Agent M: Testament (The Agent M Series Book 2) (11 page)

BOOK: Agent M: Testament (The Agent M Series Book 2)
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“Hello Agent Lewis,” Nicole greeted while scaling her unique outfit.

This was the first time Nicole caught a glimpse of her in costume. Out of all the other undercover assignments notched in Meryl’s belt, this one took every slice of cake.

“I like your new look. A bit too much black for my taste but still, fashionable and trendy.”

Meryl got hit with the weirdest feeling of déjà vu just now. Her superior’s sense of humor had a certain flair to it that touched her memory in a familiar way. Casting those thoughts aside, Meryl responded in kind.

“Thanks but I think I’m done wearing outfits meant for women whose age is higher than their IQ.”

Grasping the wig in hand and ripping the tight elastic grip from her scalp allowed Meryl’s head to breathe fresh air once again. She shook her gentle brown locks from side to side allowing its radiance to caress the cool subterranean air.

“Well, I’m glad to see there were no complications.”

“Indeed,” Fischer said cutting in, “Excuse me Commander Wells. I appreciate your desire to bring levity to the situation but Agent Lewis and Agent Madison have a plane to catch.”

“Speaking of which, where is Michael?” Nicole pondered peering into the busy environment.

Someone like Michael Madison would stick out like a sore thumb in any crowd. That’s why Nicole was instantly troubled when she couldn’t find him.

“He was with me a second ago,” said Meryl pointing to the opposite exit. “I’m not sure where he went off to.”

“We need to find him immediately Agent Lewis,” Fischer snapped.

His words grew increasingly aggressive with each passing syllable.

“Calm down Agent Fischer,” hissed Nicole without even bothering to give him a look. “Michael couldn’t have strayed too far.”

Before she could finish that thought, Agent Prince arrived ready to greet Nicole with some interesting news.

“Well, it looks like things are coming together nicely Nicole. We appreciate all of your help in nabbing this one. There’s probably billions of illegally gained cash that’ll go right back to the city after some arduous court battles. It’ll be a long night for my guys given the sheer volume of suspects we need to gather statements from and detain. But for now, the hard part’s over.”

“We’re glad we could be of assistance Thomas,” Nicole happily chimed perfectly masking her actual intentions. “Is there anything else we can help you with evening?”

“I believe we’re all set here. Vegas P.D. just arrived to help with crowd control. My guys can handle everything else. Agent Madison already got the message.”

“Say what?” Fischer stated nearly cracking.

Agent Prince had a dumbfounded look on his face.

“I saw him leave a few minutes ago. He borrowed one of the P.D.’s bikes saying something about validating evidence. I assumed it was on your orders.”

“Sergeant!” Shouted an increasingly agitated Agent Fischer.

A member of the Las Vegas Police Force heeded his call within seconds. Before he even had a chance to speak, the S.A.C. bellowed his orders.

“Call all your units in the area. One of our agents has gone AWOL driving a police vehicle. He must be apprehended immediately.”

“Belay that order Agent Fischer,” snapped Nicole with a scornful look on her face that cemented her title as the Ice Queen.

“But Commander.”

Nicole’s face sat within inches of her subordinate, angry and unyielding.

“Let’s get one thing clear Agent Fischer. As long as there is air in my lungs, I’m in command. Don’t you dare issue an order like that without consulting me first. Agent Madison is the best field agent in the country. I’d trust his reasoning and judgment above all else.”

Surprisingly enough, Agent Fischer didn’t seem intimidated nor impressed.

“Given his prior history I believe I have proper cause for concern,” he countered. “Whatever the reason, he still has a job to do. Not going through with it is a direct violation of protocol and direct orders from the Director, I might add. One’s which supersede even your authority Commander.”

The propensity of that logic didn’t even dent Nicole’s armor.

“Even so, Michael Madison is still under my command and therefore my responsibility.” She turned her attention to Meryl, “Agent Lewis will still leave tonight. As soon as I get into contact with Agent Madison, we’ll put him on the next available flight. The peace negotiations don’t start for another week which still gives us some breathing room.”

Nicole returned her gaze to Agent Fischer.

“I trust our best agents do not require a six day orientation to prepare for a simple babysitting job.”

“I was merely stating protocol Commander.”

“Even so,” she started, her tone dropping considerably from angered to relaxed. “I’m sure the Director won’t mind the delay after he finds out what his two favorite agents accomplished tonight.”

Despite the powerful argument presented by his superior, Adrian remained firm. This issue was far from settled in his mind but he couldn’t risk continuing the fight. At least in the presence of this company.

“Understood Commander.”

Adrian chose to ignore his superior for the next few minutes. Trying to reason with her under any circumstance was like trying to quell a raging inferno with a dry blanket. This rang especially true when it concerned Agent Madison. It was of no consequence now. Their frivolous battle had ended but the war would certainly continue.

“Agent Lewis, we have a change of clothes waiting for you in the Mobile Command Center along with the rest of your equipment. A police unit has been designated to drive you straight to the airport as soon as you’re ready. Follow me please,” he ordered.

The added illusion of kindness hoped to radiate that he had no hard feelings over the matter that transpired or at the very least masked his true emotions. Adrian immediately walked through the exit without a second glance back.

Watching the two of them bicker over assignments become a spectator sport. Meryl was pleased to see Nicole stand her ground. She was proving to be a good role model day after day.

Meryl gave her superior a soft look and said, “Well, if there’s nothing else, I think I’ve had my fill of looking like the poster child for teenage angst.”

“Indeed,” Nicole smiled. “I think you better follow Agent Fischer P.D.Q. unless you want to rattle his cage as well.”

