After Hours Bundle (28 page)

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Authors: Karen Kendall

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Series, #Harlequin Blaze

BOOK: After Hours Bundle
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He reached for her other leg, but she took his hand and laced his fingers with hers. Then, with her free one she unbuttoned his shirt down to the navel and explored the terrain of that warm, broad chest.

His breathing quickened and his eyelids dropped to half-mast. She ran her thumb over a taut nipple, lightly abraded it, and he caught his lip between his teeth. She let go of his hand and tugged his shirt free of his waist-band. He looked beyond sexy as he sat there, knees apart and shirt wide open. Republican, Democrat or alien life form, she wanted him more than she'd ever wanted any man.

He apparently felt the same way toward her, since he shrugged out of his shirt entirely and then hauled her onto his lap. He whipped off her silk tank, exposing a sheer, lacy black bra embroidered with silver thread. Jack groaned at the sight and cupped her breasts in his hands. “You are so beautiful.” Then he touched his tongue, through the lingerie, to one pink nipple.

At the sensation, Marly whimpered and let her head fall back, pushing herself farther into Jack's hot mouth. It seemed to excite him, since he yanked the bra straps off her shoulders and down her arms, pushing the whole thing to her waist.

He turned her so that she straddled him and then devoured her breasts, tonguing and sucking her nipples, abrading them with his teeth and thumbs until she felt entirely liquid, her only points of consciousness under his mouth and the ache of longing between her thighs. She was beyond wet for him, half crazed with desire.

Jack's erection pushed at her, rubbed her through his pants, but when she reached for it he lifted her and set her back on her own seat across from him. She made a sound of protest, but he ignored her and dropped to his knees in front of her, spreading her own knees apart and pushing her sarong to one side.

He kissed and licked his way up her inner thighs while she almost orgasmed just due to anticipation of what he was about to do. The engine of the limo roared under them as the car picked up speed.

“Are you wet for me?” asked Jack.

“Yes,” she managed to say.

“Are you hot?”

She nodded.

“Almost over the edge?”

She could feel his breath at the core of her and could no longer speak. She dug her hands into his shoulders, instead. Then, inexplicably, he pulled away. The next thing she felt was the icy champagne bottle between her legs, right where his hot breath had been a moment before.

He pressed it against her panties and Marly froze on the edge of climax.


diabolical laugh as she shrieked and twisted to get away. He removed the bottle, set it back in the ice bucket and captured Marly's wrists before she could plant a fist in his eye.

Then he put his face back between her thighs and touched his tongue to her through her silver-embroidered, black lace panties. They were damp with her need, and that excited him almost as much as the way she was twisting to avoid him at the moment. She was annoyed, outraged and didn't want to succumb again.

But as he slid his tongue along the rough lace he could also feel soft, warm, feminine flesh, and it quivered under the sensual assault.

The scent of her drove him wild, made him want to rip off everything she wore and throw her down on the seat, plunging in and out of her until he was half dead. But first he wanted, in a very primitive way, to master her and to make her need him.

She was already making soft, feminine noises of helpless pleasure and no longer trying to avoid his mouth. So he released her wrists and pulled her panties aside with a finger, sliding under them, licking and teasing and sucking.

She began to raise her hips toward him and rock in an unconscious rhythm of desire. Jack considered the awkward alternative for half a second, rejected it and then ripped her panties in half in one easy motion.

He now had unfettered access to her and he gave her all he had, plunging his tongue into her with abandon and exquisite torture until she came apart, thrashing against his mouth. Jack loved the sight.

He wanted to take her right then, ride the aftershocks of her orgasm, but he restrained himself and watched her return slowly to consciousness. Her eyes flew open, met his and then closed with an expression of utter mortification. Jack wiped his mouth and chin on his shirt and then kissed her, both to dissipate her embarrassment and to show her that far from disgusting him, she'd turned him on.

Still without speaking, he guided her hand to his cock, which was so hard it was painful. She unzipped his pants and took him into her hands while he tried not to slobber with pleasure. Tried not to just grab her and jam himself inside her without any grace or regard for what she wanted.

But Marly sat in his lap and rubbed herself on him, back and forth until he thought he'd die. “Condom?” she whispered.

