AintNoAngel (3 page)

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Authors: J L Taft

BOOK: AintNoAngel
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“Are you ready for this?” he groaned in her ear.

“Yes, more than ready,” was her breathless reply.

He flexed his hips and slid home inside her with one smooth
thrust. She was so hot and tight he knew he wasn’t going to last nearly as long
as he wanted to.

But he was determined to make her come on his cock. Bracing
on his forearms again, he watched her face as he slid almost all the way out
and back in. Her lips parted and color filled her cheeks, her eyes going dazed.

She was close. He picked up the pace, his balls slapping
against her ass. Her nails dug into his back and prompted him to fuck her
harder. Groans were ripped from both of them each time he buried his cock
inside her until all he could hear was her pleasure-filled voice in his head.

Her legs wrapped around his waist and he slid a little
deeper. Her teeth sank into his shoulder and her nails dug deeper in his back.
Her pussy tightened hard on his cock and released in one long wave before
clenching and releasing over and over quickly.

It was more than he could take and heat spread in his lower
back as he erupted and sank in as far as he could go to spill his seed.

Chapter Four


They lay curled together in the motel bed for a long time.
Travis lay on his back with one hand behind his head and he had pulled Jessie
close to his side. She knew he wasn’t asleep because he was trailing the tips
of his fingers up and down the curve of her back. She had started to say
something twice to break the silence but she didn’t know what to say.

It had been the best sex of her life and she would remember
this night for a long time to come. She wanted to thank him but it seemed silly
and she didn’t want him to know how bad it had been for her before him. She
didn’t want sympathy.

Suddenly he rolled and faced her, a smile curving his lips
as he brushed her hair back from her face.

“The night is wasting away, Jessie girl,” he whispered to

The endearment and the idea that he wanted her again had her
heart kicking up a few notches. She reached up and trailed her fingers down the
dark stubble on his cheeks. He really was gorgeous, his light-colored eyes
dramatic against his tanned skin.

He rolled on top of her and she could feel the hardness of
his cock pushing high on her thigh. She was still limp and sated from his last
loving and she was surprised at the wave of wetness that suddenly pooled
between her legs.

Travis looked down at her in the dim light before closing
the distance and sliding his mouth across hers.

This kiss felt different than the previous ones that night.
The flash flames had died and this was more of a banked fire with layers of
red-hot coals underneath just waiting for the right fuel to burst back to life.

He took his time, sliding his tongue in her willing mouth,
dragging it along her teeth and underneath. He explored until there was no part
of the inside of her mouth that he didn’t know intimately.

He pushed so deep at one point that their teeth clashed
together. It caused a slow, dark and forbidden roll deep within her belly that
shot down between her legs.

He jerked away, panting, and struggled to get the foil
wrapper he had grabbed off the nightstand opened. Sitting up, Jessie took it
from his hands and opened it, sliding the circle out of its package.

Travis reached to take it from her hand and she shook her
head no. It was beyond amazing that she could communicate with him without
words. They were in a bubble of their own making that would burst in the
morning. But for now they were here.

She pushed him to his knees with gentle hands and rolled the
condom down his considerable, thick length while looking deep into his gray

He never looked away, his gaze magnetic as she reached the
base of his cock. Her fingers explored gently, down around his puckered ball
sac and over the tops of his tense thighs.

She knew when he had had enough. His smoldering eyes closed
and his arms reached for her.

The fire had sparked and in the span of a moment it flamed
to blazing life.

He wasted no time in lying down and pulling her on top of
him. Jessie sucked in a breath as everything from her neck to her waist was
laid flat on his hard and ready body.

She buried her nose and mouth in the section of his neck
that she could reach and raised her hips below. He guided her into place with a
tight grip on her sides and she felt the head of his stiff cock slide and then
push deep within her.

They moaned in unison and froze together, their bodies going
tense and rigid from the pleasure of it. Jessie sucked in a breath between her
teeth and rocked her hips, sinking him the last delightful inch in.

He filled her like no one ever had before and when she could
no longer bear it she placed her hands on his chest, lifted her weight up and
looked down at him.

