Aftermath (21 page)

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Authors: Sandy Goldsworthy

BOOK: Aftermath
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Chapter 56 

Emma's Story


Lucas was a gentleman.

He kept his promise to his dad and had me home well before midnight. Not to mention, he didn’t drink, smoke, or do any drugs. Not that I saw, anyway.

The house was fully lit when he turned his beefed-up truck into the driveway. We could see the glow from the television through the open windows.

“Thanks for inviting me,” I said when Lucas shut off the engine. “I had fun.”

“Yeah, me too. My dad waited up.” He nodded toward the house.

“Looks like it. So you guys don’t have a great relationship, huh?”

“Not really. Let’s just say, I’ve given him reason not to trust me.” He got out of the truck, while I struggled with the door. Lucas noticed my troubles and opened it for me. I mumbled a thank you, and he continued. “I got busted. He kicked me out. Case was dropped, but we haven’t spoken since. Well, until today, that is.”

“That was you?” I asked after I climbed out of the oversized cab.

“He told you?” he snapped. “Figures.”

“Uh-uh, no. I just heard a friend of Drew’s got busted. It was before I moved here.”

Lucas headed toward the side entrance of the house, and I followed.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to assume it was you,” I continued.

He only grunted an acknowledgement in response.

Chester was barking before we reached the porch. He greeted me with a wagging tail and nudge to my hand. He planted his large body in front of me, blocking my movement and Lucas’ ability to even step inside.

Weird dog
, I thought,
must be the new house
. I grabbed his collar and tugged with no reaction. I pulled harder and tried to shift his body up and over, just enough to get him to move aside. Mosquitos swarmed around the exterior light and filtered in, while Chester played guard dog until he finally conceded. I heard a low rumble in his throat when Lucas was inside with the door shut.

I yanked on Chester’s collar, scolding him at the same time.

“Your dog hates me, doesn’t he?” Lucas asked.

“He’s like that with everyone.”

“Not with me,” Neal’s voice piped in, as he and Aunt Barb joined us at the door. His smile beamed from ear to ear. The normal pleasantries of “Did we have fun?” filled the air along with “Wow, you’re home early,” which I knew was directed at Lucas more than me. Aunt Barb’s gentle hug meant she was happy I was fitting in.

Minutes later, with Lucas and Neal gone, I said goodnight to my aunt and headed off to bed feeling content.

I can do this
, I thought. I could move on.

Chapter 57 

Ben's Story


Benjamin! Get a grip!
Molly’s voice pierced into my thoughts and kept me conscious.

I focused on my surroundings like I was taught back in training. It had been decades since I used tracking for any mission on earth. The large oak shielded my human body from open exposure to others. Its thick trunk split low like two seedlings grew side by side, intertwining their lives together.

It was a portal to my world, an escape route in the fold of the tree that only authorized immortals could travel. Humans that attempted to cross would find they left their human bodies behind. It would be an earthly death for them, with an unhappy ending, since entrance to my world without approval never ended well.

Victor could not use our portals without detection, and he knew that. While I could sneak back into the maze of tunnels within my world to move quickly and effortlessly from one area to the next, Victor had to rely upon speed and human technology for travel.

I noted the whereabouts of each distinct odor, each lingering spirit and sensation I felt. I was surrounded. Pungent, sour smells loitered at six positions around me, evenly spaced to perfection. This was not a random act. It was not the actions of a person or animal from this human world.

This was a hybrid army.

I forced myself through the mental barrier of the weakest one—the one with the least offensive odor. Hybrid barriers were not difficult for experienced immortals to break. Getting past the smell of their decaying spirit took willpower. Ignoring their personal story posed a greater challenge, especially since my focus had been in aiding humans.

The weakest hybrid scent was from the smallest mortal in the group. He was an older man that was originally unwilling to give in to death. Fear overtook him when diagnosed with cancer years earlier. He prayed for a miracle, for a second chance at life, to correct all the wrongdoings he had done during his seventy-one years on earth. He was frail and weak when Victor converted him. Most importantly, he was grateful. He expected to make amends with his loved ones, but he didn’t understand what he was giving up in return.

