Read aHunter4Saken (aHunter4Hire) Online

Authors: Cynthia Clement

aHunter4Saken (aHunter4Hire) (9 page)

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a sob she pulled away. She was crazy to be doing this. What kind of mother
would allow a stranger to make love to her while her children were sleeping
nearby? Her chest heaved as she tried to catch her breath.

shouldn’t have let that happen.” She leaned her forehead against his. “I’m not
like those women from your planet. I don’t sleep around.”

were not sleeping.” Niail’s voice was dry.

shook her head. “I’ve only ever been with one man, Sam.”

is no longer with you.” Niail brushed her hair from her face. “Do you still
desire him?”

shook her head. “No, but I need to love the man I go to bed with. He needs to
love me and my children.”

you do not want that with me?” Niail sighed.

don’t know what I feel for you.” Kimi put her hand on his chest. She could feel
the rapid beat of his heart. He had been as affected by their kiss as her.

is happening too fast for me.”

can be like that.”

moved off Niail’s lap and stood. Her legs were shaky so she held onto the
table. She didn’t know if her feelings were real or just a reaction to the
nearness of Niail. Until she could sort things out she needed to keep her
distance, though.

think it’s best if we both go to bed. You’re still recovering and you need your

looked at her for several seconds before nodding his head. “I will not rush

smiled. “Thank you.”

could never do anything that would bring you despair.” Niail stood. He brushed
a finger across her lower lip. “I only want your happiness.”

another word, he walked to his bedroom and shut the door. Kimi sagged against
the table. She didn’t understand why he affected her so, but he did. Until she
knew, she would have to keep her distance from Niail. The sooner he left to
find his fellow Hunters, the better.

was a long time coming for Kimi. She tossed and turned, going over every
conversation she had had with Niail. Finally, exhaustion claimed her. The sound
of Wil’s voice woke her.

sounded scared.

was probably a nightmare. She pulled her clothes on and left her room. The
house was in darkness. Just as she entered Wil’s bedroom, the flash of
headlights shone through her front windows. Who would be driving at such a late

bad dream?” She went to Wil and brushed his hair away from his forehead.

nodded. “I want to sleep with you.”

car door slammed and then there was a knock at her side door.

at the door.” Kimi pulled the blankets up around Wil’s chin. “When they leave,
I’ll come in for you.”

went to the side door, but turned when she heard movement behind her. Wil was
shuffling out of his bedroom and headed for Niail’s room. She was about to stop
him when the banging on the door got louder.


Chapter 7


awoke with a start. Kimi was talking to someone in the kitchen. He strained to listen,
but he did not recognize the voice. Niail’s ears were trained to pick up the
slightest of sounds. It was a man, but not Jake. His voice was a low murmur.

moved to sit up, but stopped when a hand touched his arm. “I don’t think it’s

turned and saw the outline of Wil in the darkened room.


has company.”

grunted. “Why aren’t you in bed?”

had a nightmare and woke Mom up. There was a knock at the door so I came in

eased his body into a sitting position. He had slept in his jeans, but his
shirt was on the end of the bed. He picked it up and shrugged into it.

cold in the chair.” Wil moved closer. “Can I get in with you?”

did not know how to answer. He had never had someone ask to share his space. Perhaps
it was time he became comfortable with human customs. He moved over and patted
the bed.


Wil gathered the covers around his shivering body. “Mom has been talking for
quite a while.”

is it?”

shrugged. “I was in here. I didn’t see them.”

is your sister?”

sleeps through anything.” Wil’s voice was scornful.

cursed silently. He should have heard the knock. In all of his years of
training and battle, he had never slept so soundly that outside noises hadn’t
woken him.

had never let his guard down before. The family might be in serious danger
because of his mistake. He eased the covers away and moved to the edge of the


you need help?” Wil’s voice sounded small.

stood. “I will make certain your mother is unharmed.”

I come with you?”

He held up his hand. “Here you will be safe.”

shrugged his shoulders. In the dim light from the clock, Niail could tell he
wasn’t happy with being left behind. It was for the best, though. If he had to
kill someone, he did not want the boy to see it. He was too young to be exposed
to violence.

had been the same age as Wil when he had shot his first weapon. That was
different. He was a Hunter. He did not want the same life for Wil if there was
a choice.

moved to the door.

cracked it open and looked out.

was a man dressed in faded denims and a dirty tee-shirt sitting at the table.
He had dark hair which hung in two braids on either side of his head. His elbows
rested on the kitchen table and he was leaning close to Kimi.

was focused on the stranger’s words. They were speaking in whispers, so Niail
tried to read their lips. He wasn’t as adept with reading English as he was in
his own language, but a few words caught his attention.




opened the door and stepped into the kitchen. Kimi looked up, her expression
full of surprise. The man gave him a huge grin and stood.

out of bed.” He held out his hand for Niail to shake. “I’m Bobby. I thought you
were a goner for sure when I picked you up last night.”

