Aftermath (Dividing Line #6) (16 page)

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Authors: Heather Atkinson

BOOK: Aftermath (Dividing Line #6)
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Jules sighed and followed, sighing again when they entered a shopping centre. She hated shops and shopping. The crowds annoyed her as well as those creepy sales assistants who came running up to you when you entered asking if they could help, their look telling you they thought you were there to nick something. It was an insult, especially when she had the money to buy the place three or four times over. Still, that’s what people tended to think when they saw her dressed in bike leathers with her tattoos. She prided herself on never having shoplifted in her life, she didn’t need to. It was beneath her.

The blond seemed to come alive now they were around real shops and it was Rachel’s turn to look bored as the blond wove in and out of each and every one, spending extra time in the jewellery store. Jules sneaked a look inside, striding past the store as though she was on a mission, chancing a sideways glance and seeing Rachel staring sightlessly at a display of watches while the blond tried on a bracelet. The big man and his skinny friend were on the prowl too, sitting in the window of a café opposite the jewellery store. The two women were in there so long the men enjoyed a large coffee each before they emerged, the blond clutching three carrier bags while Rachel looked like she’d just woken from a coma. Jules thought it funny how Rachel had got more pleasure from looking at fruit and veg than a jewellers. Perhaps she wasn’t as shallow as she’d initially thought.

After a couple more shops they returned to the car and Jules let them climb in before rushing to her bike. She was held up by some idiot in a transit van pulling out in front of her with no warning, forcing her to anchor on. She spat and swore, the impressive flow swallowed up by the helmet. Kicking the bike up into a higher gear she shot round him, giving him the finger on her way past and found herself two cars behind the blue BMW and four cars behind Rachel’s Mercedes. She relaxed. She hadn’t lost her.


Not knowing what else to do with Lexie, Rachel took her to the salon and told her to get whatever she wanted done on the house. For the first time all day Lexie looked pleased by a suggestion of hers and was led off for a massage by Daina while Rachel flopped onto the couch, Tracey bringing her a strong coffee to revive her.

“Who’s she?” said Tracey, sitting down beside her.

“Ryan’s sister.”

“I didn’t know he had a sister.”

“Half sister. She’s Riley’s full sister.”

“Riley, I remember him,” she smiled.

“Unfortunately she’s nothing like him. She’s full of herself and a major pain in the arse. I thought the two of us might actually start to get along by spending some time together but I know now that’s never going to happen, not when I’m always having to stop myself from punching her.”

“Oh dear. Maybe Daina’s magic hands can mellow her.”

“That’s what I’m hoping.”

“Hi Rach,” called a voice.

Rachel looked round to see someone with their hair in curlers waving at her. “Dee, is that you?”

“Yes it is,” she said, getting up out of her chair and joining them on the couch. “I’ve got to wait for it to set so I thought I’d join you for a natter.”

“You’re more than welcome,” smiled Rachel.

“Rachel was just telling me about her sister-in-law. Apparently she’s really annoying,” smiled Tracey.

Rachel felt herself unwind as she chatted with her friends, getting all the local gossip. When Dolores had to return to the chair to have the rollers removed, Tracey said, “did Ryan tell you what I said?”

“About your brother?”

She swallowed hard and nodded.

“He did. We’ve asked Battler and Bruiser to look into it. Don’t tell anyone this but they’ve already been asked by the relative of one of the other missing men to dig into it.”

“They’re security, not private investigators.”

“They’re as good as, trust me. If they want to find someone they will. They’re your best bet.”

“Thanks. Sorry, I don’t want to sound ungrateful but it’s just…I…”

Tears filled her eyes and Rachel patted her hand. “It’s okay, I get what you’re trying to say. Hopefully they’ll find something.”

“I just need to know for definite, one way or the other. It’s torture.”

“They will.”

Rachel’s mobile phone started to ring and she rummaged through her handbag for it, just managing to answer it before it went to answerphone. “Hello?”

“Mrs Law it’s Simon from the letting agents. Someone wants to take a look at Maidstone House.”