The Commander’s dry sense of humor always poked Meryl’s funny bone. After spending all day in this get up a little relief was well over due. The worst of the lot was that horrid ink stench from the paint tattoos staining her formally blemish-free skin. All of the sweat she accumulated during the firefight seemed to enhance the odor tenfold. It only goes to show how much trouble women are willing to go through in order to look edgy. In Meryl’s case, she’d opt for a more sensible undercover assignment. This case in Washington would help alleviate some of the stress gained from tonight. Taking the redeye flight to get there would hopefully be the last obstacle.

“Meryl.” Nicole halted her subordinate’s progress through the exit without evening turning a gaze.

“Yes Commander?”

“Take care of Michael for me. He has a knack for rebelling authority.”

“Will do,” Meryl happily winked, not that Nicole could see it. She sprinted up the stairs and through the mob of investigators towards the bright encompassing light of the moon.

As Meryl exited, Nicole pondered if she had revealed too much. The added quip at the end should have hid her true sentiments but it still left her in a pit of uneasiness. Nicole knew she could trust Meryl, however, that wasn’t her decision to make. On paper, the extent of Michael and Meryl’s relationship has been nothing more than professional. Michael hasn’t spoken much about her outside that context. Nevertheless, the subtle changes Nicole has witnessed in Agent Madison’s attitude spoke otherwise. Whether he would admit to it or not, Meryl Lewis held a special place in Michael’s heart. That thought caused a trickling of pain in Nicole’s chest and not the kind she was used to having because of her condition.


March 23rd, 2013 11:05PM

Aria Casino

Las Vegas, NV

Civilian life still breathed heavy into the midnight hour. Michael arrived in front of the Aria casino a little later than anticipated. Certain precautions had to be taken care of. For starters, he parked the borrowed police motorcycle approximately half a mile away. Should they desire to track his location, they would be hard pressed to find him in chaotic population density. He casually stepped through the automatic sliding doors not looking any worse for wear. In this town, Michael’s current attire would actually seem ordinary.

The casino was robust in stature and glamour. It reminded him of a few other buildings whose owners he paid personal visits to. Just last year he blew up the first floor lobby of the now defunct A.N.K.H. Pharmaceuticals and the year before that he was in New York City at the beginning of the Hunt.

The Aria casino, on the other hand, reeked of corporate garbage. A monument to gluttony. Michael moved through the lobby, trying to hone in on his alleged greeter. All of the added security measures casinos take to protect themselves and screw civilians out of their money means it would be less likely for him to be attacked out in the open.

A pair of security guards hidden in the guise of black suits paced the north and south entrances to the casino floor. The bulges in their jackets told anyone with half a brain these guys were armed. Michael left his gear back at Charles Logan’s illustrious hotel. Having a pistol nearby would bequeath a minor sense of relief but the overall anxiety of the situation kept his nerves running on all cylinders. He honestly had no idea what to expect from this meeting. Right now, they held all the cards. They knew enough to entice Michael to abandon his next assignment, including his birth name. The remaining secrets they held may force his hand. One man already died tonight. A few more wouldn’t weigh down Michael’s conscious.

“Greetings Mr. Curtis.”

Michael’s senses went into overdrive. He scanned the perimeter, attempting to locate the source of that sound and found nothing. The surface was clean leaving only one place he didn’t check.

Eyes snapped wide. Michael turned around and caught the man that dared to call out his name. The pinging sounds of electronic lights and buzzers easily drowned out his voice. Lucky for him. The man wore a similar suit to the two security guards and after a brief top to bottom scan, looked rather ordinary. His pitch black hair was fairly messy but in a planned sort of way. He checked out as far as looks go but the biggest question on Michael’s mind was how this man able to get the jump on him. It was like he threw his voice and it echoed throughout the entire building. A man with this type of intrigue told Michael this was the man he had been waiting for.

“Follow me please,” said the pleasant gentleman pointing Michael towards the north-east partition of the lobby.

A trio of highly polished and golden glossed elevators awaiting their arrival. Michael walked within three feet of them and the doors automatically opened. Even for an overpriced establishment, they couldn’t muster this kind of luxury. Maybe someday, but not today. This situation grew increasingly dire with every passing second.

“Step inside Mr. Curtis. High Cleric Adriel is anticipating your arrival.”

Finally Michael had something to work with. Hearing Adriel’s name being called eased his apprehension but not by much. At least he was being led in the right direction. Michael moved inside the elevator without showing an inch of trepidation. Negative thoughts only raised his defenses, keeping his mind concentrating on potential threats and blinding him from everything else.

The elevator doors closed locking Michael inside. He waited for movement. When none apprehension immediately filled the void. Perhaps they were testing him. Michael’s hand reached for the buttons. Entering in a combination of numbers would send him where they wanted him to go. Inches away from the number eight, the elevator jolted. Michael pressed himself to a corner and tried to make sense of what just happened. The elevator remained stiff, unresponsive, and unmoving. A scan of the small confines proved futile. This thing was as ordinary as the man that escorted him. There wasn’t even a security camera in sight. Only a myriad of posters advertising food, entertainment, and other indulgences that the weak crave.

Michael’s attention diverted immediately as the golden doors slid open. The travel took him further than he could reasonable measure. Gone were the bright lights and popping noises of greed and consumption. The cobblestone hallway was lit by torches hanging off the ancient stone pillars. This place reeked of rust and soil. Michael took a step out of the elevator and proceeded down the corridor. Wood cracked as it greatly defied the fire that brewed from its surroundings.

The ceiling above was at least fifty feet high and shrouded in darkness. Archaic was the first thing that came to Michael’s mind but when he took a deep look at the sullen structures it was better described as ancient. These pillars must have stood here for hundreds if not thousands of years. By Michael’s count, America hadn’t hit three hundred years of age let alone three thousand which added another question to Michael’s already painfully long list.

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