He was staring back up at her, a smile curving his lips.
Slowly she rocked her hips back and forth as their gazes held. It felt amazing
but it wasn’t nearly as satisfying as moving up and down.

He reached up and tangled his fingers in her long curls,
pushing them back behind her shoulders. His gaze dropped immediately to her
puckered nipples.

“Faster, Jessie, I want to see your tits bounce,” he groaned
up to her.

Jessie used his chest for leverage and lifted her hips
before slamming back down. A moan escaped from her parted lips as she found a
rhythm. Before long she was lost in the sensation of having control, something
she had never experienced before in the bedroom.

Her back arched and she rode him harder, driving them both
higher. Her breasts bounced and Travis gripped her hips but didn’t control her

“Fuck yeah, Jessie,” he groaned.

Tingling started in her toes and traveled up her legs. She
was so close but she didn’t want to come without Travis. It felt wrong somehow.

“Come with me, Travis!” she yelled and rode him faster.

She exploded around his cock, her walls tightening on him
uncontrollably. His hips bucked under her and he roared out his release.

Jessie collapsed on top of him and his arms came up around
her to clutch her to his sweaty chest.

* * * * *

The morning rays of sun spilled through the drab brown
curtains that hung on the lone window in the motel room. Jessie woke and
reached for Travis, but the bed next to her was cold and empty.

Sitting up, she found him sitting in a chair, fully dressed
and watching her.

“Hey,” she said quietly and pulled the sheet up to cover her

“Hey yourself,” he answered. “Why don’t you get dressed and
I’ll take you home.”

It was a dismissal if she had ever heard one and it cut
deeper than she expected. Throwing the sheet off her, she stood and gathered
her clothes. Then she retreated to the bathroom to get dressed and wash her

Looking at her reflection in the cracked mirror, she was
surprised at how angry she was at his dismissal. But they had agreed on one
night and now it was over.

She didn’t know anything about him, after all. She didn’t
even know what he did for a living. For all she knew he could be a criminal.

Heaving a sigh, she went back to the little motel room to
find her shoes. Turning, she stopped when she realized he was standing behind

“I’m sorry, Jessie girl. I wish I had more time. But we both
knew the stakes,” he said as he reached to pull her into his arms.

Evading him, she sat and slipped her feet into her shoes.

“I know, Travis,” she said as she stood and faced him. “Will
you answer a question for me?”

“I’ll try,” he answered as he crossed his arms over his

“What do you do for a living?”

Her question took him by surprise, his eyebrows went up and
he looked at her intently.

“I’m a bounty hunter and I’m here looking for someone.”

Jessie released the breath she had been holding. At least he
was on the right side of the law.

“Who are you looking for? I’ve lived here all my life, maybe
I can help,” she said as she swung her purse over her shoulder.

“I need to speak with Jessica Parker. Do you know her?”

Jessie stopped dead in her tracks and felt the beginning
tremors of panic start in her chest. He was looking for her.

She had always gone with the name Jessie. It was the
nickname her parents had called her and it felt right. But her ex-husband Cyrus
hated it and wanted her to go by Jessica. And she had dropped her married name
Parker the moment she left him.

“Jessie? Do you know her?” Travis prompted.

Jessie sat down on the bed, her knees threatening to give
out. She was going to have to tell him.

“I’m Jessica Parker. Or rather I was.”


Travis started at her in momentary shock.

“You are Cyrus Parker’s ex-wife?”

“Yes.” She nodded and laced her fingers together in her lap
until the knuckles were white.

Travis sat heavily back in the chair and ran his hands over
his smooth head. Damn. Well, it couldn’t be helped now. He would have to stick
to the plan, question her and go from there. If she didn’t offer him anything
then he was hightailing it out of here and back home.

Before he was tempted to do something stupid and ask her for
more than they had agreed on.

“Okay. Can I ask you a few questions?” he asked gently.

“Sure, if you are willing to ask them while you drive me
home and answer one for me.” Her voice had gone firm and flat. He watched as
she went to the door and walked out without looking back at him.

She was already climbing into the cab of the truck when he
got outside. He got in and cranked the engine, backed out of his parking spot
without saying anything. He was trying to gather his thoughts. He didn’t want
to grill her so he was narrowing his questions down to a pointed few in his

She quietly gave him directions to her home and he drove

Finally he broke the tense silence between them.

