After the Rain (18 page)

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Authors: Karen-Anne Stewart

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: After the Rain
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“Stay in the car!” Kas yells.

Raina knows that it was definitely a command, not a suggestion, and she tries
really tries, to listen, but when she sees the crew cut imbecile break his beer bottle and go after her husband when Kas is busy busting a guy’s nose, a herd a wild horses can’t drag her away from jumping straight into the fight. With one smooth movement, she sweeps her leg heavily against beer man’s legs, sending him spiraling down. Kicking the crude weapon out of his hand, she grabs a discarded bottle of beer and lands a solid blow against his jaw, making sure he stays down.

“Get back in the car!” Kas yells at her, shock in his eyes when he sees the man sprawled on the ground, out cold.

A dark-haired, fouled mouth opponent throws a punch while Kas is distracted finishing the second person who attacked him, and Raina cringes at the sound of the blow meeting her husband’s jaw. Kas seems mostly unaffected, merely shaking his head a little before retaliating and taking the attacker down with two punches.

“I said, get your butt in the car!” he demands, swinging a mean right hook at the bald mountain that just decided he wanted to play.

Before Raina can decide if she is going to do as she was told, Jake knocks a dark blonde adversary down at her feet. She steps back, right against the tall, lean frame of a man she saw with the thugs earlier, and he grabs her arm, yanking it behind her back as he yells for the rest of them to stop fighting. The murderous glare in Kas’ eyes elicits obvious stress in Raina’s current handler, and he tightens his grip, using her as a bargaining chip, which she doesn’t take too kindly to.

Throwing her head back, Raina busts the man’s mouth. Before the ugly expletive even leaves his lips, she elbows him in the gut, then spins and crashes her elbow against his jaw. He raises his fist to punch her, but she ducks and rushes him, knocking him into the car. A roundhouse kick finishes the fight, and Austin laughs, throwing his fist at his own opponent before nodding his head at Raina, “Atta girl.”

Frank’s limp doesn’t seem to affect his ability to tussle as he finishes off the carrot headed antagonist. A man who appears to be his brother takes a vindicating swing, but Frank blocks the blow, then returns the favor with a few of his own.

The bald Mount Everest is harder to handle than his friends, and Kas has to up his game, maneuvering his body to the side to avoid the man’s boulder of a fist. He rebounds with a double punch front kick, and the man stumbles, but doesn’t fall. Kas groans. Ignoring the ache
radiating through his knuckles, he goes another round, concentrating on his attackers moves. Once he spots a weakness, he moves in where the man leaves himself open, elbowing him in the ribs, then kneeing him in the chin. Kas would swear the ground shook when the redwood fell, and he stares at the man incredibly when he starts to move again. “Don’t get up,” Kas threatens in the gruffest voice he can manage. He’s very thankful when the man listens.

Erik takes care of the second opponent against him and wipes the blood off of his lip with his throbbing hand. He winces as he flexes his fingers, thinking how it’s been way too long since he’s brawled, “I’ve gotta go out with you guys more often, I’m losing my edge.”

Jake pats him on the back, “You did good for a geek sheik, man.”

“Don’t be a hater because I’m smart, beautiful, and can handle my own,” Erik laughs, “I’m the whole package, baby!”

Austin bursts out laughing at the expression on Jake’s face, cutting his laughter short when he witnesses the anger burning in Kas’ eyes.

“You, okay?” Kas asks Raina, checking her arm.

She can tell she’s getting ready to hear his wrath, and she’s tempted to play up the slight pain in her arm a little, but decides against it, “He didn’t hurt me.”

Once Kas is sure no damage has been done to his wayward wife, he lights into her, “Are your ears clogged, or did you just blatantly disobey my orders?”

Raina juts out her jaw in indignation, “First of all, we’re not on the field, and, second, I didn’t hear you ordering Frank, Jake, Austin, or Erik to get in the car.”

Kas wants to scream at her, but rakes his hand angrily through his hair instead, “Get.In.The.Car!”

Raina’s back straightens as she faces her very angry, very overprotective husband, “Fine.” She slides into the back, ignoring Maya’s, Susanna’s, and Mandy’s mixed looks of awe and disbelief at her audacity.

