Aftershock (2 page)

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Authors: Sandy Goldsworthy

BOOK: Aftershock
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Benjamin nodded, smiling inside. He held her hand gently in his. Long after the scary scene ended and the movie continued, Elizabeth never let go.

When the movie was over, they stood to leave. Benjamin leaned down to apologize for taking her to a movie that frightened her. There, in the semi-dark theater, she kissed his cheek. Instinctively, he touched his face.

“Would you like to get an ice cream soda?” he asked, as they exited the theater. Elizabeth’s eyes brightened and he knew the answer was yes before she said it aloud.

At the ice cream shop across from the street, they sat in a corner booth, each ordering a different flavored soda. She ordered chocolate. He preferred vanilla.

They talked about their families and their dreams.

“I always wanted to go to art school,” Elizabeth said, but her eyes confirmed she wouldn’t. “My mother’s not well. I must help my father in the store.”

Benjamin listened patiently as the beautiful girl before him spoke of her love for her family, her fear for her mother’s unknown illness, and the sorrow she faced having lost touch with her sister.

“Catherine told Father she was going to school.” Elizabeth glanced up at Benjamin before continuing. “I knew she dropped out, but I could never tell him.”

When Elizabeth asked about his family, Benjamin explained he was an only child. “My father was in the Navy,” Benjamin told her. “He retired a captain.”

“That’s what you told my father you planned to do. Right?”

He swallowed the invisible lump in his throat, and then nodded. “I mean, my father said it’s a good living, and I want to provide for my family. Someday.”

Elizabeth smiled, and Benjamin reached for her hand.


Five minutes before Elizabeth’s curfew, Benjamin parked in front of the store. He jumped out of the truck. Opening her door, he noticed Mr. Hudson watching from the window. Elizabeth thanked him when he helped her to the sidewalk.

“I really enjoyed your company this evening,” he said.

“I did, too.” Her cheeks turned pink. “Thank you.”

“I apologize for taking you to a scary movie. That was inconsiderate of me.”

“Oh, no… please. It’s me. I like going, I… I just need to close my eyes,” she said, her cheeks getting redder. “My sister would usually go with me.” She looked down, embarrassed.

“Well, I don’t mind holding your hand,” he paused, “since she’s not here.”

“Maybe there will be another scary movie out soon,” she teased. He could tell she was as nervous as he was.

“Can I take you out again, then?” Benjamin asked.

Elizabeth smiled. “I would like that very much.”

As he drove away that night, he knew he would marry her.


Decades later, sitting in the boardroom at the Afterworld’s Bureau of Investigation, Ben could still feel her kiss on his cheek and the warmth of her hand. They married a few years later. Ben loved her with his whole heart, until the day he died, and every day after.

Seeing how her life unfolded without him, he hung his head. Images of Elizabeth as a widow, a middle-aged woman abused and depressed, and a mother struggling to survive, haunted him.

He fought the anger he felt for abandoning her, and he hoped she forgave him.

Watching the video stream before him, Ben realized the images of his soul mate switched from her life as Elizabeth, to her new life as Emma. A young, freckled girl smiled on the swings and picked dandelions from the yard. Childhood gave way to adolescence, and with it came dances and makeup, and the unfortunate passing of her mother. Ben watched as young Emma grew up before his eyes. He smiled at her accomplishments and choked back tears when he witnessed her mother’s funeral. Emma was just as beautiful in this life as she was in the past.

Fast-forwarding to the future, Ben realized losing her mother wasn’t the only tragedy Emma would experience in this lifetime. There was more to come, and he wanted to be there for her.

Would she remember him? Would she still love him?

He had to find out.


If you enjoyed Aftershock, we recommend you check out Aftermath by Sandy Goldsworthy. Enjoy the first three chapters here for free.



Available December 2nd, 2014 on All Platforms!



Chapter 1 

Ben's Story


Tell me you didn’t go back to that lake again, Benjamin.

