Ahead of the Darkness (14 page)

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Authors: Simone Nicole

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Adult

BOOK: Ahead of the Darkness
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“We interrupting something, mate?” Our heads snapped to the side at Jules appearing out of nowhere.
Ah, baiser!
We awkwardly scrambled apart, and I quickly pulled my tank down over my sports bra.
Double fuck!
I couldn’t imagine what it looked like. Okay, that’s a lie. It totally looked like we’d been getting it on, scuba style. My face was felt ridiculously hot as we made the waddle of shame to the shore. Drew, on the other hand, seemed fine, like he didn’t have a care in the world.

“All right, Jules?” Drew shook out his hair once he reached Jules.

“Quit it, ya manky git.”

“Ye’re early, mate. What time ye call this?”

“What time we call this? Well, yeah, we are early but how early were you two, aye? It’s half ten, and you lot look like you’ve been at it for hours.”
We had been. Well, not ‘at it’ exactly.

I wasn’t sure what was worse: Jules thinking we’d been fooling around, or the truth, that I didn’t know how to swim. It was a pretty even lose/lose from where I was standing.

“Hiya Mi, you’re looking good. The wet look really works for ya.”
Did Drew just growl?

“Jesus, Jules. Do you even have a filter?” A gorgeous blonde came up behind him, elbowing him in the side.

“Ah, G, Mia knows I meant no harm, yeah?”

“I learnt early on that he has no manners.” Drew looked about ready to deck him, which I found too entertaining to really mind what Jules was implying. I was getting too accustomed to the dirty bastards.

“Hiya, you must be Mia. I’ve heard a lot about you.” That surprised me. I reached forward to shake her outstretched hand. “I’m Georgia, Julian’s baby sister.”
Oooooh. Oh ... wait, didn’t she have a boyfriend?

“Wait, Julian?”

“Our parents thought he was going to be a girl, and had planned on calling him Julia.” She laughed lightly. Jules scowled at her.

“I dinnae know that. All right, Georgia?”

“Hiya, Drew.” I felt an unexpected pang of jealously at the appreciative look she gave Drew. I wondered just how close Jules and Drew were, and if Georgia was off-limits or not.
Wait, doesn’t she have a boyfriend?
I was pretty sure I remembered Jules saying she was coming with one.

“Where’s Ryan at?”

“He’ll be along soon. You boys start without him. I’ll catch some rays here with Mia, if she’ll keep me company.” I nodded a little relieved to be out of the water.

“Suit yaself, sis. Come along Drew, I hope Mia didn’t wear you out.” Jules threw off his shirt in a hurry and ran into the water laughing with Drew hot on his heels, mumbling something about decking the wee prick.

“Boys.” Georgia shook her head at them as we arranged our towels on the sand. “You don’t mind sitting here with me for a bit, do you?”

“No, not at all. I’m not much for the water.” She smiled like she didn’t believe that. “It wasn’t what it looked like.” I’m not sure why I felt the need to tell her that. Possibly because she did, hopefully, have a boyfriend.

“It never is with Drew. He is a bit of a dish, though.” She looked out over the water at the boys horsing around.

“You and Drew ...?” I wasn’t even sure what I was asking, but I don’t think I wanted the answer.

“Oh no. Never, not even close. He thinks of me as a little sister, I’m sure. He’s really just a cute older brother sort of figure. He’s too old for me. I’m only nineteen, see? Much too young for the likes of him. Plus, Jules would more than likely throttle him.” She laughed. “What about you and Drew? You two did look awfully close when we arrived, and I am sure it wasn’t my imagination that there was a little tension in the air?”


“Oh yes, between all three of you. Have you not noticed?” She looked at my puzzled expression and found the answer. “My brother fancies you, and Drew doesn’t like it.”

“Oh.” Drew had said something similar the day before, but I’d brushed it off.

“I can see why you hadn’t noticed, but he’s not that friendly to everyone.” She continued to smile at me like she knew something I didn’t.

“I just presumed he was. I’ve only worked with them for a few weeks.” I frowned in thought.

“Don’t worry. Jules is fickle, he’ll likely get over it—no offence.”

“None taken.”

“But Drew isn’t.” I looked at her, puzzled.

“What do you mean?”

She didn’t have a chance to respond as a big burly boy came up behind her, surprising the both of us. She squealed in delight as he wrapped his arms around her.