Free will.

He stood firm at my two o’clock, ready to attack when the order was given, though his spirit was filled with misery. I felt his remorse for the human actions of simple misjudgment. He could have spent more time with his family. He could have focused less on frivolous things that wedged them apart. Swirling feelings of regret filled him. They were locked beneath the controlling power of his creator. He was a puppet forced along at the hand of evil. He wanted freedom. He wanted death.

All I had to do was remove Victor’s tether, and the hybrid would be released. For now, his soul was still alive. It wouldn’t be long before it decayed completely, and he could no longer be saved. The old man’s remorse was enough to get him authorized and into rehabilitation. In time, his soul would heal and he would be well again, able to reunite with those on the other side.

The tether to Victor was thin and aged. The man was converted years earlier, not just recently. The old man’s weakness meant Victor felt safe to loosen his hold and add more soldiers to his army. The hybrid wasn’t strong enough to be a threat, Victor told him, which pushed the old man deeper into despair.

Feelings of worthlessness ruined spirits, even if they weren’t human any longer.

I could severe the connection to Victor, if only I could get him within my grasp. I trained for this. I rehearsed the process in simulation exercises hundreds of times, at The Farm. Except, no field agent implemented it on earth.

There was never a reason to.

Distant voices interrupted my eavesdropped thoughts on the old man. The hybrids were suddenly on alert. The sound was a half mile away, in the direction of the abandoned farmhouse at the corner of highway M and Summit Road.

A man spoke first, followed by a woman’s laughter and more conversation. She was flattered by his advances and thanked him for his help. Her car broke down. Her voice sounded younger than his did. “I’m sure I can help,” he offered. He told her he was a mechanic.

I wanted to propel to her, but leaving my body even for short stints of time was unsafe within a pack of hybrids and without knowing Victor’s whereabouts. Destruction of my spirit meant total elimination. I could slip into a portal and escape. Although my goal was to release the hybrids, not run from them. Most were so brainwashed, they were unaware they were being held against their will.

To be sure the young female voice was not Emma’s, I reached out to Molly. She reported that Emma was safe at home, updating me that Claire recovered from her poor performance earlier in the night. Molly’s tone was light and airy, unlike her normal, snippy response.

When the man down the road suggested the girl accompany him to his home for tools, I felt tension within her thoughts.

Her comments were random and disjointed.

His response was soothing and persuasive.

She was reluctant and offered to stay by the car. He advised against it. “It’s not safe out here all alone at this time of night,” he said.

A hybrid moved. Then another.

As hard as it was, I had to focus my attention on the army around me. The girl would need to wait. The man was probably harmless, anyway.

When another hybrid shifted, I had to concentrate.

One by one, they began to close in the circle around me. It would be impossible for them to sense me. Only another immortal, a strong immortal, would know where I was.

My thoughts shifted to Victor. He had to be orchestrating this, even though I didn’t feel his presence. The only other beings here with me were hybrids. I outlined the plan of attack. I could easily take them. Molly could call out a distraction and remain safe at home. The old man would not be my first target, but instead, my last. I felt a slight possibility he would come to my aide when he realized what I was. I could take out the three hybrids to my left before the ones behind me figured out what was going on. I’d start with the one directly in front of me. He was the largest, strongest, youngest hybrid within the pack. Except, he was not the leader. That title was held by their creator.

I’d work counterclockwise and hope the old man would meet me on the other side of this tree. As the last one, I could save him. I could throw the remains of his soul into the portal. It would be out of my hands then.

Molly’s screeching voice interrupted my plan of attack.
Benjamin! Benjamin… it’s him. It’s Victor!

Everything stopped.

He’s with the girl near the bridge.

The voices I heard?

she answered.
And, Benjamin? The girl is Stephanie.