Molly’s piercing thoughts jerked me back to reality. I shook my head and cast a second line into the murky waters of Lake Bell. The narrow passage on the backside of the island was home to the largest northern pike in the county.

You’re pretending to be fishing, but you’re really sitting in that tin can of a boat that’s decades older than you would be, if you were still alive.

After a long mission, I should be entitled to some time off.

I can read your mind. Or, has that human disguise made you forget our world?

I chuckled and nodded to the electronic device humans called a phone. It sat on the bench in front of me. The hologram of my brunette partner appeared. We were alone, but I glanced around anyway.

Maybe Molly was right. I was on earth far longer than any other time since I died.

“Relax, Benjamin. No one in their right mind would be out at this time of the morning.”

“Hey! I used to fish in this spot every day when I lived here.”

Molly’s eyes widened. “That proves my point!”

“Nice. I’ve been gone for almost ten years, and this is how you welcome me back?” Our laughter was muffled against the thick vegetation lining the shores around us.

“Tell me. How was your mission?” Molly flashed a telling smile.

“We both know you came here to lecture me.” Molly shook her head and started to respond. I held up my hand. “No. Before you tell me it’s time to let go, it’s time for me to pick up the pieces of my existence and look to the future, I want you to know I’ve done some serious thinking.”


“Nope. You should know this is my last trip. I visited the bait shop in Riverside, said goodbye to the owner this morning, and drafted papers to sell my folks’ house on the other side of the lake… I’m ready.”

Molly wrinkled her forehead for an instant.

“Don’t worry. I’m okay with it.”

Molly looked down, her hands clasped together. “You should really think about what you’re doing.”

“I did. And I moved on.”

“Don’t make any rash decisions, Benjamin.”

“Rash? I’ve been looking for Elizabeth since 1941, and you’ve been nagging me ever since.”

Molly’s face went pale. I peered into her mind, but her thoughts were clear, an obvious sign she was shielding me. It was a game we used to play when I was in training at The Farm. As a rookie, my skills were constantly tested. At first, Molly was stronger than I was, blocking me out of her mind. Eventually, I learned to break her barriers. All I had to do was concentrate…

“Benjamin, stop! We got a call,” Molly blurted out.


“While you were on assignment, a call came into dispatch.”

“So? Hundreds of calls come in every second.”

“A girl broke her arm. She was rather distraught, I’d say. She was only six years old. Poor thing. Else, I’d never known. Dispatch would have assigned her case to a patrol unit to investigate and then filed it away.” Molly took a deep breath before continuing. “Did I tell you I was assigned to office duty? I can’t say I enjoyed it. Of course, giving tours wasn’t bad. I had a chance to meet some new recruits. Not that I’d want to partner with any of them. Oh! I heard you met Bianca. She told me to say hello.”


She jumped in response. “Oh, yes. My apologies for drifting.” For a slight moment, Molly looked uncomfortable.

“What are you trying to tell me?”

After a moment of hesitation, she whispered, “I found Elizabeth.”

The movement of my fishing pole distracted me. I stared at the spot where the line pierced the water and hung the bait precisely twenty-eight feet, five-and-a-half inches below. Pointing my index finger, I moved it in a slow, circular motion. The line stopped twitching, and the fish moved on.

Silence lingered in the crisp, predawn air.

Out of habit, I lit up a cigarette and took a long drag. Regrets suddenly hit me. She was gone. Lost. All those years I looked for Elizabeth, the years undercover I searched for her… Instead, she was living another life?

“Benjamin?” The water’s surface shivered when Molly spoke.

I took a second hit and held my breath for a moment.

Memories of my wife, Elizabeth, warmed me. Her bright blue eyes and gentle smile had caught my attention back in 1931. We were young, innocent, and alive. I didn’t know it then, but that Saturday, at Hudson’s Grocery in Riverside, I met my soul mate. We married a few years later and welcomed a son, Danny.

Did you hear me?

I ignored Molly and recalled the last time I saw Elizabeth.