Austin turns towards Kas, “You know, she really kicked ass tonight.”

Kas’ glare shows Austin that it’s Raina’s ass he’s worried about, not the ones she kicked.

Austin shrugs before sliding into the car, “Just saying.”

Erik checks on Susanna again, grinning like an idiot at his war wound when she kisses his busted lip.

“We’ll catch a ride with Frank and Josie,” Erik calls over his shoulder, his arm wrapped proudly around Susanna.

Jake cranks Maya’s Mazda, “What happened back there?”

Maya’s words tumble out so fast it’s hard to understand her. Spilling every little detail, Raina wishes she would’ve kept her mouth shut about the part when the man gave them drinks.

“You took a drink from a man you don’t know?” Kas asks, struggling to keep his voice calm with his already combustible wrath igniting into a blazing inferno. Gently taking her arm in his hand, he turns her towards him, “You have no idea if he drugged it or not.”

Raina has never witnessed Kas this mad at her before, even when she went to talk to Mr. Sutton. It slays her when something she has done causes his anger, and her words are almost inaudible as she whispers, “I didn’t drink any of it. Besides, the chances of that happening are slim, Kas.” His look tells her that he doesn’t share the same opinion.

Seeing how Raina’s lip quivers while she forces her tears to stay inside, he slides his hand down her arm, giving her hand a small squeeze before turning away. He wants to comfort her, but he’s too angry to let her off the hook just yet.

Jake stops at the red light and glances at Maya, “Did you drink any of what he gave you?”

Maya’s silence affirms she did. “Kas is right, you can’t trust taking a drink from a man you don’t know,” he softly chastises.

“Alright, you two, I think they have learned their lesson not to take candy from strangers,” Austin interjects, his usual carefree attitude a little bristled from the guilty expression on Mandy’s face.

“He’s the only man who tried to help when the jerk grabbed Susanna,” Mandy defends the gentleman. “We didn’t do anything wrong. Jeez, being with men who are paranoid after seeing the worst of the worst really sucks the fun out of a Friday night,” she pouts.

Raina doesn’t say anything, she keeps quiet and turns towards the window, staring out at the bright lights of the city passing by.

Kas hasn’t said another word to her and, now that they are home, it looks like he’s still not in the mood for chitchat. Maya had given her a reassuring look and mouthed ‘call me’ when she had slid out of the car door Kas had opened for her, mumbling her good-byes.

“Are you still mad at me?”

“Furious,” he spits out, his back turned to her, both hands gripping the edge of the counter.

Raina slides her hand up his shirt, her fingers lightly skimming his toned muscles, “I couldn’t just stand back and watch while that idiot tried to attack you with a beer bottle.”

He spins around, his eyes showing much more concern than anger. “He could have used it on you, Raina!” he admonishes.

. Seeing that she isn’t going to win this argument, she takes a different route, “You wanna slug it out in bed?”

The corner of Kas’ lips tilt into a smile as he shakes his head at his audacious wife, “You want to have it out, huh?”

“Most definitely,” she responds, her eyebrow arching and her eyes sparkling the brightest green.

Kas lowers his mouth to hers, stopping mere centimeters from her lips, loving watching how his wife practically pouts at his unexpected halt. “If we start this, we’re going the full twelve rounds.”

A grin spreads across her luscious lips, “Oh, I’m counting on it.”

Kas goes to brush his lips against hers, but pulls back again, an infuriatingly cocky grin on his sinfully handsome face. He laughs at her frustrated whimper, “Take it all off then, darlin’.”

Raina decides she is going to have his lips on her first and wraps her hands around the back of his neck, her fingers sliding into his hair, tugging at his short dark curls while pulling his heated mouth against hers.

“Uh huh,” he playfully fusses, grabbing her tank top and ripping it in half as he steps back to admire the creamy mound of her breasts peeking out over of her lavender lace bra.

“Hey, that was my favorite tank top,” she chastises.

“Then, maybe you should do as you’re told,” he whispers, the playful smirk in his eyes gleaming.

Her response is a searing kiss, her tongue offering a sweet, seductive truce before her mouth moves lower, starting round one.