“Mia, this handsome fella is my Ryan. Ryan, meet the lovely Mia.”

“Pleasure.” He shook my hand enthusiastically. “You don’t mind if I steal her for a min, do you?” He didn’t wait for a response but picked her up as she squealed. I laughed as he dragged her off to the water.

Jules had already started heading back to shore when he saw Ryan, slapped his sister on the arse as he passed.

“Hey! Get your own woman.” Ryan laughed. Jules’s face lit with mischief as he made his way towards me.

“Great idea, mate.” Oh no ...

“Jules ...” He rushed over towards me before I was even off the towel and scooped me up, throwing me over his shoulder. “Oh my God, Jules! Put me down!” I squealed as the water splashed my feet when he ran through the shallow waters. “Wait! No! Don’t put me down, no!” But it was too late. He threw me in, and I quickly sucked in air before I was under.

I broke the surface to find a laughing Jules, and a less-than-pleased look on Drew’s face. I saw Georgia try to contain herself as she wiggled her eyebrows at me, but we both burst out laughing. It seemed she was right, but I still wasn’t sure why Drew was so ... put out.

Chapter Ten


e horsed around in the water until it was late afternoon. By the time we thankfully all called it quits, the water had definitely started to get chilly. I’d been freezing for the last hour, and secretly been dying to leave. Georgia had sense to pack a picnic for everyone, and we gratefully dug in to cold cuts and sandwiches. Everyone was spent. We all lazed in the remaining sun after our feed, but it had obviously become a case of five is a crowd when Georgia and Ryan huddled together, wrapped up in their towels.

“I should get going. It’s getting late. Thanks for the invite, Jules, and it was nice to meet you, Georgia, Ryan.”

“Oh yes. We should catch up sometime, if you like?” Georgia poked her head out of their little love-bubble to say goodbye.

“That sounds nice. Come into the club sometime.” I wasn’t exactly sure how I’d be getting home and really didn’t want to ask Drew, but he stood up, ready to leave.

“You going too? You can’t leave me with this lot.” Jules gestured to the lovebirds.

“Mia’s right. It’s getting late and besides, I was her ride here.”

Jules pouted playfully. “I guess that settles it, then. Oy, lovebirds, get ya shite together, we’re going home.” But the lovebirds just ignored him. “Mia, my dear, it is always a pleasure.”

I’d been half expecting Jules to bow like he usually did. Instead, he picked me up in a bear hug, and spun me around.

That caught Georgia’s attention, and I shot her a wide-eyed look. She nodded at me, and I got the distinct impression that she was going to have a few quiet words with Jules.

“Aye, that’s enough Jules. I dinnae want her puking on my bike, now.”

Thankfully, Jules put me down and I wobbled unsteadily on my feet a little, but Drew was there to catch me. He had a habit of doing that.

“I’ve got ye,” he whispered gently, putting an arm around my shoulders. I smiled and nodded to myself while Jules looked on curiously, having missed the little exchange between us.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Jules.” I threw over my shoulder as Drew led us off the beach.

We reached his bike and I groaned sleepily. What I wouldn’t have given to be riding in a car at that moment, and those weren’t words I thought I would ever catch myself thinking. Drew looked at my sleepy face and chuckled.

“Sorry, love. Bet ye wish we had a car now, aye?” I nodded at just how on the money he was. He reached around, pulling my hoodie up and tucked some wayward hair behind my ear. I smiled sleepily and my eyes drifted closed as he stroked my cheek sweetly.
I like sweet Drew; he’s nice
. “Come on, love, let’s get you home. Ye can ride up front and sleep. I’ll drive slowly.” I nodded, not quite sure at what, though.

Drew got on the bike and kick-started it to life. It purred at the ready. He tugged me forward and I looked at him, confused. He spun me around so my back was facing towards him and picked me up, placing my ass between his thighs and both my legs over one of his. I looked at him, slightly more alert.

“You can’t possibly ride like this, can you?”

“Aye, it’s not far.” I frowned in concern, but he just chuckled. “Ye could always straddle me if that would make ye feel safer.”

I bit my lip and thought about it. “And I can’t ride on the back, because?”

“If ye fall asleep, ye’d be more likely to fall off.” Hmm ... he did have a valid point.

“Well, then.” I wiggled off the bike, and turned around. “Umm ...”
How the hell do I get on now?