“What can I answer for you, Jessie?”

“Why now? Why after all this time are you looking for him?”
she asked and tried to keep the heat of temper from her voice.

Travis sighed. He knew he couldn’t keep this from her.
“Cyrus Parker beat up a woman in Michigan and once he had been arrested, the
authorities found out who he really was.”

“Shouldn’t he be in jail then?”

“Yeah, absolutely he should. But he isn’t. He slipped away
again,” he told her.

“Then why come to me? I haven’t seen him in years and I want
to keep it that way.”

“Do you know where he is?” Travis asked.

“I don’t,” she replied curtly.

“Have you heard from Cyrus at all since he left town?”

“No and I already told you that.”

Travis nodded his acknowledgment of her answer. It was as he
figured. She didn’t know anything. He usually didn’t trust the people he
questioned but he did trust Jessie. He could see what she was thinking as it
ran across her face. It was probably why the sex had been so good.

Pulling into her driveway, he was surprised to see the large
greenhouse off to the side with a beat-up pickup truck parked next to it with
in faded letters down the side.

He pulled up to the path that led to the house and stopped.
Jessie reached for the door handle and he stopped her. “Wait.”

She turned to look back at him and he was struck again by
how beautiful she was. Digging a business card out of his wallet, he scribbled
his cell and home number on the back before handing it to her.

“Call me if you need anything. Anything at all, Jessie girl.
I promise to be here if you need me.”

She smiled slightly. “Thanks, Travis, for everything.” She
leaned over quickly and kissed his cheek before hopping from the truck and
disappearing inside.

Whatever they had shared the night before was gone now and
Travis told himself that it was what he wanted. He wondered how long he would be
able to fool himself with that line. He turned around and headed back to the
motel to pack his few belongings.

Maybe he was just getting too old for one-night stands.


Jessie went straight to her room and then to the shower. She
was finally alone and could think about all that had happened since the night

She really couldn’t believe that she had the best sex of her
life with the bounty hunter who was searching for Cyrus. She hoped Travis found

As the warm water beat down on her and loosened her sore
muscles she wondered why she had given in. She knew better. Life was a whole
lot less complicated when there wasn’t a man involved.

But it was over and she would never see him again. At least
he had given her something to dream about at night when she was alone.

Stepping from the shower, she dressed and went downstairs
for a cup of coffee and a bite to eat. But when she got there she realized how
hungry she was and ended up cooking eggs, bacon and toast. It was Saturday and
Betty’s day off so she had to fend for herself.

Sitting down at the little breakfast nook in the corner of
the kitchen, she grabbed her mail to sort while she ate.

There were the usual bills and junk mail, a letter for Betty
from her sister that must have been put in the wrong box. But there was
something else too. An envelope that was water-stained and had no return
address. To Jessica Parker.

Jessie’s appetite died a quick death and she tore open the
envelope with shaking fingers.

Her heart stumbled and then restarted pounding hard in her
chest. It was from Cyrus and he wanted money.

The letter didn’t say where he was, so it didn’t give her
much to go on. He just told her to wire it to a town halfway across the
country. There was no way of knowing if he was even in that area or not.

It was bad luck for him that he just happened to send the
letter the same week that a bounty hunter had come looking for him.

Jessie contemplated what her next move would be. She
obviously wasn’t sending him a dime. She thought about calling the police for
all of two seconds before she pushed that out of her mind.

The police in this town all either knew Cyrus or knew of him
and she didn’t trust any of them.

But she at least had to let Travis know that Cyrus had
contacted her. Any help she could give him to get Cyrus off her back was worth

She got the card he had given her and dialed the number, her
hands sweaty. When his low voice came on the line her belly erupted in a
hundred butterflies.


“Travis, it’s Jessie.”

“Hey, how are you?”

“I’m okay. I wanted to let you know that Cyrus has contacted

“When?” he asked quietly.

“I got a letter from him this morning. He is demanding that
I send him money.”

“Did he give you an address to send it to?” Travis asked.

“Just a wire transfer store that is halfway across the
country.” She rattled off the information that she had, which wasn’t much.

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