He pulled his wallet from his pants and dug out a packet. She took it from him and rolled it on.

Then she rose over him and sank down in one fluid motion, tilting his world on its axis.

Erotic lightning streaked through him as she engulfed his cock, a hot, wet, feminine fist—and then began to move on him, up and down, stroking and caressing every inch.

Jack would have liked to remain in control. But she ripped it from him and he could do nothing but drive himself into her with relentless need, gripping her bottom and trying to brace her.

She started to make wild, keening cries that tore at his bid for loss of consciousness. “I'm hurting you,” he said against her hair.

“No,” she gasped. “Stop and I will rip your head off.”

Even through a fog of cresting lust, Jack understood that to be encouragement, and when she locked her ankles around the small of his back and actually kicked her heels into his kidneys, he pumped into her fast and furious until he exploded inside her.

“Jack, Jack, don't stop,” she begged. And though his eyes were crossed and he was pretty sure his climax had blown his cock right off, he obliged with what had to be the mangled stump—until she arched her back, ground wildly against him and then went limp in his arms.

He slowly registered that they were half naked in the back of the limo and looked quite ridiculous. Marly's bra was still around her waist and he had his shoes, socks and pants on.

She opened her eyes and smiled at him. Her hair billowed around her shoulders, her face was flushed and her lips swollen. She personified the best kind of sin.

Jack dropped a kiss on her nose as she climbed carefully off him. He did away with the condom and wrapped it in a napkin before disposing of it.

Marly started to pull her bra up and back into place, but he shook his head at her. “Give me that,” he said, and used the special one-handed, strap-zapper technique he'd perfected in college. If a guy didn't know how to get a bra undone one-handed, he just had no finesse.

“What are you doing?” she asked, laughing.

He untied his shoes, ditched them and his socks. He unbuckled his belt and slipped out of his pants and boxers.

“I think we should finish the champagne while riding around butt-naked in the limo. You ever ridden around butt-naked in a limo?”

“No. I've never even been in a limo except for the one that took us to my grandmother's graveside from the funeral home.”

Jack pursed his mouth. “Well, there's a cheery memory. Let's improve your outlook on limos, shall we?”

“I think we already have. I'd never had a screaming orgasm in a limo until today, either.”

“First time for everything,” said Jack, pouring two fresh glasses of champagne.

“Yeah,” she said, giving him and the champagne bottle a filthy look.

“What?” he asked, blue eyes full of innocence.

“That was a dirty, dirty trick.”

“But I made up for it, didn't I?”

“I'm thinking that only a Republican would pull something like that on a woman.”

Jack started laughing. “Why do you say that?”

“Get 'em all hot and bothered, then apply the deep freeze in the name of morality.”

“Hey,” he said. “I didn't do anything in the name of morality. I did it in the name of hot, sweaty sex.”

She crossed one long, lithe leg over the other and sat like a czarina in spite of the fact that she was naked. Her posture was that of a dancer, her body a work of sculpture. Jack wanted to run his hands over every inch of her smooth skin—not necessarily in a sexual way, but just for sensuality's sake.

He stared at the red rose she'd painted on that one toenail, fascinated at the detail she'd managed to incorporate. She'd used a darker color of red to add dimension and depth to it, and had even painted a dark green stem.

Like a Georgia O'Keeffe flower, the rose resonated with sex, hinted of dark velvet depths and extended an unspoken invitation to a man: explore at your leisure…but also at your own risk.

Jack got hard all over again. How could this woman turn him on with just a toenail? The idea was preposterous.

But she did.

And since he wasn't sitting like her, with his legs crossed, his interest became immediately noticeable, winking at her with its one eye.

“Hello,” said Marly, her lips twitching.

“What can I say?” Jack spread his hands, palms up.

“He likes you. He's ready to go exploring again.”

“In case he missed something the last time?”

“Yeah. Thoroughness is important to him.”

“Gosh, how many condoms do you carry in your wallet at once?” Marly lifted an eyebrow.

I hadn't thought about that.” Crushed, Jack stared at her longingly.

She pulled her little bag over and unzipped the top of it. “Colored? Ribbed? Lubricated?”

He blinked at her. “Uh. How—how many do you have?”

She shrugged. “I'm not sure. I dumped some in my little makeup bag a while back. Why?”

