
Invite the entire town, no masks, you can find him and tell him
goodbye.” Her mother smiled as she sipped her coffee. Ella was
growing into the beautiful soul she always knew she would be.

“Thank you mother!”

Cynder held the light pink floral invitation
in his hand. He knew it was meant for him. There were too many
coincidences. The bold lettering across the top said “Our time is
up, come help us say goodbye” The envelope and the invitation were
both embossed with a compass rose as well as a beautiful pocket
watch. His damsel in distress was leaving, but she wanted to see
him one last time. His heart soared even as it sank. The party
began in just a few hours he had to get ready. He ran next door to
Mrs. Walt’s house.

“Mrs. Walt,” he shouted waving the
invitation over his head.

“What is it Cynder? Is everything alright?”
She asked pushing open the screen door.

“Look, she wants to see me again. I need to
borrow the watch, please, it’s the only way she’ll know it’s

She smiled as she turned the soft paper over
in her hand. Cynder had barely made it home before Andy’s truck
pulled into the drive that night. He’d spent the whole next day at
her house rehashing the magical night and thanking her to no end
for all she’d done. She pulled the pocket watch from her apron and
handed it to him.

“I was going to call you over today and give
it to you anyway. I want you to have it.” She closed his hand
around it before he could protest.

“Thank you so much.” Tears welled in his
eyes as he turned to rush home.

She held her hand to her heart, he looked so
much like her Mickey.

Upstairs he worried about what to wear. In
the end he decided it was best to just be himself. He pulled on a
pair of faded jeans and a black button up shirt. He checked himself
in the mirror one last time. Before he headed downstairs he grabbed
the watch and put it in his front pocket. He clutched his bedroom
door handle and ran into the door.

“What the hell?” He jiggled the handle
again. It was locked.

“Hey!” He yelled pounding against the

“Cindy, did you really think we’d let you go
to the party?” Andy called from the other side of the door.

“Yeah Cindy. You don’t know anyone there.
And they don’t want to know you.” Drew piped in.

Cynder slammed against the door. It shook in
the frame but held tight.

“Settle down Cindy. I’ll let you out when we
get home.” His step mother hissed from the safety of the

“This party is for someone very important
and my boys are going to sweep her off her feet. When our companies
merge, I will practically rule the world!” Her laugh echoed down
the hall.

Cynder slid down the door and crumpled to
the floor. He’d never see her again, they ruined his chance, they
ruined his life.

Ella looked around the grand hall again but
no one seemed to catch her eye. Prince Charming would surely
recognize her. The dress she wore was the same sea foam green as
her ball gown, her long blonde hair pulled into the same soft up do
as before. There should be no mistaking who she was.

The key hung from her wrist, she touched it
again, checking every few minutes to make sure it was still

Two boys approached her and she held her

“Hey, wanna dance?” The shorter one asked.
Before she could reply the taller one stepped between them.

“Sorry dude she can’t, she wants to dance
with me.” He pulled her by the hand onto the floor, pressing
himself against her.

‘Oh no’ she thought. These had to be the
same idiots from the ball. As they began fighting over her again
she managed to slip away. The party started hours ago, why wasn’t
he here? Maybe their moment wasn’t as special as she thought it
was. Maybe he was just a lot smoother than the morons she left on
the dance floor. Broken she slipped into the kitchen and began to
cry. The hostesses moved around her, refilling the drink trays and
grabbing fresh hors d'oeuvres.

Her mother found her with her head on the
counter sobbing softly.

“Oh honey, give him time. True love always
finds a way.” She kissed her daughter and returned to the

Cynder looked at the hard packed ground
below. He wished there was a tree or a drain pipe, or that the
garage roof was closer. It didn’t matter though, he had to get out
of that room and get to the party before he missed his chance to
tell his mystery girl how he felt. As he stepped one leg out the
window he prayed he’d still be able to walk after he hit the


He jumped almost losing his grip on the
windowsill. Staring up below him was his father.