Two hours later, they are still in bed. Kas’ fingers caress her thighs, and Raina shifts, granting him easy access.

“I will never have enough of you. You’re the sweetest addiction,” Kas whispers, his mouth brushing against the flesh his fingers just left needing more.

“Well then, I hope I’m one you’ll never shake.”

“No worries there, baby, I’m hopelessly lost, beyond intervention.”

Raina laughs, her giggles quickly turning into soft moans as his tongue elicits a potent drug of its own.

Chapter Fourteen

When Raina steps into the shower before going into work on Saturday morning, Kas wants to tell her no, that she can’t go. The enraging conflict from his emotions pulling him in opposite directions leaves him short-tempered. His need to protect her comes dangerously close to overriding his need to not control her choice of continuing with the investigation. When he sees her anxiousness begin to evaporate but her tension increase as they drive to work, he keeps his mouth shut until he can figure out what exactly is best for her. Witnessing her changing attitude as Raina fires up a recovered laptop tortures him. Her determined strength is back, but her previous means of escape has transfigured into a prison, chaining her until she can find the avenue to freedom, the avenue that leads directly to Evan Parker. Kas prays to God that avenue exists and that Raina will not be one of its travelers when it is discovered.


weary eyes as she takes the steps down to Kas’ office. The elevator doors ding across the room, and she notices three agents getting ready to step inside. She recognizes two of them, when the shorter one with slick, gelled back hair grabs the arm of the man standing beside him, jerking his head towards her. She knows by their questioning glares that she is supposed to go to them, but everything inside of her is going off like bells in a tornado. Cautiously, she walks their way, stopping a few feet away from the men. “Agent Smathers, Agent Johnson,” she politely nods.

“Mrs. Pierce,” Agent Smathers curtly replies.

Her eyes dart back and forth between the three men. Reluctantly, she extends her hand to the agent she’s never met. “I’m Raina Pierce, nice to meet you,” she lies.

No pleasantries are wasted by the black-haired man with piercing blue eyes. His lips are tight, his jaw is set, and his gaze is determined, angry, as he removes the handcuffs from the designated spot on his waist, “Raina Pierce, you are under arrest.”

Raina quickly jerks her hand back. Her hearing becomes fuzzy as she is read her Miranda rights, but her perception is remarkably clear as she takes in the scene in front of her. Agent Smathers seems nervous, Agent Johnson indifferent, as Agent whatever-his-name-is keeps talking, obviously enjoying his own voice. “Wait,” she interrupts, backing away further when the cuffs are extended towards her again, “under arrest for what exactly?”

“For participating and being actively involved in the purchase and distribution of sex-slaves.”

The laugh escapes her before she can manage to thwart it, “You have to be joking.” Her eyes dart around the room, wondering if this is some sort of sick, twisted practical joke.

“This is no joke, Mrs. Pierce, at least not to decent human beings.”

She takes a step back at the double implication, “You can’t be serious.”

“Turn around, Mrs. Pierce,” the agent demands, extending the cuffs to place on her wrists.

Raina instinctively moves her hands away, staring at the unfamiliar agent. She’s still in a stunned state a couple of seconds later when Kas sprints to her, stopping directly in front and shielding her from the formidable man. Kas’ left hand is held out behind him, his palm open, an obvious indicator for her to stay back. His body is turned slightly, his weight balanced, and his right hand is balled into a fist. It doesn’t take his growl to prove he’s ready and quite willing to attack. “Stay away from her!”

“This doesn’t involve you, Agent Pierce.”

“The hell it doesn’t, she’s my wife!” Kas spits out through gritted teeth.

Agent Smathers decides to intervene, “Agent Pierce, step away from Mrs. Pierce, or you will be arrested for interference.”

Kas towers over Agent Smathers. “No one is taking Raina anywhere,” he commands.

The indifference in Agent Johnson’s expression finally breaks, replaced by a slightly fearful determination. He steps towards Raina, removing his cuffs as his superior and Smathers try to handle Kas, but his hand doesn’t make it anywhere close to Raina. Kas has the cuffs out of Agent Johnson’s hands before he realizes what is happening, and with one swift movement, it’s Johnson’s hands that are restrained. Kas pushes him backwards, his eyes never leaving Smathers and the other agent. Any other time, their shocked expression would be humorous but, right now, Kas is too busy planning his next move to be able to enjoy anything.

