Read After the Rain Online

Authors: Karen-Anne Stewart

Tags: #Romance

After the Rain (12 page)

BOOK: After the Rain
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“I’m terrible at this game,” Raina laughs, tossing another five-spot down on the table.

“It’s about time that you suck at something,” Erik teases.

“How did you get so good at this game, Stone?” Russo grunts, laying his pitiful hand down.

“He was the poker king in high school and college,” Kas laughs, “he’s also a pool shark. Don’t let that doctorate fool you, he doesn’t give a crap about your feelings when he’s taking your money.”

Sara plops a kiss on Chase’s lips, “It’s the bad boy side in him coming out.”

“Bad boy, please!” Austin quips, “Stone’s version of being bad is going to bed without brushing his teeth or missing an oil change.”

“You gotta be kidding,” Sara teases, “he would never miss an oil change, he’d shoot a man before putting the Lexus’ engine in danger.”

“If you two are done projecting, you might want to take a look at this.” His dark blue eyes gleam triumphantly as he throws down a royal straight flush, “is this bad enough for you, or do you still think I’m a pansy?”

“C’mon, man, leave me a little cash for gas to get home,” Austin grumbles, throwing down more of his money.

“Never bet against Dr. Stone, he’ll make you leave needing therapy. It’s a win-win thing for him,” Kas proclaims, his laughter laced with a twinge of pride for his friend, despite the fact he just lightened his wallet of fifty bucks.

An hour later, Chase has won all of the money the rest are willing to chance.

“Let’s go to the midnight horror movie,” Susanna suggests excitedly.

Raina glances at Kas, “Horror? I’m going to have my eyes closed the entire time.”

“Don’t worry, darlin’, I’ll pretend to stretch and wrap my arm around you. I’ll even share my popcorn,” Kas winks.

“What about your candy?”

“That’s pushing it, but I’ll think about it,” he teases, bumping her with his shoulder.

Raina melts when he gives her his drop-dead gorgeous grin that reaches all the way to his eyes. The idea of being snuggled up close to him in a dark room is suddenly very enticing.



The room is dim and eerily quiet. There’s a strange smell of licorice and cucumber. The hand on the clock ticks relentlessly, reminding the girl how her miserable life continues to slide through her fingers. The silence haunts her, giving her too much freedom to think. Thinking can be dangerous; she’s been taught that severe lesson mercilessly. Memories torture her, and she quickly tries to block the images of her loving family from her mind, they hurt too much.

Saying her name out loud to herself, the girl manages a small, reticent smile. It’s been so long since she’s heard her name from anyone else; she makes herself say it before meetings like this. To them, she’s nothing, nobody. She’s terrified that the moment she stops saying her name, that’s when what they think will come true. The only thing keeping her alive, keeping her sane, is the tiny shred of self-dignity they haven’t stripped her of, and she says her name again. A tear slowly slides down her cheek, “Chelsea. My name is Chelsea, you sick bastards!” Anger joins her tears, and she relishes in the fury, knowing that today will not be the day she becomes nobody.

Again wondering what the rest of the house looks like, she continues to wait, trying so hard not to cry and wanting to die when the heavy door opens, and the middle-aged, dark-haired man descends the stairs, stepping into the room. She knows his preferences by heart now; she’s been in this room many times. Steeling herself for what’s to come, her soul darkens a shade more when Jefferson commands her to go to the table. Closing her eyes, she wishes the breath would leave her lungs, that the life would just slip out of her, when she feels the familiar, sickening touch.

Chapter Eight

“Thanks for the updated profiles. Can you send them to me as soon as you’re done?” Kas asks, looking over Chase’s shoulder.

Chase swivels around in his chair, “You’re not going to like what I put together on them. We’re not playing with the normal criminals here, bro, the evil that lurks beneath their skin is profound. We both know that it’s common practice for the traffickers to control the girls with drugs and by threatening to harm their families if they disobey, but these people are on a whole different level.”

“I know,” Kas states dryly, his face etched with the stress of that dark truth.

“I’m going with Sara to her parents next weekend, we’ve moved the trip up, I didn’t want to wait any longer,” Chase grins, desperate to change the subject and to share the news.

Slapping Chase on his back, the light replaces the gloom in Kas’ eyes, “That’s great, I’m happy for both of you. Raina is going to be beside herself. Does Sara suspect anything?”

“Nope, not a thing.”

“I’ll return the favor if you need help finding a ring,” Kas offers. “We’re taking you two out to celebrate after you ask her.”

Chase’s smile dims, “What if she says no?”

Kas lets out a loud laugh, “Have you seen the way she looks at you? That girl isn’t going to turn you down for anything. Besides, she’s already practically living with you.”

His smile dims further, “I’m keeping that part from her dad when I talk with him.”

“My dad didn’t say a word when he found out Raina was living with me,” Kas offers.

“Yeah, but you two weren’t having sex,” Chase laughs, “and it was your dad. It’s a big difference when it’s the girl’s father finding out his daughter is shacked up with her boyfriend.”

Both men are hit by Chase’s words, thinking of Raina’s father.