“Right now?”

“Yes, I’m afraid so.”

“Fine,” she mumbled, just wanting to go home and indulge in a large glass of Abercraig whisky. This viewing would mean more time trapped in the car with Lexie, but needs must. “Okay. Tell them I’ll be there in an hour.”

“I can handle it if you want Mrs Law?”

“Thanks Simon but you know I always like to vet prospective new tenants personally.” The letting agent was good for handling all the paperwork and any jobs that might need doing on the properties but she insisted on deciding who lived in something she owned.



The fifteen minute drive to Maidstone House felt so much longer when it was made in silence, Rachel and Lexie having absolutely nothing to say to each other. At least Lexie seemed more relaxed after her massage, head lolling in the passenger seat as she watched the countryside whiz by. Rachel was irked when she realised she hadn’t even said thank you for the freebie.

They pulled up the drive of a large detached Edwardian house.

“Nice,” said Lexie approvingly.

“I know. Looks like the viewers aren’t here yet. Good, gives me time to air the place a bit.”

Rachel went inside and began opening some of the windows to let in a stream of fresh air.

“How long’s it been empty?” said Lexie, looking round approvingly.

“Four months. We can’t get anyone local to move in because the last person who owned it killed themselves. They got into bad debt and ended up cutting their wrists in the bath.”

“I hate it when people let superstition stop them from taking advantage of a really beautiful property.”

“It wouldn’t bother you staying where someone had committed suicide?”

“I like to think I’m made of sterner stuff. Can I look at the gardens?”

Rachel nodded and they walked through the house to the rear sitting room, Lexie waiting while Rachel unlocked the French doors and they stepped outside into rolling gardens.

“Lovely. No neighbours, no noisy traffic,” said Lexie, closing her eyes to enjoy the peace.

“I would have thought you’d like all that.”

“Sometimes I do. Sometimes I just like to be all on my own, no one around to judge me or call me horrible names.”

“Who’s been calling you horrible names?”

She shook herself out of it. “No one, just thinking aloud.”

Rachel thought of her sudden appearance here, her need to find Riley and something slotted into place. “Lexie, are you…oh bloody hell,” she muttered when her phone started to ring again. “Yes Battler?”

“Jules is in Devon.”

“Oh that’s just marvellous,” she snapped. When Lexie gave her a questioning look she turned her back on her.

“I flashed her photo - well, mug shot actually - around every local hotel and lodging house and the manager of a B&B just five minutes from your house called me. He said she was wearing a blond wig but it’s definitely her. He called her a bad tempered cow.”

“That sounds like Jules.”

“Where are you Rach?”

“Maidstone House. I’m showing a prospective tenant round.”

“Is the tenant there yet?”

“No, they’re due any minute.”

“What if it’s Jules who booked the viewing to lure you out?”

“I don’t think that’s her style, she seemed much more up front than that.”

“She was Jasper White’s assassin Rach. Assassins are sneaky bastards. This could be a trap. Lock up the house and don’t let anyone in. Me and Bruiser are on our way.”

“What’s up?” said Lexie when Rachel hung up and tapped the phone against her chin, lost in thought.

“Nothing.” She thought Battler was being melodramatic. Besides, Jules didn’t worry her that much. She’d beaten her once, she could do it again.


Jules snuck through the bushes at the side of the house just in time to hear Rachel say her name. Did she know she was in the area and if so, how? She felt sure it was something to do with the nosy sod who managed the B&B she’d booked into, he’d kept giving her funny looks. Alternatively Dane could have warned them she was on her way, the treacherous two faced wanker. She’d get him back for that betrayal.

Rachel and her friend were heading back to the house, probably leaving after the phone call she’d just received. There was no choice, she had to make her move now. The ditsy blond was still with her but she’d be no problem to deal with, then it would just be her and Rachel.