What would she be doing out here at this time of night?
I eavesdropped on Stephanie’s thoughts and realized he coerced her into the empty barn. Instead of a sexual assault, his intent was conversion.

Healthy human to hybrid.

The only difference was Stephanie Carlson’s contract was not up. Victor moved beyond the worst of crimes. He was now taking lives. A crime punishable by extinction.

“Let me go!” Stephanie’s weak voice screamed, as I searched for the portal near the barn. I streamed her thoughts and visions, watching when Victor compelled her to silence. Once she was calm, he wiped his brow and pulled out a switchblade.

He was in his mid-forties with shoulder-length dark hair and a receding hairline. His mustache and beard were neatly trimmed and clean. He wore a leather jacket, black jeans, and a red, collared shirt. A cross hung against his hairy chest from a thick, gold chain. He was physically fit and humanly strong. Though I knew his strengths were enhanced like an athlete on steroids. No one ever saw his human façade, until now.

Molly lifted her shield in thought and called his name in a disguised voice.

He stopped and turned toward the door, knife in hand. She called again and again. He spun around and around, searching for the source.

Stephanie was nervous.

Molly didn’t identify herself, or the agency. Her distorted voice echoed his name at a pitch only Victor heard. After all, we needed to take him in alive. The distraction was all I needed to enter through the portal behind Stephanie.

Despite Molly’s attempts, he heard me coming.

Instead of taking on the attack, he fled in a flash, leaving Stephanie and me alone in the dilapidated barn.

Chapter 58 

Emma's Story


I checked the time on my phone.

Melissa wouldn’t be happy that I kept her waiting. I was running thirty minutes late. I sent her a quick text, but she didn’t respond. That was never a good sign. She couldn’t be that mad, could she? It was a long drive from Westport. Shouldn’t she understand that?

I picked up my pace. Hawthorne Mall wasn’t huge for Chicago standards, but it was big enough. I walked the upstairs corridor and realized I didn’t remember driving there. This mall wasn’t our usual meeting place, either.

We planned to meet at a restaurant near the middle of the mall. Funny. I couldn’t remember its name. I ran down the flight of stairs as fast as I could. When I reached center court, I lost my speed and was suddenly walking in slow motion.

A familiar-looking man sat at a bench alone. When I approached, he stood and everyone around us disappeared. He was the man in my dreams. The lights around us dimmed except for a spotlight focused on him. He was in the same wool overcoat as before, though he no longer had his pipe.

“Your parents are fine,” he said.

“I… I miss them,” I whispered, tears already building in my eyes.

“I know. That’s why I sent him.” He removed his hat, holding it near his heart. “He cares about you deeply, Elizabeth. Be patient with him. You will be rewarded for your efforts.”

Before I could speak, he vanished. The lights brightened, and people buzzed around.

A wave of panic awoke me.

I couldn’t remember the man’s face, but being called Elizabeth felt strangely right.

Chapter 59 

Ben's Story


Molly and I stood before Commander E at headquarters.

It was an hour after Stephanie was safe at home with an agent on guard outside her window. Other than her recalling car trouble and a stranger coming to her rescue, we blocked out the memory of being abducted and taken to the abandoned barn. No sense in messing with her already-fragile mind.

Our detailed report with images of Victor’s human disguise was distributed to regional directors within the Midwest. Briefings were scheduled in key communities suspected of harboring Victor and his hybrids. A platoon of trackers was dispatched to the farm fields on Summit Road, but as everyone expected, Victor and his crew were long gone.

Commander E recognized my performance in front of his peers. Molly was similarly commended for her offsite participation. She was composed and confident during the meeting. As soon as we reached the hub to leave our world and return to Westport, she became quiet and reserved.

You don’t have to do this. I can handle this on my own,
I said to her in a conversation I shielded from Pete Jorgenson, who escorted us.

Molly was silent, as we walked to the gate.

Jorgenson shared his comments with us earlier. Commander E left it up to Molly. She could take a leave of absence, though we both knew that meant she would go into hiding in our world.