“Just use your shrink skills on him,” Kas teases, lightening the mood, “he’ll be eating out of your hand.”

Kas’ cell vibrates, and the smile on his face lets Chase know exactly who it is.

“Don’t tell Raina yet, I want Sara to be the one to tell her.”

“I won’t say a word,” he promises as he backs out the door.

November has turned brutally cold, especially with the pelting rain soaking Kas as he runs to the jeep when Raina pulls into the parking lot to Chase’s practice. She has slid into the passenger’s side and has the heat and Pink cranked up high as he scoots inside, slamming the door.

“You’re in a good mood this evening,” he notices, smiling as she sings along.

Raina almost bounces in her seat before swiveling towards him, “We hacked it! We had to write hundreds of lines of code to crack the network protocol keys, but we finally did it!”

“That’s terrific, Rain,” he praises as he stares at her in bewilderment, knowing she and Erik have spent countless hours setting up that system, even calling in the elite team that installs anti-hacking measures in the highest of the security establishments to help build it.

Raina does bounce in her seat this time, “Will you approve my access to all the needed equipment tomorrow, so I can run the algorithm on all the computers related to Prizrak?”

“Absolutely,” he replies, his proud smile beaming. The twinkle in her eyes is bewitching; her vexing innocence pulls him to her. “I find your hacking into prohibited areas sexy as hell,” he whispers, the heat of his breath caressing her exposed neck.

While her skin is still warm, he brushes his lips on the tingling, sensitive spot, following with the barest torture of a touch with his tongue. “Actually, I find everything about you sexy as hell.”

Raina tilts her head, allowing his deviant tongue all of the access desired. “Technically, it wasn’t prohibited,” she responds with blazing need, “but who cares about technicalities right now, take me home.”

Kas continues his delicious torture until her skin is on fire.

Tracing her fingers down his damp chest, a sensual smile curves her full lips at the feel of his hardened muscles underneath, “You’re soaking wet.”

Sliding his hand up the inside of her dark jean clad thigh, he presses his fingers against her and flashes a cocky grin from the heat warming his fingers. His wink tells her she misspoke.

“Kas, please, take me home, now,” she states, trying to make it sound like more of a command than a whimpering plea.

Laughing, he puts the jeep in reverse.

“If you don’t hurry, I’m turning on your emergency lights and your siren,” she threatens, moving her fingers seductively lower.

A low groan escapes as his foot presses harder against the pedal.

The rain has thickened, coming down in heavy sheets, as they pull into the drive. Her fingers have aroused him to a painfully hardened state. Throwing the Jeep into park, he grabs her seat belt and unbuckles it before taking her arm and quickly hauling her onto his lap, shifting her against the part of him that is begging to be inside of her. His dark chocolate eyes are blazing as they remain fixed on her while he pulls her forward, letting her feel just how much he wants her. Her gratified smile does wicked things to him, and he pushes her backwards until she is against the steering wheel. The sound of the rain pelting against the hood of the jeep drowns in comparison to the pounding of their hearts.

The windows are fogged from the rain, or their heat, Raina doesn’t know, doesn’t care. She swivels her hips against him, her jade eyes gleaming at the feel of him hardening impossibly more. Kas thrusts her towards him again, taking the hem of her shirt and yanking it over her head. The thought of them being in the jeep, in the middle of their driveway, sends a shot of panic and embarrassment through her until his mouth finds her breast. His thumb rubs and teases the other nipple while his mouth continues to devour her.

Her head falls back, her lips part, and her need flames higher, when his other hand unbuttons her jeans, slowly unzipping them, before slipping his fingers inside and pressing them against the thin lace covering her. All of Raina’s inhibitions die when his fingers slip further. Her fingers follow his lead, freeing him from the restraint of heavy denim. She pivots her hips provocatively, completely beguiling him, giving a taste of the gratifying pleasure only she can deliver him.

Lifting her, Kas leans Raina against the steering wheel and tugs at her jeans and sky blue lace panties, tossing them on the seat next to him.

“Hurry,” she pleads, helping him shuck his jeans.

Without warning, he wraps his hands around her waist before yanking her down on top of him, causing her to yelp with a cry of complete delectation. She never dreamed that she would ever welcome the powerful strength of a man’s hands, much less become addicted to the potent force, but the healing touch of her husband changed everything, stripped her of all her fears. Pulling her tightly against him, he twists his hips, pushing deeper inside, causing Raina to close her eyes from the mind-blowing intensity. She rocks against him, nearly bursting when she elicits the most pleasurable sounds from her husband.

His fingers dig into her waist as he holds on while she delivers intoxicating gratification. Pushing her backwards, he leans her back against the steering wheel. Using his wealth of resourcefulness, he grips the dashboard and drives into her, sending her speeding to a consuming high. The window is slick as she presses her hand against the glass, tilting her hips, offering all of her to him, panting at the exquisite force.

With his powerful thrust, her cry is accompanied by the sound of the horn as her back pushes hard against it. Her pleasure filled giggles fill the jeep, and Kas lets out a hearty laugh as he wraps his hand around the back of her neck, lowering her across the seats, his body never slipping even a fraction of an inch out of hers. The laughter abruptly halts when his mouth conquers hers, his tongue probing, thoroughly enjoying the wet sweetness giving back as much as she greedily takes.

