Agent Storm: My Life Inside al-Qaeda (56 page)

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Authors: Morten Storm,Paul Cruickshank,Tim Lister

BOOK: Agent Storm: My Life Inside al-Qaeda
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Mark Hulstrøm.

Awlaki’s son was killed a few months after his father in a drone strike.

Negotiating with the Masai tribe in Shompole, Kenya.

Toby Cowern in northern Sweden, March 2010.

Apologizing to Naser Khader on TV.

PET director Jakob Scharf (Danish DR).

Militants and Islamists


Abab, Sheikh Adil al- 
 Yemeni cleric who became religious guide of AQAP 
Abdaly, Taimour Abdulwahab al- 
 2010 Stockholm suicide bomber I knew in Luton 
 Islamist I knew from Denmark who sent me an invitation from the Islamic Courts Union 
 Yemeni friend who worked as a courier for al-Qaeda 
Abdulmutallab, Umar Farouk 
 Nigerian ‘underwear bomber’ who targeted Northwest flight 253 over Detroit 
Abu Bilal 
 Swedish-Ghanaian room-mate in Dammaj 
Abu Hamza 
 Radical Moroccan preacher in Aarhus 
Adebolajo, Michael 
 Nigerian-British radical who killed British soldier in London in 2013. 
Ahmed, Zohaib 
 British extremist convicted for plot to target the EDL in 2012 
 Danish convert and fellow member of Awlaki’s Sana’a study circle 
 Croatian convert seeking to marry Awlaki. Real name: Irena Horak 
Andersen, Abdallah 
 Danish convert from Odense convicted for 2006 terrorism plot 
Arab, Abu 
 Danish-Palestinian extremist I met in Lebanon. Real name: Ali al-Hajdib 
Asiri, Abdullah al- 
 Brother of Ibrahim al-Asiri and so-called butt-bomber 
Asiri, Ibrahim al- 
 AQAP master bomb-maker 
Avdic, Adnan 
 Bosnian extremist friend in Denmark acquitted in terror case 
Awlaki, Abdulrahman al- 
 Awlaki’s son 
Awlaki, Anwar al- 
 American-Yemeni terrorist cleric 
Awlaki, Omar al- 
 Awlaki’s brother 
Bakri Mohammed, Omar 
 Syrian founder of British extremist group al-Muhajiroun 
Balawi, Humam al- 
 Jordanian ‘triple agent’ responsible for suicide attack on CIA in Afghanistan 
Barbi, Rashid 
 US army veteran who travelled to Dammaj with me 
bin Laden, Osama 
 Al-Qaeda’s founder and leader till 2011 
Choudary, Anjem 
 Deputy to al-Muhajiroun’s founder, Omar Bakri Mohammed 
Geele, Mohammed 
 Somali convicted of axe attack on the Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard in 2010 
Godane, Ahmed Abdi 
 The leader of al-Shabaab. Aka: Muktar al-Zubayr 
Hajdib, Saddam al- 
 Brother of Abu Arab and senior member of Lebanese terrorist group Fatah al-Islam 
Hajdib, Youssef al- 
 Brother of Abu Arab convicted of a 2006 plot to bomb a train in Germany 
Hajuri, Shaikh Yahya al- 
 A teacher at Dammaj 
Hammami, Omar 
 American al-Shabaab member from Alabama. Aka: Abu Mansoor al-Amriki 
 Awlaki’s driver and a former bin Laden bodyguard 
Hasan, Nidal 
 US army major responsible for 2009 Fort Hood shooting in Texas 
Hazmi, Mohammed al- 
 Muslim Brotherhood cleric in Sana’a 
Hazmi, Sheikh al- 
 Cleric with links to AQAP I met in Yemen in 2001; nephew of Mohammed al-Hazmi 
Hussain, Anzal 
 British extremist convicted of plot to target EDL in 2012 
 Algerian radical in Aarhus 
 Somali-Kenyan al-Shabaab operative I met in Nairobi. Real name: Mohamed Abdikadir Mohamed 