Just as she prepared to emerge from her hiding place, the big man with the moustache and his skinny friend accompanied by a third man with a goatee walked through the French doors into the garden, causing Rachel and the blond to halt in their tracks. When the blond started to shake and back away while Rachel looked puzzled everything fell into place. The men weren’t here for Rachel. They were here for her friend. She was curious to see what the outcome would be if they attacked Rachel. She herself had experienced first hand what it was to like to be walloped by those fists and it wasn’t pleasant. The feel of her two front false teeth, all thanks to that bitch, made her want to sit back and enjoy the show. The blond was fucking useless, she was shaking all over. Rachel was on her own.


“Lexie, what haven’t you told us?” said Rachel, backing away from the three men advancing on them.

“They work for my husband, Cole. I ran away from him,” she said in a trembling voice.


“Because he’s a bloody psychopath.”

“That’s why you’re here, you were hoping we’d protect you?” said Rachel, not taking her eyes off the men as they continued to advance on them.

“I was hoping Riley would. I had no choice but to stay with you when I found out he’d been sent back to his regiment.”

“Why didn’t you warn us?”

“I don’t know, I suppose I kind of hoped they wouldn’t find me.”

“Fucking marvellous,” exclaimed Rachel. She turned her black eyes on Lexie. “I will never forgive you for bringing this to our door, after everything we’ve gone through.”

Lexie didn’t know what to say. Rachel had done nothing but welcome her and this was how she repaid her. She actually felt ashamed.

“Ladies, we need you to come with us,” said the largest of the men, his big body threatening to burst out of his expensive suit. His head was shaved and rectangular, neat black moustache sitting on his upper lip, making him look like an overstuffed Hitler. “Cole’s very pissed off with you Lexie, you should have known better than to run.” He looked to Rachel. “Sorry you’ve been caught up in this beautiful but that’s what this poisonous cow does. Unfortunately the damage has been done, you’ve seen our faces so we’re taking you too.”

“No you’re not. Do yourselves a favour and get back in your car and leave.”

“You’ve got guts girl, I’ll give you that,” said the moustached man, amused.

“I’m not a girl, I’m a woman and I’ll split your fucking skull if you touch me.”

“She means it Stevie,” Lexie told the moustached man. “You’ve no idea who she is.”

“I couldn’t give a shit. I’ve got my orders and I’m carrying them out. Cole isn’t someone you want to piss off.”

“Neither am I,” retorted Rachel, wishing she had her taser. The only weapons she had were her fists. She weighed up her chances. Three men against her because Lexie was going to be no use. From the way they moved they were professionals. Battler and Bruiser were on their way but it would take them almost half an hour to get here from Torquay. The odds weren’t good. She was going to get taken again. “No,” she growled to herself. This wasn’t happening.

A rustling to their left drew all their attention and Rachel was astonished when a figure dressed in black with long blond hair jumped out of the bushes and leapt on top of the man with the goatee. Sitting on his back she drew something from her sleeves, there was a flash of steel and blood spurted from his back. He screamed, flapping on the grass like a landed fish when the blades she wielded were plunged into the outer sides of both knees.

“Jules?” Rachel murmured to herself when the figure agilely leapt up off the injured man, raced to her side and pulled off the blond wig.

“I’m on your side. Explain later. Here,” she said, handing her one of the knives before turning to face the remaining two men.

While Lexie stumbled away from the scene as fast as her high heels would carry her, Rachel and Jules prepared to meet the remaining two men. The skinny man went for Rachel while Stevie charged at Jules, grunting in pain when her knife sliced through the palm of his outstretched hand. He ducked when she went for him again and pulled his own blade. Jules only just managed to jump back, avoiding a stab to the gut, whipping back round and driving her elbow into his chest then a fist to his jaw. He stumbled backwards, surprise written all over his face, especially when his friend was knocked onto his backside by a blow from Rachel.

As the men recovered Rachel and Jules circled them warily, the knives still clutched in their hands. The goatee man was attempting to push himself to his feet, crying out in pain when he put weight on his injured knees.

“You fucking bitch,” he wailed at Jules before toppling over.