“You're not

“That's what I said. What's the funny look for?”

“Meaning you don't remember how many encounters you've had?” Jack heard the suspicion and tinge of outrage in his voice, but somehow he couldn't control it.

“No.” She glared at him. “Meaning I don't remember how many I put in there to begin with! Besides, my
none of your business.”

“You just made them my business,” he growled.

She actually pushed him with her foot. “Oh, did I? Well, but gosh, Governor, I thought all of that information would be in my file—down to the fact that I didn't even vote in the last election. Did you not do your homework? Because if you had, you'd know that I haven't been with anyone in over a year and a half.” Clearly furious, Marly reached for her clothes.

“I'm sorry,” Jack said. “I just—”

“Have a double standard? That it's okay for you to walk around with condoms, because you're a guy. But if I do, then I'm a slut?”


“That is so unbelievably…” She searched for words.

“It has nothing to do with my politics, Marly. It has to do with the simple fact that it made me jealous to think about you with other men. All right?”

“That's just—primitive.”

“I'm a guy. We
primitive in certain ways.”

“Jack, let me make something clear to you. Just because we've had sex does not mean that you possess me or something.” She shook her head at him. “
really Republican, too.”

Jack ground his teeth. “No, it's human. And your sniping about my party is starting to get on my nerves. Wanna tell me where all that's coming from? Besides the fact that it's not ‘cool' these days to be a Republican? I'm giving you credit for not being that shallow.”

She shrugged and looked out the window. “You got elected on a conservative ticket, on promises to return family values to the state of Florida.”


“You think your voters would approve of what we just did?”

“It's really not their business,” said Jack. “But I'm unmarried, so are you. We practiced safe sex. We didn't expose ourselves to impressionable children—or even to adults for that matter. Again, where's this coming from?”

“You got elected, Jack, on a platform of reform that included sweeping statements about a return to morality.”

“Yes,” he agreed. “Why does that bother you?”

“Let's just say that there are a lot of people in your party, a lot of people who have supported you, who are…intolerant.”

“That doesn't necessarily mean that I share their views. Getting the nomination to run for office is all about compromise. It means that I can't necessarily push my personal agenda, I have to push for the party's agenda.”

“Doesn't that bother you?”

“Hell yes, sometimes it bothers me. But it's the reality of politics.” He put a hand on her arm. “Marly, there are days when I absolutely hate what I do. Of course, if you ever quote me on that I'll categorically deny it.”

“I wouldn't quote you. But if you hate it so much, then why do you do it?”

“It's complicated. It's about stepping up to the plate and taking responsibility. If I don't do it, there are plenty of other people willing to take my place—but not always for the right reasons. I have been blessed with a certain amount of charisma, heart, integrity and leadership ability. I can get things done, and most of the time I can get them done without pissing off too many people unnecessarily. And I care about Florida. I guess that's what it all boils down to—I may hate my job sometimes, but I care too much to walk away.”

Marly had to respect that, but she sighed. “My dad once went against family tradition and crossed over to your side, you know. Until he and our whole town were betrayed by one of your party's finest. Patrick Compton, upstanding state representative. Spewed all kinds of promises, anything anyone wanted to hear.

“We elected him to see after our interests up there in Tallahassee, and he sold us out. He was in bed with a huge fruit corporation, whose name I will not mention. And that huge corporation made it impossible for our farmers to compete with them price-wise. They were all going bankrupt.

“The Pattywhacker came to town and promised them all job stability if they'd sell out to this fruit company. Most of them didn't have a lot of choice but to trust him and do it. So they sold, on the understanding that they'd keep their jobs.

“Within six months, the company used a loophole they called ‘moral perishability' and shut down every operation. Closed them and stripped them of assets. Took off, leaving the town to die—because its residents had all worked in the citrus industry.

“My dad—” Marly's voice cracked. “My dad, who had the pride of twenty men,
died inside
the day he had to go on welfare, but his military pension wasn't enough to keep us going.”

“Marly,” Jack said quietly, “I'm sorry. I'm sorry that happened to your family—”

“Guess who got a fat consulting contract with the big fruit company six months later?”

“—but is it fair to blame the entire party for the actions of one individual?”

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