“These eight months will go by quickly. You’ll see.” It was my last tour of duty on the
USS Arizona
. “I’ll be home soon. I promise.” They were words that still haunted me today.

I never made it home and never saw Elizabeth again—not on earth or in my world, either. I died on December 7, 1941 at Pearl Harbor. It was the reason I chose to join the Bureau and train as an undercover agent. It gave me a chance to search for the love of my life.

“Benjamin, she couldn’t contact you. There was a breach of contract.” Her tone was soft. “It wasn’t your fault, or hers.”

Thoughts circled silently between us. I was numb. Emotions I expected, words I wanted to speak, failed me.

A fish nibbled on my bait again. This time, I didn’t move to stop it. I watched the tapping of the line in the calm water, one, followed by another. The fish grabbed hold and the line tightened, bending the pole downward. I reeled in my catch and released the fish back to the waters below, in one automated motion.

To the east, the sky turned a dark purple—the dawn of another day.


Chapter 2 

Emma's Story

Four Years Later, Present Day


I got out of my car as the first bell rang.

Parked in the last row, furthest from the building, I was sure to be late. Wonderful. Monday morning, the third day of school, and I felt like crap for arguing with Dad.

It wasn’t really an argument. He told me his opinion, which didn’t match mine.

I raced to the doors of Highland Park High School, haunted by the image of Dad’s bright red face. “No way. I’m not letting you and your girlfriends drive two hours to a party at some campground,” he said.

“Dad, I’m a senior, and it’s not just any campground. It’s at Lake Bell.”

“I don’t care where it is. There are no chaperones,” he argued. “Besides, we’re going to Lake Bell this weekend as a family. Did you forget?”

How could I forget? Ever since Mom died, Dad and I went to visit Aunt Barb every holiday and most weekends in between. She lived in Wisconsin and owned a fancy resort on Lake Bell. Weekends consisted of me being bored out of my mind while Dad and his sister drank wine and talked with her friends. It was different when I was young. There were other kids my age to hang out with.

Dad’s angry tone still echoed in my mind when I reached my locker.

I wasn’t trying to lie to him. I thought he knew about the senior trip to Lake Bell each Labor Day weekend. It had been the tradition for years.

“Damn it.” I couldn’t get my lock open on the second attempt.

“Whoa! I never heard you swear before.” Matt’s smile broke my crabby mood and eased my frustration.

I grinned in response and finally opened my locker.

“You didn’t answer when I called this morning.” Matt Bishop and I had known each other since sixth grade, even though we had only been dating for a few weeks. Bishop followed Bennett, which put Matt next to me in every class we had together. Our teachers liked alphabetical seating.

“Sorry. It’s just… Well, I was talking to my dad. That’s all.”

He raised an eyebrow as if expecting more of an answer. I didn’t respond, and he looked away. Could I tell him my dad had ridiculously strict rules?

After picking out my books and shutting my locker, Matt and I merged with the stream of students in the hall. A few people looked at us. I wasn’t surprised. Matt was the starting quarterback on the football team since sophomore year and hadn’t ever had a serious girlfriend.

“I called because of the senior trip,” Matt said.

Great. Just what I wanted to talk about.

“Lewis’ parents offered to have a cookout,” he continued. Lewis Warner was one of the super-rich kids in our school and Matt’s best friend ever since I could remember. “They have a cottage—well, more like a huge house—on Lake Bell. Lewis said everyone could hang out at the lake, go Jet Skiing, play volleyball… whatever.”

“That’s nice.” I wondered if Dad would be okay with that.

“Best of all, we can stay there. You know, instead of the campground.” We reached my classroom and stopped outside the door.

Was that an invitation?

“I heard there are not enough cabins, anyway,” he added.

“Oh. Really?” Aimee Wilkinson glared at us. She was Junior Prom Queen and rumor had it she was interested in Matt. She was a super-rich kid, too, and anything Aimee wanted, Aimee got.

“Yeah. So what do you say?” Did I imagine eagerness in his tone?