Stevie was enraged to see his own blood on the blade clutched in the biker chick’s hand. Who the fuck was she? She’d come out of nowhere. He also realised these were no ordinary women and cursed himself for rushing into this fight.

The skinny man made his move first, managing to grab Rachel’s hand that held the knife and he twisted, causing her to drop it.

Reassured his colleague had her under control, Stevie went for the biker chick again, ignoring the sting of the knife slicing through his left upper arm, kicking her legs out from under her. She went down but rolled before he could bring his foot down on her face, just managing to avoid the skinny man as he wrestled with Rachel. Stevie realised his friend was far from having the situation under control.

Jules sprang back to her feet, eyes bright with pleasure, thoroughly enjoying the fight. The tang of spilt blood was in the air, the adrenaline sending her pulse rate skyrocketing. This was when she was happiest. Being smaller and lighter than her opponent meant she could move quicker and she raced around him, slicing at his lower back with the knife, ducking when his arm arced round in a wide circle, the steel whistling past her head. Keeping low she managed to avoid his knife, slicing at his hip, his upper thigh. Just small cuts, not enough to incapacitate, she couldn’t get close enough. She spun around in a circle with the blade out to slash him. Stevie attempted to catch her but she was too fast. Cottoning onto her game he spun the opposite way and his fist met with her stomach, doubling her up, pounding the breath from her body. The knife entering her left shoulder was both painful and exquisite, Jules torn between crying out in agony and pleasure. She knew it was bad from the warmth trickling down her arm but she managed to fight her way through the fuzziness wanting to engulf her and punched him in the face twice rapidly before kicking him in the stomach, knocking him backwards, ensuring his blade remained at safe distance. Stevie was bleeding himself from the several cuts she’d opened up and both were reluctant to attack again after being so weakened.

From the corner of his eye Stevie saw Rachel deliver a kick to the underside of his colleague’s chin that snapped his head back, his eyes rolling back in his head. Deciding to retreat and return to fight another day, he grabbed him with one hand and dragged him round the side of the house towards the car parked on the drive, both pausing to pick up the squirming goatee man, who left a patch of blood on the grass behind him.

Rachel snatched up Jules’s knives lying on the grass and stuffed them into her handbag then grabbed a stunned Lexie and hauled her towards the house. She paused to look back and saw Jules take a few steps before staggering and falling, blood seeping from the shoulder wound. Rachel hesitated. How could she leave her behind to bleed to death? She wouldn’t have got away from those men without her.

“Shit,” she sighed. “Lexie, help me get her up.”

“Leave her, she’s a nutcase.”

Rachel grabbed her by the wrist and squeezed. “You’ll fucking help me or I’ll leave you here for Cole to find.”

“Alright, I’ll help. You’re hurting me,” winced Lexie.

Rachel released her with a derisive sneer. “You’re on fucking thin ice. I suggest you do exactly as you’re told and we might not throw you to the wolves.”

Dejectedly Lexie took hold of Jules’s good arm, trying not to look at all the blood while Rachel put her arm around her waist and the three of them staggered through the house to the car.

“Jesus, for a slim person she weighs a bloody ton,” said Lexie.

“I’m not deaf,” muttered Jules as they dumped her in the back of the car.

Rachel and Lexie jumped into the front and they were off, wheels spinning.

“Why couldn’t we stay at the house?” said Lexie.

“Its been compromised. Your little friends might be back with reinforcements. Shit, they must know everything about us, they set up that viewing. You led them to our door Lexie. Now they know about our businesses, what properties we own, everything.”

“Where are we going?” said Lexie when it became apparent they weren’t returning to the Law home.

“Do you think I’m taking her back to my home and leading your friends back there?”

“I suppose not. Who is she anyway?”

“My other sister-in-law.”


“I’ll explain later.”

“Jesus Rachel,” said Lexie, clinging onto the door as the car screeched round a bend. “We don’t need to get pulled for speeding with someone bleeding on the back seat.”

The black-eyed glare Rachel threw her silenced her.

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