Agent M: Testament (The Agent M Series Book 2) (45 page)

BOOK: Agent M: Testament (The Agent M Series Book 2)
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After a deep breath, Meryl handed the General the container full of pills and watched him gently place it back in Bahn’s front coat pocket. She was instantly reminded about how her impulses had already led astray once this week and that she shouldn’t do anything other than the duties assigned.

The all clear was given for Bahn and General Suh. Meryl sighed to herself and slowly paced towards the traveling group. She could only imagine what was being said about this incident. A potential crisis may have been averted but her current track record is a definite ‘needs improvement’. Meryl couldn't afford to make any screw ups. Not today. Not now.

The group moved through the White House with relative ease form here on out. Servants, aids, and associates smiled but kept their distances. It was like they were staring at a priceless piece of moving art that they were too afraid to touch but couldn't look away. Every step they took was monitored, tracked, and recorded. Even though the meeting itself will be private and held behind closed doors, the U.S. Government made damn sure that they were safe before doing so.

Meryl tried her best to stay in character. Everything was fine now. All that awaited her was a couple hours of the most historical peace talks in the last century. Though she didn't care much for politics, at least she'd be one of the first to hear the official results. Given North Korea's present circumstances, good was the only option they had left.

Everyone continued onward towards the west wing. The President led the way and regaled the General with tales of historical facts that embodied each and every brick of this building. Even Meryl was impressed with some of the new information she absorbed. He made sure not to skimp out on any detail and make his guests as comfortable as possible. After all, this was his idea and he needed to show his citizens and voters that he knew exactly what he was doing. Reelection time would creep up sooner than he would expect and right now, he's already got Meryl's vote.

After turning the corner from the main mansion, the President formally welcomed everyone to the west wing. The General's associates, despite being welcomed in one of the most prestigious and powerful rooms in the world, looked unimpressed. They didn't really show any emotion. Meryl played this off at first as them being either shy or trying to maintain an aura of seriousness but the cameras were off. No one else could see them and if they wanted to impress someone, it certainly wouldn't be anyone here.

They quickly passed the Cabinet Room and headed straight into the open doors of the Oval Office. Light snacks and beverages of all kinds were spread about the area. The South Korean President and her representatives were already seated but honor this peace meeting by standing and showing their respect. They may not go shopping together after this is all said and done but at least they will give each other the courtesy of being on their best behavior.

The President escorted everyone to their seats. Meryl took her place in the southern area of the room as close to the President's desk as possible. She'll be standing for the duration of this meeting and hopefully with everyone paying attention to each other, they won't notice her leaning on the desk for support from time to time.

Everyone's moods have appeared to settle as they took their places on opposite sides of the sofas.

The Present sat right at the head in one of his favorite chairs, gave everyone a warm look and said, “Well, let's get started shall we?”


March 27th, 2013 11:30PM

Las Vegas, NV

Hard steps slapped the bright linoleum covered floor of the hospital. Adrian raced through the halls, not stopping for anyone or anything that may try to deter his course. Hospital attendees and nurses pleaded with him to stop but the S.A.C. was not deterred in his mission. He blitzed through any obstacle and ran as hard as he could until he reached his destination.

“Nicole!” He screamed as he drew closer to her room.

The floor squeaked as Adrian put on the brakes and slowed until he could just slide into his superior’s room.

“Nicole!” He shouted once more upon entering.

There she laid. Her eyes were locked onto the window staring at the serenity outside and completely unaware of anything else. Her skin had grown lighter and in the few short hours that they’ve been apart, it was certain that her condition had worsened. Perhaps that’s why Nicole didn’t bother to look at her phone or acknowledge Adrian’s presence. She didn’t even turn her head when Adrian approached.

“Nicole!” Adrian continually pleaded.

He walked straight into her field of view to make sure he was heard. Even at this distance, the Commander still didn’t look him in the eyes. Hers were slightly pink and puffy. The signs were obvious. As much as the S.A.C. wanted to sympathize, the mission had to come first. It always came first.

“We need to find Michael Madison,” he stared. “Now!”

“Why does it matter anymore Adrian?” She asked barely about the sound of a whisper. “It’s already too late. Nothing we can do about it now.”

Tears began to pool in the corner of Nicole’s eyes. The news of his termination must have been devastating to hear. Adrian had never seen his superior in this state before. She was always calm, cool, and direct. Seeing her like this was painfully depressing. It was almost as if the Commander had already passed and this was what remained of her shell.

“Nicole, I…” Adrian started.

He contemplated telling her each and every detail of what he found but quickly realized that she wasn’t ready to listen to that or anything he had to say. Though time wasn’t on their side, he couldn’t help but feel sympathetic about the woman he was constantly battling against. Despite their rivalry when it came to policies and procedures, the Commander always got the job done. She served justice above all else. That’s when he saw it in her eyes and finally read between the lines of what Nicole had just said. Everything started to make sense. Her constant episodes of near fainting which lead up to her final collapse earlier this week. She was trying so hard to hide it even up to the bitter end.

“Listen, I can’t even begin to fathom what you’re feeling right now. What I do know is that you’re probably scared. And that’s normal. There’s no one who wouldn’t be scared in your situation.”

Adrian inched closer and placed his hand on top of hers and continued.

“We may have had our differences but after seeing everything you’ve done and everything you’ve accomplished, I have to admit, I’m envious of you. You have commanded so much respect and given everything you have for our department and if there’s one thing we both can agree on is that you, being the great Commander that you are, wouldn’t wish your situation on anyone else. That’s why you haven’t told anyone. And that’s why you won’t even admit it to me now.”

