Agent M: Testament (The Agent M Series Book 2) (60 page)

BOOK: Agent M: Testament (The Agent M Series Book 2)
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Michael’s eyes widened as he saw the soldier pick up his hanging jaw and snapped it back into place as if it were a plastic toy brick. Myung-Ho opened his mouth and maneuvered his jaw back in forth to ensure it was placed correctly then offered the former FBI agent a mocking glare.

“Was that your best shot?”

The bowels in Michael’s body began to sink. He put everything he had into that attack and Myung-Ho just waved it off as a minor annoyance. The ultimate human soldier knew he was in trouble but no matter how hard he implored, his body was unable to live up to the standards his mind desired it to perform at. This was no ordinary opponent. Michael was going to have to uncover the truth to this man’s abilities before finding his Achilles heel. Everyone had a weakness. Michael just had to find it. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t have the time or strength as Ryoo Myung-Ho walked over and picked up his dropped blade in an apparent effort to end this conflict right here and now.

Responding in kind, the former FBI agent reached back and wrapped his fingers around the hilt of his kodachi blade. This short dagger wasn’t nearly as imposing as his adversary’s weapon but it just might turn the tide and give Michael the precious moments he needed to unlock the mystery of God-Slayer while he still had air in his lungs.


March 27th, 2013 4:35PM

1286 4th St SE

Washington, D.C.

Fires engulfed the laboratory. Davis exited the stairs and didn’t care to even look behind to verify the performance of his flames. All traces of these insidious experiments had to be extinguished. Despite the doctor’s unsettling demise, the Paladin had a job to do and always carried out his orders to the letter.

“Did things get a little hot up there?” Nigel teased.

The fact that he was not only here but stood around to mock what has just transpired seemed to tug at the nerves of the Paladin.

“Not now,” Davis replied trying to remain as calm as possible.

His companion could instantly tell by the way those words came out they sounded anything but.

“My apologies,” Nigel retorted in the same humorous tone as before.

“Speaking of which,” he began as he approached Davis and dusted off the damaged area of the Paladin’s cassock. “I extend my deepest regret for causing you potential harm my brother. It has been so long since either have us have been in a firefight.”

Nigel stopped and shrugged conveying his utmost disregard for manners and jokingly finished by saying, “I had forgotten how these ARMS worked.”

The thing Davis’ fellow Paladin was referring to are Autolysis Regenerative Metal Systems, commonly known as ARMS. They appeared to be nothing more simple necklaces around their neck that with the right pressure at key points could transform them from a symbol into deadly weapon. When they are not being wielded as such, they offer the most advanced defensive system ever created. It utilizes a series of tiny magnets and nano-machines to formulate one of the most precious metals this world has ever known into a tool of protection or destruction. As long as a user has one of these on their person, bullets or any other deadly weapons will never harm them. This system forces the bearer to make a choice in each combat situation. Defend your ground and live or attack and gamble with your fate. Only five of these have ever been made. The metal used is considered to be the rarest on this very planet and touched by the very hands and feet of God. Each has been assigned to a specific Paladin of Testament. They are the greatest tools mankind has ever seen.

“Adriel,” Davis called seemingly ignoring the other Paladin in the room. “Ensure all of the data and devices are destroyed. Touch nothing else.”

“Right,” the Cleric nodded.

He sped off towards the back of the warehouse to begin his superior’s request.

The Paladin continued his path towards the dock doors. Just outside of entrance he could hear the whimpers of another. Davis moved in for a closer inspection and saw one of the soldiers his FBI companion had initially disposed of waking up from the forced slumber. There were no signs of permanent injury. Michael Madison had indeed fulfilled the Paladin’s request.

“Rest easy,” Davis stated as he slowly dropped to one knee. “There is no more need to fight.”

Once the soldier fully opened his eyes, he quickly pushed himself away and back towards the door. Arms and legs wrapped over his chest as he convulsed and panted hoping to take the edge off what could be his last few moments on this earth. The fetal position was always the last line in defense. He had tried everything else and is now at Davis’ apparent command. That did not sit well with him.