“Agent Pierce, you are under arrest,” the unidentified agent proclaims angrily.

The main room of the agency is buzzing with the commotion, and Kas steps closer to the agent, pushing Raina even further behind him as she protests, stating that they can take her, not wanting to cause any problems for her husband.

Agent Smathers hesitantly approaches Raina, his gaze leery as Kas gives him a deadly warning glare. He stops briefly, deciding that trying to administer the cuffs isn’t the wisest choice, “Mrs. Pierce, come with me, please.”

Raina starts to move, but Kas grabs her wrist, holding her back, “She’s not going anywhere.”

“This is ridiculous! You are both under arrest! Cuff her NOW!” The head agent demands, removing the cuffs from Johnson’s wrists.

Frank steps up beside them, “If you take them, you better take me, too.”

“I have no problem with that,” the angry agent retorts.

Russo and Jake step up beside them, trying their best to repress their laughter when Austin flips the collar on Johnson’s too starched lapel, “You should’ve left those on, because those bracelets are getting ready to become a permanent fixture to another part of your body if you even look at Raina again.”

Raina looks wildly at the chaos erupting around her, “Stop! I’ll go with them.”

“No, you won’t,” Lawson tells her, placing his hand protectively on her shoulder.

“I’ll take every last one of you in,” the agent warns, his voice booming but his eyes betraying his forced authority.

“You better be calling for a helluva lot of back-up then,” Derrick quips, stepping into the barely contained melee. Lawson’s team and Derrick’s team surround them, and the agents from Internal Affairs step back, surveying the angry mob ready to riot.

Dexter storms out of the elevator, his undiluted wrath hot on his heels as he steps in front of the three agents.

“What kind of department are you running here, Thatcher?” the lead agent barks at Dexter.

“From the looks of it, a damn good one!” Dexter proclaims proudly, crossing his arms and fixing his de-manning stare on the three men. “What exactly do you need with Mrs. Pierce, Smyth?” Dexter asks, his tone about as deadly as humanly possible.

Raina’s eyes dart to the agent who Dexter seems to know and despise.

“We’re taking her in for questioning for the monetary support of buying and selling minors in human trafficking.”

Dexter stiffens; the rage rolling off of him is humbling, “Have you lost your mind?”

“We have proof that money from her account was used in purchasing a group of girls from Romania yesterday,” Smyth states bravely.

Kas grabs Smyth’s collar and, in three steps, has him roughly pinned against the wall.

“Pierce, back off!” Dexter commands.

Kas doesn’t move, his murderous stare is glued to the man struggling in front of him.

“That’s a direct order, Pierce!” When Kas doesn’t relent, Dexter pulls an overwhelmed Raina next to him, “Raina’s not leaving this department, Kas. Now, let Smyth go.”

The chill in Kas’ voice causes a shudder to vibrate through Smyth, “Careful what you say, or you might find yourself in a position to where you’re unable to talk.” Kas gives the agent a harsh shake before pulling him away from the wall and roughly releasing him as he stumbles to regain his footing.

“I can have every one of your agents arrested for interfering with an investigation, Thatcher!” Smyth threatens, too brave for his own good.

Dexter steps forward. Smyth steps back. “Be my guest but, first, why don’t you let me give the Governor a call. I will let you explain to the man who has personally made it his mission to rid the streets of D.C. of all the traffickers why you are disabling over half of the department that specializes in tracking the rings.”

“Are you trying to tell me that you won’t allow us to question Mrs. Pierce?”

“No, I won’t prevent you from doing your job. You can question her, but it will be here, with me and Agent Pierce in the room.”

Smyth shoots Kas a potent glare, “You can be in the room, Thatcher, but not Agent Pierce.”

Kas starts to step towards him again, but Dexter throws up his hand, “Do you honestly think you can stop him?” Dexter chuckles at Smyth’s dubious scowl. “He’s the head agent in this department, he will be in the room.”

Smyth glances at Smathers and Johnson, who shrug their shoulders as if telling their superior that they tried to warn him.