Either Nicole’s allergies must have been acting up or the S.A.C. had finally found the chink in her armor he’d been waiting a year to find.

“Nicole, I don’t care about what you’ve done or how you’ve done it. I care about the people of this country, same as you and right now, their lives may be at risk and they don’t even know it. I’m trying to stop whatever is out there that is threatening this nation and I need your help,”

Adrian paused for a breath.

“I need his help. He’s the only one that will have a chance at stopping this.”

He could see Nicole’s defenses wavering. This was it. Adrian’s chance had finally arrived.

“Nicole please. Help me find Michael. I know I haven’t been a fan of his methods or attitude but he’s the best we have. I can forgive his past and yours. But right now I need him. This country needs him,”

He stopped himself. This was harder to say that he anticipated. Not that it was difficult to admit but rather, the weight of the situation had finally taken its toll on the cool and collected S.A.C.

“Perhaps the Director was a bit hasty in his decision but he doesn’t know what’s going on here. I’ll dedicate the rest of my career to fight and overturn his decision but for now, the world needs Agent Madison back.”

Adrian stared deeply into his superior’s eyes locking in every single fragment of seriousness his body could muster.

“And I’m afraid of what’s going to happen if he’s not here to help.”

Those words final got the Commander to look him in the eyes. Without saying a word, she reached over to the bed stand where her rested and tapped a few keys. She looked at the digits on the phone with a bit of nostalgia, then turned towards her subordinate with a gentle smile.

“Promise me you’ll look after them,” she softly said while passing him the phone. “Commander Fischer.”


March 27th, 2013 2:45PM

Reagan National Airport

Washington, D.C.

Davis was the first to touch ground stateside. The soft and cool air of this nation’s capital felt good on his skin as he allowed himself to enjoy a few nice and deep breaths. They arrived quicker than originally anticipated. This should please the reigning guest of honor.

As Michael exited he did an initial sweep of the surroundings. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary nor were there a fleet of local and federal law enforcement officers ready to take him into custody. Despite Testament’s continually astounding efforts and actions, Michael still could not fully trust them. They did, after all, threaten his life in so many words. The Special Agent had a reason to be weary. One that would not diminish anytime soon.

A black Mercedes Benz CLS63 AMG coupe with fully tinted windows quickly pulled up to their position on the tarmac. Michael studied it closely. It looked identical to the one they had been escorted in prior. Everything was the same except for the license plates. These guys weren’t just good, they were well funded.

Stepping out of the passenger seat was a familiar face. He looked over to his mentor, smiled and approached.

“How was your journey?” He eagerly asked.

“Educational,” the young Paladin replied while sneaking a look at his companion. “Did you acquire the items Michael requested?”

“Indeed,” the chipper Cleric answered.

He pulled out a set of keys and tapped a button on the attached remote. As the truck door swung open, he continued.

“One black Kevlar trench coat, one pair of black BDU tactical pants, one pair on steel toed combat boots, one back spider-silk, Kevlar laced sleeveless shirt, one pair of anodized polymer black sunglasses, two silver fifty millimeter Desert Eagle pistols with black leather back holsters, six magazines of extra ammunition, four M84 stun grenades, four M67 antipersonnel fragmentation grenades, and finally a black wrapped kodachi blade.”

Davis took a long look at the FBI agent.

“You keep all of this in the trunk of your car?”

Michael moved past the two members of Testament while simultaneously undoing his tie and started to undress. He paid them no attention nor did he mind the potential viewers watching him strip in the middle of the Reagan National Airport.

Time was not on the FBI agent’s side. The peace meeting would be starting soon and he’ll be sure to catch certain hell for not showing up. If he’s lucky he’ll just get fired. Nevertheless, Michael had a mission and he planned to see it through no matter what. He began donning his gear in quick fashion, barely letting his body slow himself down from moving forward. The two cassock dressed soldiers of Testament continued their conversation. Nothing important, at least, not yet anyways.

Michael’s attention was quickly diverted when he heard the driver side door open. He paid the individual that stepped out a quick glance and that was all he needed to asses this character. This man had long dirty brown hair that stat on his shoulders. His face was rough and seasoned. Perhaps he had seen more combat than his companions. Hair stubble lined his cheeks and mouth. Most importantly, he wore the same white cassock as the other one that qualified himself in the status of Paladin.

“Hello there chaos-bringer.”

The grin he brandished was baleful and conniving. Michael wasn’t interested in being taunted by the slightly gruffer version of Davis and continued with his attire. It didn’t faze this man one bit.

“My name is Nigel Renault Boucher,” he started.

The snicker on his lips told Michael he was not going to like what he was about to hear.

“So you’re going to destroy the world? I’m interested to hear what you have to say.”


“And what news do you bring from Father?” Asked Davis.

“It’s not good,” sighed the Cleric. “They were expecting a full report by yesterday evening. Things being the way they are now, this delay has made him and the rest of the council worried.”

“Worried about what?” The young Paladin inquired. “I cannot pass judgment on someone within twenty-four hours. This was a delicate situation. As an observer, the last thing I wanted to do was impede him on his mission.”

“But,” Adriel began quickly stopping and thinking over his words carefully. “Isn’t that what we were going to do should he,” he said while darting his eyes towards the FBI agent, “be deemed the one?”

Davis shook his head.

“It’s not that simple. We cannot afford to risk the life of an innocent based on one day’s worth of observation.”

The Cleric sighed.

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