“Don’t be alarmed Colonel Lee,” the Paladin smiled. “I am not going to hurt you.”

Even those serene words couldn’t calm down the eccentric Colonel. Davis sensed that he wasn’t going to find peace through simple words. What he witnessed was something that defied all boundaries and logic. Of course it did. Anything can be accomplished so long as you have Him by your side.

The Paladin placed his arm on the Colonel’s head. He winced at first but found a moment of tranquility through Davis’ soft touch.

“Be at ease brother,” he started.

Words fell from his lips and glided through the harmonious air as they danced through the Colonel’s ears. Light began to glow in the palm of the Paladin’s hand has he continued.

“The war is over. There is nothing left to fight for. Nothing left to kill. Lay down your arms. You will have a new purpose in this life. One free from harm and sin. Live today so that you may help others live for tomorrow.”

Davis always finished his pleasant speech with his favorite phrase.

“May the peace and grace of God be with you always.”

Light slowly faded away. All of the tension and stress appeared to have melted off the soldier. His demeanor was calm and he now longer cradled himself in a defensive position. The Colonel slept amongst his mean once more but in a state of peace, not harm. Davis reached into his pocket and procured a card. The address listed here will assist the Colonel and their men in finding new lives, one to live and some to live for. Sometimes the Paladin wished his organization didn’t strive to work for the things they had to do and would rather live to work for the things they should be doing. There was more to life than just taking it but if Testament did not exist, perhaps there wouldn’t have been a world left to live in.

“Excellent work as always brother,” Nigel clapped as he joined Davis outside of the building.

Not even the foul sentiments of his colleague could sour the Paladin’s move.

“Law enforcement should be here momentarily. It is time we left this place,” Davis stated. Even when he was giving orders they always came out gentle and kind.

“For once I agree with you,” Nigel replied. “Time is of the essence after all.”

Davis nodded and took his leave past Nigel and towards Adriel’s vehicle in the distance. He was immediately stopped after his fellow Paladin snatched his arm and held him in place.

“And where do you think you’re going?”

Davis gave Nigel a solemn stare.

“To fulfill my duty. Michael may still require my assistance.”

“I don’t think so,” stated Nigel. “You’re duty has been fulfilled. Father has requested you presence. I am to take you there immediately.”

“What?” Davis snapped. “What are you talking about? My assessment is-”

“Over,” Nigel countered.

Despite his uncaring demeanor prior, he was nothing but business now.

“You have spent more than the adequate amount of time with that man. It didn’t take half as long to decree the others. Father requires an audience immediately to hear your report.”

Davis shook his head. This wasn’t how he wanted it to end but despite all things, there was no one more loyal to Testament that its greatest warrior. The Paladin would submit to Father’s request. He would have to begin preparing his case immediately but something continued to claw at his thoughts. The way Michael left to the White House should be further investigated. Battling those sentiments out here would be fruitless. Perhaps the evidence would present itself before their deliberation began. Davis would present his case to Father and hopefully bring this matter to a clean resolution. He prayed they would make the right decision. The world couldn’t afford for them to be wrong.


March 27th, 2013 4:35PM

The White House

Washington, D.C.

Blades clashed upon the roof of the White House. The sharp sting of metal chimed into the afternoon air. Michael stepped in and delivered a sharp slash in the direction of Ryoo’s throat. The Korean easily deflected it and pushed back with one of his own. Metal scraped against metal as the two foes continued to press on. Despite their best efforts, their battle appeared to be locked in a stalemate.

The former FBI agent held his dagger tight and pressed the back of the blade against his forearm. The kodachi was not meant for basic melee attacks. It was strictly a defensive weapon meant to parry other blades. Ryoo had the reach advantage but as long as Michael stayed in close, he could deflect any strikes and counter with unarmed attacks. Unfortunately, he hadn’t been afforded any such opportunities.