healing is amazing.” Kimi pulled out a chair for Niail. “It’s almost

sat with a grunt, and turned to Bobby. “I owe you thanks.”

problem.” Bobby waved aside Niail’s words. “I would do it for anyone. You
really pissed someone off, though.”

you know who?”

guess would be drug dealers. Do you have a beef with any gangs?”

tried to focus on the night of his accident. The fog in his head had been
clearing, but no images of the night surfaced. Pain shot like a knife through
his temple. He winced and then everything was blank. He shook his head.

tapped the table. “They’re a problem in the area. We have a lot of tourism, and
of course the casino. Rumour has it that we’re also a popular area for drug

eyes narrowed. “What kind of drugs?”

bad junk.” Bobby leaned back in his chair. “I’m all for a bit of weed every now
and then, but the hard stuff, like cocaine and heroin, really messes people

why use it?” Niail frowned. They knew it could destroy their lives, yet they
still bought it. He doubted he would ever understand humans.

shrugged. “They get hooked.”

illegal and yet they still get it.” Kimi shook her head. “Now the dealers are
selling to young children.”

should be stopped.”

crossed his arms over his chest. Humans seemed helpless to maintain the law on
their planet. On Cygnus these men would not be allowed to live.

heaved a sigh. “The police try. When one operation is shut down, another one
starts up. It’s a battle they can’t win.”

you know who is in control?” Niail kept his voice neutral.

Kowal.” Bobby held Niail’s gaze. “He owns furniture stores throughout the
state. His head office and main warehouse are in Cut Banks. That’s where he
opened his first store.”

a pretty big name in the state. He’s constantly in the papers meeting with one
politician or another. Just last week he dined at the Governor’s house.” Kimi’s
voice was doubtful. “I can’t see him being involved with drugs.”

frowned. “I’ve always had my doubts about him running an honest operation. Some
of the guys that work for him have bad reputations. After last night, I asked
around. My information says that the man is crooked.”

you certain?” Kimi bit her lower lip. “An accusation like that could destroy an
honest man.”

doubt about it.” Bobby leaned forward. “I saw a number of petty dealers outside
his store today. Kowal was out there talking to them. It didn’t look to be a
pleasant conversation.”

doesn’t prove he’s trafficking drugs.” Kimi reasoned.

shrugged. “It’s not likely that he was discussing furniture with those guys.”

Niail’s voice was firm. “The man is involved.”

sighed. “There’s nothing we can do about it.”

was only luck that I was able to help you last night.” Bobby lowered his voice.
“They had thrown you off the truck and were aiming their guns when a commotion
further down the road caught their attention. They drove off with their tires
spinning and left you.”

risked much to save me.” Niail was grateful to Bobby. Only his fellow Hunters
would have endangered themselves to save him. “I will not forget. If you ever
need help I will be there.”

grinned. “What can I say? My training as a healer kicked in. Once I saw those
symbols on your arm, I knew I couldn’t take you to the hospital. You might not
have been safe there.”

you think my grandfather will know what they mean?” Kimi’s voice held doubt.

grandfather is a very wise man. There isn’t much he doesn’t know.” Bobby
pointed to Niail’s left arm. “How did you get those tattoos?”

glanced at the markings. “I get these after every significant event in my life,
or battle.”

Do you mean war?” Bobby sat up straight. “Are you a soldier?”

am a Hunter.”

stared at Niail for several seconds. “You don’t hunt animals, do you?”


mouth dropped open. “How can you accept that so quickly? I’m still trying to
make sense of the whole thing.”

part of the ancient lore. We may not have called them Hunters, but they were
warriors.” Bobby turned back to Kimi. “Didn’t you ever listen to your
grandfather’s stories?”

didn’t tell me all of them. He is old fashioned about young women and their
knowledge of traditional medicine.” Kimi’s voice took on a defensive tone.
“What do you know about them?”

know they live among the stars.”

tensed. Had he said something when he was unconscious? There was no other way
for Bobby to know about Hunters.

not serious?” Kimi’s voice was a half laugh. “Grandfather never spoke about
Star People who were called Hunters.”

because they were from earth originally.”

Kimi looked at Niail and then back to Bobby. “I don’t understand.”

Star People took men from earth when they left.”

mean they abducted them?”

Bobby looked back at Niail. “It was so long ago I doubt there’s anyone in your
world who remembers.”

shook his head. “We only know that we have existed since the beginning of time.
We’ve been bred and altered to be the best warriors possible.”

nodded. “Some of the native legends speak of only the greatest fighters and
leaders being asked to join the Star People when they left earth.”

frowned. “How long ago was this?”

shrugged. “These legends are from the time of creation. There’s no certain way
to know, but your grandfather probably has better answers than me.”

we need to see him.” Niail pushed away from the table. “How soon can we get to

put up a restraining hand. “Wait a second. You can’t just leave now. He’s miles
away and you’re still recovering. By the time my grandfather returns home,
you’ll be well enough to talk to him.”

do not need rest.”

BOOK: aHunter4Saken (aHunter4Hire)
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