Images of the abuse Molly suffered at the hands of Victor crossed her mind and flooded into mine. Even though I encouraged her to put the past behind her, she was unable to. Her feelings for Victor, both good and bad, lingered.

She stopped mid-stride and began to shake. In the years I worked with Molly, she never hit rock bottom like this. Not even close.

Pull yourself together,
I told her.

It’s like it happened yesterday,
Molly said without shielding her thoughts.

Molly, I recommend you reconsider the commander’s offer to remain here. At least temporarily,
Jorgenson responded.
Benjamin can handle this.

No, I’m fine. And I don’t want to go into hiding,
Molly snapped.

I’ve notified Bianca. She’s ready and able to provide companionship for Benjamin.

Wait a minute,
I interjected.
I do not need a companion. There’s a team in place in Westport already… even
Molly chooses to stay behind.

Jorgenson shook his head.
Your onsite team is made up of sleepers. They are not experienced—

They’re field agents, and they
I said, cutting him off.
have experience.

Benjamin, calm down.
Jorgenson’s voice was soothing.
Poor word choice on my behalf. Yes, your team’s experienced. Frankly, the Prestons have more fieldwork on their resumes than most other agents in the vicinity. However, not one agent within a fifty-mile radius of Westport has this
of experience.

Molly said, with more confidence than I saw from her since Victor surfaced.
No one does. There are only a handful of agents that have had combat to begin with. And not one single agent has ever battled Victor.

Yes, but Bianca’s trained for such combat. You both know that Sleeper Agents don’t endure the vigorous simulation exercises that Special Investigators do.

Molly’s shoulders drooped. She remained silent.

Molly, I appreciate your concerns, but this is out of my hands. Commander E has authorized the implementation of Bianca. She’s been on standby ever since the bulletin was posted.

I asked.

Whenever you need her, she’s ready. It’s your call. Either of yours,
he answered.

I’m fine, Pete. Please let Commander E know that I am fully capable of putting my personal feelings aside for the betterment of the team.

Jorgenson looked at Molly. Their eyes connected until the thought exchange was complete. Molly would return to the front line with me. Jorgenson gave her a hug, and then turned to shake my hand.
May you succeed in your mission,
he said and left.

Molly’s face was pale and her shoulders slouched when we returned to my house through the portal. She slumped into the white leather armchair that enveloped her weak, human body. She was exhausted, nervous, and anxious. Yet, I knew she would never give up.

The attic was converted to a regional office long before Molly or I ever stepped foot in Westport. Within minutes of our return, Claire and Marty arrived, as did Grant and Ava Preston, Molly’s fake parents. Each sat around the marble top, oblong table as silhouettes of other dormant officers in the area appeared around us. Commander E addressed our group, briefing everyone on what Molly and I already knew. He was cautious, leaving out confidential details above their security level, but still gave enough information to put us all on alert. Our security level was raised to red, a level not seen during my tenure.

When his speech concluded, I knew it was simply a matter of time before Bianca joined us. What capacity that may be, I wasn’t sure. It all depended upon Molly. And for now, Molly was not at her peak.

The group dissipated slowly. News of Victor was difficult to absorb. Most, if not all of, the agents in the area never experienced firsthand the workings of one of our most notorious criminals. Shock ran through everyone, as did commendation to Molly and me for our quick wit. Though it wasn’t recognition I wanted at that moment. I wanted to see Emma.

I had to see her.

I hated the stalking feeling I got every time I eavesdropped in on her. When her thoughts were quiet, I felt the need to confirm she was safe.

I propelled to her house and hovered over the window. Chester raised his head from his spot on the bed. He rolled his eyes, and then put his head between his paws.
You’re a sap, man,
Chester said in thought.
She’s fine. I’ve been here all night. You’re right. Something’s wrong with Lucas. In all my years, I’ve never experienced it either.

Chester was an agent for a century. He specialized in youth, in helping children and teenagers in the aftermath of losing a parent.

He saw it all. He was solid and stable.

Except he didn’t have experience with Victor, either.

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