Michael could feel his strength waning. Exhausted was an understatement. The bursts of adrenaline had depleted much of his remaining stamina and he could barely keep up the pace now. All of that welcomed numbing had dissipated. Every strike that he blocked rattled him to the core and send bursts of torment flowing through his cells. Defeating Ryoo Myung-Ho wasn't even an option he was considering at this point. His only priority was to stay alive and hope that he could find a way to end this before his opponent did.

A wide swinging slash pushed Michael back. The weight of the blow forced the ultimate human soldier’s boots to dig into the surface of the roof and leave a permanent black skid mark in its wake. Even after successfully blocking that attack, Michael could hardly stand but he didn't dare show it. The bullet wounds on top of the constant slashes had made a resounding impression. His body could not take much more punishment. Myung-Ho must have smelt blood in the water because after one mighty jump, he landed in close proximity to the former FBI agent and renewed his attacks.

Trying to match the Korean’s speed was almost impossible at this point. Michael slashed and parried as quickly as he could to deflect all of the oncoming blows but even his enhanced genetics couldn’t save him from fatigue. Three roaring swipes cut into the former FBI agent’s arm, chest and leg sending him reeling and forcing his pain receptors to work overtime. A sharp kick landed squarely into Michael’s abdomen and hurled him backwards. His body rolled across the merciless roof before finally coming to a stop flat on his back. The precious fluids and juices that gave Michael life continued to drip out of his body and the freshly opened wounds. He didn’t regenerate as quickly as Myung-Ho or his brother so he needed to keep every drop possible.

Footsteps slowly approached the fallen ultimate soldier. The Korean must have been really confident to think Michael was down and out at this point but given current circumstances and appearances, Myung-Ho had every right to take this in stride. These few precious moments allowed him to reflect on his earlier conundrum. Something was indeed off about this battle. Though Michael had started it in poor condition, he shouldn’t have been bested so easily. Even though Ryoo Myung-Dae trained with the Yamateras, his skills weren’t on par with that of Michael’s since he never trained while using the Agent M substitute known as God-Slayer.

Suddenly, the logic of the situation hit him like a ton of bricks. There was a reason why there existed two conflicting stories about Ryoo Myung-Ho’s status. Nicole said he died during the war but if that were true, how would he be able to train a month later after the campaign had ended. The truth of the matter was simple: Ryoo Myung-Ho never died, however, he was critically injured. The only way he would have been able to train is if he was using God-Slayer from the beginning to regenerate his wounds. That’s why his skills were so sharp. Unlike his brother, Myung-Ho trained while his strength and agility were increased and mastered the techniques at a level of peak physical capability.

The last piece of the puzzle stewed in Michael’s mind as his adversary drew closer. Ryoo Myung-Ho’s injury and dependency on God-Slayer were still a mystery. The brace on the Korean’s arm that carried his blade appeared to be the handle of a legitimate walking crutch. Michael theorized it was merely used as appearances to sneak in a blade inside but if Myung-Ho was on God-Slayer than there was no point in carrying a weapon when his body was a living one. That’s when the last piece fell into place. Myung-Ho didn’t use God-slayer; he needed it. The drug may regenerate all wounds received while under the effects but just like any other medication, the effects were bound to wear off.

Michael had all of the information he needed now. His body became newly invigorated as the opportunity for victory presented itself. All he needed to do was get that junkie soldier dump every last atom of the God-Slayer formula. The former FBI agent sprang to his feet. Adrenaline coursed through every inch of his body and shut down all pain receptors that cried for attention. It was time to make this wannabe ultimate human soldier bleed like’s he’s never bled before.

The roof crunched against Michael’s heels as he pushed off and lunged at Ryoo Myung-Ho. Their blades clashed once more but the true ultimate human soldier’s renewed vigor forced him to strike harder and faster than he had ever done in his entire existence.

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