“What are you doing son?”

“It’s a long story dad. Get me out of here
and I’ll tell you all about it.”

As they sped toward the Grande Hotel he told
his father everything. How mean his step mother was to him, how his
step brothers taunted him, how they’d locked him in the room and
gone to the party without him. How important it was that he get
there before it was over because there was a girl waiting for him
and he just couldn’t let her down.

“I’m so sorry son, I had no idea.”

“I know dad, it’s okay.”

He hugged his dad, glad that he was back and
relieved at last that the truth was out in the open.

Cynder was practically out of the car before
his dad could stop.

“Go, I’ll be in as soon as I park.”

Cars were filing out of the parking lot and
Cynder was sure he was too late.

He rushed into the banquet room. There were
still plenty of people milling around, eating, dancing, and
laughing. He searched the room for her. Trapped in the corner at a
table she sat like a wilted flower. His step mother on one side,
Drew and Andy on the other. He rushed towards them.

“My lady.” He bowed as he reached the table.
Her eyes lit up with hope.

“Cynder, what are you doing here?” His step
mother hissed.

“Is it really you?” Ella asked, standing

“Cindy? You’ve been waiting for Cindy?” Andy

“That’s impossible.” His step mother
laughed. “This is our house boy, you needn’t waste your time
talking to him.” She stood pushing Cynder away from the table.

“Prince Charming?!” Ella called as Andy
pulled her toward the terrace.

Cynder pulled away from his step mother, she
raised her hand at him but it stopped midflight.

“That, would be your last mistake.” His
father rumbled.

“Oh Leonardo!” She gasped. “What are you
doing here dear?”

“It’s a goodbye party. I came to say
goodbye.” He threw her hand away from him.

“You can’t leave me! You have nothing! You
have nowhere to go.” She raised her head in triumph.

“I have my son, and that’s all I need. We’re
done with you.” He turned to Cynder, “Go get her son.”

Cynder ran to the terrace where Andy had his
girl pinned against the railing, she was pushing him away to no
avail as he buried her mouth with his own.

Cynder pulled his step brother off of her
then struck him in the jaw with a powerful right hook.

Andy landed on his butt.

“He’s nobody. He’s not the one you want!”
Andy yelled.

Cynder pulled the watch from his pocket.

“I think you have my key….my lady.”

“Ella….and yes I do. But does it go to your
watch or your heart?” She slipped the key from her wrist and popped
the watch face open. The clock read 12:00, midnight, as Cynder
wrapped his hands in her beautiful hair.

“Both…Ella.” He whispered as he kissed

Cynder and his father moved out of the evil
witch’s house. His father quit the company and took a position at
Ella’s mother’s corporation. It offered more money and no travel
time. They moved to New York, lived in a large loft that over
looked Central Park.

Cynder and Ella were inseparable. Their
‘happy ever after’? Well that’s a whole different story.

This is the third amazing Krystal George
anthology I have had the honor of being a part of. I am so very
thankful for the opportunity and deeply humbled to have my stories
nestled between stories written by authors I love and truly

I hope you enjoyed the story of Cynder and
Ella. If you would like to read more of my work you can find me at or message me on Facebook at

I hope to hear from you all soon!

Seeing Red

By: Krystal George

©2014 by Krystal George

My brother was a cop. My father had been a
cop. My grandfather had been the sheriff before he retired. With
all things considered, I should have known what I was getting
myself into… but I didn’t sign up for this.

The floor was sticky with blood. The walls
were splattered with it. The bed that most of the victim had been
found in was drenched in it. It was the grizzliest scene this small
town had probably ever seen, and if it wasn’t, I was thankful that
I hadn’t been around for anything worse. As it was, I couldn’t help
running outside and taking a handful of deep breaths just to ensure
I didn’t throw up the entire contents of my stomach.

BOOK: After Forever
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