“Haven’t you boys already embarrassed yourselves enough?” Austin laughs, the sound void of any humor. “The last time you were here, you left with your tails tucked between your legs. Are you gluttons for punishment, or do you just like being pathetic marionettes?”

“That’s enough,” Dexter warns, his lips curving despite his reprimand.

Johnson straightens his collar and steps towards Raina, his outstretched hand reaching for her elbow. He yelps when Kas grabs his hand, twisting it backwards, “No One Touches Her!”

Dexter flashes Smyth a bright smile at his angered glare, “I would advise you to tell your men to not touch Mrs. Pierce again.”

Kas slips his hand over Raina’s shaky fingers. His thumb caresses her fingers, and he gives her a reassuring wink, trying to calm the fearful confusion darkening her face, “It’s okay, sweetheart, we’ll get this straightened out.”

Walking through the crowded lobby with everyone’s eyes on her unnerves Raina to the core. The agent’s accusations sting. Her pulse is racing as she follows the men to Dexter’s office. Hearing that more girls have been sold into slavery sickens her. Hearing that Internal Affairs thinks it was her money that purchased the girls not only sickens her, it frightens her.

Agent Smyth motions for Raina to take a seat. Kas pulls a chair out for her next to the wall as he takes the seat beside her, making sure there’s distance between his wife and the agents. Dexter rolls up his sleeves as he perches on the edge of his desk. Agent Smyth pulls out the chair on the opposite side of Raina, and Smather’s sits next to him while Agent Johnson stands against the wall.

The few seconds of silence is torture for Raina while her gaze implores Agent Smyth to explain what is happening. Kas looks each man directly in the eye, silently warning them that there will be no underhanded tactics allowed. Dexter clears his throat, prompting the questioning to begin so they can get what they need to clear Raina, and he can toss the uninvited guests out the door, on their detestable derrieres.

“Mrs. Pierce, do you understand the charges-”

Kas shoots from his chair and places his hands firmly on the table in front of Smyth, leaning in close, “Would you like to rephrase that?”

Smyth’s eyes dart to Dexter, who only shrugs in response. Clearing his throat, he begins again, “Mrs. Pierce, do you understand the
against you?”

“No, not fully,” Raina responds quietly.

“Money from one of your accounts was used in the purchase of fifteen Romanian minors yesterday.”

Raina’s heart feels like it’s on a free fall, plunging straight down a cliff, “You said purchase and distribution earlier. Were these girls sold, or did you rescue them?”

Kas squeezes Raina’s hand, his heart hurting by the pain in her words. Her obvious concern for the girl’s well-being over hers makes him want to shelter her in his arms, shielding her from any further questioning.

“No, the girls were already moved by the time we arrived,” Smyth’s jaw tightens, and his accusing eyes pierce her soul, “but we will find them, Mrs. Pierce.”

Raina’s heart shatters, hearing the girls haven’t been rescued. It takes her a few seconds to continue, “I checked my accounts this morning, there’s been no unusual change, which account are you referring to?”

“Agent Johnson, please pull up the information.”

Raina watches as the agent takes a seat and slowly types codes into the laptop in front of him. “Where did you track the girls to so far?”

“A port in Boston, but it appears they’ve changed boats,” Smyth replies, studying her carefully. “Why don’t you tell me where the girls are heading to, Mrs. Pierce?”

“I don’t know. I’m not involved with this!” she insists, her eyes darting to Johnson, who’s obviously lacking in computer skills. “Have you contacted the Coast Guard?”

“Yes, Mrs. Pierce, I have contacted the Coast Guard,” Smyth barks, agitated.

“We can help you,” Raina offers.

Smyth’s incredulous gaze shifts from Raina’s to Kas’, then to Dexter’s. Dexter smiles proudly at Raina and crosses his arms, returning his gaze to a confused, pissed-off Smyth.

“No! No, you can’t help!” he snaps, “
are the one being investigated for being the person responsible for shipping these girls to who knows where.”

“But, I didn’t do it! There’s some mistake.” Raina pulls her cell phone from her pocket, not willing to wait on Johnson any longer, “I can show you all of my accounts right now.”

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