Ja’far Umar Thalib 
 Dammaj alumnus and leader of the Indonesian terrorist group Laskar Jihad 
 Owner of a gym popular with extremists in Birmingham 
Khan, Samir 
 American editor of AQAP’s
Khurshid, Hammad 
 Danish-born Pakistani convicted of 2007 Denmark terror plot 
Lewthwaite, Samantha 
 So-called ‘White Widow’ of a 7/7 bomber on the run in East Africa 
Majeed, Abdul Waheed 
 Omar Bakri acolyte who became the first British suicide bomber in Syria 
Masri, Hussein al- 
 Egyptian Islamic Jihad operative I met in Sana’a 
Mehdar, Abullah 
 Yemeni tribal leader close to Anwar al-Awlaki 
Menni, Nasserdine 
 Algerian friend from Luton convicted of providing funds to Stockholm suicide bomber Taimour Abdulwahab al-Abdaly 
Misri, Abdullah 
 Yemeni AQAP financier and arms broker 
Mostafa, Jehad Serwan 
 American member of Awlaki study circle in Yemen who became a senior al-Shabaab operative 
Moussaoui, Zacarias 
 French-Moroccan I met in London who became the ‘twentieth’ 9/11 hijacker 
 Yemeni Islamist who mediated between Salafists and AQAP 
 French Muslim friend and flatmate of Zacarias Moussaoui in Brixton 
Muqbil, Sheikh 
 Salafist founder of the Dammaj Institute 
Nabhan, Saleh Ali 
 Kenyan al-Qaeda operative responsible for 1998 bombings of US embassies in East Africa 
Newman, Clifford Allen 
 American convert I met in Dammaj along with his son, Abdullah. AKA: Amin 
Ramadan, Mustapha Darwich 
 Fellow prisoner in Denmark who took part in the beheading of Nick Berg 
Raymi, Qasim al- 
 Second most senior Yemeni in AQAP 
Reid, Richard 
 So-called shoe-bomber who targeted a Paris–Miami flight in December 2001 
 British-Pakistani Birmingham ex-con who plotted attack on Danish newspaper 
 British-Pakistani al-Muhajiroun follower whose father owned taxi company I worked for in Birmingham 
Samulski, Marek 
 Australian-Polish fellow member of Awlaki’s Sana’a study circle 
Somali, Abu Musab al- 
 Somali terrorist operative I knew from Denmark 
Sorensen, Kenneth 
 Danish convert to Islam who was in Sana’a with me in 2006 
Sudani, Abu Talha al- 
 Sudanese senior al-Qaeda operative based in East Africa 
Tabbakh, Hassan 
 Syrian refugee convicted of the 2007 UK terror plot 
Tariq, Shiraz 
 Pakistani friend from Odense extremist circle 
Tayyib, Mahmud al- 
 Saudi I met in Regent’s Park mosque who suggested I study in Dammaj 
Tokhi, Abdelghani 
 Danish resident of Afghan descent convicted of 2007 terror plot 
Uddin, Jewel 
 British-Pakistani extremist convicted of 2012 plot to target the EDL 
Uqla, Sheikh Humud bin 
 Saudi cleric who issued a fatwa in support of 9/11 
Usman, Mohammed 
 British-Pakistani I met on the flight to Yemen in September 2009 
Warsame, Ahmed Abdulkadir 
 Somali friend who became a senior operative in al-Shabaab 
Wuhayshi, Nasir al- 
 Leader of AQAP and former senior bin Laden aide 
Zaher, Mohammad 
 Palestinian from Odense convicted of 2006 terorrism plot 
Zarqawi, Abu Musab al- 
 Jordanian founder of al-Qaeda in Iraq 
Zawahiri, Ayman al- 
 Leader of al-Qaeda from 2011 
Zindani, Abdul Majid al- 
 Head of Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen and founder of al-Iman University 

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