Before I could voice my concern, Drew had picked me up by the waist again.
Jesus, he was strong.
I quickly gripped his shoulders as drew lifted me high enough to get my leg over the bike. He lowered me down slowly onto his lap, and I tried desperately to not think, at all. But whatever I wasn’t thinking must have been written all over my face, because Drew chuckled, his chest vibrating with the sound. I buried my flaming face into his chest.

“Let’s get ye to bed, aye.” It was my turn to chuckle. The dirty bastards were definitely rubbing off on me.

I wrapped my arms around his middle and nodded into his chest, sucking in a deep breath. God, he smelt good. It was the same woodsy scent I’d smelt before, the fresh sea air mixed in. I sighed dreamily, and snuggled in. “Sleep, love. We’ll be home soon.”

I was already drifting off when I thought I felt Drew kiss my head as he revved the bike up and slowly pulled out of the car park. I dozed off not long after as one of his hands rubbed circles on my back, too tired to care that he was steering one-handed.



“Mmmm?” I snuggled further into the warmth.

“We’re home.”

“Hmm?” I vaguely registered as the warmth started to vibrate, and I was instantly awake. “Shit.” Drew was still chuckling lightly. “I fell asleep on you again.”

Oh God.
I quickly checked my face for drool and Drew hollered with laugher. “Ye’re good. Ye dinnae even snore, but ye did moan a little.” My eyes widened in shock.

“I didn’t?” He smiled and shook his head, but his eyes sparkled too much for me to believe him. “Oh God, I did.” He chuckled and I buried my face in his jacket, mortified.
Please don’t let it have been a name ...

“Oh heavens, child, you can’t be gallivanting on that thing.” My head almost snapped clear off as I spun around to find Anne frowning in the doorway. “And it’s certainly not safe riding like that. I already told Drew, next time, borrow the car, Mia, dear.”

“I ...”
“That’s very sweet, but I ...”

“She cannae drive. “ I poked him in the stomach, and shot him a glare.

“Well, dear, you will have to learn.”

“Aye, I'll teach ye.”


“Oh well there you go, all sorted. Goodnight.” Anne now sported a self-satisfied smile on her face as she walked back into the house. I had the impression I was missing something and I narrowed my eyes at Drew who just shrugged, and pretended he didn’t know anything.

“What are you both up to? How long was I out for?” The sun had started to go down at some point, so it must have been at least thirty minutes.

“I dinnae know what ye’re talking about.”

“I call bullshit, but I’m too tired to care.”

“Do ye want me to carry you in?”

I scoffed. “No, but I do need you to get me off.” Drew raised his eyebrows at me, and I felt my face go bright red. “The bike. I need you to help me off the bike.” He laughed again at my expense as he lifted me off the bike and set me on the ground.

“You knew what I meant,” I grumbled.

“Aye, but I like to watch ye blush.” I narrowed my eyes at him as he kept laughing and walked off towards the house. “Goodnight, Mia.” I flipped him the bird as I kept walking.

“Bugger off, Drew,” I mumbled, but I’m pretty sure he still heard it. The roar of the bike starting back up muffling his laugh, and I shut the door with a huff.

“He seems nice, dear.” I rolled my eyes as I continued down the hall towards my bedroom.

“He’s an arse,” I grumbled accidently out loud, making Anne chuckle.

I threw myself onto the bed, not even bothering to strip and get under the covers. I just covered my head with the pillow and groaned into it. It was a conspiracy, I swear.


hings had changed between Drew and me that day on the beach. I don’t know why, or even how, but we somehow became almost inseparable over the next few weeks, and Jules? Jules was less blatantly flirty, especially around Drew. I think Georgia might have had something to do with that.

I woke early, and got ready to go to the gym. It had been a while and I missed it. I headed for the kitchen and found Anne smiling to herself.

“Good morning, dear.”

“Hi.” She seemed ... weird.

“Off to the gym, then?”

“Yeah, just getting an apple for the road.”

Anne’s mouth twitched at the sides, and I looked at her curiously. “Have fun, dear.”

“Ah, thanks.”

I headed out the front door with a frown on my face, and stopped in my tracks. Drew was leaning against Anne’s car, waiting for me with the keys in his hand.

“Oh, no.”
The sneaky bastard.

“Ye keep saying that.”

“You keep showing up on my doorstep with ludicrous ideas, and you roped Anne in?”

“Ah, not exactly.” I turned to see Anne standing in the hall with an innocent look on her face

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