The console proves beneficial, keeping her raised against him as he continues to slide in and out, his thrusts becoming more powerful as she holds onto him tightly. Raking her fingers into his dark curls, she tugs his mouth closer to hers, inhaling the clean masculine, woodsy scent that is uniquely him.

He slips his hand down her thigh, and his hand gently squeezes the back of her knee, holding her leg close to his waist. His grip tightens as he brings them closer to release. Locking her leg against his lower back, she pulls him deeper inside of her as he lifts her knee higher, his grip tightening while he thrusts further into her succulent depth, increasing the already exquisite intensity. Her body is in a fevered frenzy, needing him to the point of wanton desperation.

Raina rocks her hips, and Kas lets out a growl, possessively claiming her mouth as he takes her to the edge, pushing her over and straight into her sweet, delirious release. Her satiated moan obliterates his restraint, and his arm pulls her tightly against him as he fills her. His breaths are still ragged as he looks at how the sweet, thin sheen on her skin glistens in the afterglow.

“You are so beautiful, Rain.”

The blush that spreads slowly across her cheeks kills him every time, and he can’t resist brushing his lips against the scarlet flush. Holding her until her breathing calms, he laughs as the shock of their brazen actions hits her while she comes down from her sexed high. “Don’t worry, darlin’, no one could see a thing. There’s no way that I would put you on display. I don’t want anyone else getting a glimpse of your gorgeous body, it’s hard enough to keep the men at bay when you’re fully clothed.”

Her blush deepens, and he grabs her clothing, handing them to her. “Get dressed, sweetheart, before I take you here again, right now,” he teases.

They have just opened the front door when Kas’ phone rings as he’s shaking the rain off his head and shoulders. “Pierce,” he answers, making himself drag his eyes away from Raina’s hot as hell, rain drenched body.

“We’ve got the names and addresses of the men Senator Wakely is looking for. He also just received this information and appears to be heading towards the address of the one living in Maryland now,” agent Carrigan states, smiling when his work is praised by his superior before ending the call.

“Rain, you’re going to kill me, but I’ve gotta drag you back out into the storm. I need to get to this location before Senator Wakely arrives, and I need you to meet me at the agency in case we need something technical. Drive slowly, the weather is making the roads really bad out there. Text me when you get there,” he calls out over his shoulder, heading back into the torrent.

This is the worst weather Raina has ever driven in, making the drive much longer than normal. When she pulls into the parking deck, she sends a quick text before heading into Kas’ office, waiting for them to arrive.

The agency is quiet, even for a Sunday night, and Raina has almost dozed off when she hears Kas’ voice. Opening the door, she meets him in the lobby, stopping when she realizes that Senator Wakely is with him and the rest of the team. The Senator’s hands are cuffed behind his back as Kas leads the middle-aged, dark-haired man to interrogation. She starts to back away, but Senator Wakely raises his head, his unreadable gaze finding hers.

“I know who you are,” the Senator states quietly as his gaze penetrates her.

Kas grips Wakely’s arm tighter, immediately moving him further away from Raina. “Go back to my office,” he commands.

“Wait,” the Senator requests.

Raina’s unsure gaze searches Kas for further direction.

“Please,” Senator Wakely pleads.

Something in his voice makes Kas pause, and he nods at Raina to wait. Positioning himself in between his wife and the Senator, he allows him to continue.

“I knew your mother,” the Senator begins.

Raina steps towards him. Kas holds out his hand, his kind, but firm, gaze telling her to stay where she is.

“I know your father as well,” Wakely says next, his voice hardening. “Despite his unforgiving reputation in court, I never figured him to be the kind of man who could hurt you like that. I know you don’t remember me, but I was there the day your mother died. Beth always held a special place in my heart,” he confesses, the sorrow in his eyes deepening, “it’s your father’s fault that she’s dead.”

The thumping in Raina’s chest intensifies to a painful beat as she takes a subconscious step towards the man entrancing her with his words and the depth of coveted untold knowledge in his eyes.

Kas holds his hand out towards her again, his gaze softening further as he looks at her, “Stay there, Rain, okay?” Turning towards the Senator, he gives him a deadly glare, silently warning him that he will pay if he’s only playing with his wife’s emotions. “What do you mean it’s Waterford’s fault that Beth is dead?”

Shifting his attention back to Raina, the Senator continues, “William was in my office when she died. He was angry that Beth had to drop you off at school. There was a banquet that day, and William was being honored for some pro-bono work he had done. The ceremony wasn’t until later, but he wanted Beth with him that morning so they could ride together. The rain was coming down about as hard as it is now. He kept sending her texts, asking her to hurry up. I told him to calm down, that she would be there in plenty of time. She had sent a reply, I’m not sure what it was, but it visibly relaxed him and prompted him to call her. She must have lost control of her car when she answered the phone. I will never forget the horror in his eyes when he heard the crash. That’s the only time I ever saw your father vulnerable.”

BOOK: After the Rain
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