“Um… yeah,” Of course, I’d need Dad’s approval.

“See you in Spanish.” His voice was low, almost in a whisper. He stood close enough that our arms touched. I hoped he would kiss me. Instead, he said goodbye and left. 


The first three class periods flew by, compared to history, which dragged on.

There was nothing more monotonous that listening to lectures on World War II and the attack at Pearl Harbor. Instead of paying attention, I sent Dad a text and told him I was sorry I upset him. Not telling the whole story was no different than telling a lie, I realized.

My best friend, Melissa Ryan, was waiting in the hall after class.

“So? Did you hear about the party at Lewis’ house on Lake Bell?” Melissa’s energy was in overdrive. “I’m so excited. I can’t wait!”

“Matt told me,” I answered, when she finally took a breath.

“Like, omigod. You and Matt, me and Lewis.” She smirked, raising an eyebrow.

“Uh-huh.” Melissa and Lewis started dating junior year. Even if she and Lewis were getting close in that way, this weekend wouldn’t have the same meaning for Matt and me. He wouldn’t even hold my hand in school.

“This is going to be sooo great!” She squeezed my arm when we reached Spanish class.

“Listen, my dad freaked out on me this morning,” I blurted out.

“What? Why?” She stopped in the doorway.

I shrugged. “You know. His strict rules.”

Students pushed past us as the bell rang.

“Don’t worry. I’m sure we’ll figure something out.” She grabbed my arm. “Come on.”

Senora Gonzalez was talking to a student when Melissa and I took our seats beside Matt and Lewis. Matt greeted me with a smile and suddenly, I felt better.

“You’ve got lunch next. Right?” Matt whispered.


“Maybe we could sit together.” It was a statement, not a question.

“Yeah, that’d be great.” My cheeks warmed. Matt had dark eyes and a warm smile, and he knew when to use it. No wonder girls like Aimee were after him.

“Did Matt tell you about this weekend?” Lewis asked.

“Ah, yeah.”

“Good. My parents are cool with a few people staying over.”

“Thanks, Lewis. I’ll check with my dad.”

“Yeah, sure,” he said, like I was rejecting him. “You know, he’s welcome to call my parents. They’ll be there. They got rules, you know. No beer. No smoking. It’s cool, though. The locals party on this island… we can join ’em for a bonfire. I’ve got some friends there.”

“Emma’s aunt lives there,” Melissa said before I could answer.

“You’ve been to the island parties?” Lewis seemed interested.

I shook my head. Dad barely let me out of sight as it was. There was no way he’d allow me to go to a party on an island.

“Makes Friday nights around here seem tame.” He laughed, referring to the huge parties a few football players hosted every weekend. “There’s a nice beach there. And a resort my parents go to. Only place in town they’ll have dinner.”

I nodded. “The Carmichael Inn.”

Senora Gonzalez called the class to attention. I should have said my aunt owned the inn, but when the teacher hushed the class a second time, I lost my chance.

Class dragged on for eternity. Quiz tomorrow. Review of last year. Study group today after school. Eleven minutes left in class.

“Abran sus libros en la página diez,” Senora Gonzalez said, handing out packets to each row.
Open your books to page ten

A knock on the door interrupted Senora Gonzalez from her presentation. When she went to answer it, Melissa brought up the trip again.

Ten minutes left.

“You can ride up with us, Friday night,” Lewis offered after Melissa told him I couldn’t drive.

When I looked up, Senora Gonzalez was headed toward me. “Emma, can you come with me?” Her piercing eyes stared at me. “Grab your things, please.”

Melissa shrugged. “I’ll see you at lunch.”

I gathered my books and followed Senora Gonzalez to the door.

Why was I singled out?

At the doorway, I paused. All eyes were on me. Matt smiled before I turned and walked out. The office secretary greeted me with an unusual look and escorted me through the maze of hallways to the waiting police officer, Principal Davis, and the school nurse.

What did I do?

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